7 research outputs found


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    The aim of this research is to increase of the welfare of most people in the research area of the object, ie in Masaran Subdistrict, Sragen, Central Java, by encouraging the batik industry in that area. So far, most people living in Masaran, Sragen, work in the batik industry as labor. This research were conducted in two Small-Scale Medium Businesses (SMBs) in that Subdistrict, ie Batik Morinda and Sadewa. Those batik those companies have advantages in the production process. Both of them use natural coloring material (not the chemical stuff). Therefore their products are more natural, environmental-friendly and have high interest in the international market. The research problems are: a) The source of raw materials are difficult to be Obtained (only available in some areas are far from Sragen roomates). b)Limited production capacity due to limited production tools. c) The ability of available human resources is the minimum. d) Traditional business management. e)Limited and less inovative batik designs. In overall, the pattern used in the implementation method of this activity includes: discussion, workshop/studio work, factory operating, training and mentoring (groups/ individuals). The steps in the implementation of science and technology are: team discussion with the SMEs regarding the development of batik designs roomates have high interest in the market and unavailable in the SME, designing machines (feeder) roomates are needed for production, managerial trainings (accounting, marketing, human resources) and techinal trainings in order to increase of the ability/skill of the workers. Besides, the Efforts to develop the usage of natural coloring materials are more encouraged by assisting the SMEs in providing access to the source of raw materials and lab testings. Then, those activities are Followed by mentoring so that all activities can be conducted effectively acctivities


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    Sarung goyor Sragen is an excellent product that is grown will be given the availability of potential and existing resources and has a clear market opportunity. In developing superior products mentioned, SME centers incorporated in the local Cooperative containers. In connection with this, the development of superior products sarung Goyorbased One Village One Product (OVOP) support, both from the Government of Central Java Province, as well as the Central Government and the Higher Education scheme Hi Link. Research for the improvement of the technology applied. Technology selection methods used in the implementation of activities, namely: observation intended to observe goyorsarung woven products, manufacturing process innovation goyor woven sarung, equipment manufacture of loom machinesnew models, KalijambeSragen. Assistance on an individual basis is intended to determine the potential of individual craftsmen to be developed optimally. Training is needed in order to export and import of cooperatives and community groups can export its own without the help of wholesalers


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    This study has a purpose to test the effect of market orientation on business performance. Beside that, this research also examine about the role of competition intensity in moderating effect of market orientation consist of variable of manager pressure, formalization, centralization, and reward system to increase business performance on SMEs in Surakarta. Respondents used in this study are owner or manager of small and medium enterprises in Surakarta. Amount of respondent that used are 150 SMEs. The method to take sample in this research use the purposive sampling method, with the owner’s criteria is the citizen of Indonesia and has at least 2 staffs . The collecting data method is designed questioner. Validity and reliability test done to make sure the data quality is good. Analysis data that used is Regression Analysis and Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). The result of this study show that manager pressure variable has no effect on market orientation, and formalization, centralization, and reward system variable has effect on market orientation, and also market orientation variable has effect on business performance. For moderation effect, the result of analysis show that intensity of competition does not moderate effect of market orientation on business performance

    Pelatihan Manajemen dan Akuntansi Pada UKM Jambu Mete UD SS. Sam Di Kecamatan Ngadirojo Kabupaten Wonogiri

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    Analisa situasi terindikasi permasalahan UKM UD. SS Sam yaitu pembatasan personil yang kurang sepadan dengan kapasitas,  tata organisasi usaha lemah, pembukuan sederhana, akibatnya dimungkinkan UKM Mitra ini stagnan usahanya, tidak jelas share yang diterima, bahkan cash flow tidak terkontrol, manajer yang berangsur-angsur berumur tua akibatnya dikhawatirkan akan mengalami kebrangkutan. Diperlukan pembinaan dan pendampingan menata manajemen dan akuntansi agar UKM ini lebih sehat dari sisi bisnis, meningkat omzet pasar, terkontrol tata kelola keuangannya. Setelah dilakukan pembinaan dan pendampingan selama 6 (enam) bulan terjadi perubahan psikologis manajer terkait keyakinan perlunya penataan organisasi, akuntabilitas diantaranya pencatatan yang sistematis, teratur, terkontrol; memiliki perencanaan usaha yang jelas; sistem penggajian yang terstruktur sehingga menjamin karyawan bekerja dengan tenang dan berprestasi, pada gilirannya kapasitas usaha (perusahaan) selalu meningkat serta manajemen usaha mulai dari perencanaan usaha, tata letak bahan dan peralatan, pengaturan ruang usaha, ruang penyimpanan, hingga pemasaran. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan dalam mencapai tujuan dan memperoleh luaran maka langkah-langkah pengabdian yang dilakukan yaitu : 1. Diskusi partisipatif antara manajer, karyawan dengan tim pengabdi, 2. Pendampingan dalam mewujudkan struktur manajemen yang benar dan 3. Melatih akuntansi hingga dicapai akuntabilitas usaha

    Peningkatan Produktivitas Industri Batik di Kecamatan Laweyan Surakarta

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    3rd Economics & Business Research Festival. Proceeding Seminar &Call For Papers : Business Dynamics Toward Competitive Economic Region Of Asean (Salatiga : 2014), p. 122 - 134The purpose of the Incentive Empowerment Society is to improve productivity and introduce / promote batik industry which has been developed by batik entrepreneurs in the District Laweyan Surakarta. IPM is working with partners Batik Dewi SMEs (SME 1) and Batik Dua Putri (UKM2) located in District Laweyan.Laweyan is a batik industrial center with business owners called the merchant/saudagar. Surakarta batik industry entered the twentieth century with Laweyan batik batik producing for the market 'national' and local.While batik in the city center of batik manufacture and trade in the local markets.Laweyan batik entrepreneurs with products such as batik and batik textiles (silk screening) in the current era of globalization is proved to have good durability, amid competition with similar products from other regions and from abroad. As with SMEs in general, batik entrepreneurs in Laweyan also facing internal problems including funding, design innovation, and financial management, which includes also financial administration / accounting.Not all SMEs do with good records, wage issues, and not all SME businesses differentiate between assets with personal assets.In addition, there are problems related to the equipment, which at this point is still quite traditional, given the limited availability of capital so as to reach as grengseng equipment, sewing machines, computers for pattern, pattern table, and others still need help from related parties , in particular the Government of Surakarta. By using the method of implementation, innovation and training this program has resulted in the design / motif is more interesting / attractive market.Innovation apparel products made from batik to further develop the business, and management development training includes Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Production Management and Financial Management Simplified could have been executed better.Then all these activities followed by assistance in the implementation proces

    Strategi Peningkatan Produktivitas Industri Kreatif Handycraft Upaya Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Berbasis Masyarakat

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    Research and development aims to examine and develop models of training and teaching materials (modules) that are required in the effort of improving the performance of their businesses. Training needs analysis conducted with the concept entrepreneurship small business, namely the implementation of management functions in the production, marketing, finance, management organizations and entrepreneurial spirit of qualified small business. Training needs to develop a spirit of entrepreneurship is 80% with the need include: leadership, self-motivation to become a man of learning and results orientation in the business. Training needs for production handycraft activities is 100% with the need include the administrative aspects of the production, quality control and production of knowledge about workplace safety and health. Potential training needs to develop a financial management business amounted to 83% with aspect needs include financial plan preparation, practical healthy separation of personal paternity and business bookkeeping and practical for small business. Potential training needs for marketing is 73%. Themodul are been developed in this research are entrepreneurship, handycraft bag from batik, and accounting.Keywords: entrepreneurship, management organization, marketing, production, and finance (accounting

    Strategi Peningkatan Produktivitas Industri Kreatif Handycraft Upaya Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Berbasis Masyarakat

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    Research and development aims to examine and develop models of training and teaching materials (modules) that are required in the effort of improving the performance of their businesses. Training needs analysis conducted with the concept entrepreneurship small business, namely the implementation of management functions in the production, marketing, finance, management organizations and entrepreneurial spirit of qualified small business. Training needs to develop a spirit of entrepreneurship is 80% with the need include: leadership, self-motivation to become a man of learning and results orientation in the business. Training needs for production handycraft activities is 100% with the need include the administrative aspects of the production, quality control and production of knowledge about workplace safety and health. Potential training needs to develop a financial management business amounted to 83% with aspect needs include financial plan preparation, practical healthy separation of personal paternity and business bookkeeping and practical for small business. Potential training needs for marketing is 73%. Themodul are been developed in this research are entrepreneurship, handycraft bag from batik, and accounting.Keywords: entrepreneurship, management organization, marketing, production, and finance (accounting