5 research outputs found

    The Role Of Papuan Women Trader In Increasing Family Income In Traditional Market Of West Papua Province

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    The aim of the research is to determine the role of Papuan women in raising family income in the traditional market. This research was conducted in traditional markets in West Papua Province with 100 Papuan women as the object of the research. The data was collected using a depth interview and direct observation in some social economic activities at the sites. Afterward, the data were analyzed using qualitative methods with case study approach outlined thematically. The result of the research has shown that the role of Papuan women as traders is extremely crucial in raising the level of family income. Their involvement in economic activities in an informal sector (trading) is largely motivated by family economic necessities, wanting to help their husband, paying children’s tuition, a limited and inconsistent employment and income of their husband, the number of dependents in the family, and a limited level of education and skill.   Keywords: role, trader, Papua and Incom

    Coupling Efficiency of a Spot Size Converter for Optical Fiber-Chip Connections

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    The light propagation in optical waveguide must be able to maintain low propagation loss, low coupling loss and scattering loss condition, especially in the junction. In this research, a spot size converter is proposed to preserve the lowest coupling loss. This optical converter is composed of a single mode optical fiber (SiO2) including inversed taper. The optical input signal from the optical fiber is launched into photonic integrated circuits and then coupled into the Si-Slab waveguide. Furthermore, linear form with the length dependence has been studied to obtain the optimal position of optical fiber and the chip and analyzed the coupling efficiency of it. The purpose of this research is to procure the optimal form of spot size converter. The simulation result shows the coupling loss of linear form is 0.62 dB and 0.24 dB on TE and TM mode condition respectively. Along with the increase in the taper length, the coupling loss obtained tends to decrease as well. So that, it can be assumed the design of a linear form with 100 μm taper length provides the highest coupling efficie ncy

    Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Sensor for Measurement of Glucose and Ethanol Concentrations

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    Abstract. Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) has been extensively applied as a sensor because of its high sensitivity, accurate selectivity, label-free and real-time biomolecular interactions. In this work, simulation and experiment have been studied on the concentration measurement of ethanol and glucose solutions by SPR sensors. The sensor design used a Kretschmann configuration consisting of Glass/Cr/Au and was simulated by using Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method. The ethanol and glucose solutions with varied concentrations were injected into the SPR channel, and the resonance angle was monitored. For the glucose concentration measurement, the resonance angle increases (from 71.607° to 74.434°) as the glucose concentration increases (from 0% to 15%) with a sensitivity of about 111.71/RIU. These experimental results agree with the simulation result, which showed a good linear response for the glucose concentration. However, for the ethanol measurement, an increase in resonance angle to the ethanol concentration is not linear in the higher concentration, which is related to the change in the refractive index. However, the excellent correlation between the experiment and simulation results shows that the SPR sensor has good sensitivity and accuracy

    Optimasi desain sensor SPR berbasis fiber optik menggunakan metode Beda Hingga Domain Waktu (FDTD) untuk mengukur konsentrasi glukosa dalam urine

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    INDONESIA: Pekerjaan ini membahas optimasi desain sensor SPR berbasis fiber optik sebagai pengukur konsentrasi glukosa dalam urine melalui simulasi finite-difference time-domain (FDTD). Ada beberapa parameter fisik probe sensor yang dioptimasi dan diinvestigasi pengaruhnya terhadap performa sinyal sensor, antara lain, material dan ketebalan lapisan plasmonik, panjang zona sensing, refraktif indeks dan diameter core, dan desain probenya. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa setiap material plasmonik Cu, Ag, dan Au memiliki performa sensor yang berbeda. Selain itu, semakin tebal lapisan plasmonik semakin dangkal dip resonansi yang muncul, ini terjadi di semua material tersebut. Material yang paling optimal adalah Ag dengan ketebalan 60 nm, di mana sensitivitas maksimum yang didapat adalah S = 2498.9 nm/RIU. Kemudian, panjang zona sensing mempengaruhi kedalaman dip resonansi. Semakin panjang zona sensing, semakin dalam dip yang dimunculkan, di mana untuk panjang zona sensing 100, 200, dan 300 μm, nilai T_min yang dihasilkan yaitu 0.7696, 0.5323, dan 0.3651, masing-masing. Selanjutnya, dua nilai refraktif indeks core yang merepresentasikan material silika dan PMMA dibandingkan dan dioptimasi diameter corenya. Hasil menunjukkan semakin lebar diameter core, semakin dangkal dip yang dihasilkan. Kemudian, silika menunjukkan performa yang lebih baik daripada PMMA di semua diameter yang diinvestigasi. Di sini, silika dengan refraktif indeks 1.46 dan diameter core 6 μm adalah yang paling optimal di antara lainnya. Terakhir, dua desain probe (forward dan backward scattering) dibandingkan, hasil menunjukkan backward scattering lebih sensitif daripada forward scattering dengan nilai S = 2732.70 nm/RIU, sedangkan untuk forward scattering adalah S = 2498.9 nm/RIU. Selain itu, nilai T_min backward lebih rendah daripada forward scattering (dip lebih dangkal), yaitu 0.544 dan 0.827, masing-masing. ENGLISH: This study discusses the optimization of fiber-optic-based SPR sensors for measuring glucose concentration in urine through finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations. Several physical parameters of the sensor probe are optimized and investigated for their influence on sensor signal performance, including the material and thickness of the plasmonic layer, sensing zone length, refractive index, core diameter, and probe design. The results indicate that each plasmonic material, Cu, Ag, and Au, exhibits different sensor performance. Additionally, as the plasmonic layer becomes thicker, the resonant dip becomes shallower, which holds true for Cu, Ag, and Au. The most optimal material is Ag with a thickness of 60 nm, yielding a maximum sensitivity of S = 2498.9 nm/RIU. Furthermore, the length of the sensing zone affects the depth of the resonant dip. A longer sensing zone results in a deeper dip. For sensing zone lengths of 100, 200, and 300 μm, the corresponding T_min values are 0.7696, 0.5323, and 0.3651, respectively. Next, two refractive index values representing silica and PMMA materials are compared, and the core diameter is optimized. The results show that as the core diameter increases, the resulting dip becomes shallower. Moreover, silica outperforms PMMA in all investigated diameters. Among the options, silica with a refractive index of 1.46 and a core diameter of 6 μm is the most optimal. Lastly, two probe designs, forward and backward scattering, are compared. The results indicate that backward scattering is more sensitive than forward scattering, with a sensitivity value of S = 2732.70 nm/RIU, while forward scattering yields S = 2498.9 nm/RIU. Furthermore, the T_min value for backward scattering is lower than that of forward scattering, indicating a shallower dip, with values of 0.544 and 0.827, respectively. ARABIC: هذا العمل يتناول تحسين تصميم جهاز استشعار SPR على أساس ألياف البصرية كجهاز قياس تركيز الجلوكوز في البول من خلال محاكاة finite-difference time-domain (FDTD). هناك عدة معاملات فيزيائية لجهاز الاستشعار التي تتم تحسينها ودراسة تأثيرها على أداء إشارة الاستشعار، بما في ذلك المواد وسماكة الطبقة البلازمونية، وطول المنطقة المستشعرة، ومؤشر الانكسار وقطر النواة، وتصميم شكل المحول. أظهرت النتائج أن كل مادة بلازمونية (النحاس والفضة والذهب) لديها أداء مختلف للجهاز الاستشعار. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كلما زادت سماكة الطبقة البلازمونية، زاد انخفاض الانتقالية الدنيا (عند الرنين) التي يتم توليدها، ويحدث ذلك في جميع المواد المذكورة. المادة الأكثر تحسينًا هي الفضة بسماكة 60 نانومتر، حيث يتم الحصول على أقصى حساسية مقدارها S = 2498.9 نانومتر/RIU. ثم، يؤثر طول منطقة الاستشعار على قيمة الانتقالية الدنيا (عند الرنين). كلما زاد طول منطقة الاستشعار، زادت الانتقالية الدنيا (عند الرنين) التي تم توليدها، حيث بالنسبة لأطوال مناطق الاستشعار 100 و 200 و 300 ميكرومتر، فإن قيم الانتقالية الدنيا (عند الرنين) التي تم توليدها هي على التوالي 0.7696 و 0.5323 و 0.3651. علاوة على ذلك، تمت مقارنة وتحسين قطر نواة مادتي السيليكا و PMMA بواسطة قيمتي مؤشر الانكسار الأساسي. أظهرت النتائج أنه كلما زاد قطر النواة، زادت الانتقالية الدنيا (عند الرنين) التي تم توليدها. وعلاوة على ذلك، أظهرت السيليكا أداءًا أفضل من PMMA في جميع الأقطار التي تمت دراستها. هنا، يعتبر السيليكا بمؤشر انكسار 1.46 وقطر نواة 6 ميكرومتر الأكثر تحسينًا بين القيم الأخرى. في النهاية، تمت مقارنة تصميمين لشكل المحول (وضع إلى الأمام ووضع إلى الخلف)، وأظهرت النتائج أن وضع إلى الخلف أكثر حساسية من وضع إلى الأمام بقيمة S = 2732.70 نانومتر/RIU، بينما كانت قيمة وضع إلى الأمام هي S = 2498.9 نانومتر/RIU. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كانت الانتقالية الدنيا (عند الرنين) في وضع الخلف أقل من وضع الأمام، وهي 0.544 و 0.827 على التوالي

    Pengaruh Kualitas Sistem, Layanan, dan Informasi Terhadap Pengguna Google Classroom Model DeLone and McLean

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    Social distancing implemented due to COVID-19 in many countries, as well as Indonesia has caused all community activities to be limited and replaced with online activities. This is also applied to the world of education which has switched to distance learning systems, such as Google Classroom. This study aims to analyze the satisfaction of Google Classroom users, which is an alternative substitute system for teaching and learning activities in universities during the COVID-19 pandemic using the DeLone and McLean information system model. Research shows that this model can be used to analyze Google Classroom satisfaction and there is an influence between the elements of success, from the quality of information is 0.851, and the P-values are 0.082, system quality has a positive effect of 0.758, , service quality has a positive effect of 0.849 and the P-values are less than 0.001 so it can be concluded that service quality, system quality, and information quality have a positive and significant effect on user satisfaction