3,726 research outputs found

    The Effects of Urease Source and Moisture Content on the Nutritive Value of \u3ci\u3eBrachiaria brizant\u3c/i\u3eha Hay Treated with Urea

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    Ammoniation has a high potential to increase the nutritive value (NV) of mature tropical grasses hays. Urea utilisation, like ammonia, seems to be a promising alternative for on-farm treatment of low quality forage in Brazil. Urea has the advantages over anhydrous ammonia of being widely available, easier to handle and, in some countries, less expensive. The aim of this work was to study the effects on the efficiency of urea treatment of palisade grass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) hay of the moisture level, and the urease source

    An Assessment of American Plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) in NAFO Division 3M

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    The present assessment evaluates the status of the 3M American plaice stock. The catch at age matrix, EU survey abundance at age and the respective mean weights were updated. The XSA and a VPA-type Bayesian model were applied to this stock, but the XSA presented unrealistic results. The surveys and models indicate that the stock suffered a continuous decline, even with catches kept at a low level since 1996. A general decrease is observed in the biomass and abundance estimated by the several surveys. The EU survey and VPA-type Bayesian model indicates only poor recruitment from 1991 to 2005 year class. SSB recorded a minimum in 2009, in recent years SSB indices increase with the income of the strong 2006 year class in the SSB but in 2013 this increase seems to halt mainly as there were fewer older fish (ages 16+). There are no changes in the perception of the stock status from last assessment (2011). This stock continues to be in a poor condition, despite the apparent improvement of the recruitment since 2006 (mainly due to the 2006 year class). Although the level of catches is low since 1996, this stock has been kept at a low level

    An ASPIC Based Assessment of Redfish (S. mentella and S. fasciatus) in NAFO Divisions 3LN (can a surplus production model cope with bumpy survey data?)

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    There are two species of redfish in Divisions 3L and 3N, the deep-sea redfish (Sebastes mentella) and the Acadian redfish (Sebastes fasciatus) that have been commercially fished and reported collectively as redfish in fishery statistics. Redfish in Div. 3LN is regarded as a management unit composed of two Grand Bank populations from those two very similar redfish species. The present ASPIC assessment is based on the logistic form of a non-equilibrium surplus production model (Schaeffer, 1954; Prager, 1994), adjusted to a standardized catch rate series (Power, 1997) and to most of the stratified-random bottom trawl surveys conducted in various years and seasons in Div. 3L and Div. 3N from 1978 onwards. These surveys were framed according to the input formulation previously adopted on the 2nd take of the ASPIC 2008 assessment (Ávila de Melo and Alpoim, 2010a). The assessment was preceded by an exploratory analysis to check the response of the model to the inclusion of the Spanish spring survey series on Div. 3N and to the 2010-2011 update of the remaining three Canadian survey series that are at present the backbone input of this assessment. Each of these series includes recently high points that are well above their overall increasing trends, observed 2002 onwards. The analysis point out that in terms of consistency with previous assessments and the past history of the redfish fishery, as well as performance of the model, the ASPIC 2012 option with the exclusion of the Spanish survey and the removal of the recent outliers from the respective Canadian series represents the better update of the survey data input framework. The chosen input formulation run afterwards with different last year survey results and different starting guesses for key parameters and different random number seeds, in order to test the robustness of ASPIC results to turbulence in the inputs used to initialize the model deterministic run. A 2012 versus 2010 ASPIC comparative assessment (both on FIT and BOT modes) and a 2012-2010 retrospective analysis were also carried out to check the consistency between the two last full assessments and the magnitude of bias on relative biomass and fishing mortality in response to the general increase of the still standing survey series. Regardless the input formulations, the starting guess region, the mode of the ASPIC runs or the retrospective patterns, the 2012 assessment reiterates the main conclusion of the previous ones: the biomass of redfish in Div. 3LN is above Bmsy , while fishing mortality is well below Fmsy . Most recent catches continue to be at a low level on the historical context of this fishery and the answer of the stock to a direct fishery of the magnitude of years between the mid 1960’s and the mid 1980’s is unknown. Projections were made on the short term, in order to select a 2013-2012 catch roof large enough to consolidate the reopening of a redfish direct fishery on divisions 3L and 3N but keeping a high probability of the stock staying above Bmsy. This high probability is defined by the lower 80% confidence limit of the projected relative biomass trajectory being at or above Bmsy in 2013-2015

    Selective stimulatory action of olfactory ensheathing glia-conditioned medium on oligodendroglial differentiation, with additional reference to signaling mechanisms

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    AbstractWe examined the effects of conditioned medium from olfactory ensheathing glia (OEGCM) on the differentiation of oligodendrocytes in mixed cultures of early postnatal hippocampi. Differentiation was judged from the numerical density (ND) of cells immunoreactive to 2′3′ cyclic nucleotide 3′phosphodiesterase (CNPase) and O4 antibodies. NDs increased according to inverted-U dose–response curves, particularly for CNPase+ cells (9-fold at optimal dilution) and these changes were blocked by inhibitors of ERK1, p38-MAPK, and PI3K. Our results raise the possibility that OEG secreted factor(s) may counteract demyelination induced by trauma, neurodegenerative diseases, and advanced age, and should stimulate novel methods to deliver these factors and/or potentiating chemicals

    Os fósseis de Santa Maria (Açores) : a jazida da Prainha.

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    PREFÁCIO: O trabalho que agora se apresenta de Sérgio Ávila e colaboradores é mais um precioso contributo para a divulgação científica que emerge de trabalho de investigação académica da Universidade dos Açores. É um trabalho que procura conciliar um rigor e uma descrição exaustiva e profusamente ilustrada dos elementos factuais paleontológicos e geológicos associados à jazida da Prainha, com uma obra apelativa e agradável de desfolhar, ler e consultar. Este tipo de produtos académicos para a comunidade, de extensão universitária como agora se fala, é de extrema importância para a Região Autónoma dos Açores, em particular, e para Portugal, em geral, por três ordens de razões. Em primeiro lugar porque, contrariamente aos ditados e sabedoria popular, as rochas e outros elementos do património geológico, são frágeis e efémeros. Um dos aspectos de maior fragilidade são os fósseis, propriamente ditos, o que é mais fácil de entender. Mais difícil é reconhecer que as próprias jazidas fossilíferas, fósseis e seu enquadramento geológico, o qual pode incluir filões, falhas, minerais, seixos rolados, etc., são igualmente bastante frágeis quer a acções de erosão e alteração naturais quer a acções antrópicas. Quanto às primeiras a única e melhor atitude é proceder ao seu estudo e registo documental, nomeadamente fotográfica, como generosamente se apresenta nesta obra. Quanto às segundas, o modo mais eficaz de as preservar é dar a conhecer às populações, em geral, e às autarquias e entidades de gestão do território, em particular, no sentido de prevenir o licenciamento de obras ou infra-estruturas que poderão comprometer irremediavelmente esse Património Natural. Efectivamente, numa região balnear como a da Praia Formosa, uma eventual pressão urbanística pode levar à destruição destes seus elementos patrimoniais únicos. Únicos, não só no contexto da Ilha de Santa Maria, como no contexto da Região Autónoma dos Açores, ou mesmo do Continente. Em segundo lugar, estão em curso vários esforços no sentido de que o conjunto das nove ilhas açorianas venham a ser integradas na Rede Europeia de Geoparques e, como tal, sejam reconhecidas pela UNESCO como mais um elemento da Global Network of Geoparks. Tal galardão é consagrado pela excelência do seu Património geológico e paleontológico, o qual encontra neste livro um excelente aliado e um repositório de informação da qual se irão retirar elementos necessários à subsequente produção de textos de divulgação em língua estrangeira, fundamentalmente anglo-saxónica. Por outro lado, ficam bem expressos, os argumentos da necessidade desta jazida se converta em mais um dos magníficos e bem sucedidos exemplos de geoconservação e valorização ambiental que estão a registar-se por todo o arquipélago açoriano. Em terceiro lugar, obras como a que agora se edita ajudam à interiorização por parte da população de Santa Maria, e por todos quantos a visitam, da singularidade geológica desta ilha e do valor científico e patrimonial que as suas unidades fossilíferas representam. Elas ilustram de modo particularmente exuberante as alterações climáticas que o nosso Planeta tem vindo a sofrer, actualmente acompanhadas com maior acuidade pela sociedade e os media. Estes afloramentos particularmente ricos em conteúdo fóssil, intercalados ou embutidos em sequências de rochas vulcânicas e sedimentares, são os únicos testemunhos que restam das comunidades bióticas que povoaram as águas superficiais e as regiões costeiras insulares do Atlântico Norte, há milhares de anos (no caso da Prainha ou Lagoinhas) ou mesmos há milhões de anos, como as jazidas do Monumento Natural Regional da Pedreira do Campo, Pedreira da Cré, “Pedra que Pica” ou Ponta da Malbusca, para citar só algumas. Todas elas são singulares excepções que complementam os registos sedimentares das bacias oceânicas envolventes, os quais têm sido, e continuarão a ser, alvo de investigação paleoceanográfica do Global Change. No entanto, estas jazidas, são os únicos testemunhos das comunidades costeiras pretéritas, com as quais é possível estabelecer comparações e mapas de distribuição biogeográfica, um dos temas fortes presentes nesta obra. (Mário Cachão)Universidade dos Açores; Departamento de Biologia da UAÇ; CIBIO-Açores; IMAR; Câmara Municipal de Vila do Porto; Clube Naval de Santa Maria; GEOBIOTEC; Viagens de Turismo MELO; Hotel Praia de Lobos; Governo dos Açores; Secretaria Regional da Ciência, Tecnologia e Equipamentos

    An ASPIC Based Assessment of Redfish (S. mentella and S. fasciatus) in NAFO Divisions 3LN (assuming that the highest apparently sustained historical average level of catch is a sound proxy to MSY)

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    There are two species of redfish in Divisions 3L and 3N, the deep-sea redfish (Sebastes mentella) and the Acadian redfish (Sebastes fasciatus) that have been commercially fished and reported collectively as redfish in fishery statistics. Redfish in Div. 3LN is regarded as a management unit composed of two Grand Bank populations from those two very similar redfish species. The present ASPIC assessment is based on the logistic form of a non-equilibrium surplus production model (Schaeffer, 1954; Prager, 1994), adjusted to a standardized catch rate series (Power, 1997) and to most of the stratified-random bottom trawl surveys conducted in various years and seasons in Div. 3L and Div. 3N from 1978 onwards. Both CPUE and surveys were used with all observations of each series. This assessment is not a follow up of the previous ones (Ávila de Melo et al., 2012 and 2010). The logistic Schaefer production model (1954) incorporated in ASPIC operating model (Prager, 1994) can not cope anymore with the most recent biomass increases observed in both spring and (mainly) autumn Canadian 3LN surveys, unless it is allowed to provide unrealistic assessment results. And continuing to strip off the highs of each one of these series, in order to get a picture in line to what is the perception of the stock history from commercial and survey data trends, is no longer a valid option, as reflected on the last STACFIS research recommendation on this matter (NAFO, 2012). Being so, input has been reframed opening room to a new combination of Canadian autumn 3L and 3N surveys. The inclusion of the Spanish spring survey on Div. 3N and the removal of the historical CPUE series have also been considered. Two selected frameworks options have finally run with MSY kept constant at an initial starting guess, instead of being estimated by the model. Before entering the latest (2013) ASPIC Suite flow, the input selected from exploratory analysis was submitted to a sensitivity test in order to evaluate the robustness of the new framework against variability on random number seed, start user guesses for key model parameters and last year survey biomass. The consistency of the new ASPIC assessment with their predecessors was checked by comparison of biomass and fishing mortality fit trajectories against previous ones from the 2012 and 2010 assessments. A 2014-2012 retrospective analysis was also performed with good results (small retro bias on relative biomass and fishing 2 mortality in response to the general increase of the still standing survey series), and the assessment pursued successfully to bootstrap mode (again good consistency with previous results) and projections. A medium term management plan is finally proposed, based on bi-annual increases of the catch from the present TAC level of 6 500 t up to target catch/TAC of 18 100 t, the 2014 equilibrium yield from the present assessment, that should be in place by 2019-2020. This management plan allows, with a very high probability, that biomass is kept above Bmsy and fishing mortality below Fmsy

    Fajã dos Milagres: o desvendar da formação de fajãs detríticas com sistemas lagunares

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    Fajãs detríticas costeiras com sistemas lagunares constituem locais de elevada riqueza geológica, biológica e paisagística. E do conhecimento geral que a formação de fajãs detríticas costeiras esta intrinsecamente ligada a evolução de vertentes litorais alcantiladas, típicas em ilhas vulcânicas, e aos processos de desmonte associados a esta evolução (e.g. ‘quebradas’). Não obstante este conhecimento, pouco se conhece acerca dos processos que concorrem para a génese de fajãs detríticas costeiras que exibem sistemas lagunares, nomeadamente qual o papel que a interação entre processos de colapso gravítico das vertentes e os processos inerentes à dinâmica costeira assumem nessa génese, e como e que essa interação se processa

    The cell wall and the response and tolerance to stresses of biotechnological relevance in yeasts

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    In industrial settings and processes, yeasts may face multiple adverse environmental conditions. These include exposure to non-optimal temperatures or pH, osmotic stress, and deleterious concentrations of diverse inhibitory compounds. These toxic chemicals may result from the desired accumulation of added-value bio-products, yeast metabolism, or be present or derive from the pre-treatment of feedstocks, as in lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysates. Adaptation and tolerance to industrially relevant stress factors involve highly complex and coordinated molecular mechanisms occurring in the yeast cell with repercussions on the performance and economy of bioprocesses, or on the microbiological stability and conservation of foods, beverages, and other goods. To sense, survive, and adapt to different stresses, yeasts rely on a network of signaling pathways to modulate the global transcriptional response and elicit coordinated changes in the cell. These pathways cooperate and tightly regulate the composition, organization and biophysical properties of the cell wall. The intricacy of the underlying regulatory networks reflects the major role of the cell wall as the first line of defense against a wide range of environmental stresses. However, the involvement of cell wall in the adaptation and tolerance of yeasts to multiple stresses of biotechnological relevance has not received the deserved attention. This article provides an overview of the molecular mechanisms involved in fine-tuning cell wall physicochemical properties during the stress response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and their implication in stress tolerance. The available information for non-conventional yeast species is also included. These non-Saccharomyces species have recently been on the focus of very active research to better explore or control their biotechnological potential envisaging the transition to a sustainable circular bioeconomy

    The status of redfish (S. mentella and S. fasciatus) in Divisions 3LN at present and the likelihood its follow up in the near future (under the ongoing the Management Strategy or a status quo TAC scenario)

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    There are two species of redfish in Divisions 3L and 3N, the deep-sea redfish (Sebastes mentella) and the Acadian redfish (Sebastes fasciatus) that have been commercially fished and reported collectively as redfish in fishery statistics. Both species, occurring on Div. 3LN and managed as a single stock, don’t belong to isolated local populations but, on the contrary, are part of a large Northwest Atlantic complex ranging from the Gulf of Maine to south of Baffin Island. The ASPIC assessment of this stock is based on the logistic form of a non-equilibrium surplus production model (Schaeffer, 1954; Prager, 1994), adjusted to a standardized catch rate series (Power, 1997) and to all stratified-random bottom trawl surveys conducted in various years and seasons in Div. 3L and Div. 3N from 1978 onwards. Both CPUE and surveys were used with all observations within each series. The 2018 assessment proceed on the threshold of the new 2014 approach, the main features of the previous input framework were kept, with MSY fixed at 1960-1985 average catch and the rest of the approved 2014 assessment framework updated. Despite its poor performance the 3L Spanish survey has been kept in the analysis due to its high correlation with the autumn 3LN Canadian survey, one of the two backbone series of the assessment. ASPIC results confirm a stable stock from the 1960’s to the first half of the 1980’s, sustaining an average yield of 21 000t. Stock declined with a sudden rise of the catch over the late 1980’s first half of the 1990’s, and started to gradually recover after catches fell to a residual level when the stock collapse. The maximum observed sustainable yield (MSY) of 21 000 t can be a long term sustainable yield if fishing mortality stands at 0.11/year, exploiting a correspondent Bmsy at 187 000 t. From assessment results there is a high probability (CL’s 80%) that the stock was at the beginning of 2018 above Bmsy, after crossing 2017 under a fishing mortality most likely below 34% Fmsy