1,805 research outputs found

    Motivação dos recursos humanos em bibliotecas universitárias

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    It refers to motivation in the organizational environment, describing briefly the most well-known motivational theories, giving emphasis to the Theory of Needs by Maslow and the Theory of the Hygienic and Motivational factors by Herberg, since these theories discuss motivation at work. It describes the steps to motivate human resources in college libraries: effective communication, how to solve problems, recognition of the team’s importance and efficiency, to delegate responsibilities and stimulate initiatives. It presents the method proposed by Nicholson to motivate apathetic or intransigent people


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    This article focuses on the discourse on the "family" used in the Brazilian presidential elections of 2018. The study is classified as a qualitative research, of applied nature, exploratory objective and documentary procedure, using a primary source. To collect the analysis material, all videos of Jair Bolsonaro were collected in the period of 2017, at the end of the second round of the presidential elections of 2018.  O presente artigo tem como foco o discurso sobre a “família” utilizado nas eleições presidenciais brasileiras de 2018. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de natureza aplicada, de objetivo exploratório e procedimento documental, com utilização de fonte primária. Para coleta do material de análise, foram levantados todos os vídeos de Jair Bolsonaro no período de 2017 ao final do segundo turno das eleições presidenciais de 2018

    Embarazo en la adolescencia: la construcción del proceso de Salud de la Resiliencia

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    Trata-se de um estudo etnográfico que tem como objetivo compreender a vivência das adolescentes durante a gestação e no processo de nascimento do seu filho. O método utilizado para a coleta de dados foram entrevistas semiestruturadas e observação participante. Na coleta de dados foram realizadas notas de campo. As entrevistas foram transcritas, transcriadas na forma de narrativas, identificando os tons vitais. A construção das narrativas derivou na organização das categorias empíricas a partir da leitura cuidadosa dos dados, o que resultou na elaboração de três temas. O processo saúde-resiliência ficou caracterizado a partir do entrelaçamento dos temas revelados, ou seja, o suporte social oferecido à adolescente consegue favorecer as mudanças necessárias para o pleno desenvolvimento pessoal da gestante, a qual se torna mãe adolescente responsável, cuidadosa, livre para tomar decisões e consciente de seu papel na sociedade.This is an ethnographic study that aims to understand the experience of adolescents during pregnancy and birth process of their child. The method used for data collection was semi-structured interviews and participant observation. In data collection there were field notes. The interviews were transcribed, transcreated in a narrative way, identifying the critical vital tones. The construction of narratives derived from the organization of the categories from the perusal of the data, which resulted in the development of three themes. The process of health-resilience was characterized from the interweaving of the themes developed, and the social support offered to adolescents encourage the changes necessary to the full personal development of the pregnant woman, who becomes a teenage mother responsible, careful, free to take decisions and aware of their role in society.Se trata de un estudio etnográfico que tiene como objetivo comprender la experiencia de los adolescentes durante el embarazo y alumbramiento de su hijo. El método utilizado para la recolección de datos fue la entrevista seme-estructurada y observación participante. En la coleta de datos fueron realizadas notas de campo. Las entrevistas fueron transcritas, recreadas en forma de narraciones, identificando los tonos críticos. La construcción de narrativas ha derivado de la organización de las categorías de la lectura de los datos, lo que resultó en el desarrollo de tres temas. La capacidad de recuperación de la salud se caracterizó desde el cruce de los temas desarrollados, es decir, el apoyo social que ofrece a los adolescentes pueden fomentar los cambios necesarios para el pleno desarrollo personal de la mujer embarazada, que se convierte en una madre adolescente responsable y cuidadosa, libre para tomar decisiones y consciente de su papel en sociedad

    O papel da mulher na agricultura familiar: dois estudos de caso

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    This articles discusses aspects of female labour in the strategies developed by farming families from Minas so as to ensure both access to and permanence in farmlands. Case studies have been carried out in two communities- one of which being an old constitution, Boa Vista, in Itaguara, MG, the other being a newly consituted unit, Assentamento Dom Orione, in Betim, MG- where it was possible to observe the importance of women’s role with their struggle and labor in the composition of family strategies. The Boa Vista community has been experiencing changes in the families’ production dynamics due to the decline in income from farming activities, causing handcraft work to gain greater and greater economic importance. Such activity involves all family members, but it is the women who outstand for coordinating the related activities and for being, themselves, the artisans, the connoisseurs of the office. The new importance of handcraft work done in loomshas redefined gender relations in and out of the family nucleus. However, that does not bring deeper changes in cultural patterns. In spite of modifying men and women, they not only keep, but also reaffirm gender relations, female subordination included. As for the life history of the families from Assentamento Dom Orione brings to light aspects of alterations in women’s bahaviour patterns and roles. Of rural origin, these families have undergone intense migratory processes, motivated by the search for land and work. Women stood for labour force of communitary organization and played a fundamental role in children raising and family care. It is important to mention that the community in question is located in the metropolitan boundaries of Belo Horizonte, and the families are devoted mainly to farming activities, the non-farming activities performed by them not being the chief ones. Thus, female farm work becomes auxiliary and subordinated to men’s. Besides, women’s participation in the gestion of the community is of secondary importance, occupying positions of smaller political strength. The farming environment in this rural space which lies next to the urban space strongly controls the role played by women.family farming, female labour, rural woman.,

    Effect of catalyst on the producer gas composition from co-gasification of glycerol/fat mixtures

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    In this work, steam reforming of crude glycerol and animal fat mixtures was studied. The tests were carried out at temperatures of 700 °C and 750 °C in a fixed bed reactor using activated alumina or dolomite particles, to evaluate the catalytic capacity of these minerals in the removal of tar from the producer gas. The gas produced was quantified and analyzed by gas chromatography, and it was concluded that its composition is greatly influenced by the bed material used. The results obtained showed that dolomite is more effective in reducing the tar content, evidencing its ability to catalyze the tar reform reactions and promoting the water-gas shift reaction. Consequently, using dolomite as a catalyst, a producer gas with 47–48 vol% in H and 27–30 vol% in CO2 was obtained, while using a bed of alumina particles, a gas with a high CO content (45–48 vol%) and lower H content (34–37 vol%) was produced.This work was supported by Portugal 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-024067) and by Multi-year financing of FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal (grant UIDB/04730/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A categoria risco e a globalização no debate sociológico contemporâneo

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    Abstract This article intends to address the contributions of Ulrich Beck and Anthony Giddens through the conceptual development of risk society and reflexive modernization. Beck’s views are based on the analysis of the social production of risk through the reflexivity of social modernization processes in advanced capitalism. Giddens discusses risks and dangers as effects of the industrial production, which are unpredictable in advanced modernity, while science allied to technique generates more technology and knowledge for the control of risk and security of social life. For Giddens and Beck, reflexive modernization means the agents’ reflexivity on the effects of the social processes affecting them. Consequently, in the age of uncertainty reflexivity interlaces rupture and continuity of traditional societal life forms. In order to advance the debate on globalization and risk, it is also considered the arguments of authors such as Altvater, Bauman, Sennett, Habermas and Boaventura de Sousa Santos, who deal with the consequences of globalization in contemporary capitalism, deregulation and economic politics, environmental degradation, scarcity of natural resources, pollution, the risk to human life, the danger of using technology and political instability. Authors with different positions on the same theme contribute for the understanding of postmodern thought regarding the prospect of changing the vulnerability of social life under risk into a move to reinvent democracy. Key words: Globalization; Environment; Public Policy. Classificação JEL: F6, F 64, Z18 Artigo recebido em maio 2012 e aceito para publicação em out. 2012.ENDEREÇO PARA ENVIO DE PUBLICAÇÃO: Maria Thereza Rosa Ribeiro Rua Gal. Argolo, 365, apto. 302 Pelotas - RS CEP 96.015-160 Telefones: (53) 3227-4698 (53) 9116-1869Resumo Neste artigo, pretende-se abordar os aportes de Ulrich Beck e Anthony Giddens através do desenvolvimento conceitual da sociedade de risco e da modernização reflexiva. Beck parte da tese da análise da produção social do risco através da reflexividade dos processos de modernização no capitalismo avançado. Giddens trata dos riscos e perigos como efeitos da produção industrial, os quais, na modernidade avançada, são imprevisíveis, e a ciência, aliada à técnica, gera mais tecnologia e conhecimento para o controle do risco e da segurança da vida social. A modernização reflexiva significa, para Giddens e Beck, a reflexividade dos agentes sobre os efeitos de processos sociais que os acometem. Por conseguinte, a reflexividade, na era da incerteza, entrelaça ruptura e continuidade das formas de vida societárias tradicionais. A fim de avançar no debate da globalização e do risco, são trazidos, também, os argumentos dos autores Altvater, Bauman, Sennett, Habermas e Boaventura de Sousa Santos, os quais tratam das consequências do processo de globalização no capitalismo contemporâneo, as desregulamentações econômica e política, a degradação do meio ambiente, a escassez de recursos naturais, a poluição, o risco à vida humana, o perigo do uso de tecnologia e a instabilidade política. Autores com posições distintas sobre a mesma temática auxiliam a compreensão do pensamento pós-moderno no que tange à perspectiva de conversão da vulnerabidade da vida social sob situação de risco, em um movimento de reinvenção da democracia. Palavras-chave: globalização; meio ambiente; políticas públicas