21 research outputs found

    Limits on diffuse fluxes of high energy extraterrestrial neutrinos with the AMANDA-B10 detector

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    Data from the AMANDA-B10 detector taken during the austral winter of 1997 have been searched for a diffuse flux of high energy extraterrestrial muon-neutrinos, as predicted from, e.g., the sum of all active galaxies in the universe. This search yielded no excess events above those expected from the background atmospheric neutrinos, leading to upper limits on the extraterrestrial neutrino flux. For an assumed E^-2 spectrum, a 90% classical confidence level upper limit has been placed at a level E^2 Phi(E) = 8.4 x 10^-7 GeV cm^-2 s^-1 sr^-1 (for a predominant neutrino energy range 6-1000 TeV) which is the most restrictive bound placed by any neutrino detector. When specific predicted spectral forms are considered, it is found that some are excluded.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    DASC-PM v1.0 : ein Vorgehensmodell für Data-Science-Projekte

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    Das Thema Data Science hat in den letzten Jahren in vielen Organisationen stark an Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen. Häufig herrscht jedoch weiterhin große Unklarheit darüber, wie diese Disziplin von anderen abzugrenzen ist, welche Besonderheiten der Ablauf eines Data-Science-Projekts besitzt und welche Kompetenzen vorhanden sein müssen, um ein solches Projekt durchzuführen. In der Hoffnung, einen kleinen Beitrag zur Beseitigung dieser Unklarheiten leisten zu können, haben wir von April 2019 bis Februar 2020 in einer offenen und virtuellen Arbeitsgruppe mit Vertretern aus Theorie und Praxis das vorliegende Dokument erarbeitet, in dem ein Vorgehensmodell für Data-Science-Projekte beschrieben wird – das Data Science Process Model (DASC-PM). Ziel war es dabei nicht, neue Herangehensweisen zu entwickeln, sondern viel-mehr, vorhandenes Wissen zusammenzutragen und in geeigneter Form zu strukturieren. Die Ausarbeitung ist als Zusammenführung der Erfahrung sämtlicher Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer dieser Arbeitsgruppe zu verstehen

    Full system test and early preliminary acceptance Europe results for CRIRES+

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    CRIRES+ is the new high-resolution NIR echelle spectrograph intended to be operated at the platform B of VLT Unit telescope UT3. It will cover from Y to M bands (0.95-5.3um) with a spectral resolution of R = 50000 or R=100000. The main scientific goals are the search of super-Earths in the habitable zone of low-mass stars, the characterisation of transiting planets atmosphere and the study of the origin and evolution of stellar magnetic fields. Based on the heritage of the old adaptive optics (AO) assisted VLT instrument CRIRES, the new spectrograph will present improved optical layout, a new detector system and a new calibration unit providing optimal performances in terms of simultaneous wavelength coverage and radial velocity accuracy (a few m/s). The total observing efficiency will be enhanced by a factor of 10 with respect to CRIRES. An innovative spectro-polarimetry mode will be also offered and a new metrology system will ensure very high system stability and repeatability. Fiinally, the CRIRES+ project will also provide the community with a new data reduction software (DRS) package. CRIRES+ is currently at the initial phase of its Preliminary Acceptance in Europe (PAE) and it will be commissioned early in 2019 at VLT. This work outlines the main results obtained during the initial phase of the full system test at ESO HQ Garching

    Предварительное исследование применения системы спектрального регулирования для ТВС реактора ВВЭР-1000

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    Повышение топливных характеристик ядерных реакторов за счет применения концепции управления спектральным сдвигом (SSC) вместо традиционных методов, основанных на поглощении, является многообещающим подходом к снижению стоимости топливного цикла и увеличению использования топливных ресурсов (U, Pu). В данной работе было проведено исследование применения химического метода SSC для модели топливной сборки ВВЭР-1000 с низкообогащенным ураном, в которой контроль реактивности осуществляется путем изменения доли D2O относительно легководного замедлителя (D2O/H2O), и сравнение с поглощающими материалами, в которых содержится 600 ppm H3BO3 и 4,0 мас.% Gd2O3

    Perioperative blood transfusion: the role of allogenous and autologous transfusions, and pharmacological agents.

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    The decision to transfuse patients perioperatively is made on an individual basis and should consider factors such as duration and severity of anaemia, symptoms, physiological parameters and comorbidities. Autologous blood transfusion has the benefit of avoiding some of the immunological and infective complications associated with allogenic blood transfusion. Pharmacological agents as well as anaesthetic and surgical techniques have a role in avoiding the need for blood transfusion

    Results from the AMANDA neutrino telescope

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    We review recent results from AMANDA on the search for cosmic point sources of neutrinos, both in the diffuse and point-like channels. Assuming a E-2 spectral shape of the neutrino energy at the source, we derive limits on the diffuse \u3bd\u3bc flux as well as in the all-flavour diffuse flux from the cascade search. We report limits on selected point sources as well as on GRB searches. We present results on primary cosmic CR composition in the range 3c100 TeV-PeV obtained with the help of the SPASE air shower array run in coincidence with AMANDA. \ua9 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved