5,420 research outputs found

    Detection of human papillomavirus DNA in intraosseus ameloblastoma

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    Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection has been shown as a risk factor in oral carcinogenesis. The association between HPV and benign and malignant neoplasm of oral mucosa, especially surface epithelium-derived tumors, is well established. The role of HPV in pathogenesis of odontogenic cysts and tumors has been published in few articles. The aim of this study was detection of HPV in Iranian patients with intrabony ameloblastoma and investigation of specific risk factors associated with ameloblastoma. One hundred intrabony ameloblastoma and 50 age-sex matched samples as controls were evaluated by polymerase chain reaction for the detection and typing of HPV. Fisher exact and chi square tests were used to assess the data. HPV DNA was detected in 32% of patients and 10% of controls. HPV-6 was the most prevalent genotype (31.6%) in infected cases. It was followed by HPV-11 (12.5%), HPV-16 (12.5%) and HPV-31 (3.1%). We found a significant association between presence of HPV and location of tumor (p = 0.02), traumatic history (p = 0.03) and ododontic therapy (p = 0.01). These findings indicated that HPV-6 probably is one of the most important etiologic agents in causing intraosseous ameloblastoma in Iranian population. © 2006 Academic Journals Inc., USA

    Pomeranchuk effect and spin-gradient cooling of Bose-Bose mixtures in an optical lattice

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    We theoretically investigate finite-temperature thermodynamics and demagnetization cooling of two-component Bose-Bose mixtures in a cubic optical lattice, by using bosonic dynamical mean field theory (BDMFT). We calculate the finite-temperature phase diagram, and remarkably find that the system can be heated from the superfluid into the Mott insulator at low temperature, analogous to the Pomeranchuk effect in 3He. This provides a promising many-body cooling technique. We examine the entropy distribution in the trapped system and discuss its dependence on temperature and an applied magnetic field gradient. Our numerical simulations quantitatively validate the spin-gradient demagnetization cooling scheme proposed in recent experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Helicobacter pylori infection is a significant factor risk for hyperhomocysteinemia in the patients with coronary artery disease

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    This work aimed to determine whether seropositivity to Helicobacter pylori infection was an independent risk factor for hyperhomocysteinemia patients with cardiovascular disease. The H. pylori IgG, IgA and homocystein levels in 96 patients with cardiovascular disease and 64 participants free of cardiovascular disease as control subjects were determined by ELISA assay. The results showed that seropositivity to H. pylori IgG and IgA levels of coronary artery disease (CAD)patients was significantly higher than the controls and CAD patients with H. pylori IgG and IgA negative antibodies. A significant correlation was found between the seropositivity to H. pylori IgG and homocysteine levels of CAD patients in comparison with the controls and CAD patients with seronegativity to H. pylori IgG and IgA (r = 0.233, P = 0.019). The involvement of H. pylori infection in atherosclerosis process was based on the chronic inflammation, which might facilitate the CAD-related pathologies. The effect of the presence of H. pylori infection on homocysteine levels elevation in the CAD patients (as a risk factor independent of other traditional factors) was remarkable

    The Role of Electron-electron Interactions in Graphene ARPES Spectra

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    We report on a theoretical study of the influence of electron-electron interactions on ARPES spectra in graphene that is based on the random-phase-approximation and on graphene's massless Dirac equation continuum model. We find that level repulsion between quasiparticle and plasmaron resonances gives rise to a gap-like feature at small k. ARPES spectra are sensitive to the electron-electron interaction coupling strength αgr\alpha_{\rm gr} and might enable an experimental determination of this material parameter.Comment: 5 Pages, 4 Figures, Submitte

    Reduced-order particle-in-cell simulations of a high-power magnetically shielded Hall thruster

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    High-power magnetically shielded Hall thrusters have emerged in recent years to meet the needs of the next-generation on-orbit servicing and exploration missions. Even though a few such thrusters are currently undergoing their late-stage development and qualification campaigns, many unanswered questions yet exist concerning the behavior and evolution of the plasma in these large-size thrusters that feature an unconventional magnetic field topology. Noting the complex, multi-dimensional nature of plasma processes in Hall thrusters, high-fidelity particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations are optimal tools to study the intricate plasma behavior. Nonetheless, the significant computational cost of traditional multi-dimensional PIC schemes renders simulating the high-power thrusters without any physics-altering speed-up factors unfeasible. The novel reduced-order “quasi-2D” PIC scheme enables a significant reduction in the computational cost requirement of the PIC simulations. Thus, in this article, we demonstrate the applicability of the reduced-order PIC for a cost-efficient, self-consistent study of the physics in high-power Hall thrusters by performing simulations of a 20 kW-class magnetically shielded Hall thruster along the axial-azimuthal and radial-azimuthal coordinates. The axial-azimuthal quasi-2D simulations are performed for three operating conditions in a rather simplified representation of the thruster’s inherently 3D configuration. Nevertheless, we have resolved self-consistently an unprecedented 650 µs of the discharge evolution without any ad-hoc electron mobility model, capturing several breathing cycles and approximating the experimental performance parameters with an accuracy of 70 to 80 % across the operating conditions. The radial-azimuthal simulations, carried out at three cross-sections corresponding to different axial locations within the discharge channel, have casted further light on the evolution of the azimuthal instabilities and the resulting variations in the electrons’ cross-field mobility and the plasma-wall interactions. Particularly, we observed the development of a long-wavelength, relatively low-frequency wave mode near the exit plane of the thruster’s channel that induces a notable electron transport and a significant ion heating

    Rancang Bangun Website Toko Online dengan Penerapan Product Knowledge dan Strategi Up Selling pada Mc Store Surabaya

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    MC Store is a Cosmetic Shop that sell the various types of cosmetic since 2008. MC Store Company increased from 85 (Eighty Five) product become 320 (Three Hundred Twenty) product. In the selling system now, Have a weakness as a costumer have difficulty in search the product and hard to find the information product and less attention metrosexual behavior because metrosexual people sometimes to be shy if come to the real store. MC Store also difficult for searching product report many buyers, report stock and turnover sales report.To solve the problem, I make selling system have features information providers product explanation (Product Explanation), recommendation up selling, searching product features, Purchase and Payment, Make a report sort good stuff, Daily stock, Selling transaction and Selling profit.From the evaluation system, The system can showing the information product explanation and the cover all attribute explanation product, Explanation the benefit of product and give the recommendation of value for the consumer, Give the explanation product have expensive price from the other (Up Selling), Provide the features searching, Purchase and Payment, Give goods selling reports, Product stock, Selling transaction and Selling profit

    Analisis Antena Bowtie Pada Frekuensi 500-700 Mhz Untuk TV Digital Di Indonesia

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    Tahun 2017 merupakan tonggak sejarah Perubahan di Indonesia dari TV analog menjadi TV digital sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Kominfo No.05 Tahun 2012 yang mengadopsi Televisi Digital terestrial Digital Video Broadcasting-Terestrial second Generation (DVB-T2), sehingga diharapkan dengan Perubahan menjadi TV Digital dapat meningkatkan kapasitas layanan melalui efisiensi spektrum frekuensi, dimana setelah migrasi ke TV Digital maka 1 kanal bisa ditempati sekitar 6-8 operator televisi. Pada Penelitian sebelumnya, telah dirancang dan direalisasikan sebuah antenna Bowtie, namun belum di implementasikan untuk siaran televisi digital di Indonesia.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode desain, realisasi kemudian diimplentasikan dan dilakukan pengujian dan pengukuran sehingga menghasilkan suatu Antena Bowtie pada rentang frekuensi 500-700 MHz yang dipergunakan untuk antena penerima televisi digital di Indonesia tanpa menggunakan set top box dengan harga yang relatif murah.Hasil Analisis dari antena Bowtie yang dipergunakan untuk televisi digital dengan rentang frekuensi 500-700 MHz didapatkan VSWR masing-masing 500 MHz (VSWR=1,442) dan 600 MHz (VSWR=1,448) serta 700 MHz (VSWR=1,442) kemudian untuk penguatan 13,038 bisa menerima siaran televisi digital. Namun antena ini masih perlu untuk pengembangan ke depannya, karena antenna ini belum dikemas dengan baik dan sempurna