634 research outputs found

    Water-Price Differential and the Efficient Population Size and Urban-Rural Composition of a Distant, Large, Arid Island

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    A low population density and a large distance from civilization centres present a high degree of isolation to the island's residents. Immigration can reduce the mental and material costs of isolation for the veteran residents, but at the expense of cultural and national cohesion and social harmony; and, in the case of an arid land, also at the expense of the amount and price of water allocated to agriculture. An expected-net-benefit-maximisation model for determining population size and its equilibrium urban-rural composition is developed. It is simulated for various agricultural water prices. The simulation results illustrate the central role of the effect of immigration on the urban unemployment rate in the determination of the island's efficient population size.Population density, efficient population size, simulation

    Integrating iterative crossover capability in orthogonal neighborhoods for scheduling resource-constrained projects

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    An effective hybrid evolutionary search method is presented which integrates a genetic algorithm with a local search. Whereas its genetic algorithm improves the solutions obtained by its local search, its local search component utilizes a synergy between two neighborhood schemes in diversifying the pool used by the genetic algorithm. Through the integration of these two searches, the crossover operators further enhance the solutions that are initially local optimal for both neighborhood schemes; and the employed local search provides fresh solutions for the pool whenever needed. The joint endeavor of its local search mechanism and its genetic algorithm component has made the method both robust and effective. The local search component examines unvisited regions of search space and consequently diversifies the search; and the genetic algorithm component recombines essential pieces of information existing in several high-quality solutions and intensifies the search. It is through striking such a balance between diversification and intensification that the method exploits the structure of search space and produces superb solutions. The method has been implemented as a procedure for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem. The computational experiments on 2,040 benchmark instances indicate that the procedure is very effective

    Perancangan Pengontrol Berbasis Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan untuk Pengendalian Laju Putaran Turbin pada PT.Indonesia Power UBP Saguling

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    Kondisi pada Unit Pembangkit I PT. Indonesia Power UBP Saguling menunjukan adanya lonjakan dan kesalahan saat tunak saat startup. Kinerja pengontrol kecepatan putaran turbin PLTA yang baik pada kondisi startup sangat dibutuhkan untuk mencegah terjadinya kerusakan sistem. Kerusakan sistem dapat diakibatkan oleh perbedaan frekuensi antara sistem jika dikoneksikan dengan jaringan transmisi. Perancangan pengontrol yang baik akan semakin sulit dengan sistem yang semakin kompleks. Penggunaan algoritma cerdas menjadi alternatif solusi, salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (JST). JST telah dikenal mempunyai kemampuan memperbaiki diri melalui pembelajaran. Memanfaatkan karakteristik tersebut, pada penelitian ini dirancang pengontrol berbasis JST. Parameter pengontrol JST yaitu bobot-bobotmya secara otomatis diperbaharui untuk mencapai kinerja yang baik. Untuk menilai kinerja sistem, dilakukan perbandingan nilai lonjakan dan kesalahan saat lunak, dan waktu tunak. Dari hasil simulasi dapat dilihat pengontrol JST mampu menghilangkan nilai lonjakan kesalahan saat tunak, serta memiliki nilai waktu tunak sebesar 54.2 detik.Kata Kunci: Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan, turbin

    A Hybrid Three Layer Architecture for Fire Agent Management in Rescue Simulation Environment

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    This paper presents a new architecture called FAIS for imple- menting intelligent agents cooperating in a special Multi Agent environ- ment, namely the RoboCup Rescue Simulation System. This is a layered architecture which is customized for solving fire extinguishing problem. Structural decision making algorithms are combined with heuristic ones in this model, so it's a hybrid architecture


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    This research was carried out in 2022 in the central part of South Khorasan province, Iran. Twenty-two species of plant bugs (Hemiptera: Miridae) belonging to 17 genera and 3 subfamilies, including Deraeocorinae (1 genus and 1 species), Mirinae (8 genera and 9 species) and Phylinae (8 genera and 12 species), were collected and identified from different host plants. In this report, three species including Ectagela sp., Megacoelum brevirostre and Adelphocoris ticinensis were reported from South Khorasan province for the first time. All specimens are preserved in the insect collection of the Natural History Museum of the University of Guilan

    Towards Merging Binary Integer Programming Techniques with Genetic Algorithms

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    This paper presents a framework based on merging a binary integer programming technique with a genetic algorithm. The framework uses both lower and upper bounds to make the employed mathematical formulation of a problem as tight as possible. For problems whose optimal solutions cannot be obtained, precision is traded with speed through substituting the integrality constrains in a binary integer program with a penalty. In this way, instead of constraining a variable u with binary restriction, u is considered as real number between 0 and 1, with the penalty of Mu(1-u), in which M is a large number. Values not near to the boundary extremes of 0 and 1 make the component of Mu(1-u) large and are expected to be avoided implicitly. The nonbinary values are then converted to priorities, and a genetic algorithm can use these priorities to fill its initial pool for producing feasible solutions. The presented framework can be applied to many combinatorial optimization problems. Here, a procedure based on this framework has been applied to a scheduling problem, and the results of computational experiments have been discussed, emphasizing the knowledge generated and inefficiencies to be circumvented with this framework in future

    CNS Structural Anomalies in Iranian Children with Global Developmental Delay

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    How to Cite This Article: Zamani GH, Shervin Badv R, Niksirat A, Alizadeh H. CNS Structural Anomalies in Iranian Children with Global Developmental Delay. Iran J Child Neurol. 2013 Winter; 7 (1):25-28. ObjectiveCentral Nervous system (CNS) malformations are one of the most important causes of global developmental delay (GDD) in Children. About one percent of infants with GDD have an inherited metabolic disorder and 3-10 percent have a chromosomal disorder. This study aimed to survey the frequency of brain structural anomalies and their subtypes among the variety of etiologic factors in children with GDD in our patients.Materials & MethodsThis study used the results of neuroimaging studies [unenhanced brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)] of all children who had been referred for evaluation of GDD to outpatient Clinic of Pediatric neurology at Children’s Medical Center affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Science between September 2009 and September 2010.ResultsIn this study, unenhanced brain MRI was performed on 405 children, of which80 cases (20 percent) had brain structural anomalies. In 8.7 percent of the cases, previous history of brain structural disorders existed in other children of the family and 20 percent of mothers had inadequate consumption of folate during pregnancy.ConclusionBased on the results of this study, unenhanced cranial MRI seems to be a fundamental part of evaluation in all children with GDD. Adequate folate consumption as prophylaxis as well as genetic counseling can be worthy for high-risk mothers who have previous history of CNS anomaly or miscarriage to avoid repeated CNS anomalies in their next pregnancies. References1. Fenichel M. Clinical Pediatric Neurology: A Signs and Symptoms Approach. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2009. p. 119-52.2. A guide to investigation of children with developmental delay in East Anglia 2005Available from:http://www. phgfoundation.org/file/2366.3. Williams J. Global developmental delay–globally helpful? Dev Med Child Neurol 2010;52(3):227.4. Shevell M, Ashwal S, Donley D, Flint J, Gingold M, Hirtz D, et al. Practice parameter: Evaluation of the child with global developmental delay: Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and The Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society. Neurology 2003;60(3):367-80.5. Whiting K. Investigating the child with learning difficulty.Current Pediatrics 2001;11(4):240-7.6. Aicardi J. The etiology of developmental delay. Semin Pediatr Neurol 1998;5(1):15-20.7. Von Wendt L, Rantakallio P. Congenital malformations of the central nervous system in a 1-year birth cohort followed to the age of 14 years. Childs Nerv Syst.1986;2(2):80-2.8. Kuzniecky R, Murro A, King D, Morawetz R, Smith J, Powers R, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging in childhood intractable partial epilepsy: Pathologic correlations. Neurology1993;43:681-7.9. Massimi L, Paternoster G, Fasano T, et al: On the changing epidemiology of hydrocephalus. Childs Nerv Syst. 2009;25(7):795-800.10. Warkany J, Lemire RJ, Cohen Jr MM. Mental retardation and congenital malformations of the central nervous system. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers; 1981.11. Petrini J, Damus K, Johnston RB Jr. An overview of infant mortality and birth defects in the United States. Teratology. 1997;56(1-2):8-10.12. Rosano A, Botto LD, Botting B, Mastroiacovo P. Infant mortality and congenital anomalies from 1950 to 1994: an international perspective. J Epidemiol Community Health 2000; 54(9):660-6.13. Cordero JF. Finding the causes of birth defects. The New England Journal of Medicine. 1994;331(1):48-9.14. Srour M, Mazer B, Shevell MI. Analysis of Clinical Features Predicting Etiologic Yield in the Assessment of Global    Developmental    Delay.Pediatrics    2006 ;118(1):139-45.15. Meral O, Burak T, Nur A. Etiologic evaluation in 247 children with GDD at Istanbul, Turkey. J Trop Pediatr 2005;51(5):310-3.16. World Health Organization. Weekly Iron-Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFS) in women of reproductive age: its role in promoting optimal maternal and child health. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2009. WHO/NMH/ NHD/MNM/09.2. p. 2. 
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