9,648 research outputs found

    Desempenho de laranjeiras em Capitão Poço, PA.

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    O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento de 13 variedades de laranjeiras (Citrus sinensis (L.) osbeck) nas condições edafoclimáticas de Capitão Poço, PA, a fim de selecionar aquelas superiores para caracteres de interesse agronômico e econômico. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em solo tipo Latossolo Amarelo distrófico, clima tipo Ami da classificação de Köppen, sendo avaliadas as variedades de laranjeiras, PêraD6; Sunstar; Pinneaple; Parson Brown; Westin; Gardner; BaianinhaIAC79; Valênciacnpmf27; Natalcnpmf112; Salustiana; Rubi; Midsweet; e Seleta. Os dados foram coletados em plantas com 4 anos de idade, sendo estes: produção de frutos por planta e por safra; peso do fruto e do suco; espessura da casca e diâmetros transversal; e longitudinal do fruto. Do suco, determinaram-se a acidez total titulável, sólidos solúveis totais, pH e relação sólidos solúveis totais/acidez total titulável. Detectaram-se diferenças significativas (p<0,05) para produção de frutos e espessura de casca, e altamente significativas (p<0,01) para peso do fruto e do suco e diâmetros transversal e longitudinal. Os resultados demonstraram que as cultivares se adaptaram bem às condições edafoclimáticas da região produtora de Capitão Poço, e que é possível produzir, na região, frutos que possam ser destinados a indústrias processadoras de suco concentrado e congelado, e que as laranjeiras Westin, BaianinhaICA 79, Pinneaple e Rubi poderão compor os sistemas de produção, cujo destino seja produzir frutos para o mercado de consumo "in natura".bitstream/item/37708/1/ORIENTAL-BPD57.pdfVersão eletrônica. 1ª impressão: 2009

    Limit theorem for a time-dependent coined quantum walk on the line

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    We study time-dependent discrete-time quantum walks on the one-dimensional lattice. We compute the limit distribution of a two-period quantum walk defined by two orthogonal matrices. For the symmetric case, the distribution is determined by one of two matrices. Moreover, limit theorems for two special cases are presented

    Inducing energy gaps in graphene monolayer and bilayer

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    In this paper we propose a mechanism for the induction of energy gaps in the spectrum of graphene and its bilayer, when both these materials are covered with water and ammonia molecules. The energy gaps obtained are within the range 20-30 meV, values compatible to those found in experimental studies of graphene bilayer. We further show that the binding energies are large enough for the adsorption of the molecules to be maintained even at room temperature

    Complexity-Entropy Causality Plane as a Complexity Measure for Two-dimensional Patterns

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    Complexity measures are essential to understand complex systems and there are numerous definitions to analyze one-dimensional data. However, extensions of these approaches to two or higher-dimensional data, such as images, are much less common. Here, we reduce this gap by applying the ideas of the permutation entropy combined with a relative entropic index. We build up a numerical procedure that can be easily implemented to evaluate the complexity of two or higher-dimensional patterns. We work out this method in different scenarios where numerical experiments and empirical data were taken into account. Specifically, we have applied the method to i) fractal landscapes generated numerically where we compare our measures with the Hurst exponent; ii) liquid crystal textures where nematic-isotropic-nematic phase transitions were properly identified; iii) 12 characteristic textures of liquid crystals where the different values show that the method can distinguish different phases; iv) and Ising surfaces where our method identified the critical temperature and also proved to be stable.Comment: Accepted for publication in PLoS On

    Should We Continue to Measure Endometrial Thickness in Modern-Day Medicine? The Effect on Live Birth Rates and Birth Weight

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    The evaluation of endometrial thickness (EMT) is still part of standard cycle monitoring during IVF, despite the lack of robust evidence of any value of this measurement to predict little revalidation in contemporary medical practice; other tools, however, such as endocrine profile monitoring, have become increasingly popular. The aim of this study was to reassess whether EMT affects the outcome of a fresh embryo transfer in modern-day medicine, using a retrospective, single-centre cohort of 3350 IVF cycles (2827 women) carried out between 2010 and 2014. In the multivariate regression analysis, EMT was non-linearly associated with live birth, with live birth rates being the lowest with an EMT less than 7.0 mm (21.6%; P < 0.001) and then between 7.0 mm and 9.0 mm (30.2%; P = 0.008). An EMT less than 7.0 mm was also associated with a decrease in neonatal birthweight z-scores (-0.40; 95% CI -0.69 to -0.12). In conclusion, these results reaffirm the use of EMT as a potential prognostic tool for live birth rates and neonatal birthweight in contemporary IVF, namely when considered together with other ovarian stimulation monitoring methods, such as the late-follicular endocrine profile.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Molecular estimates of similarity in Eucalyptus globulus

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    The base populations used in most forest tree genetic improvement programs usually lack detailed pedigree information. Molecular markers, such as microsatellites (SSR), can be used to estimate individuals’ pairwise relatedness, which is based on the probabilities’ ratios of the identity in state between the individuals compared and the reference unrelated population These estimates can be very useful to infer the level of relationship among sub-populations of elite material and/or for the design of controlled crosses between putatively unrelated parents. Using 113 putatively unrelated individuals - genotyped with 18 SSR - self, full-sib, half-sib and unrelated were simulated, and four pairwise similarity coefficients were tested: Queller & Goodnight 1989; Li et al. 1993; Ritland 1996, and Lynch & Ritland 1999. The Lynch & Ritland (1999) coefficient was selected (Figure 1), for it displayed a better adjustment with the expected level of relatedness and narrower standard errors (SE). SE were calculated through Monte- Carlo techniques, to avoid unequal sample size bias, by using 105 simulations for each relatedness group. To illustrate the usefulness of molecular estimates of similarity in genetic improvement programs, a clustering (UPGMA) based on the pairwise Lynch & Ritland (1999) coefficient (LR) values was performed to infer about the putative relationship among individuals of the subgroups of E. globulus elite individuals. From that analysis at least two pairs might be related and a PCA analysis confirmed the clustering results
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