184 research outputs found

    HISAR : hydrologic Indices of South American Rivers

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    This is a preview of the HISAR dataset (Hydrologic Indices of South American Rivers). The HISAR dataset is freely available for non-commercial use. The files provided are (i) drainage line shapefile with river reaches as represented by the MGB model and 73 attributes corresponding to hydrologic indices derived from simulated time series; (ii) gauge points shapefile with 73 attributes corresponding to hydrologic indices derived from observed time series; (iii) maps with hydrologic indices, (iv) maps with information of the error of some indices and (v) the scripts used to calculate the indices. This database provides a spatial view of the variability of the river flow regime characteristics. The line shapefile has 33,749 river reaches with an average length of 15 km and drainage area > 1000 km². The ESRI shapefile also has the attributes of drainage area (Upst_Area_ in km²), length (Ltr_Km_ in km), UC (corresponding catchment attribute from hydrological modelling), HYear_min (starting month of the hydrological year of minimum flow) and HYear_max (starting month of the hydrological year of maximum flow). A value of -9999999 is used as a symbol of ‘no data’. Some river reaches do not have all hydrologic indices calculated, due to series of streamflows that could not meet specific criteria. For instance, the baseflow recession constant was automatically calculated using at least five consecutive days of decreasing streamflow, all of which below the Q90 (streamflow value that is exceeded 90% of the time), and this condition was not found in all cases. The gauge points shapefile has 1329 points with 73 attributes corresponding to hydrologic indices derived from observed time series. The drainage area of the gauges ranging from 1,000 to 4,703,503 km2. The ESRI shapefile also has the attributes of code, name, latitude (lat), longitude (long), drainage area (Upst_Area_ in km²), Country were the gauge point are located, HYear_min (starting month of the hydrological year of minimum flow) and HYear_max (starting month of the hydrological year of maximum flow). A value of -9999999 is used as a symbol of ‘no data’. For more information about HISAR dataset see the journal article DOI: in preparation

    Fibras alimentares: combinações de alimentos para atingir meta de consumo de fibra solúvel/dia.

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    A fibra alimentar vem despertando muito interesse de especialistas da área de saúde. Dietas ricas em fibras solúveis geram efeitos benéficos à saúde, pois tem grande importância no metabolismo da glicose e de lipídeos. Seus efeitos estão relacionados à sua capacidade de retardar a passagem do alimento pelo intestino e de formar um gel viscoso. A fibra dietética pode ser dividida em solúvel e insolúvel. As fontes de fibra solúvel são: aveia, leguminosas (o feijão é o mais comum no Brasil), maçãs, frutas cítricas, cenoura, morangos, goma guar e cevada. O presente estudo tem como objetivo reunir dados sobre o teor de fibras solúveis de alguns alimentos e propor combinações desses alimentos para atingir a recomendação diária de consumo de fibras solúveis, pois este tipo de fibra ao chegar ao intestino, irá interferir na absorção de diversos nutrientes, como a glicose e o colesterol. A quantidade de fibra alimentar recomendada pela American Diabetess Association (ADA), é de 20 a 35g por dia, sendo ¼ do total de fibra solúvel. No entanto, a fibra também pode diminuir a disponibilidade de minerais, quando consumida em excesso. Com esse trabalho evidenciou-se que a fibra solúvel é essencial para a prevenção e tratamento de doenças crônico-degenerativas como o diabetes e dislipidemias, além de regularizar a função intestinal e que utilizando alimentos que fazem parte da alimentação dos brasileiros pode-se facilmente atingir a ingestão diária recomendada de fibra solúvel. Palavras chave: diabetes; dislipidemia; combinação alimentar; fibra alimentar; alimentos. Abstract Dietary fiber has attracted much interest from specialists in the field of health. Diets rich in soluble fiber generate health benefits, it has great importance in the metabolism of glucose and lipids. “Their effects are related to its ability to delay the passage of food through the intestine and form a viscous gel. Dietary fiber can be divided into soluble and insoluble. Sources of soluble fiber are oats, legumes (beans is the most common in Brazil), apples, citrus fruits, carrots, strawberries, guar gum and barley. This study aims to gather data on the content of soluble fiber from certain foods and to propose combinations of these foods to achieve the recommended daily intake of soluble fiber, as this type of fiber to reach the intestine, will interfere with the absorption of various nutrients such as glucose and cholesterol. The amount of dietary fiber recommended by the American Diabetess Association (ADA), is 20 to 35g per day, and ¼ of the total soluble fiber. However, the fiber can also reduce the availability of minerals, when consumed in excess. With this work showed that the soluble fiber is essential for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as diabetes and dyslipidemia, and regulate bowel function and using foods that are part of the diet of Brazilians can easily reach the recommended daily intake of soluble fiber. Keywords: diabetes, dyslipidemia, combination food, dietary fiber, food

    Subjective versus objective, polymer bur-based selective carious tissue removal: 1-year interim analysis of a randomized clinical trial

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    We aimed to compare subjective (S) vs. objective (O) selective carious tissue removal using hand-excavation versus a self-limiting polymer bur, respectively. A community-based single-blind cluster-randomized controlled superiority trial was performed. This is a 1-year-interim analysis. 115 children (age 7–8 years) with ≥1 vital primary molar with a deep dentin lesion (>1/2 dentin depth) were included (60 S/55 O). The cluster was the child, with eligible molars being treated identically (91 S/86 O). Cavities were prepared and carious tissue on pulpo-proximal walls selectively removed using hand instruments (S), or a self-limiting polymer bur (Polybur P1, Komet). Cavities were restored using glass-hybrid material (Equia Forte, GC). Treatment times and children’s satisfaction were recorded. Generalized-linear models (GLM) and multi-level Cox-regression analysis were applied. Initial treatment times were not significantly different between protocols (mean; 95%CI S: 433; 404–462 sec; O: 412; 382-441 sec; p = 0.378/GLM). There was no significant difference in patients’ satisfaction (p = 0.164). No pulpal exposures occurred. 113 children were re-examined. Failures occurred in 22/84 O-molars (26.2%) and 26/90 S-molars (28.9%). Pulpal complications occurred in 5(6%) O and 2(2.2%) S molars, respectively. Risk of failure was not significantly associated with the removal protocol, age, sex, dental arch or tooth type (p > 0.05/Cox), but was nearly 5-times higher in multi-surface than single-surface restorations (HR: 4.60; 95% CI: 1.70-12.4). Within the limitations of this interim analysis, there was no significant difference in treatment time, satisfaction and risk of failure between O and S

    MÉDICO DESCANSA? Uma análise sociocultural do lazer e turismo de médicos em Dourados/MS

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    O presente artigo tem como temática a análise sociocultural das práticas de lazer e de turismo de um grupo de médicos da cidade de Dourados/MS. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi verificar como esses médicos utilizam seu tempo livre e quanto desse tempo é utilizado com prática de atividades de lazer e de turismo, além da autoavaliação sobre o lazer praticado pelos respondentes. A metodologia utilizada pautou-se na pesquisa bibliográfica inicial sobre o tema, confecção e aplicação do instrumento de pesquisa de campo, tendo como método o questionário e a análise qualitativa dos dados. Nesse sentido, entende-se como fundamental para o profissional do turismo, compreender o lazer dos diferentes grupos sociais com os quais irá trabalhar e, no caso desta pesquisa, pensar em atividades de lazer e de turismo que sejam adequadas à rotina dos médicos, além de despertar a consciência para a importância do lazer enquanto qualidade de vida.