1,547 research outputs found

    "In the centre of this old city that I love": movement, abandonment and change in Hanif Kureischi's novels

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    Hanif Kureishi has deservedly received much critical analysis, nevertheless such critique has mainly focused on issues of race and ethnicity and has often been diverted from other equally important issues. The present dissertation attempts to contribute to the filling of a gap in Kureishi criticism by not only exploring in four distinct chapters concepts of class, familial dysfunctionality, community and pop music as represented in Kureishi\u2019s novels, but also issues such as cultural malaise, shifting identities, generational gaps, processes of ageing and sexualit

    Salivary pH, calcium, phosphorus and selected enzymes in healthy dogs: A pilot study

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    Abstract Background Saliva in dogs, as in humans, is a complex fluid secreted by different salivary glands in the oral cavity to protect the oral mucosa and teeth. The use of saliva as a substitute for blood in diagnosing and prognosticating disease in humans is widely accepted. Salivary biochemistry has also been used as a marker for periodontal disease in humans. No studies have as yet investigated the relation between salivary biochemistry and periodontal disease in dogs, however; neither has the salivary composition of healthy dogs with no oral disease been assessed. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview on pH distribution and a set of salivary biochemical analytes (calcium, phosphorus, lactate dehydrogenase, lysozyme and amylase) commonly related to oral health in humans in a subset population of healthy young dogs with no periodontal disease or previous oral disease. Data were analyzed to gather salivary reference ranges for pH and each parameter and to assess a possible correlation between salivary and serum analytes. Results Twenty-nine adult client-owned dogs were recruited for the study. Lactate dehydrogenase and lysozyme showed higher concentrations in saliva than in serum, whereas amylase showed the contrary. Salivary biochemistry values did not differ between males and females or between non-neutered and neutered individuals. No significant correlations between salivary and serum calcium, phosphorus, lactate dehydrogenase, amylase and lysozyme were identified in this study. Data allowed intervals for the salivary pH and other analytes investigated to be obtained from healthy dogs with healthy oral conditions. Conclusions These preliminary data can contribute to enlarge our understanding of the functional role of saliva and its relation to oral health in dogs

    Cellular structural systems composed of cast in situ concrete walls created using the technique of the polystyrene support panel

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    In questa Tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca sono state studiate le caratteristiche strutturali e le relative prestazioni dei sistemi strutturali cellulari a pareti tozze di tipo sandwich in c. a. gettato in opera realizzate con la tecnologia del pannello di supporto in polistirene. Tali sistemi strutturali sono caratterizzati da numerose peculiarità; infatti, (i) il comportamento globale delle strutture risulta essere di tipo cellulare, e, le pareti che costituiscono il sistema resistente alle azioni sia orizzontali che verticali risultano essere: (ii) tozze, (iii) di tipo sandwich e caratterizzate da: (iv) basse percentuali di armatura, (v) ridotti tassi di lavoro a sforzo assiale e (vi) stesso quantitativo di armatura orizzontale e verticale. Date le specificità dei sistemi strutturali in esame, si è, in primo luogo, cercato di inquadrare le peculiarità strutturali sopra elencate nell’ambito scientifico. Ciò ha consentito di riscontrare una profonda carenza nella conoscenza relativa al comportamento di tali strutture specialmente nei confronti delle azioni orizzontali di tipo sismico. Pertanto i due principali obiettivi di questa Tesi di Dottorato sono stati: (1) la sistematizzazione scientifica e la relativa interpretazione di 10 anni di prove sperimentali condotte sul sistema strutturale in esame; e (2) la progettazione, la realizzazione e l’interpretazione preliminare dei risultati di una prova su tavola vibrante di una struttura a tre piani con pianta rettangolare, realizzata con la tecnologia del pannello di supporto in polistirene (la prova è stata effettuata nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca Europeo SERIES). Questa ricerca ha dunque consentito di far luce sul comportamento (in particolar modo, nei confronti delle azioni orizzontali di tipo sismico) dei sistemi strutturali composti da pareti tozze di tipo sandwich in c. a. gettato in opera realizzati con la tecnologia del pannello di supporto in polistirene.In this Ph.D. Thesis the structural characteristics and the corresponding performances of cellular structural systems composed of cast in situ concrete walls created using the technique of the polystyrene support panel have been studied. Such structural systems are characterized by many peculiarities; in fact, (i) the overall behavior of the structures is cellular; and, the walls, which composed the vertical and the lateral resisting system, are (ii) squat, (iii) sandwich and characterized by: (iv) light amount of reinforcement, (v) low values of vertical stresses, (vi) the same amount of vertical and horizontal reinforcement. Given the specific characteristics of the structural system at hand, first of all, all these peculiarities have been set in a scientific background. As a result, a deep lack of knowledge about the structural behavior (especially with respect to lateral seismic forces) of these structures has been discovered. For this reason the main objectives of this Ph.D. Thesis are (1) the scientific systematization and the corresponding interpretation of 10 years of experimental test performed on the structural system at hand; and (2) the design, the realization and the preliminary interpretation of the results of a shaking table test carried out on a 3-story structure composed of cast in situ sandwich concrete walls (it is part of the European Research Project SERIES). This research has allowed to understand the structural behavior of the structural systems composed of cast in situ sandwich concrete walls, especially with respect to lateral seismic forces

    Multiparameter quantum estimation of noisy phase shifts

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    Phase estimation is the most investigated protocol in quantum metrology, but its performance is affected by the presence of noise, also in the form of imperfect state preparation. Here we discuss how to address this scenario by using a multiparameter approach, in which noise is associated to a parameter to be measured at the same time as the phase. We present an experiment using two-photon states, and apply our setup to investigating optical activity of fructose solutions. Finally, we illustrate the scaling laws of the attainable precisions with the number of photons in the probe state

    Quantum sensors for dynamical tracking of chemical processes

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    Quantum photonics has demonstrated its potential for enhanced sensing. Current sources of quantum light states tailored to measuring, allow to monitor phenomena evolving on time scales of the order of the second. These are characteristic of product accumulation in chemical reactions of technologically interest, in particular those involving chiral compounds. Here we adopt a quantum multiparameter approach to investigate the dynamic process of sucrose acid hydrolysis as a test bed for such applications. The estimation is made robust by monitoring different parameters at once

    Advances in the diagnosis of acute aortic syndromes: Role of imaging techniques.

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    Aortic diseases include a wide range of pathological conditions: aortic aneurysms, pseudoaneurysms, acute aortic syndromes, atherosclerotic and inflammatory conditions, genetic diseases and congenital anomalies. Acute aortic syndromes have acute onset and may be life-threatening. They include aortic dissection, intramural haematoma, penetrating aortic ulcer and traumatic aortic injury. Pain is the common denominator to all acute aortic syndromes. Pain occurs regardless of age, gender and other associated clinical conditions. In this review, we deal with the main findings in the clinical setting and the most recent indications for diagnostic imaging, which are aimed to start an appropriate treatment and improve the short- and long-term prognosis of these patients. © The Author(s) 2016

    Aneurysm of the lateral marginal vein of the foot

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    Superficial venous aneurysms are a very rare pathology. This case report describes a 21-years-old male patient, who developed a soft, slow-growing mass, in the lateral part of the dorsal foot. Based on clinical examination and EcocolorDoppler ultrasound exam, the diagnosis of venous aneurysm of the lateral marginal vein was confirmed. The treatment proposed was ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy. The purpose of this work is to describe for the first time a venous superficial aneurysm localized in the lateral marginal vein of the foot. It is the first case reported in English literature

    PCSK9 induces a pro-inflammatory response in macrophages

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    Intraplaque release of inflammatory cytokines from macrophages is implicated in atherogenesis by inducing the proliferation and migration of media smooth muscle cells (SMCs). PCSK9 is present and released by SMCs within the atherosclerotic plaque but its function is still unknown. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that PCSK9 could elicit a pro-inflammatory effect on macrophages. THP-1-derived macrophages and human primary macrophages were exposed to different concentrations (0.250\u2009\uf7\u20092.5\u2009\ub5g/ml) of human recombinant PCSK9 (hPCSK9). After 24\u2009h incubation with 2.5\u2009\ub5g/ml PCSK9, a significant induction of IL-1\u3b2, IL-6, TNF-\u3b1, CXCL2, and MCP1 mRNA, were observed in both cell types. Co-culture of THP-1 macrophages with HepG2 overexpressing hPCSK9 also showed the induction of TNF-\u3b1 (2.4\u2009\ub1\u20090.5 fold) and IL-1\u3b2 (8.6\u2009\ub1\u20091.8 fold) mRNA in macrophages. The effect of hPCSK9 on TNF-\u3b1 mRNA in murine LDLR-/- bone marrow macrophages (BMM) was significantly impaired as compared to wild-type BMM (4.3\u2009\ub1\u20091.6 fold vs 31.1\u2009\ub1\u20096.1 fold for LDLR-/- and LDLR+/+, respectively). Finally, a positive correlation between PCSK9 and TNF-\u3b1 plasma levels of healthy adult subjects (males 533, females 537) was observed (B\u2009=\u20098.73, 95%CI 7.54\u2009\uf7\u20099.93, p\u2009<\u20090.001). Taken together, the present study provides evidence of a pro-inflammatory action of PCSK9 on macrophages, mainly dependent by the LDLR
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