247 research outputs found

    Os "maluquinhos" de Arroios... A reeducação dos mutilados da Guerra no Institutode Arroios (1916/1923)

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    As próximas linhas giram em torno do processo que conduziu à criação do Instituto de Arroios, votado à assistência e reeducação dos mutilados da Guerra, do que lá se fabricou durante o lustro em que funcionou naalçada da Cruzada das Mulheres Portuguesas (1918/1923), e do balanço e perspetivas acerca do contributo que esta iniciativa promoveu. Partindo da interpretação e análise de relatórios de atividades publicados pelo Institutode Arroios, e recorrendo a outras fontes - legislação, imprensa, correspondência, artigos científicos, fotografia, etc. -, pretendemos evidenciar os principais resultados e contributos trazidos a lume pela maior obra de assistência aos mutilados da Guerra que a República observara.The following words are about the process that led to the creation of the Institute of Arroios, devoted to support and re-educate the wounded of War, about what was produced there during the five years that functioned inthe behalf of the Cruzada das Mulheres Portuguesas (1918/1923), and about the assessment and perspectives about the aftermaths promoted by this initiative. Starting by the interpretation and analysis of activity reports published by the Institute of Arroios, and exploring other sources - legislation, press, correspondence, scientific papers, photos, etc. -, we intend to emphasize the main aftermaths and contributes brought bythe greatest assistance work to the wounded of War that the first Republic could watch

    A franquia na odontologia: As vantagens e desvantagens em relação ao negócio de marca própria

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    Este trabalho aborda as franquias de serviço de saúde de odontologia, e tem o propósito de analisar e comparar as vantagens e desvantagens neste setor, de acordo com a percepção dos profissionais que atuam em negócios com marca própria e com marca franqueada. Num mundo globalizado, as empresas concorrem em mercado aberto e defrontam-se com concorrência internacional mesmo quando têm âmbito de atuação local, necessitando tornarem-se competitivas em mercados de concorrência cada vez mais agressiva. Para isso procuram estratégias de afirmação e conquistas de novos mercados. A franquia é uma forma de entrada nos mercados que tem tido forte desenvolvimento pela rapidez e visibilidade que permite e, inclusive na saúde, em particular, na odontologia no Brasil, tem sido um modelo de negócio em crescimento. As percepções dos profissionais quanto às vantagens e desvantagens da franquia em relação à marca própria foram analisadas e os resultados indicam que não há muita divergência de opinião entre ambos. A franquia destacou-se em aspectos importantes como rapidez de retorno do capital investido e volume de negócios bem superior em relação ao negócio de marca própria. Em contrapartida, verificou-se que a burocracia e a necessidade de seguir um modelo pré-estabelecido são percebidos como desfavoráveis e podem estar associados à vontade de ter um negócio independente pelos dois grupos estudados. Concluiu-se que é necessário um tempo maior para o conhecimento deste sistema pelos profissionais, e que há por parte deles uma percepção de existir uma forte tendência ao crescimento e ao aumento de atuação neste setor.This paper focuses on dental care franchises and is meant to compare the advantages and disadvantages in this sector from the point of view of professionals who work in their own businesses as well as those whose businesses are franchises. In a globalized world, companies compete in open market where they are challenged by foreign competitors even within local scopes of operation, therefore they need to become competitive in increasingly aggressive competitive markets. Thus companies look for assertion strategies and new market shares. Franchise is a means of market access that has been evolving strongly due to its speed and visibility which it carries, and it has been a business model under consistent growth in Brazil, including in the health industry, particularly in dentistry. The professionals’ opinions on franchise advantages and disadvantages in business terms were analyzed, and the results show that there was not much difference between the two groups’ opinions. The franchise stood out in important aspects, such as speed of return of investment employed and turnover, having the latter been superior to that of their own businesses. On the other hand, it was realized that the bureaucratic routine implied and the need to follow a pre-established model were deemed unfavorable, and might be construed as the desire of both groups to have businesses of their own. It was concluded that a longer period of time is required to allow the professionals to become more deeply acquainted with the system of franchise, and that they are aware of the system strong growth trend and increased activity in this sector

    A bibliometric study on culture research in international business

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    National cultures and cultural differences provide a crucial component of the international business (IB) research context. We conducted a bibliometric study of articles published in seven leading IB journals over a period of three decades to analyze how national culture has been impacting IB research. Co-citation mappings permit us to identify the ties binding works dealing with culture and cultural issues in IB. We identify two main clusters of research, each comprising two sub-clusters, with Hofstede’s (1980) work delineating much of the conceptual and empirical approach to culture-related studies. One main cluster entails works on the conceptualization of culture and its dimensions and the other cluster focuses on cultural distance. This conceptual framework captures the extant IB research incorporating culture-related concepts and influences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Implementing flipped classroom in History: the reactions of eighth grade students in a portuguese school

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    Despite the difficulties of integrating every student, every teacher and every schoolin the digital revolution of the 21st century, there are new tendencies in educationusing digital technology that are trying to change the everyday life in schools.The Flipped Classroom is one of them. This is a blended learning model thatreverses the traditional teaching learning model, putting the student in focus,using digital technology (or not) to learn the contents for homework, usually insmall videos, and spend the class time in the application of resources, usually inmotivating activities.Following this path, this paper is the result of a case study that we performed inthe school year of 2015/2016, with about 80 students, with average ages of 13, inthe classroom of History.To complete this experience, we planned an inverted History class, pursuingthe main ideas of this methodology, using apps installed in the students personalmobile phones and asking students to develop some activities during the class andafter the end of class time.The outcome of this case study aims to be a contribution to the idea that FlippedClassroom can be an innovative strategy that reinforces the dialogues betweenHistorical Education and the use of ICT, as well as an original and well-succeededmethodology in History teaching

    Unidos por um oceano: o ensino superior no espaço ibero-americano

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