4 research outputs found

    Economic Process and Entrepreneurship

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    There is a robust body of knowledge around the theory of Entrepreneurship, but the lack of a compre-hensive and widely accepted view to describe this phenomenon is obvious. There is two main streams in entrepreneurship literature, first the Schumpeterian view which emphasizes on ideas, innovation and creativity and second view, known as Kirznerian point that views opportunities of market as the core of entrepreneurship .This conflict can be easily understood from Kirzner‟s words that says” Schumpeter‟s entrepreneur, I pointed out, was essentially disruptive, destroying the pre-existing state of equilibrium. Entrepreneur, on the other hand, was responsible for the tendency through which ini-tial conditions of disequilibrium come systematically to be displaced by equilibrative market competi-tion”, which are paradoxical to some extent. In this paper, author believes that there can be issued a new conceptual framework about the entrepreneurship. This framework views entrepreneurship in an economic, product-transaction-based process. The value of entrepreneurial activities is arisen from mutual interests of human beings, which is the neglected part of Schumpeter and Kirzner‟s views to the phenomenon Entrepreneurship. Conceptual paper Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Rezaei Mirghaed, M. (2015). “Economic Process and Entrepreneurship”, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 86–109

    Economic Process and Entrepreneurship

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    There is a robust body of knowledge around the theory of Entrepreneurship, but the lack of a compre-hensive and widely accepted view to describe this phenomenon is obvious. There is two main streams in entrepreneurship literature, first the Schumpeterian view which emphasizes on ideas, innovation and creativity and second view, known as Kirznerian point that views opportunities of market as the core of entrepreneurship .This conflict can be easily understood from Kirzner‟s words that says” Schumpeter‟s entrepreneur, I pointed out, was essentially disruptive, destroying the pre-existing state of equilibrium. Entrepreneur, on the other hand, was responsible for the tendency through which ini-tial conditions of disequilibrium come systematically to be displaced by equilibrative market competi-tion”, which are paradoxical to some extent. In this paper, author believes that there can be issued a new conceptual framework about the entrepreneurship. This framework views entrepreneurship in an economic, product-transaction-based process. The value of entrepreneurial activities is arisen from mutual interests of human beings, which is the neglected part of Schumpeter and Kirzner‟s views to the phenomenon Entrepreneurship. Conceptual paper Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Rezaei Mirghaed, M. (2015). “Economic Process and Entrepreneurship”, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 86–109

    Entrepreneurship Network and Microfinance

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    Banks and financial intermediaries, as the highways of financing and absorption of savings, are considered as the key players in promotion of welfare level in each society. In Iran, due to structural deficiencies and international sanctions, a revision of banking industry seems very essential. More specifically, via balancing of financial intermediaries (based on the notion of “resilient economy’s five-year vision coined by the supreme leader of Islamic Revolution in Iran), banks could be used as a tool for economic promotion as well as one of the basic means of resilient economy. This study introduces the structure of the banking industry in Iran and demonstrates its deficiencies. In this respect, a plan for the structure of financial intermediaries is suggested for three purposes: facilitation of financing, reduction of transaction costs, and enhancement of the welfare level in society. In this regard, a structure based on the entrepreneurial networks through utilizing of measurement, consultancy, and monitoring systems is planned in this study. Furthermore, this study seeks to reduce the credit default risk through increasing of the micro-insurance share to the traditional systems of the financing

    Entrepreneurship Network and Microfinance

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    Banks and financial intermediaries, as the highways of financing and absorption of savings, are considered as the key players in promotion of welfare level in each society. In Iran, due to structural deficiencies and international sanctions, a revision of banking industry seems very essential. More specifically, via balancing of financial intermediaries (based on the notion of “resilient economy’s five-year vision coined by the supreme leader of Islamic Revolution in Iran), banks could be used as a tool for economic promotion as well as one of the basic means of resilient economy. This study introduces the structure of the banking industry in Iran and demonstrates its deficiencies. In this respect, a plan for the structure of financial intermediaries is suggested for three purposes: facilitation of financing, reduction of transaction costs, and enhancement of the welfare level in society. In this regard, a structure based on the entrepreneurial networks through utilizing of measurement, consultancy, and monitoring systems is planned in this study. Furthermore, this study seeks to reduce the credit default risk through increasing of the micro-insurance share to the traditional systems of the financing