70 research outputs found

    Erosão costeira e faixas de proteção no delta do rio São Francisco

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    A erosão costeira destruiu o povoado do Cabeço, no lado sergipano do delta do rio São Francisco. Para evitar danos similares no futuro, recomenda-se implementar as faixas de proteção costeira, que delimitam distâncias seguras para a ocupação humana entre a linha de costa e o continente. Este trabalho objetivou determinar tais faixas para o delta do rio São Francisco. Foram utilizados registros da vazão fluvial e imagens de satélites de 1986 a 2017 para compreender e quantificar as taxas de variação da linha de costa. As taxas mais extremas de recuo foram utilizadas para calcular as larguras das faixas de proteção costeira a partir da linha de costa de 2017 para o ano de 2037, junto ao critério de que toda faixa localizada sobre unidades de conservação ou ecossistêmicas fosse recuada aos limites internos das unidades. De 1986 a 2017, a vazão fluvial média diminuiu em 24% e contribuiu para o aumento de 32% de trechos em recuo na linha de costa. A taxa mais extrema de recuo do lado alagoano do delta foi de -55,23 ± 4,7 m/ano, enquanto no lado sergipano foi de -153,13 ± 0,11 m/ano. As faixas para 2037 utilizaram o cálculo numérico (largura de 3.062 m no lado sergipano) e o critério de recuo ao limite interno da APA de Piaçabuçu (lado alagoano), visando minimizar ou evitar riscos socioeconômicos ao recuo costeiro e incentivar a sustentabilidade ambiental.

    Aumento da incidência da intoxicação exógena durante a pandemia do Covid-19 em uma região de saúde no oeste do Paraná / Increased incidence of exogenous poisoning during the Covid-19 pandemic in a health region in western Paraná

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    A intoxicação exógena em crianças ocorre na maioria das vezes de maneira acidental e em ambiente doméstico. O estudo presente busca analisar a incidência desses casos durante a pandemia do covid-19 onde a maioria das crianças precisaram ficar por longos períodos em isolamento doméstico, buscando refletir sobre os efeitos da pandemia na população pediátrica

    Genetic and environmental influences on blood pressure and physical activity: a study of nuclear families from Muzambinho, Brazil

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    Blood pressure (BP) and physical activity (PA) levels are inversely associated. Since genetic factors account for the observed variation in each of these traits, it is possible that part of their association may be related to common genetic and/or environmental influences. Thus, this study was designed to estimate the genetic and environmental correlations of BP and PA phenotypes in nuclear families from Muzambinho, Brazil. Families including 236 offspring (6 to 24 years) and their 82 fathers and 122 mothers (24 to 65 years) were evaluated. BP was measured, and total PA (TPA) was assessed by an interview (commuting, occupational, leisure time, and school time PA). Quantitative genetic modeling was used to estimate maximal heritability (h²), and genetic and environmental correlations. Heritability was significant for all phenotypes (systolic BP: h² = 0.37 ± 0.10, P < 0.05; diastolic BP: h² = 0.39 ± 0.09, P < 0.05; TPA: h² = 0.24 ± 0.09, P < 0.05). Significant genetic (r g) and environmental (r e) correlations were detected between systolic and diastolic BP (r g = 0.67 ± 0.12 and r e = 0.48 ± 0.08, P < 0.05). Genetic correlations between BP and TPA were not significant, while a tendency to an environmental cross-trait correlation was found between diastolic BP and TPA (r e = -0.18 ± 0.09, P = 0.057). In conclusion, BP and PA are under genetic influences. Systolic and diastolic BP share common genes and environmental influences. Diastolic BP and TPA are probably under similar environmental influences


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    Este trabalho faz parte dossiê temático associado ao II Seminário da RP/UFT, com o tema: “Formação e prática docente – concepções, trajetórias e desafios da Residência Pedagógica da UFT". A estrutura não comporta resumo

    Evolution of Penicillin Non-susceptibility Among Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolates Recovered From Asymptomatic Carriage and Invasive Disease Over 25 years in Brazil, 1990–2014

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is a major cause of community-acquired pneumonia and meningitis, and it is also found as a commensal, colonizing the human upper respiratory tract of a portion of the human population. Its polysaccharide capsule allows the recognition of more than 90 capsular types and represents the target of the currently available pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs), such as the 10-valent (PCV10) and the 13-valent (PCV13). Penicillin non-susceptible pneumococci (PNSP) have been listed as one of the current major antimicrobial-resistant pathogen threats. In Brazil, the emergence of PNSP was initially detected in the mid 1990s and PCV10 has been part of the National Immunization Program since 2010. Here, we investigated the distribution of capsular types and penicillin susceptibility profiles of 783 pneumococcal strains isolated in Brazil between 1990 and 2014 to assess the evolution of penicillin non-susceptibility among pneumococci associated with asymptomatic carriage and invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD). The most common serotypes among carriage isolates were 19F, 6B, 6C, 23F, and 14. Among IPD isolates, the most frequent types were 14, 3, 6B, 5, 19F, and 4. We detected 21 types exclusively associated with IPD isolates, whereas non-typeable (NT) isolates were only detected in carriage. Nearly half of the isolates belonged to PCV10 serotypes, which remarkably decreased in occurrence (by nearly 50%) after PCV10 introduction (2011–2014), while non-PCV10 serotypes increased. PNSP frequency and levels were much higher among carriage isolates, but PNSP belonging to PCV10 serotypes were more common in IPD. While the occurrence of PNSP has decreased significantly among IPD isolates since 2011, it kept increasing among carriage strains. Such a difference can be attributed to the serotypes that emerged in each clinical source after PCV10 usage. PNSP with multidrug resistance profiles that emerged within carriage isolates comprised mostly serotypes 6C and 35B, as well as NT isolates. In turn, penicillin-susceptible capsular types 3, 20, and 8 have risen among IPD. Overall, our results reinforce the relevance of PNSP surveillance over a long period of time to better understand the dynamics of antimicrobial resistance in response to PCV introduction and may also contribute to improve control measures toward drug-resistant pneumococci

    Cardiovascular risk and physical activity practice in children and adolescents of Muzambinho/MG: influence of gender and age

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    INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVO: A doença cardiovascular inicia na infância e está atrelada à presença de fatores de risco cardiovascular (FRC). A prevalência desses fatores varia em diferentes populações brasileiras, tendo sido estudada principalmente em cidades de médio e grande porte. Este estudo avaliou a prevalência dos FRC e da prática de atividade física (AF) em crianças e adolescentes de Muzambinho, uma cidade de pequeno porte. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 205 sujeitos (entre sete e 18 anos - 108 do gênero masculino). Foram medidos: peso, estatura, glicemia, colesterolemia, pressão arterial (PA) e prática de AF. As comparações foram realizadas pelo teste do Qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de sobrepeso foi de 19% e de valores alterados de PA, glicemia e colesterolemia foram de, respectivamente, 11, 5 e 15%. Não houve diferença na prevalência dos FRC entre os sexos. O tabagismo, o alcoolismo, a PA alterada e a insuficiência de AF aumentaram com a idade. Setenta e nove por cento dos sujeitos praticavam AF de locomoção, 10% ocupacional, 97% nas aulas de educação física, 72% no recreio e 90% de lazer. Noventa e dois por cento foram considerados ativos. A prática de AF ocupacional foi maior nas meninas e aumentou nos meninos com a idade. A prevalência de AF de lazer e recreio diminuiu com a idade nos dois sexos. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de FRC, exceto do sedentarismo, foi expressiva, não diferiu entre os sexos e aumentou com a idade. A prática de AF de todos os tipos foi alta, diferenciou-se entre os sexos e diminuiu com a idade.INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: Cardiovascular disease begins at infancy and it has been linked to the presence of cardiovascular risk factors (CRF). Prevalence of these factors varies a lot among different Brazilian populations and has been mostly studied in big and medium size cities. Thus, this study assessed the prevalence of CRF and physical activity (PA) in children and adolescents from Muzambinho, a small city in the state of Minas Gerais. METHODS: 205 subjects (7 to 18 years - 108 males) were studied. Body weight and height, glycemia, cholesterolemia, blood pressure (BP), and PA were measured. Comparisons were made by Qui-square test. RESULTS: Obesity and altered values of BP, glycemia, and cholesterolemia were found, respectively, in 19, 11, 5 and 15% of the subjects. There was no difference between genders, while the prevalence of smokers, drinkers, altered BP, and inactivity increased with age. Seventy-nine percent of the subjects practiced community PA; 10% occupational PA; 97% physical education classes; 72% PA during school recess; and 90% leisure time PA. Ninety-two percent of them were active. Occupational PA was higher in girls, and increased with age in boys. Leisure time and during school recess PA decreased with age in both genders. CONCLUSION: Except for physical inactivity, prevalence of CRF was high, did not differ between genders, and increased with age. High levels of all kinds of PA were found; they differed between genders, and decreased with age.CNPqUSP - Pró-Reitoria de Graduaçã

    Assessment of awake bruxism in undergraduate students, using Ecological Momentary Assessment, through WhatsApp

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    This study assessed awake bruxism (AB) in undergraduate students using WhatsApp and examined the association of this behavior with quality of life and anxiety. The sample was composed of 36 healthy young adults of both genders, with an average age of 20.74 years. AB behaviors (teeth contact, teeth clenching, teeth grinding and mandible bracing) and relaxed jaw muscles were reported with Ecological Momentary Assessment, through WhatsApp, 15 times a day, for 7 days, between 8:00 am and 7:00 pm. Quality of Life (QoL) and anxiety were assessed using the SF-36 and GAD-7 questionnaires, respectively. The Mann-Whitney U non-parametric, Pearson and Spearman correlation and Pairwise non-parametric multiple comparisons 2- to-2 tests were used. The frequency of AB was 40.7%. The most frequent AB behavior was teeth contact (23.1%). Higher frequency of AB occurred on weekdays (42.3%) compared to the weekend (35.5%) (p&lt;0.05). There was a negative correlation of AB behaviors and mandible bracing with the QoL - emotional aspects domain (p&lt;0.05) and positive correlation of mandible bracing with anxiety (p&lt;0.01). There was no difference between genders for QoL, anxiety and AB behaviors (p&gt;0.05). This study highlights the importance of AB and anxiety control to improve undergraduate students’ quality of life.This study assessed awake bruxism (AB) in undergraduate students using WhatsApp and examined the association of this behavior with quality of life and anxiety. The sample was composed of 36 healthy young adults of both genders, with an average age of 20.74 years. AB behaviors (teeth contact, teeth clenching, teeth grinding and mandible bracing) and relaxed jaw muscles were reported with Ecological Momentary Assessment, through WhatsApp, 15 times a day, for 7 days, between 8:00 am and 7:00 pm. Quality of Life (QoL) and anxiety were assessed using the SF-36 and GAD-7 questionnaires, respectively. The Mann-Whitney U non-parametric, Pearson and Spearman correlation and Pairwise non-parametric multiple comparisons 2- to-2 tests were used. The frequency of AB was 40.7%. The most frequent AB behavior was teeth contact (23.1%). Higher frequency of AB occurred on weekdays (42.3%) compared to the weekend (35.5%) (p&lt;0.05). There was a negative correlation of AB behaviors and mandible bracing with the QoL - emotional aspects domain (p&lt;0.05) and positive correlation of mandible bracing with anxiety (p&lt;0.01). There was no difference between genders for QoL, anxiety and AB behaviors (p&gt;0.05). This study highlights the importance of AB and anxiety control to improve undergraduate students’ quality of life

    Forages dry matter, fibrous fraction and crude protein ruminal degradability

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a degradabilidade ruminal da matéria seca, da fibra em detergente neutro, da fibra em detergente ácido e da proteína bruta da alfafa (Medicago sativa), aveia-preta (Avena strigosa), leucena (Leucaena leucocephala) e guandu (Cajanus cajan). Amostras de 3 g das forragens foram incubadas no rúmen de três novilhos por períodos de 0, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 e 72 horas. As degradabilidades efetivas da matéria seca da alfafa e da aveia, para a taxa de passagem de 5% por hora, foram elevadas (acima de 60%). A leucena e o guandu apresentaram valores inferiores, 50,9 e 56,0%, respectivamente. A partir de 24 horas de incubação, a aveia se destacou com maior desaparecimento da fibra em detergente neutro e da fibra em detergente ácido, e ainda apresentou as mais elevadas taxas de degradação efetiva destas frações. A aveia foi a forragem que apresentou maior degradabilidade da matéria seca, da fibra em detergente neutro, da fibra em detergente ácido e da proteína bruta no rúmen. O guandu, entretanto, foi a forragem com as piores taxas de degradação.The objective of this work was to evaluate ruminal degradability of dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and crude protein of alfalfa (Medicago sativa), black oat (Avena strigosa), leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan). Samples of 3 g of forages were incubated in the rumen of three steers for 0, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 72 hours periods. The dry matter effective degradabilities of alfalfa and oat, for a passage rate of 5%/hour, were high (over 60%). However, leucaena and pigeon pea showed lower values, 50.9 and 56.0%, respectively. From 24-hour incubation period on, the oat presented the highest neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber disappearance and showed the greatest effective degradation rates of these fractions. The oat was the forage with the highest dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and crude protein ruminal degradability. Pigeon pea, however, was the forage that showed the worst degradation rates

    Perfil Epidemiológico e Aspectos Clinicopatológicos dos Pacientes com Câncer de Cabeça e Pescoço em um Centro de Radioterapia do Agreste Pernambucano

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    Introdução: O câncer de cabeça e pescoço é uma neoplasia maligna com alta prevalência no Brasil e o sexto tipo mais comum no mundo. Objetivo: Evidenciar a prevalência, características sociodemográficas e clinicopatológicas de pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço em um serviço de radioterapia. Método: Estudo transversal retrospectivo dos prontuários de pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço tratados entre janeiro de 2010 e dezembro de 2020 em um centro de radioterapia localizado no Agreste de Pernambuco. Foram coletados os dados clínicos, sociodemográficos e os desfechos clínicos. A análise estatística foi elaborada a partir dos testes qui-quadrado de Pearson, razão de verossimilhança e exato de Fisher, além de ser adotado o nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Foram obtidos dados de 908 pacientes. O sexo masculino foi o mais prevalente (71,5%), 48,5% dos pacientes tinham entre 50 e 69 de idade, 45,2% não concluíram o 1° grau, 29,3% eram analfabetos e 91% foram atendidos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). O diagnóstico de câncer de boca foi o mais frequente (36,5%), sendo a língua o sítio mais acometido (21,1%), e o tipo histológico mais comum foi o carcinoma escamocelular (82%). Houve comprometimento vocal em 14% dos casos, uma pequena parcela realizou traqueostomia (6,6%) e 158 pacientes (17,4%) realizaram tratamento odontológico prévio. Conclusão: Evidenciar o perfil dos pacientes portadores de câncer de cabeça e pescoço possibilita o conhecimento dos grupos vulneráveis para promoção de políticas públicas e ações para melhorar a condição de vida desses indivíduos