109 research outputs found

    The SDN/NFV Cloud Computing Platform and Transport Network of the ADRENALINE Testbed

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    This work extends NFV paradigm to transport networks, known as Transport NFV. This paper presents a detailed overview of the SDN/NFV services that are offered on top of the Cloud Computing platform and transport network of the ADRENALINE Testbed. On the one hand, we propose a generic architecture for SDN/NFV services deployed over multi-domain transport networks and distributed data centers. On the other hand, we present two use cases of possible NFV services: a virtual Path Computation Element (vPCE) and the deployment of virtual SDN controllers (vSDN) on top of virtualized transport networks

    On the resource abstraction, partitioning and composition for virtual GMPLS-controlled multi-layer optical networks

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    Virtual optical networking supports the dynamic provisioning of dedicated networks over the same network infrastructure, which has received a lot of attention by network providers. The stringent network requirements (e.g., Quality of Service -QoS-, Service Level Agreement -SLA-, dynamicity) of the emerging high bandwidth and dynamic applications such as high-definition video streaming (e.g., telepresence, television, remote surgery, etc.), and cloud computing (e.g., real-time data backup, remote desktop, etc.) can be supported by the deployment of dynamic infrastructure services to build ad-hoc Virtual Optical Networks (VON), which is known as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Future Internet should support two separate entities: infrastructure providers (who manage the physical infrastructure) and service providers (who deploy network protocols and offer end-to-end services). Thus, network service providers shall request, on a per-need basis, a dedicated and application-specific VON and have full control over it. Optical network virtualization technologies allow the partitioning/composition of the network infrastructure (i.e., physical optical nodes and links) into independent virtual resources, adopting the same functionality as the physical resource. The composition of these virtual resources (i.e., virtual optical nodes and links) allows the deployment of multiple VONs. A VON must be composed of not only a virtual transport plane but also of a virtual control plane, with the purpose of providing the required independent and full control functionalities (i.e., automated connection provisioning and recovery (protection/restauration), traffic engineering (e.g., QoS, SLA), etc.). This PhD Thesis focuses on optical network virtualization, with three main objectives. The first objective consists on the design, implementation and evaluation of an architecture and the necessary protocols and interfaces for the virtualization of a Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) controlled Wavelength Switched Optical Network (WSON) and the introduction of a resource broker for dynamic virtual GMPLS-controlled WSON infrastructure services, whose task is to dynamically deploy VONs from service provider requests. The introduction of a resource broker implies the need for virtual resource management and allocation algorithms for optimal usage of the shared physical infrastructure. Also, the deployment of independent virtual GMPLS control plane on top of each VON shall be performed by the resource broker. This objective also includes the introduction of optical network virtualization for Elastic Optical Networks (EON). The second objective is to design, implement and experimentally evaluate a system architecture for deploying virtual GMPLS-controlled Multi-Protocol Label Switching Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) networks over a shared WSON. With this purpose, this PhD Thesis also focuses on the design and development of MPLS-TP nodes which are deployed on the WSON of the ADRENALINE Testbed at CTTC premises. Finally, the third objective is the composition of multiple virtual optical networks with heterogeneous control domains (e.g., GMPLS, OpenFlow). A multi-domain resource broker has been designed, implemented and evaluated.La gestió de xarxes òptiques virtuals permet la provisió dinàmica de xarxes dedicades a sobre la mateixa infraestructura de xarxa i ha cridat molt l’atenció als proveïdors de xarxes. Els requisits de xarxa (per exemple la qualitat de servei, els acords de nivell de servei o la dinamicitat) són cada cop més astringents per a les aplicacions emergents d'elevat ample de banda i dinàmiques, que inclouen per exemple la reproducció en temps real de vídeo d'alta definició (telepresència, televisió, telemedicina) i serveis d’informàtica en núvol (còpies de seguretat en temps real, escriptori remot). Aquests requisits poden ser assolits a través del desplegament de serveis de infraestructura dinàmics per construir xarxes òptiques virtuals (VON, en anglès), fet que és conegut com a infraestructura com a servei (IaaS). La internet del futur hauria de suportar dos entitats diferenciades: els proveïdors d'infraestructures (responsables de gestionar la infraestructura física), i els proveïdors de serveis (responsables dels protocols de xarxa i d'oferir els serveis finals). D'aquesta forma els proveïdors de serveis podrien sol•licitar i gestionar en funció de les necessitats xarxes òptiques virtuals dedicades i específiques per les aplicacions. Les tecnologies de virtualització de xarxes òptiques virtuals permeten la partició i composició de infraestructura de xarxa (nodes i enllaços òptics) en recursos virtuals independents que adopten les mateixes funcionalitats que els recursos físics. La composició d'aquests recursos virtuals (nodes i enllaços òptics virtuals) permet el desplegament de múltiples VONs. Una VON no sols està composada per un pla de transport virtual, sinó també per un pla de control virtual, amb l'objectiu d'incorporar les funcionalitats necessàries a la VON (provisió de connexions automàtiques i recuperació (protecció/restauració), enginyeria de tràfic, etc.). Aquesta tesis es centra en la virtualització de xarxes òptiques amb tres objectius principals. El primer objectiu consisteix en el disseny, implementació i avaluació de l'arquitectura i els protocols i interfícies necessaris per la virtualització de xarxes encaminades a través de la longitud d'ona i controlades per GMPLS. També inclou la introducció d'un gestor de recursos per desplegar xarxes òptiques virtuals de forma dinàmica. La introducció d'aquest gestor de recursos implica la necessitat d'una gestió dels recursos virtuals i d’algoritmes d’assignació de recursos per a la utilització òptima dels recursos físics. A més el gestor de recursos ha de ser capaç del desplegament dels recursos assignats, incloent un pla de control GMPLS virtual independent per a cada VON desplegada. Finalment, aquest objectiu inclou la introducció de mecanismes de virtualització per a xarxes elàstiques òptiques (EON, en anglès). El segon objectiu és el disseny, la implementació i l’avaluació experimental d'una arquitectura de sistema per oferir xarxes MPLS-TP virtuals controlades per GMPLS sobre una infraestructura i WSON compartida. Per això, aquesta tesis també es centra en el disseny i desenvolupament d'un node MPLS-TP que ha estat desplegat al demostrador ADRENALINE, al CTTC. Finalment, el tercer objectiu és la composició de múltiples xarxes òptiques virtuals en dominis de control heterogenis (GMPLS i OpenFlow). Un gestor de recursos multi-domini ha estat dissenyat, implementat i avaluat.La gestión de redes ópticas virtuales permite la provisión dinámica de redes dedicadas encima la misma infraestructura de red y ha llamado mucho la atención a los proveedores de redes. Los requisitos de red (por ejemplo la calidad de servicio, los acuerdos de nivel de servicio o la dinamicidad) son cada vez más estringentes para las aplicaciones emergentes de elevado ancho de banda y dinámicas, que incluyen por ejemplo la reproducción en tiempo real de vídeo de alta definición (telepresencia, televisión, telemedicina) y servicios de computación en la nube (copias de seguridad en tiempo real, escritorio remoto). Estos requisitos pueden ser logrados a través del despliegue de servicios de infraestructura dinámicos para construir redes ópticas virtuales (VON, en inglés), hecho que es conocido como infraestructura como servicio (IaaS). La internet del futuro tendrá que soportar dos entidades diferenciadas: los proveedores de infraestructuras (responsables de gestionar la infraestructura física), y los proveedores de servicios (responsables de los protocolos de red y de ofrecer los servicios finales). De esta forma los proveedores de servicios podrán solicitar y gestionar en función de las necesitados redes ópticas virtuales dedicadas y específicas por las aplicaciones. Las tecnologías de virtualización de redes ópticas virtuales permiten la partición y composición de infraestructura de red (nodos y enlaces ópticos) en recursos virtuales independientes que adoptan las mismas funcionalidades que los recursos físicos. La composición de estos recursos virtuales (nodos y enlaces ópticos virtuales) permite el despliegue de múltiples VONs. Una VON no sólo está compuesta por un plan de transporte virtual, sino también por un plan de control virtual, con el objetivo de incorporar las funcionalidades necesarias a la VON (provisión de conexiones automáticas y recuperación (protección/restauración), ingeniería de tráfico, etc.). Esta tesis se centra en la virtualización de redes ópticas con tres objetivos principales. El primer objetivo consiste en el diseño, implementación y evaluación de la arquitectura y los protocolos e interfaces necesarios por la virtualización de redes encaminadas a través de la longitud de ola y controladas por GMPLS. También incluye la introducción de un gestor de recursos para desplegar redes ópticas virtuales de forma dinámica. La introducción de este gestor de recursos implica la necesidad de una gestión de los recursos virtuales y de algoritmos de asignación de recursos para la utilización óptima de los recursos físicos. Además el gestor de recursos tiene que ser capaz del despliegue de los recursos asignados, incluyendo un plan de control GMPLS virtual independiente para cada VON desplegada. Finalmente, este objetivo incluye la introducción de mecanismos de virtualización para redes elásticas ópticas (EON, en inglés). El segundo objetivo es el diseño, la implementación y la evaluación experimental de una arquitectura de sistema para ofrecer redes MPLS-TP virtuales controladas por GMPLS sobre una infraestructura WSON compartida. Por eso, esta tesis también se centra en el diseño y desarrollo de un nodo MPLS-TP que ha sido desplegado al demostrador ADRENALINE, en el CTTC. Finalmente, el tercer objetivo es la composición de múltiples redes ópticas virtuales en dominios de control heterogéneos (GMPLS y OpenFlow). Un gestor de recursos multi-dominio ha sido diseñado, implementado y evaluado

    Orchestration of IT/Cloud and Networks: From Inter-DC Interconnection to SDN/NFV 5G Services

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    The so-called 5G networks promise to be the foundations for the deployment of advanced services, conceived around the joint allocation and use of heterogeneous resources,including network, computing and storage. Resources are placed on remote locations constrained by the different service requirements, resulting in cloud infrastructures (as pool of resources) that need to be interconnected. The automation of the provisioning of such services relies on a generalized orchestra tion, defined as to the coherent coordination of heterogeneous systems, applied to common cases such as involving heterogeneous network domains in terms of control or data plane technologies, or cloud and network resources. Although cloud-computing platforms do take into account the need to interconnect remote virtual machine instances, mostly rely on managing L2 overlays over L3 (IP). The integration with transport networks is still not fully achieved, including leveraging the advances in software defined networks and transmission. We start with an overview of network orchestration, considering different models; we extend them to take into account cloud manage ment while mentioning relevant existing initiatives and conclude with the NFV architecture

    Architecture for integrating vertical customer programmability control of network functions and connectivity in a slice-as-a-service schema

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    Network slicing will permit offering to vertical customers tailored end-to-end logical networks in an on-demand fashion, on top of a common telecom infrastructure, achieving a Slices-as-a-Service (SlaaS) business model. This is possible due to the progressive introduction of network softwarization techniques, such as programmability and virtualization, into existing operational networks, enabling dynamic and flexible provision of slices. Those vertical customers could require the control not only of the network functions composing the end-to-end service, but also of the connectivity among them, e.g., for influencing the paths for steering traffic among function instances. However, this can be problematic since decisions from one vertical customer can collide with decisions from others. One aspect not yet sufficiently investigated is how to permit vertical customers to jointly control the service functions and the underlay connectivity, in such a way that could operate the allocated slice as if it was actually a dedicated network entirely for them. This paper explores some architectural proposition in this respect illustrated with some potential use cases and it provides an example of the provision of SlaaS for a vertical customer.This work has been partly funded by the European Commission through the projects 5G-PPP H2020 5GROWTH (Grant Agreement No 856709), EU-TW 5G-DIVE (Grant Agreement No 859881) and by the Spanish AURORAS (RTI2018-099178-B-I00) project. This information reflects the consortia views, but neither the consortia nor the European Commission are liable for any use that may be done of the information contained therein

    Experimental SDN Control Solutions for Automatic Operations and Management of 5G Services in a Fixed Mobile Converged Packet-Optical Network

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    5G networks will impose network operators to accommodate services demanding heterogeneous and stringent requirements in terms of increased bandwidth, reduced latency, higher availability, etc. as well as enabling emerging capabilities such as slicing. Operators will be then forced to make notable investments in their infrastructure but the revenue is not envisaged to be proportional. Thereby, operators are seeking for more cost-effective solutions to keep their competitiveness. An appealing solution is to integrate all (broadband) services including both fixed and mobile in a convergent way. This is referred to as Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC). FMC allows seamlessly serving any kind of access service over the same network infrastructure (access, aggregation and core) and relying on common set of control and operation functions. To this end, FMC leverages the benefits provided by Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). First, we discuss some of the explored FMC solutions and technologies, from both structural and functional perspectives Next, focusing on a Multi-Layer (Packet and Optical) Aggregation Network, we report two implemented and experimentally validated SDN/NFV orchestration architectures providing feasibleThis work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry MINECO projects DESTELLO (TEC2015-69256-R) and 5G-REFINE (TEC2017-88373-R), and the EU H2020 5G TRANSFORMER project (grant no. 761536)

    Mejora de la interoperabilidad con un DACS: el caso salud de la mujer DEXEUS

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    Salud de la Mujer Dexeus está mejorando la interoperabilidad entre todos sus sistemas de información añadiendo una solución VNA (Vendor Neutral Archive). Con ello obtiene además nuevas funcionalidades, como un visor único de documentos y un acceso seguro y estructurado a su información desde diversos lugares y dispositivos. La solución se basa en el uso de un DACS (Document Archiving and Communication System), que almacena documentos clínicos estructurados con HL7 CDA.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Scalable Physical Layer Security Components for Microservice-Based Optical SDN Controllers

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    We propose and demonstrate a set of microservice-based security components able to perform physical layer security assessment and mitigation in optical networks. Results illustrate the scalability of the attack detection mechanism and the agility in mitigating attacks

    Microservice-Based Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Loop for Optical Networks

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    Unsupervised learning (UL) is a technique to detect previously unseen anomalies without needing labeled datasets. We propose the integration of a scalable UL-based inference component in the monitoring loop of an SDN-controlled optical network

    Microservice-Based Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Loop for Optical Networks

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    Unsupervised learning (UL) is a technique to detect previously unseen anomalies without needing labeled datasets. We propose the integration of a scalable UL-based inference component in the monitoring loop of an SDN-controlled optical network

    Traffic Engineering enforcement in multi-domain SDN orchestration of Multi-Layer (packet/optical) networks

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    We introduce an SDN orchestration architecture to enable the introduction of E2E TE policies in a multi-domain, multi-layer network scenario. The ABNO is used as reference architecture for the SDN orchestration of packet/optical SDN controllers using Flow Service Classification. Grant numbers : EC's to the Spanish MINECO project FARO (TEC2012-38119).© 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. Document type: Conference objec