231 research outputs found

    Primeiro registro da mosca minadora Lyriomiza trifolii (Diptera: Agromizydae) atacando cafeeiros no Brasil

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    Liriomyza trifolii has become a serious pest for numerous crops. This is the first report of L. trifolii attacking coffee plants. Thus, the objective of this study is to record the occurence of this insect in Municipality of Alto Paranaíba, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Coffee leaves with mines of L. trifolii were reported in five states (MG, SP, ES, BA and PE). The population peaks occur after a period of low rainfall 11.5 mm/month and 7.11 mm/month. This pest has not been reported.Liriomyza trifolii tornou-se uma séria praga em várias culturas. Este é o primeiro relato de L. trifolii, em plantas de café. Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, relatar a ocorrência de L. trifolii no Alto Paranaíba-Minas Gerais, onde ainda não havia sido registrada. Reportaram-se folhas de café com lesões de L. trifolii, em cinco estados (MG, SP, ES, BA e PE). Os picos populacionais ocorrem depois de um período de poucas chuvas 5,11 mm/mês e 7,11 mm/mês. Essa praga não havia sido registrada

    Cinética de secagem de café natural beneficiado com alto teor de água

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    The present study proposes a new processing and drying method and evaluates the behavior of grains subjected to this process through the water reduction rate and the adjustment of different mathematical models. Mature beans were divided into three batches. The first batch was continuously dried at 40±1 °C. The second batch consisted of natural coffee dried to moisture contents of 0.56±0.02, 0.41±0.02, 0,28±0.02 and 0.20±0.02 decimal (dry basis, d.b.), followed by processing and continuous drying at 35±1 ºC and 40±1 ºC. For all parcels, the drying process was ended when the coffee beans reached the moisture content level of 0.12±0.05 (d.b.). The third batch corresponded to the continuous drying of hulled and demucilated coffee at 40±1 °C. The experimental data were adjusted to ten mathematical models used to represent the drying of agricultural products. The grain water reduction rate was also evaluated. We concluded that the water reduction rate was highest for the drying temperature of 40±1 °C, especially at higher moisture contents. The total drying time for processed coffee with high moisture content was significantly reduced compared with the total drying time of natural coffee. The Midilli model satisfactorily describes the drying kinetics of processed coffee.Objetivou-se, com o presente trabalho, propor um novo método de processamento e secagem, assim como avaliar o comportamento dos grãos submetidos a este processo, por meio da taxa de redução de água e do ajuste de diferentes modelos matemáticos aos dados experimentais da secagem. Os frutos colhidos no estágio maduro foram divididos em três lotes. O primeiro foi seco continuamente à temperatura de 40±1 °C. O segundo consiste na secagem do café natural até os teores de água de 0,56±0,02, 0,41±0,02, 0,28±0,02 e 0,20±0,02 decimal (base seca, b.s.), seguido de beneficiamento e secagem contínua nas temperaturas de 35±1 ºC e 40±1 ºC. O terceiro lote correspondeu à secagem contínua do café descascado e desmucilado na temperatura de 40±1 °C. Em todos os lotes, a secagem foi encerrada quando os grãos atingiram o teor de água de 0,12±0,05 (b.s.). Aos dados experimentais da secagem foram ajustados dez modelos matemáticos utilizados para representação da secagem dos produtos agrícolas. Além da representação da cinética de secagem foi avaliada a taxa de redução de água dos grãos. Conclui-se que a taxa de redução de água é maior para a temperatura de secagem de 40±1 °C, especialmente para maiores teores de água. O tempo total de secagem do café beneficiado com alto teor de água é expressivamente reduzido, quando comparado ao tempo de secagem completa do café natural. O modelo de Midilli descreve satisfatoriamente a cinética de secagem do café beneficiado

    Effect of photoperiodicity in the pregnancy rate of isogenic rats (F344)

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    O uso de animais isogênicos apresenta grandes vantagens experimentais, como uniformidade fenotípica e genotípica (reduzindo o número de animais em experimentos) e histocompatibilidade, permitindo, assim, o acúmulo de informações e a repetibilidade dos experimentos. A linhagem isogênica de Rattus norvegicus Fischer 344 existe há 90 anos, entretanto pouco se sabe sobre as razões de seu baixo índice reprodutivo. O presente estudo demonstrou que ratos Fischer F344 são fotorresponsivos quanto à reprodução, tendo seus índices de prenhezes acrescidos com o aumento do fotoperíodo. Os melhores índices são obtidos quando os machos são submetidos a 14 horas de luz e fêmeas a 16 horas de luz, indicando dimorfismo sexual na fotorresponsividade.The use of isogenic animals presents great experimental advantages, as phenotypic and genotypic uniformity (reducing the number of experimental animals) and histocompatibility, thus allowing, the accumulation of information, and the repeatability of the experiments. The isogenic strain of Rattus norvegicus Fischer 344 has existed for 90 years, however the reasons of its low reproductive index are not knew. The present study has demonstrated that Fischer F344 rats are photoresponsive regarding reproduction, having improved its pregnancy index with the increase of the photoperiod. The best indexes were achieved when the males had been submitted to 14 hours of light and females to 16 hours of light, indicating sexual dimorphism in photoresponsivity


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    The final quality of coffees depends on the preservation of the cell membranes of the coffee beans, which can be damaged during the drying. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the immediate and latent effects of the air temperature and drying rate on the sensorial quality of natural coffees, as well as its relationship with the chemical e physiological characteristics of the coffee beans. Mature fruits of arabica coffee were harvested and sundried to moisture content of approximately 35% (wb) and then moved into a mechanical drier under different conditions of drying. This process involved the combination of three dry bulb temperatures – DBT (35°C, 40°C, and 45°C) and two dew point temperatures – DPT (2.6°C and 16.2°C). Thus, the relative humidity of the air used for drying was a dependent variable of DTB and DPT, and as consequences, different drying rates were achieved for each DBT. The increase in the drying rate for the temperatures 35°C and 40°C has a negative effect on the final quality of natural coffee beans. However, for the temperature of 45°C, the effects of the drying rate on the coffee beans are overlaid by the thermal damages that are caused at this level of heating. Higher sensory scores for coffee are linked to lower values of electrical conductivity and potassium leaching of the exudate of the coffee beans, as well as lower values of fatty acids. It is emphasized that while the temperature of 35º C is recommended for the production of specialty coffees the temperature of 45º C is not

    A migração para Rondônia (Brasil) pós década de setenta: um olhar a partir dos estudos culturais

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    Resumo: A construção do conhecimento neste trabalho está consubstanciada no norte teórico-metodológico dos Estudos Culturais, que evidencia o estudo da cultura como reflexão das experiências socialmente construídas e compartilhadas em um grupo social. Pelo viés das questões políticas, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi compreender como posicionamentos e discursos sobre a Amazônia, em diferentes temporalidades, estão ligados a interesses de grupos civis e políticos, suscitando ações concretas no campo do social que acabaram por influenciar, direta ou indiretamente, o campo cultural em muitos momentos. Essas discussões estão presentes neste trabalho na busca de compreender como experiências culturais de migrantes centro-sulistas pós década de setenta construíram em Rondônia um discurso ufanista de pioneirismo, em sua memória social, contrário à compreensão e à experiência dos atores sociais de uma Amazônia múltipla, vivenciada de forma distinta em sua espacialidade. Paralelo a esse elemento, discutem-se as causas sociológicas da migração para Amazônia/Rondônia, evidenciando que estão ligadas à manutenção da configuração fundiária no Brasil pós 1964. Palavras-Chave: Migração. Rondônia. Culturalidades. Estudos Culturais&nbsp

    Macroscopic Anatomy, Histopathology, and Image Diagnosis of Joints and Synovial Cartilages

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    Joints are physiological connections formed by the association of two or more bones that confer mobility to the skeleton of vertebrates. Composed of several structures, these are often related to pathologies of varied origins, which determine symptomatology of varying degrees of intensity and impairment, responsible for the decrease in life expectancy and the well-being of affected populations. Most of the time, the treatment for these diseases is only symptomatic, aiming at the relief of pain and the return of the patient to daily activities. Thus, there has been an increasing interest in the search for new knowledge about the mechanisms that lead to joint disorders and effective therapeutic resources that may contribute to the fight against pain and to the definitive treatment of joint dysfunctions. To this aim, the knowledge of diagnostic methods, especially imaging methods, is of fundamental importance for the recognition of articular affections, enabling a targeted and effective treatment. Among these auxiliary exams currently used to evaluate the joints, the noninvasive ones are the first choice, where radiography, ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography, and arthroscopy are inserted

    Resistencia de cultivares de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris) a Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).

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    Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) es una plaga que provoca daños en los cultivos de fríjol al reducir el área foliar y destruir las estructuras reproductivas. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar los tipos y niveles de resistencia de cultivares de frijol a S. frugiperda. Los cultivares evaluados fueron: BRS Ametista, Pérola, BRS Notável, BRS Realce, Jalo Precoce, BRS Campeiro, BRS Agreste, BRS Cometa, BRS Executivo y BRS Pitanga, en el Laboratorio de Entomología Agrícola del Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus de Urataí, Brasil. Antixenosis, a libre y no libre escogencia y antibiosis se evaluaron en laboratorio (25 ± 2 °C, 70 ± 10 % HR y fotoperiodo 14 h). Los cultivares BRS Pitanga, BRS Executivo, BRS Notável y BRS Campeiro presentaron antixenosis y BRS Realce antibiosis a S. frugiperda. Sin embargo, no se sabe si los niveles de resistencia, exhibidos en el laboratorio, son suficientemente altos que representen un valor económico de campo para los agricultores. Por lo tanto, el próximo paso es evaluar, en condiciones de campo, los cultivares que mostraron mayor resistencia en las pruebas de laboratorio. Si las evaluaciones de campo indican niveles de resistencia suficientes, para tener un valor práctico, estos cultivares pueden utilizarse como fuentes en el programa de mejoramiento o ser utilizados directamente por los agricultores

    Cachaça Classification Using Chemical Features and Computer Vision

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    Cacha¸ca is a type of distilled drink from sugarcane with great economic importance. Its classification includes three types: aged, premium and extra premium. These three classifications are related to the aging time of the drink in wooden casks. Besides the aging time, it is important to know what the wood used in the barrel storage in order the properties of each drink are properly informed consumer. This paper shows a method for automatic recognition of the type of wood and the aging time using information from a computer vision system and chemical information. Two algorithms for pattern recognition are used: artificial neural networks and k-NN (k-Nearest Neighbor). In the case study, 144 cacha¸ca samples were used. The results showed 97% accuracy for the problem of the aging time classification and 100% for the problem of woods classification.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    This study was conducted to investigate the potential of organic acids and bioactive compounds present in rawbeans to differentiate the sensory quality of coffee from different genotypes and processing methods. During the 2010, 2011 and 2012 crop seasons, beverage quality was analyzed, as well as the profile of organic acids and bioactive compounds caffeine, trigonelline and chlorogenic acids (3,4 and 5-CQA) in raw coffee beans from genotypes Bourbon Amarelo and Acaiá. The samples were collected in commercial fields with altitudes ranging from 932 to 1391 m, in the municipality of Carmo de Minas, MG, Brazil. Two processing methods were adopted: dry process (natural) and wet process (mechanically pulped and demucilaged coffee). All harvest and post-harvest procedures were carried out according to the main technologies for the production of specialty coffees. The sensory analysis was performed using the methodology proposed by the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA). Chemical analyses were performed by High performance liquid chromatography. Data were investigated using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The variations in the contents of organic acids and bioactive compounds were due to the coffee processing method. For genotypes Bourbon Amarelo and Acaiá, the differences in the organic acid profile, associated with caffeine, trigonelline and chlorogenic acids (3,4 and 5-CQA), were essential to differentiate the quality of mechanically pulped and demucilaged coffee. No significant differences were observed in the sensory quality of natural coffee due to the analysis of organic acids and bioactive compounds.This study was conducted to investigate the potential of organic acids and bioactive compounds present in rawbeans to differentiate the sensory quality of coffee from different genotypes and processing methods. During the 2010, 2011 and 2012 crop seasons, beverage quality was analyzed, as well as the profile of organic acids and bioactive compounds caffeine, trigonelline and chlorogenic acids (3,4 and 5-CQA) in raw coffee beans from genotypes Bourbon Amarelo and Acaiá. The samples were collected in commercial fields with altitudes ranging from 932 to 1391 m, in the municipality of Carmo de Minas, MG, Brazil. Two processing methods were adopted: dry process (natural) and wet process (mechanically pulped and demucilaged coffee). All harvest and post-harvest procedures were carried out according to the main technologies for the production of specialty coffees. The sensory analysis was performed using the methodology proposed by the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA). Chemical analyses were performed by High performance liquid chromatography. Data were investigated using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The variations in the contents of organic acids and bioactive compounds were due to the coffee processing method. For genotypes Bourbon Amarelo and Acaiá, the differences in the organic acid profile, associated with caffeine, trigonelline and chlorogenic acids (3,4 and 5-CQA), were essential to differentiate the quality of mechanically pulped and demucilaged coffee. No significant differences were observed in the sensory quality of natural coffee due to the analysis of organic acids and bioactive compounds