89 research outputs found

    Abortion and Phyllis Schlafly’s Pro-life Contribution to the Culture Wars from the 1970s to the 1990s

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    Phyllis Schlafly, militante et figure trĂšs connue de la droite amĂ©ricaine, s’empara des dĂ©bats socioculturels pour mobiliser les conservateurs Ă  partir des annĂ©es 1970. La lutte contre l’avortement fut l’un des piliers de sa vision traditionnelle de la famille, qui s’organisait autour des rĂŽles genrĂ©s traditionnels. Par l’utilisation d’une rhĂ©torique dite pro-life et l’un lobbying poussĂ© dans le Parti rĂ©publicain, elle participa, en s’opposant au mouvement fĂ©ministe, Ă  la polarisation du paysage politique sur cette question primordiale liĂ©e Ă  la sexualitĂ© et Ă  la reproduction.Phyllis Schlafly, an activist and an icon of the American Right, appropriated social issues in order to mobilize conservatives from the 1970s onward. The struggle against abortion was key to her traditional view of the family, which was organized around traditional gender roles. Thanks to a pro-life rhetoric and intense lobbying within the Republican Party, she fought against the feminist movement and helped to polarize the political landscape on this crucial issue linked to sexuality and reproduction

    Commemoration: “The National Women’s Conference: Taking 1977 into the 21st Century”

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    Introduction On November 6-7 2017, the University of Houston welcomed a commemorative conference sponsored by the Center for Public History of the University of Houston to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the International Women’s Year (IWY) Conference of 1977: “The National Women’s Conference: Taking 1977 into the 21st Century”. Activists, artists, and researchers from all over the country gathered to foster a discussion on this pivotal 1977 event organized by American feminists at a ti..

    Deficiency in trefoil factor 1 (TFF1) increases tumorigenicity of human breast cancer cells and mammary tumor development in TFF1-knockout mice

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    Although trefoil factor 1 (TFF1; previously named pS2) is abnormally expressed in about 50% of human breast tumors, its physiopathological role in this disease has been poorly studied. Moreover, controversial data have been reported. TFF1 function in the mammary gland therefore needs to be clarified. In this study, using retroviral vectors, we performed TFF1 gain- or loss-of-function experiments in four human mammary epithelial cell lines: normal immortalized TFF1-negative MCF10A, malignant TFF1-negative MDA-MB-231 and malignant TFF1-positive MCF7 and ZR75.1. The expression of TFF1 stimulated the migration and invasion in the four cell lines. Forced TFF1 expression in MCF10A, MDA-MB-231 and MCF7 cells did not modify anchorage-dependent or -independent cell proliferation. By contrast, TFF1 knockdown in MCF7 enhanced soft-agar colony formation. This increased oncogenic potential of MCF7 cells in the absence of TFF1 was confirmed in vivo in nude mice. Moreover, chemically induced tumorigenesis in TFF1-deficient (TFF1-KO) mice led to higher tumor incidence in the mammary gland and larger tumor size compared with wild-type mice. Similarly, tumor development was increased in the TFF1-KO ovary and lung. Collectively, our results clearly show that TFF1 does not exhibit oncogenic properties, but rather reduces tumor development. This beneficial function of TFF1 is in agreement with many clinical studies reporting a better outcome for patients with TFF1-positive breast primary tumors

    The sociocultural discourse and the militant practices of conservative women in the United States. The example of Phyllis Schlafly and Eagle Forum

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    Cette thĂšse examine le discours socioculturel et les pratiques militantes des femmes conservatrices aux États-Unis, Ă travers le cas de l’organisation Eagle Forum crĂ©Ă©e par Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016). Cette militante conservatrice puiseĂ  la fois dans son expĂ©rience militante personnelle, notamment au sein du Parti rĂ©publicain, et dans des cadresidĂ©ologiques normatifs vĂ©hiculĂ©s par le mouvement conservateur pour mobiliser ses semblables. Son parcours personnel,entre conformitĂ© et vocation politique, est abordĂ© tout au long de cette Ă©tude en lien avec la montĂ©e du conservatismesur la pĂ©riode considĂ©rĂ©e, mais Ă©galement avec la contestation sociale, Ă  partir des annĂ©es 1960. Dans un contexte d’épanouissement des mouvements sociaux, et en particulier du fĂ©minisme, qui prĂ©conise la libĂ©ration des femmes vis-Ă -vis des carcans patriarcaux et de dĂ©finitions genrĂ©es Ă©troites, les conservatrices ont recours Ă  l’action collective, qu’elles estiment nĂ©cessaire pour dĂ©fendre la famille traditionnelle rĂ©gie par la division stricte des rĂŽles par sexe. L’homme y est en charge de la survie Ă©conomique du foyer tandis que la femme s’occupe des soins aux enfants et du foyer. En 1972, les conservatrices s’opposent Ă  la proposition d’un amendement pour l’égalitĂ© des droits, l’Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), qui vise Ă  inscrire l’égalitĂ© des sexes dans la Constitution. Phyllis Schlafly fonde alors STOP ERA (1972), puis Eagle Forum (1975) afin de porter le message conservateur et fournir un support militant pour les conservatrices, souvent caractĂ©risĂ©es par leur statut de femmes au foyer. La responsable d’Eagle Forum se fait le hĂ©raut d’un discours antifĂ©ministe acerbe qui rejette la vision fĂ©ministe de lafemme et de la famille et prĂŽne le maintien des normes socioculturelles traditionnelles qu’elle juge bĂ©nĂ©fiques pour lesfemmes. Au moyen de cadres de l’action collective et d’une manipulation des Ă©motions opportuns, elle diffuse largementses idĂ©es, notamment dans sa newsletter The Phyllis Schlafly Report. Dans le but d’assurer la soliditĂ© de son organisation et de l’inscrire dans la longĂ©vitĂ©, Schlafly dĂ©veloppe des pratiques culturelles visant la cohĂ©sion, impliquant notamment l’utilisation des Ă©motions et l’entretien de la mĂ©moire, et elle se pose en leader et figure conservatrice incontournables.This thesis focuses on the sociocultural discourse as well as the militant activities championed by conservativewomen in the United States, through the specific example of Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016) and her organization EagleForum. This conservative activist mobilized her peers by drawing from her personal experiences, especially in theRepublican Party, and from ideological principles crafted by the conservative movement. Her personal trajectory,between conformity to social norms and involvement in the political arena, is discussed in parallel with the rise ofconservatism and in the context of the 1960s-70s social protest. In the face of thriving social movements, and more particularly feminism, which advocated women’s liberation, conservative women also resorted to collective action in order to protect what they saw as the traditional family construct, characterized by a strict division of work by sex. In their vision, the man is meant to be the sole breadwinner, ensuring the economic viability of the home, while the woman is a homemaker, taking care of home and children. In 1972, conservative women opposed the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which aimed to secure equality between the sexesin the U.S. Constitution. Phyllis Schlafly founded STOP ERA that same year, and Eagle Forum in 1975, in order tospread the conservative message and provide conservative women, often homemakers, with an organization into whichthey could channel their activism. Phyllis Schlafly crafted a strongly antifeminist discourse that opposed the feminists’ intention to liberate women and reform the family, and she advocated for traditional sociocultural norms that she considered beneficial to women. Thanks to appropriate collective action frames, coupled with her ability to manipulate emotions, she was able to spread her ideas throughout the country, especially with the use of her newsletter The Phyllis Schlafly Report.In order to strengthen her organization and insure her legacy, Schlafly also devised collective practices such as emotionalsupport and the construction of memory, thus developing a unique militant culture. She also established herself as anabsolute leader, solely at the forefront of the conservative women’s movement

    La militante conservatrice Phyllis Schlafly et le candidat Donald Trump : convergence ou croisée des chemins ?

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    En 2016, la militante conservatrice Phyllis Schlafly choisit d’appuyer la candidature de Donald Trump Ă  la prĂ©sidence des États-Unis. Ce geste politique, jugĂ© surprenant par les fidĂšles de son organisation Eagle Forum, soulĂšve de nombreuses questions quant l’authenticitĂ© de leur alliance et Ă  la trajectoire de la droite amĂ©ricaine. Tous deux longtemps en marge du domaine politique, ils ont recours aux mĂȘmes outils de mobilisation, Ă  savoir la rhĂ©torique populiste, les Ă©motions et la rĂ©putation personnelle. Toutefois, Donald Trump s’insĂšre difficilement dans la tradition conservatrice « pro‑famille » dont Phyllis Schlafly est la figure de proue – ce qui ne l’empĂȘche nullement de s’approprier son hĂ©ritage. Le soutien de Schlafly au candidat transgressif des primaires est donc Ă  envisager comme l’aboutissement d’un combat menĂ© par les frondeurs du Parti rĂ©publicain en faveur de causes contestataires et comme un effort de prĂ©servation de l’unitĂ© partisane et de la mobilisation des femmes conservatrices.In 2016, the conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly chooses to support Donald Trump in his run for the presidency. This political gesture, viewed as quite surprising for the adherents of her organization Eagle Forum, raises questions regarding the authenticity of their alliance and the trajectory of the American Right. Having both evolved on the margin of the political sphere, they use similar tools in order to mobilize people, namely a populist rhetoric, emotions and personal reputation. However, Donald Trump can hardly be associated with the conservative “pro‑family” tradition embodied by Phyllis Schlafly – which does not prevent him from appropriating her legacy. Schlafly’s support to the transgressive candidate of the primaries is then to be comprehended as the outcome of a struggle led by the mavericks of the Republican Party in favor of dissenting causes, as well as an effort to preserve partisan unity and the mobilization of conservative women.En 2016, la militante conservadora Phyllis Schlafly decide apoyar la candidatura de Donald Trump para la presidencia de Estados Unidos. Este gesto polĂ­tico, que sorprende a los seguidores de su organizaciĂłn Eagle Forum, plantea numerosas preguntas en cuanto a la autenticidad de su alianza y a la trayectoria de la derecha americana. Tras haber estado ambos al margen del marco polĂ­tico, recurren a las mismas herramientas de movilizaciĂłn, o sea la retĂłrica populista, las emociones y la fama propia. Sin embargo, Donald Trump se inserta difĂ­cilmente en la tradiciĂłn conservadora “pro-familia” de la que Phyllis Schlafly es una figura de proa –lo que no le impide en absoluto apropiarse de la herencia. El apoyo de Phyllis Schlafly al candidato transgresivo de las primarias debe enfocarse como el alcance de un combate llevado a cabo por los descontentos dentro del mismo Partido republicano a favor de las causas contestatarias y como un esfuerzo por preservar la unidad partidista y la movilizaciĂłn de las mujeres

    “Stop Taking Our Privileges”: Phyllis Schlafly’s Narrative of Traditional Womanhood and the Fight for Socioeconomic Hegemony in the 1970s–1980s

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    In 1972, when the U.S. feminist movement was proposing to implement gender equality through the Equal Rights Amendment, conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly launched a countermovement in order to revalue a woman’s place in the home. Arguing in favor a sexual division of labor, she defended the traditional vision of the family. According to Schlafly, marriage and motherhood provide women with advantages which they didn’t want to give up in exchange for equality. With the intention of defending their socioeconomic and cultural power, conservative women engaged in a political battle for their rights as housewives

    La militante conservatrice Phyllis Schlafly et le candidat Donald Trump : convergence ou croisée des chemins ?

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    In 2016, the conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly chooses to support Donald Trump in his run for the presidency. This political gesture, viewed as quite surprising for the adherents of her organization Eagle Forum, raises questions regarding the authenticity of their alliance and the trajectory of the American Right. Having both evolved on the margin of the political sphere, they use similar tools in order to mobilize people, namely a populist rhetoric, emotions and personal reputation. However, Donald Trump can hardly be associated with the conservative “pro‑family” tradition embodied by Phyllis Schlafly – which does not prevent him from appropriating her legacy. Schlafly’s support to the transgressive candidate of the primaries is then to be comprehended as the outcome of a struggle led by the mavericks of the Republican Party in favor of dissenting causes, as well as an effort to preserve partisan unity and the mobilization of conservative women
