11 research outputs found

    Environmental migration and sustainable development of regions and countries

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    Our paper focuses on studying the development and implementation of a comprehensive environmental safety assessment and mitigation strategy for countries of origin and destination of environmental migration. Environmental migration represents one of the key threats to the security of regions and countries and is linked to their sustainable development (or lack thereof). Moreover, it is also connected to many important social, economic as well as demographic outcomes. Global warming caused by human activities is already having a major impact on the planet and is likely to render parts of the world uninhabitable, leading to migration, displacement, and planned resettlement. The goal of the paper is also to assess the impact of future migration due to the global warming and climate change. The results of the paper demonstrate that climate impacts can trigger migration and change population distribution within the next few decades. It is also clear that migration caused by the environmental factors (such as droughts, floods, higher temperature sand more extreme weather events) would inevitably lead to the geopolitical changes with long-range impacts and effects

    Renewable energy technologies on the path towards decentralized low-carbon energy systems

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    Renewable energy technologies (RET) that emerged as a result of the shift towards the renewable energy sources (RES) which aims at setting the path towards decentralized low-carbon energy systems intended for tackling global warming are becoming key elements of the smart grids of the future. Our paper applies the economic, social and technological model of the renewable energy platforms to the energy markets of the 21st century. The paper analyses the growing importance of the individual players (prosumers) on the energy market, especially when it comes to the renewable energy generation and trading. It shows that modern advanced information and communication technologies enabled the energy prosumers to trade their energy and information in two-way flows. All of these might be important for the transition towards sustainable economy and green technology

    Environmental migration and sustainable development of regions and countries

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    Our paper focuses on studying the development and implementation of a comprehensive environmental safety assessment and mitigation strategy for countries of origin and destination of environmental migration. Environmental migration represents one of the key threats to the security of regions and countries and is linked to their sustainable development (or lack thereof). Moreover, it is also connected to many important social, economic as well as demographic outcomes. Global warming caused by human activities is already having a major impact on the planet and is likely to render parts of the world uninhabitable, leading to migration, displacement, and planned resettlement. The goal of the paper is also to assess the impact of future migration due to the global warming and climate change. The results of the paper demonstrate that climate impacts can trigger migration and change population distribution within the next few decades. It is also clear that migration caused by the environmental factors (such as droughts, floods, higher temperature sand more extreme weather events) would inevitably lead to the geopolitical changes with long-range impacts and effects

    Osobliwości zachowania adaptacyjnego uczniów specjalności technicznych

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    Artykuł poświęcony jest problemowi zachowania adaptacyjnego danej osoby w okresie studiów na uniwersytecie; utrwala poglądy naukowców na temat treści i różnic mechanizmów radzenia sobie i mechanizmów ochrony psychologicznej; przedstawiono wyniki badań empirycznych strategii radzenia sobie i mechanizmów obrony psychologicznej studentów; analizowane są: średnie wskaźniki, poziomy przejawiania się tych zjawisk, określony repertuar strategii radzenia sobie ze stresem, cechy funkcjonowania psychologicznych mechanizmów obronnych, ustalenie priorytetów dla studentów do korzystania ze świadomych i nieświadomych mechanizmów ochrony psychologicznej, specyficzne cechy ich związku.The article is devoted to the problem of adaptation behavior of the individual in the course of studying at the university. The viewpoints of scientists on the gist and difference in co ping mechanisms and mechanisms of psychological protection are fixed. The results of empirical research of co ping strategies and mechanisms of psychological protection of graduate students are presented. The average indicators, levels of manifestation of these phenomena are analyzed. The repertoire of coping strategies and the peculiarities of functioning the psychological protection mechanisms are defined. The priorities for the students to use conscious and unconscious mechanisms of psychological protection are determined, the peculiarities of their interconnection are also identified

    Greenwashing as a form of modern eco-marketing

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    The article analyzes development trends of ecological production traded internationally. It focuses on such forms of eco-marketing as greenwashing and highlights a set of tools that negatively affect the consumer perception of eco-products. It proposes a systematic approach to counter the greenwashing effect at different levels, forming the background for monitoring it and implementing effective countermeasures. Such a scientific approach affects the real environmental commitment of companies, strengthens the social responsibility of business and enhances economic efficiency

    The methodology of natural sciences in antiquity and the second book of Galen’s De placitis Hippocratis et Platonis

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    In this article, based on the second book of Galen’s De placitis Hippocratis et Platonis, we analyze scientific method of the famous anatomist and philosopher. We discuss experimental, logical and philosophical argumentation that Galen employs in his proof that the rational part of the soul situated in human brain. We study his polemics with Chrysippus, who declares that the rational part of the soul is located in the heart, and conclude that the treatise by Galen sets the standards of scientific studies in antiquity, which combines medical, philosophical and moral components

    How Has the Hazard to Humans of Microorganisms Found in Atmospheric Aerosol in the South of Western Siberia Changed over 10 Years?

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    One of the most important components of atmospheric aerosols are microorganisms. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the hazard to humans, both from individual microorganisms which are present in atmospheric bioaerosols as well as from their pool. An approach for determining the hazard of bacteria and yeasts found in atmospheric bioaerosols for humans has previously been proposed. The purpose of this paper is to compare our results for 2006–2008 with the results of studies obtained in 2012–2016 to identify changes in the characteristics of bioaerosols occurring over a decade in the south of Western Siberia. Experimental data on the growth, morphological and biochemical properties of bacteria and yeasts were determined for each isolate found in bioaerosol samples. The integral indices of the hazards of bacteria and yeast for humans were constructed for each isolate based on experimentally determined isolate characteristics according to the approach developed by authors in 2008. Data analysis of two datasets showed that hazard to humans of culturable microorganisms in the atmospheric aerosol in the south of Western Siberia has not changed significantly for 10 years (trends are undistinguishable from zero with a confidence level of more than 95%) despite a noticeable decrease in the average annual number of culturable microorganisms per cubic meter (6–10 times for 10 years)

    Integrated airborne investigation of the air composition over the Russian sector of the Arctic

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    International audienceThe change of the global climate is most pronounced in the Arctic, where the air temperature increases 2 to 3 times faster than the global average. This process is associated with an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. There are publications predicting the sharp increase in methane emissions into the atmosphere due to permafrost thawing. Therefore, it is important to study how the air composition in the Arctic changes in the changing climate. In the Russian sector of the Arctic, the air composition was measured only in the surface atmospheric layer at the coastal stations or earlier at the drifting stations. Vertical distributions of gas constituents of the atmosphere and aerosol were determined only in a few small regions. That is why the integrated experiment was carried out to measure the composition of the troposphere in the entire Russian sector of the Arctic from on board the Optik Tu-134 aircraft laboratory in the period of ​​​​​​​4 to 17 September of 2020. The aircraft laboratory was equipped with contact and remote measurement facilities. The contact facilities were capable of measuring the concentrations of CO2, CH4, O3, CO, NOx​​​​​​​, and SO2, as well as the disperse composition of particles in the size range from 3 nm to 32 µm, black carbon, and organic and inorganic components of atmospheric aerosol. The remote facilities were operated to measure the water transparency in the upper layer of the ocean, the chlorophyll content in water, and spectral characteristics of the underlying surface. The measured data have shown that the ocean continues absorbing CO2. This process is most intense over the Barents and Kara seas. The recorded methane concentration was increased over all the Arctic seas, reaching 2090 ppb in the near-water layer over the Kara Sea. The contents of other gas components and black carbon were close to the background level.In bioaerosol, bacteria predominated among the identified microorganisms. In most samples, they were represented by coccal forms, less often spore-forming and non-spore-bearing rod-shaped bacteria. No dependence of the representation of various bacterial genera on the height and the sampling site was revealed. The most turbid during the experiment was the upper layer of the Chukchi and Bering seas. The Barents Sea turned out to be the most transparent. The differences in extinction varied by more than a factor of 1.5. In all measurements, except for the Barents Sea, the tendency of an increase in chlorophyll fluorescence in more transparent waters was observed