434 research outputs found

    Muslims in Maine: Eid Mubarak!

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    In spite of the fact that Maine is one of the whitest and least diverse states in the country, the state is also home to vibrant Muslim communities. Reza Jalali presents a look at various aspects of Muslim life in Maine, from celebrations of a religious festival to the history of Muslims and their religious and community organizations in the state

    Estudar a evolução do direito ambiental internacional

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    International environmental law is a set of rules and regulations of international law governing the relations between followers and actors of international law including governmental and non-governmental laws in order to protect environment as well as it is an emerging field whose turning point was Stockholm Conference in 1972. Since then, this field has undergone many changes and lawyers have divided the path evolution into three stages: the 1972 conference, the 1992 Rio Conference and the Rio + 20 Conference; these developments are mainly focused on issues such as development of preventive measures, extend the guarantees of governments’ environmental commitments, adjust governments will and curtail national sovereignty principle. However, the process has faced obstacles and limitations such as lack of financial resources, environmental issues and national preferences and governance. Strong and efficient international institutions should be established that have necessary competence and ability in advancing environmental objectives in order to accelerate this process.El derecho ambiental internacional es un conjunto de reglas y regulaciones de derecho internacional que rigen las relaciones entre seguidores y actores del derecho internacional, incluidas las leyes gubernamentales y no gubernamentales para proteger el medio ambiente, y es un campo emergente cuyo punto de inflexiĂłn fue la Conferencia de Estocolmo en 1972. Desde entonces, este campo ha sufrido muchos cambios y los abogados han dividido la evoluciĂłn del camino en tres etapas: la conferencia de 1972, la Conferencia de RĂ­o de 1992 y la Conferencia de RĂ­o + 20; estos desarrollos se centran principalmente en cuestiones tales como el desarrollo de medidas preventivas, ampliar las garantĂ­as de los compromisos ambientales de los gobiernos, ajustar los gobiernos y reducir el principio de soberanĂ­a nacional. Sin embargo, el proceso ha enfrentado obstĂĄculos y limitaciones, como la falta de recursos financieros, cuestiones ambientales y preferencias y gobernanza nacionales. Se deben establecer instituciones internacionales fuertes y eficientes que tengan la competencia y la capacidad necesarias para avanzar en los objetivos ambientales a fin de acelerar este proceso.A lei ambiental internacional Ă© um conjunto de regras e regulamentos do direito internacional que regem as relaçÔes entre seguidores e atores do direito internacional, incluindo leis governamentais e nĂŁo-governamentais para proteger o meio ambiente, e Ă© um campo emergente cujo ponto de virada foi a ConferĂȘncia de Estocolmo em 1972. Desde entĂŁo, este campo sofreu muitas mudanças e os advogados dividiram a evolução da estrada em trĂȘs etapas: a conferĂȘncia de 1972, a ConferĂȘncia do Rio em 1992 e a ConferĂȘncia da Rio + 20; Esses desenvolvimentos sĂŁo principalmente focados em questĂ”es como o desenvolvimento de medidas preventivas, a ampliação das garantias de compromissos ambientais dos governos, o ajuste dos governos e a redução do princĂ­pio da soberania nacional. No entanto, o processo tem enfrentado obstĂĄculos e limitaçÔes, como falta de recursos financeiros, questĂ”es ambientais e preferĂȘncias e governança nacionais. InstituiçÔes internacionais fortes e eficientes, com a competĂȘncia e capacidade necessĂĄrias para avançar objetivos ambientais, devem ser estabelecidas a fim de acelerar esse processo

    Challenges to Food Access Among Lewiston’s African Immigrants

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    Michelle Vasquez Jacobus and Reza Jelali present a case study of challenges to food access among African immigrants in Lewiston, Main

    One-dimensional and two-dimensional Green-Naghdi equations for sloshing in shallow basins

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    This paper presents a verified model of weakly non-linear wave sloshing in shallow basins, based on level I Green-Naghdi (GN) mass and momentum equations derived for mild-sloped beds. The model is verified for sloshing of an initially sinusoidal free surface perturbation in a square tank with a horizontal bed. The model is also used to investigate free surface sloshing of an initial Gaussian hump in closed square basins, over horizontal and nonuniform bed topographies. Analysis of the free surface slosh motions demonstrates that the model gives predictions in satisfactory agreement with the analytical solution of linearised shallow water theory obtained by Lamb. Discrepancies between GN predictions and linear analytical solutions arise from the effect of wave non-linearities arising from the wave amplitude itself and wave-wave interactions

    Deep Cytometry: Deep learning with Real-time Inference in Cell Sorting and Flow Cytometry

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    Deep learning has achieved spectacular performance in image and speech recognition and synthesis. It outperforms other machine learning algorithms in problems where large amounts of data are available. In the area of measurement technology, instruments based on the photonic time stretch have established record real-time measurement throughput in spectroscopy, optical coherence tomography, and imaging flow cytometry. These extreme-throughput instruments generate approximately 1 Tbit/s of continuous measurement data and have led to the discovery of rare phenomena in nonlinear and complex systems as well as new types of biomedical instruments. Owing to the abundance of data they generate, time-stretch instruments are a natural fit to deep learning classification. Previously we had shown that high-throughput label-free cell classification with high accuracy can be achieved through a combination of time-stretch microscopy, image processing and feature extraction, followed by deep learning for finding cancer cells in the blood. Such a technology holds promise for early detection of primary cancer or metastasis. Here we describe a new deep learning pipeline, which entirely avoids the slow and computationally costly signal processing and feature extraction steps by a convolutional neural network that directly operates on the measured signals. The improvement in computational efficiency enables low-latency inference and makes this pipeline suitable for cell sorting via deep learning. Our neural network takes less than a few milliseconds to classify the cells, fast enough to provide a decision to a cell sorter for real-time separation of individual target cells. We demonstrate the applicability of our new method in the classification of OT-II white blood cells and SW-480 epithelial cancer cells with more than 95% accuracy in a label-free fashion

    Stress analysis of rotating functionally graded polar orthotropic disk under thermomechanical loading

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    In this paper, thermo-elastic stress analysis of rotating variable thickness annular disk made of polar orthotropic functionally graded material (FGM) is presented. Elasticity modulus, density and thick-ness of the disk are assumed to vary radially according to a power law function. The material of the disk is assumed to be temperature dependent and different temperature distributions are assumed for variation of the temperature in radial direction. Radial stress and radial deformation of the disk with Clamped- Free (C-F) and Free-Free (F-F) boundary conditions are obtained using the numerical finite difference (FD) method. It is concluded that, by increasing the temperature variation, the radial stress and displacement increase. It is also observed that the radial stress in the rotating FG disk is more than the radial stress in rotating homogeneous disk and by increasing the FG index, the location of maximum stress in the disk shifts toward the outer surface. Also, the effects of temperature variation along the radius and orthotropy of the material on the radial stress and deformation are evaluated and concluded that their effect are significant. The results are compared with the available results in the literature and the good agreement between the present results and results in the literature shows the accuracy of FD method in thermo-elastic analysis of rotating FG orthotropic disk of variable thickness
