324 research outputs found

    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adults

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    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most frequent neoplastic disease in children, being a rare disease in adults. Many of the advances in pediatric ALL have been through modifications in the doses and schedules of available agents as opposed to the introduction of new compounds. In recent years some improvements in the outcome of ALL in adults have occurred. Application of pediatric regimens to young and middle-aged adults shows promise to improve outcome. Advances in the supportive care of patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT), the use of alternative sources of hematopoietic stem cells and the use of reduced-intensity conditioning regimens will expand the number of patients who can benefit from this therapeutic modality. The evaluation of minimal residual disease will further stratify risk classification and redefine the role of therapeutic modalities such as SCT or biologic agents. New drugs such as thyrosin kinase inhibitors or monoclonal antibodies have led to incremental improvements in outcome. Advances in the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of the disease provide hope that targeted therapies can more effectively treat the disease with less toxicity

    Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Adolescents and Young Adults

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    Lexical encapsulation and evaluation in parliamentary debate.

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    Lexical encapsulation consists of a series of abstract unspecific nouns (fact, plan...) referring to predicative antecedents. This study is based on a corpus of parliamentary debate in English, Catalan and Spanish (PD) and deals with encapsulation as a complex lexical cohesion device which allows the addressor to evaluate the information of the debates in various ways. Our work tries to highlight the role of lexical encapsulation to reflect the addressor's positioning with respect to the topic discussed, and to establish whether there are outstanding cross-linguistic differences. In order to delimit the diverse evaluative strategies, an approach from the perspective of prototype theory is adopted, since there are fuzzy boundaries among the different evaluative operations observed. Firstly, the distinction between implicit and explicit evaluation is established. As for explicit evaluation, two different operations are described: objectivizing and subjectivizing encapsulation. The objectivizing one works as a subtle strategy of persuasion addressed mostly to the opponents, whereas the subjectivizing encapsulating structures point to rally the unconditional allies. The results show similar trends in the three languages due to the homogenizing potential of PD as a distinct genre of political discourse

    Epsomite as flame retardant treatment for wood: Preliminary study

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    The effect of epsomite as flame retardant for wood has been investigated and compared with a commercial boron salt. Both flame retardants have been introduced into wood samples by vacuum impregnation. Epsomite is a hydrated sulphate salt with a water solubility of 731 g L-1 at room temperature. Thanks to this high solubility it was possible to obtain elevated epsomite loadings in comparison with the borax salt. Flame retardancy was evaluated by means of the limiting oxygen index, the dripping test and the exposition to a direct flame (Bunsen test). The results showed that the addition of epsomite increases the limiting oxygen index, delays the time to ignition and the evolution of the temperatures trough the wood. © 2016 Elsevier LtdPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Estructures encapsuladores amb valor metadiscursiu en el debat parlamentari

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    L?encapsulació per mitjà de noms abstractes i inespecífics (com ara conclusió, tema, realitat o problema) permet reïficar fragments discursius complexos de naturalesa predicativa i conceptualitzar-los semànticament. Així, els encapsuladors o shell nouns (Schmid 2000) constitueixen una classe funcional privilegiada per a delimitar l?estructura organitzativa de gèneres formals i mostren la vinculació entre encapsulació i metadiscurs. A partir d?un corpus de debat parlamentari en català, espanyol i anglès, i del marc teòric sobre el metadiscurs proporcionat per Hyland (2004) i Hyland & Tse (2005), aquest treball analitza la funció metadiscursiva de certes estructures amb encapsulador que reflecteixen com l?emissor organitza el discurs i interactua amb el potencial receptor. L?anàlisi d?aquestes estructures, amb graus de fixació diversos, permet establir cinc classes més o menys homogènies en les tres llengües: organitzadors textuals, adjunts oracionals, connectors lèxics (Cuenca 1998), locucions modals i dos patrons copulatius. Les classes es descriuen funcionalment, formalment i discursivament, mostrant com es vinculen al vessant textual o interpersonal del metadiscurs i sense obviar els límits difusos entre ambdues funcions

    Experimental study of the compression behavior of mask image projection based on stereolithography manufactured parts

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    The article presents the results of a series of compression tests on samples manufactured by means of the mask image projection based on stereolithography additive manufacturing technique (MIP-SL). Recent studies demonstrate the orthotropic nature of the MIP-SL materials. A research is initiated by the authors to attempt to predict the degree of anisotropy from the manufacturing parameters of the MIP-SL parts. The article focuses mainly on the development of the experimental compression tests of the first stage of the research. Special attention is paid to the four methods used to obtain the stress-strain curve of the material: strain gages, 2D Digital Image Correlation, extensometer measurements and crosshead displacement measurements. The article shows the advantages and limitations of each method. Finally, the anisotropic behaviour is verified and a testing procedure is set to obtain the constitutive parameters of the MIP-SL tested materialsPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Els mecanismes de referència en la interfície gramàtica-discurs. Cohesió, coherència i cognició

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    La cohesió referencial integra una sèrie de mecanismes gramaticals lèxics de tipus fòric que estableixen lligams de caràcter sintàctic i semàntic entre les entitats discursives. Mitjançant la referència, els significats textuals s?entreteixeixen, de manera que es creen una sèrie de xarxes correferencials i de sentit a través de les quals s?encadenen els mots per contribuir a la cohesió textual.  Com a fenomen que inclou la pronominalització, l?el·lipsi o anàfora zero, la dixi textual (que es concreta bàsicament en l?ús no exofòric de demostratius) i una varietat de mecanismes de cohesió lèxica (relacions de repetició, reiteració i associació), la cohesió referencial se situa en la interfície entre el nivell gramatical i el pragmaticodiscursiu. D?una banda, explicita relacions sintacticosemàntiques de tipus estructural i jeràrquic entre els constituents oracionals; d?altra banda, palesa el grau d?activació de les entitats discursives en la memòria dels interlocutors i constitueix una evidència de l?organització discursiva, que permet interpretar la progressió temàtica i la coherència. Així doncs, la diversitat de mecanismes de referència es vincula amb la cohesió textual, en el nivell microestructural; esdevé una empremta, palesa i palpable, de les relacions de coherència, en el nivell de la macroestructura, i permet resseguir els processos cognitius en què interactuen els interlocutors per tal de fer efectiva la comunicació ?l?objectiu definitori del discurs? en el nivell contextual i pragmàtic

    High-porosity alkali-activated binders based on glass and aluminium recycling industry waste

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    The potential as alkali-activated precursors of ceramic-stone-porcelain (CSP) and PAVAL, two residues derived from the optical separation of glass cullet and salt slag from secondary aluminium recycling, has been assessed. Alkali-activated CSP and PAVAL binders’ formulations were prepared using NaOH 4 M and 6 M as alkaline activator solutions. The effect of the Na2O/Al2O3 ratio and alkaline activator concentration was evaluated from a chemical, physical, mechanical, and environmental perspective. The results revealed the formation of secondary reaction products attributed to the formation of (C,N)-A-S-H gels. It also showed the influence of decreasing Na2O/Al2O3 ratio in the obtained binders, increasing porosity and affecting the mechanical performance. Besides, it was demonstrated that PAVAL acts as a precursor and pore-generator. Finally, the environmental characterisation showed a significant leaching concentration of heavy metal(loid)s such as As, Cr, Mo, Sb, and Se, which decreases with longer curing periods.This work is partially supported by the Grants PID2021-125810OB-C21 and TED2021-129718B-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033 , by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, and by the “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”, and the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) with the Grant 2021 SGR 00708. The authors would like to thank Daniel Rosas, S.A. for supplying the CSP, and Befesa Company for supplying the PAVAL. Mr Jofre Mañosa is grateful to the Government of Catalonia for its research Grant (FI-DGR 2020). Dr Teresa López-Montero is supported by the Spanish grant Juan de la Cierva Formación referenced as FJC-2018-035747-I.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Analysing the potential use of a low-grade magnesium carbonate by-product as a filler in hot asphalt mixtures

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in International Journal of Pavement Engineering on 2022, available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com10.1080/10298436.2022.2083618.Climate change and natural resources depletion are leading society towards a more environmentally sustainable approach. In areas such as construction or civil engineering, waste and by-products valorisation could help in the fight against climate change, reducing the consumption of raw materials. Thus, the use of residues or by-products in asphalt mixtures manufacturing as road pavement layers has great potential due to their characteristics and the large number of natural resources required. Thus, this research aims to characterise a flotation sterile (Low-Grade Magnesium Carbonate, LG-MC) generated in the beneficiation process of natural magnesite and analyse its potential use as filler in asphalt mixtures manufacturing. The characterisation of physical, chemical, and microscopic properties of LG-MC was carried out and then its potential use as filler for asphalt mixtures was evaluated using the UCL (Universal de Caracterización de Ligantes) method. The optimum filler/bitumen ratio for the LG-MC was 1.49, higher than that of calcium carbonate, which was 1.33. Results show a protective effect of LG-MC as filler against ageing, both in the short and long-term, reducing losses due to abrasion.This work was supported under Grant FJC-2018-035747-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; by the Magnesitas Navarras S.A. under Grant FGB 311127; and Government of Catalonia under Grant FI-DGR 2020.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i InfraestructuraPostprint (author's final draft