376 research outputs found

    A atuação de instrutores agrícolas e sua contribuição no processo de ensino/aprendizagem nas escolas do campo no município de Canoinhas

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Educação. Educação do CampoA princípio, os Instrutores Agrícolas ("IA")/Técnicos Agrícolas fornecem suporte teórico, técnico e, principalmente, pedagógico junto às/aos professoras/es, nas disciplinas da grade curricular das escolas "no campo" de Canoinhas, mobilizando seus conhecimentos em aulas experimentais e em práticas, nos espaços físicos das escolas que atuam. Esta pesquisa buscou conhecer e analisar a efetiva contribuição desses “IA” em suas respectivas escolas e realidades. Da mesma forma, procurou entender a contribuição da agroecologia aplicada e abordada na prática, não somente na unidade escolar, mas sim além dos muros escolares. Dizendo de outra forma, a pesquisa buscou indicar a importância da função do Instrutor Agrícola como educador nas escolas do campo de Canoinhas e na comunidade escolar como um todo. Para tanto, foram aplicados questionários junto a estudantes, docentes e aos próprios instrutores, bem como realizado levantamento de informações junto à Secretaria Municipal de Educação e a informantes qualificados. A pesquisa indicou um cenário positivo para a relação dos "IA" com os docentes das escolas apontando pistas para favorecer a sinergia na preparação dos planejamentos articulados com as diretrizes da Educação do Campo. Com relação à participação do "IA" no debate sobre as práticas agroecológicas nas escolas, os resultados da pesquisa apontaram que tal profissional deve buscar promover um processo de construção e troca de conhecimentos, considerando os saberes e experiências locais, conduzindo as ações educativas para dialogar com tais vivências, contribuindo com a formação de todos os sujeitos do campo. Com esse entendimento de Agroecologia, é possível repensar metodologias educacionais envolvendo as diversas áreas de conhecimento, estimulando o pensamento crítico em relação ao sistema atual de desenvolvimento do campo, que é baseado no monocultivo, na distribuição desigual de terras, no agronegócio e, consequentemente, na exclusão social. Finalmente, a pesquisa indica que o Programa de Educação do Campo no município de Canoinhas buscou, sempre, cumprir o seu papel que é de inserir a realidade do campo na sala de aula, uma educação voltada à realidade do aluno e sua comunidade.In principle, Agricultural Instructors ("IA")/Agricultural Technicians provide theoretical, technical and, mainly, pedagogical support to teachers in the subjects of the curriculum of schools "in the field" of Canoinhas, mobilizing their know ledge in experimental classes and practices, in the physical spaces of the schools in which they operate. This research sought to know and analyze the effective contribution of these "IA" in their research and realities. Similarly, sought to understand the contribution of applied and addressed agroecology in practice, not only in the school unit, but beyond the school walls. To put it another way, the research sought to indicate the importance of the role of the Agricultural Instructor as an educator in schools in the Canoinhas field and in the school community as a whole. To this end, questionnaires were applied to students, teachers and the instructors themselves, as well as information was collected from the Municipal Department of Education and qualified informants. The research indicated a positive scenario for the relationship between the "AI" and the school teachers, pointing out clues to favor the synergy in the preparation of the plans articulated with the Rural Education guidelines. Regarding the participation of the "IA" in the debate on agroecological practices in schools, the results of the research pointed out that such a professional should seek to promote a process of construction and exchange of knowledge, considering local knowledge and local experiences, leading educational actions to dialogue with such experiences, contributing to the training of all subjects in the field. With this understanding of Agroecology, it is possible to rethink educational methodologies involving the different areas of knowledge, stimulating critical thinking in relation to the current system of development of the field, which is based on monoculture, unequal land distribution, agribusiness and, consequently, in social exclusion. Finally, the research indicates that the Rural Education Program in the municipality of Canoinhas has always sought to fulfill its role, which is to insert the reality of the field in the classroom, an education geared to the reality of the student and his community

    Propuesta de mejora en la gestión de almacén para optimizar la distribución de paletas estándar de la empresa Alicorp, Callao 2018

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    La investigación denominada “Propuesta de mejora en la gestión de almacén para optimizar la distribución de paletas estándar de la empresa Alicorp, Callao 2018” se planteó con el objetivo de mejorar las operaciones básicas existentes en el almacén de paletas estándar en la empresa Alicorp S.A., la muestra fue estudiada sobre 30 trabajadores del área de distribución, el jefe de almacén y coordinador del área, donde se recabo la información mediante entrevista al jefe de almacén y al supervisor del área, se realizó un check list y un cuestionario de encuesta con aplicación en escala de Likert, se analizó y observo los datos recabados de la información documental obtenida y se pudo entender que hay una deficiencia en la actual gestión de almacén de la empresa referida, finalmente se buscó proponer una propuesta de mejora de la gestión de almacén, que optimice la distribución de paletas estándar y sus procesos en la empresa Alicorp, Callao 2018

    Training in endoscopic mucosal resection and endoscopic submucosal dissection: face, content and expert validity of the live porcine model

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    Introduction: Endoscopic mucosal resection and endoscopic submucosal dissection are demanding procedures. This study aims to establish face, content and expert validity of the live porcine model in performing endoscopic mucosal resection, endoscopic submucosal dissection, complication management and to assess it as a training tool. Material and methods: Tutors and trainees participating in live porcine model endoscopic mucosal resection and endoscopic submucosal dissection workshops filled out a questionnaire regarding the realism of the model compared to human setting and its role as a learning tool. A 10-point Likert scale was used. Results: Ninety-one endoscopists (13 tutors; 78 trainees) were involved in four workshops. Median global classifications for the realism of the life porcine model ranged between 7.0–8.0 (interquartile range 5.0–9.0). Procedures resembled human cases with a median of 9.0 (8.0–9.0) for oesophageal multiband endoscopic mucosal resection; 8.5 (8.0–9.0) for oesophageal endoscopic submucosal dissection; 9.0 (8.0–10.0) for gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection; and 9.0 (8.5–9.75 and 8.0–9.69) for complication detection and management. The animal model as a learning tool had median scores of 9.0 (7.0–10.0) considering how procedures are performed; 9.0–9.5 (8.0–10.0) for usefulness for beginners; and 9.0–10.0 (5.0–10.0) regarding it a prerequisite. Conclusions: Training in a live porcine model was considered very realistic compared to the human setting and was highly appreciated as a learning tool. This is the first study to establish face, content and expert validity of the live porcine model in performing multiband endoscopic mucosal resection, oesophageal and gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection. The validation of this model provides the rationale to incorporate it into formal teaching programmes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An integer programming approach for the 2-class single-group classification problem

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    Two sets XB, XR ⊆ Rd are linearly separable if their convex hulls are disjoint, implying that a hyperplane separating XB from XR exists. Such a hyperplane provides a method for classifying new points, according to the side of the hyperplane in which the new points lie. In this work we consider a particular case of the 2-class classification problem, which asks to select the maximum number of points from XB and XR in such a way that the selected points are linearly separable. We present an integer programming formulation for this problem, explore valid inequalities for the associated polytope, and develop a cutting plane approach coupled with a lazy-constraints scheme.Fil: Corrêa, Ricardo C.. Universidade Federal Rural Do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Blaum, Manuela. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; ArgentinaFil: Marenco, Javier Leonardo. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; ArgentinaFil: Koch, Ivo Valerio. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; ArgentinaFil: Mydlarz, Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaLatin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS 2019)Belo HorizonteBrasilCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel SuperiorConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Técnologico do BrasilUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerai

    Long-Term Follow-Up after Paediatric Kidney Transplantation and Influence Factors on Graft Survival: A Single-Centre Experience of 16 years

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    Introduction: To evaluate graft- and patient survival after paediatric kidney transplantation and detecting influence factors, which affect the post-transplant time. Materials and Methods: We analysed long-term survival rates and complications after paediatric kidney transplantation and searched for predictive parameters for graft function. Results: In 132 patients, 143 kidney transplantations were performed. Graft failure occurred in 25%. Chronic rejections were the leading cause of graft loss (42.9%). Graft survival rates were 92.2% after 1 year, 85.5% after 5 years, 71.1% after 10 years and 62.1% after 15 years. The following parameters strongly influenced graft survival: number of transplants (p = 0.014), year of transplant (p 50 min (p = 0.008), delayed graft function (p = 0.003) and deceased donation (p = 0.039). The percentage of patients who died was 5.6%. Overall patient survival rates were 99.3% after 1 year, 95.2% after 5 years, 94.2% after 10 years and 90.7% after 15 years. Various types of infections (42.9%) were the main causes of death. Conclusions: The main causes of death after kidney transplantations in paediatric recipients are malignancy and infections. To avoid vascular complications especially in young recipients (< 9 years), the cold ischemia time should be as short as possible