240 research outputs found

    ESPETÁCULO DO SABER: o teatro como estratégia didática para o ensino

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    A Física na Educação Básica está em crise, tal disciplina sofre preconceitos entre os estudantes. Os argumentos citados envolvem a complexidade matemática, abstração, e suposta falta de aplicação do conteúdo na rotina


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    De certa forma o conceito de movimento está presente desde as primeiras organizações do ser humano como sociedade, ligado diretamente a astronomia esse conceito esteve presente na necessidade que o ser humano teve quando deixou de ser nômade e passou a plantar, colher e estocar alimento

    RELATO DE EXPERIÊNCIAS: as ciências Física coletadas para atividades de popularização relacionadas à educação básica

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    A Física é a ciência que estuda as coisas naturais. É uma ciência de conteúdo vasto e sem fronteiras, que aborda todos os fenômenos da natureza. Ela também vem nos dizer que a ciência é uma construção humana, e que para tanto devemos tentar absorver o máximo que a natureza nos revela para melhor entendermos o funcionamento do mundo que nos cerca

    O Uso do Livro Didático na Visão dos Professores da Escola Secundária: considerações gerais

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    Neste trabalho consideramos, a partir do ponto de vista dos professores do segundo grau, a questão do uso dos livros didáticos em sala de aula. Levando em conta as funções do livro, bem como a linguagem subjacente, estabelecemos uma definição para o livro didático e analisamos dez questões, por nós formuladas, tecendo algumas considerações com o objetivo de solucioná-las

    Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome Transmission Risk in Brazil

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    Background: Hantavirus disease in humans is rare but frequently lethal in the Neotropics. Several abundant and widely distributed Sigmodontinae rodents are the primary hosts of Orthohantavirus and, in combination with other factors, these rodents can shape hantavirus disease. Here, we assessed the influence of host diversity, climate, social vulnerability and land use change on the risk of hantavirus disease in Brazil over 24 years. Methods: Landscape variables (native forest, forestry, sugarcane, maize and pasture), climate (temperature and precipitation), and host biodiversity (derived through niche models) were used in spatiotemporal models, using the 5570 Brazilian municipalities as units of analysis. Results: Amounts of native forest and sugarcane, combined with temperature, were the most important factors influencing the increase of disease risk. Population at risk (rural workers) and rodent host diversity also had a positive effect on disease risk. Conclusions: Land use change—especially the conversion of native areas to sugarcane fields—can have a significant impact on hantavirus disease risk, likely by promoting the interaction between the people and the infected rodents. Our results demonstrate the importance of understanding the interactions between landscape change, rodent diversity, and hantavirus disease incidence, and suggest that land use policy should consider disease risk. Meanwhile, our risk map can be used to help allocate preventive measures to avoid disease.publishedVersio

    A dysflagellar mutant of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis isolated from a cutaneous leishmaniasis patient

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Parasites of the <it>Leishmania </it>genus alternate between the flagellated extracellular promastigote stage and intracellular amastigotes. Here we report the characterization of a <it>Leishmania </it>isolate, obtained from a cutaneous leishmaniasis patient, which presents peculiar morphological features.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The parasite was cultured <it>in vitro </it>and characterized morphologically using optical and electron microscopy. Identification was performed based on monoclonal antibodies and internal ribosomal spacer typing. <it>In vitro </it>macrophage cultures, murine experimental models and sand fly infections were used to evaluate infectivity <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The isolate was identified as <it>Leishmania </it>(<it>Viannia</it>) <it>braziliensis</it>. In the atypical promastigotes grown in culture, a short flagellum surrounded or interrupted by a protuberance of disorganized material was observed. A normal axoneme was present close to the basal body but without elongation much further outside the flagellar pocket. A disorganized swelling at the precocious end of the axoneme coincided with the lack of a paraflagellar rod structure. The isolate was able to infect macrophages <it>in vitro</it>, induce lesions in BALB/c mice and infect <it>Lutzomyia longipalpis</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Notwithstanding the lack of an extracellular flagellum, this isolate infects macrophages <it>in vitro </it>and produces lesions when inoculated into mice. Moreover, it is able to colonize phlebotomine sand flies. Considering the importance attributed to the flagellum in the successful infection and survival of <it>Leishmania </it>in the insect midgut and in the invasion of macrophages, these findings may bring new light into the infectious mechanisms of <it>L</it>. (<it>V</it>.) <it>braziliensis</it>.</p

    Evaluation of qPCR-Based Assays for Leprosy Diagnosis Directly in Clinical Specimens

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    The increased reliability and efficiency of the quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) makes it a promising tool for performing large-scale screening for infectious disease among high-risk individuals. To date, no study has evaluated the specificity and sensitivity of different qPCR assays for leprosy diagnosis using a range of clinical samples that could bias molecular results such as difficult-to-diagnose cases. In this study, qPCR assays amplifying different M. leprae gene targets, sodA, 16S rRNA, RLEP and Ag 85B were compared for leprosy differential diagnosis. qPCR assays were performed on frozen skin biopsy samples from a total of 62 patients: 21 untreated multibacillary (MB), 26 untreated paucibacillary (PB) leprosy patients, as well as 10 patients suffering from other dermatological diseases and 5 healthy donors. To develop standardized protocols and to overcome the bias resulted from using chromosome count cutoffs arbitrarily defined for different assays, decision tree classifiers were used to estimate optimum cutoffs and to evaluate the assays. As a result, we found a decreasing sensitivity for Ag 85B (66.1%), 16S rRNA (62.9%), and sodA (59.7%) optimized assay classifiers, but with similar maximum specificity for leprosy diagnosis. Conversely, the RLEP assay showed to be the most sensitive (87.1%). Moreover, RLEP assay was positive for 3 samples of patients originally not diagnosed as having leprosy, but these patients developed leprosy 5–10 years after the collection of the biopsy. In addition, 4 other samples of patients clinically classified as non-leprosy presented detectable chromosome counts in their samples by the RLEP assay suggesting that those patients either had leprosy that was misdiagnosed or a subclinical state of leprosy. Overall, these results are encouraging and suggest that RLEP assay could be useful as a sensitive diagnostic test to detect M. leprae infection before major clinical manifestations