5,076 research outputs found

    Games on Cellular Spaces: How Mobility Affects Equilibrium

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    In this work we propose a new model for spatial games. We present a definition of mobility in terms of the satisfaction an agent has with its spatial location. Agents compete for space through a non-cooperative game by using mixed strategies. We are particularly interested in studyig the relation between Nash equilibrium and the winner strategy of a given model with mobility, and how the mobility can affect the results. The experiments show that mobility is an important variable concerning spatial games. When we change parameters that affect mobility, it may lead to the success of strategies away from Nash equilibrium.Spatial Games, Agent-Based Modelling, Mobility, Satisfaction, Chicken Game, Nash Equilibrium

    Alternative methods to synthetic chemical control of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. A systematic review

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    ABSTRACT: Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. is one of the worst agricultural weeds and invasive species in the world, being widely established in many countries. Despite its impact on agriculture and the growing awareness of authorities and consumers about the consequences of synthetic herbicides, alternative control methods for this weed have been poorly reviewed. A systematic review of the literature published over the last 50 years was used to assess the most studied control methods of C. dactylon (excluding synthetic herbicides) and to summarize the trends and knowledge gaps. The major fndings are as follows: (1) the number of publications that studied alternative methods to synthetic chemical control in C. dactylon management has been increasing exponentially since 1972; (2) most of the studies were made under controlled conditions (57%) and lack observations under real production conditions; (3) most of the feld experiments were carried out in Asia (42%), under temperate subtropical and arid climates; (4) the publication of articles studying allelopathy stands out signifcantly (50% of the papers found), with two species from the Poaceae family, rice (Oryza sativa L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), showing very high allelopathic inhibitory efects (often above 80%), especially under open feld conditions; and (5) preventive soil tillage is the most studied treatment among indirect weed control treatments, and although there is a high risk of propagation, the results indicate that tillage can signifcantly contribute to control C. dactylon, when compared to no-tillage treatments. Further research is needed to optimize treatments and methods so that they can be applied by farmers under real production conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A risk-based framework to manage single-use systems over lifecycle: Design, cleaning, operation, ongoing process verification

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    Using a formal risk management approach, SU systems (SUSs) and classical stainless steel-based systems (CSSs) are examined in detail. The risk assessment steps include: identification, analysis, mitigation and reevaluation/verification of risks over lifecycle. Adequate risk tools are used for each step. Failure modes specific of each type of system, are considered. The scientific background described in BPOG’s Guidelines on extractables (2014) and leachables (Jan.2017) for SUSs is built in, together with other authoritative sources for both types of systems. The risk quantitation, profiling and the holistic risk visualization for both technology platforms, allows companies with stainless steel only fermentation capacity and those with a mix of both technologies, to consider how to best evolve their capacity, when potential impacts on product quality and patient safety are taken into account. In addition to allowing the relative benchmarking of both technology platforms, comparisons over lifecycle of a specific platform are made possible by our approach, enabling companies to retain a complete picture of all their risk-based decisions and very detailed knowledge about their assets performance. The knowledge management component proposed is unique and supports several business processes and also decisions a company needs to justify before authorities. Our talk provides an insightful discussion of SUSs, using state-of-the-art risk-based and knowledge management tools, illustrated by examples on Design, Cleaning, Operation and Ongoing Process Verification, focusing on risks to quality and safety

    Assessing the environmental and economic performance of alternative car chassis

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    The main objective of this study is to evaluate the life cycle environmental and economic performance of a car multimedia chassis containing metallic parts, and compare it with new, totally plastic, chassis designs. The Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing methodologies were applied. All systems boundaries consider material and parts production, and the use and End of Life (EoL) phases of the chassis. The results showed that the former system has a higher environmental impact, the material production being the main contributor followed by the use phase, and Fossil depletion the most burdensome impact category. All total plastic scenarios enable approximately 40% weight reduction, mitigating both the Global Warming Potential and the Cumulative Energy Demand environmental impacts until the end of the use phase. However, this result is inverted including the EoL phase, as recycling the metal is more favourable than incinerating the polymer and recovering energy. All TPC scenarios present a higher cost. Although their assembly and use phases costs are lower than the corresponding BSL ones, this does not mitigate the higher material and production costs. Again, at EoL, recycling the metal is more cost favourable. The present work evidences that to make sustainable decisions environmental and economic considerations should be concurrently contemplated in product development.The present work was partially financed by the Portuguese Incentive System for Research and Technological Development, as co-promotion Project nº 36265/2013 (Project HMIExcel – 2013-2015). The authors thank the support of the Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal, S.A. company throughout the inventory phase of the study. Two of the authors (CAB, AJP) acknowledge the funding received from FCT, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, through project UID/CTM/50025/2013 and from the COMPETE 2020 Programme under project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-00768

    Electromyographic and magnetic resonance imaging evaluations of individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome

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    OBJETIVOS: Analisar a atividade elétrica (EMG) dos músculos vasto medial oblíquo (VMO), vasto lateral longo (VLL) e vasto lateral oblíquo (VLO) de indivíduos com síndrome da dor femoropatelar (SDFP) durante contração isométrica voluntária máxima (CIVM) de extensão da perna com o joelho a 30(0), a dor por meio da Escala Visual Analógica (EVA) e o posicionamento da patela por meio da ressonância magnética nuclear por imagem (RMNI). MÉTODOS: Avaliaram-se 12 mulheres com SDFP e 12 clinicamente normais, que realizaram cinco CIVM de extensão da perna no ângulo de 30(0) para análise da EMG. Avaliou-se o ângulo do sulco (AS), ângulo de congruência (AC), ângulo de inclinação patelar (AIP) e deslocamento patelar (DP) pela RMNI. Utilizaram-se testes estatísticos: ANOVA, análise de variância de medidas repetidas para EMG; o teste Mann-Whitney U para análise da RMNI; o teste de correlação de Pearson (r) entre EMG e RMNI e análise de variância one-way para avaliação da dor (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: Verificou-se maior atividade elétrica do músculo VLL em relação ao VMO no grupo com SDFP. Em ambos os grupos, os músculos VMO e VLL apresentaram maior atividade elétrica que o VLO. Para o grupo SDFP, a RMNI revelou maiores valores do AS e menores do AC, e verificou-se uma correlação negativa entre VMO e AIP. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados sugerem que maior atividade elétrica do VLL, juntamente com o aumento do AS e diminuição do AC, possam ser fatores favorecedores da instabilidade patelar nos indivíduos com SDFP.OBJECTIVES: To analyze the electrical activity of the vastus medialis obliquus (VMO), vastus lateralis longus (VLL) and vastus lateralis obliquus (VLO) muscles of individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) during maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of lower leg extension with the knee at 30°; to assess pain using a visual analogue scale (VAS); and to assess patellar positioning using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). METHODS: Twelve women with PFPS and 12 clinically normal women were evaluated. They performed five MVICs of lower leg extension at 30° for electromyographic (EMG) analysis. Using MRI, the sulcus angle (SA), congruence angle (CA), patellar tilt angle (PTA) and patellar displacement (PD) were obtained. The following statistical tests were used: analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measurements to assess EMGs; Mann-Whitney U test to analyze MRIs; Pearson's (r) correlation test between EMGs and MRIs; and one-way ANOVA to evaluate pain (p<0.05). RESULTS: In the PFPS group, there was greater electrical activity in the VLL than in the VMO. In both groups, there was greater electrical activity in the VMO and VLL than in the VLO. In the PFPS group, the MRI showed higher SA and lower CA values, and there was a negative correlation between the VMO and the PTA. CONCLUSION: The data suggest that, in individuals with PFPS, greater electrical activity in the VLL combined with an increased SA and a decreased CA may contribute to patellar instability.Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa (CNPq

    Omni-directional catadioptric vision for soccer robots

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    This paper describes the design of a multi-part mirror catadioptric vision system and its use for self-localization and detection of relevant objects in soccer robots. The mirror and associated algorithms have been used in robots participating in the middle-size league of RoboCup — The World Cup of Soccer Robots.This work was supported by grant PRAXIS XXI BM/21091/99 of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technolog

    RELATO DE EXPERIÊNCIAS: as ciências Física coletadas para atividades de popularização relacionadas à educação básica

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    A Física é a ciência que estuda as coisas naturais. É uma ciência de conteúdo vasto e sem fronteiras, que aborda todos os fenômenos da natureza. Ela também vem nos dizer que a ciência é uma construção humana, e que para tanto devemos tentar absorver o máximo que a natureza nos revela para melhor entendermos o funcionamento do mundo que nos cerca

    Detecção da doença de Alzheimer através de parâmetros não-lineares de sinais de fala

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo a detecção da doença de Alzheimer (DA) através de parâmetros não-lineares de sinais de fala. Os parâmetros são extraídos de sub-bandas dos sinais, as quais são obtidas por meio da transformada Wavelet, e algumas das suas estatísticas descritivas são utilizadas como entrada para vários classificadores. Acurácias de 100, 77,8 e 85,2% são obtidas na detecção da DA entre mulheres, homens e todos, respectivamente, utilizando classificadores de regressão logística.This work aims to detect Alzheimer’s disease (AD) through non-linear features of speech signals. The features are extracted from signal subbands, which are obtained through the wavelet transform, and some of its descriptive statistics are used as input for several classifiers. Accuracies of 100, 77.8 and 85.2% are obtained in detecting AD among women, men and all, respectively, using logistic regression classifiers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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