14 research outputs found

    ODREĐIVANJE METRIKE UČINKOVITOSTI MARKETINGA (Studija slučaja: Industrijske jedinice Istočnog Azerbajdžana)

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    The Paper attempts to identify marketing eff ectiveness metrics in industrial units. The metrics investigated in this study are completely applicable and comprehensive, and consequently they can evaluate marketing eff ectiveness in various industries. The metrics studied include: Market Share, Profitability, Sales Growth, Customer Numbers, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty. The findings indicate that these six metrics are impressive when measuring marketing effectiveness. Data was generated from the sample of 75 marketing executives in industrial units of East Azerbaijan, one of the most important industrial zones in terms of the number of manufacturing companies in Iran, through a survey questionnaire consisting of 21 items. Results of this study clarify marketing effectiveness metrics and moreover indicate the importance of quantitative measures versus qualitative ones. Finally, a model of evaluating marketing eff ectiveness is presented.Cilj ovog rada je odrediti metriku učinkovitosti marketinga u industrijskim jedinicama. Metrika koju ovaj rad istražuje u potpunosti je primjenjiva i sveobuhvatna, te se može koristiti za ocjenu učinkovitosti marketinga u raznim industrijskim granama. Spomenuta metrika uključuje: tržišni udjel, rentabilnost, rast prodaje, broj kupaca, zadovoljstvo kupaca, vjernost kupca. Nalazi sugeriraju kako navedena metrika mjeri učinkovitost marketinga na impresivan način. Podaci su prikupljeni na uzorku od 75 marketinških direktora u industrijskim jedinicama Istočnog Azerbajdžana, jedne od najvažnijih industrijskih zona po broju proizvodnih kompanija u Iranu, i to putem ankete s upitnikom koji se sastojao od 21 pitanja. Rezultati studije pojašnjavaju metriku učinkovitosti marketinga, te ukazuju na važnost kvantitativnog mjerenja u odnosu na kvalitativno. Zaključno, predstavljen je model ocjene učinkovitosti marketinga

    Evaluation of the Frequency of Occupational Hazards Among a Group of Iranian General Dentists and its Prevention Criteria

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    Objective: To evaluate the frequency of occupational hazards and the criteria for their prevention among Iranian dentists. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 187 general dentists in Kerman. The data collection tool was a questionnaire including personal information (gender, age, marital status, condition and place and years of employment, and the average of weekly working hours) and a valid and reliable questionnaire of occupational hazards, including 24 questions about occupational hazards (6 domain) and nine questions about criteria for the prevention of the risks of dentistry. The t-test, chi-square, and linear regression were used. Results: 92 (49.2%) were men. The mean and standard deviation of the score of occupational hazards was 27.04±16.21 out of 96, and the criteria of prevention were 22.00±7.28 out of 36. Regression analysis showed significant correlations between single statuses, years of occupational and type of employment, weekly work hours and occupational hazards, participation in occupational injury identification courses, and hepatitis vaccination. In addition, there were significant correlations between gender, age, weekly work hours, and preventive measures. Moreover, 3.2% of dentists were in a high-risk group and 26.2% were weak in preventive measures. Conclusion: A total of 32.6% of dentists are at moderate risk of occupational hazards, and 10.7% meet the prevention criteria properly. It is recommended to hold training classes to identify occupational hazards and the criteria for their prevention among dentists

    Stress Coping Styles in Family and Relatives of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Patients in the South of Iran:Application of Lazarus and Folkman’s Theory of Stress Coping

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    Background: The ongoing outbreak of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a major challenge for mental health care systems and causes and exacerbates mental anxiety. Objective: This study sought to investigate the coping styles of stress in families and relatives of COVID-19 patients in the south of Iran, according to Lazarus and Folkman’s Transactional theory of Stress coping model. Methods: The present cross-sectional study was performed in the period from March 5 to July 5, 2020. Data collection was done electronically using a standard questionnaire on Lazarus and Folkman’s coping methods. Finally, the output data of the electronic questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: A total of 276 people participated in the present study. There was a statistically significant difference between age and all emotion-oriented coping style domains (P &lt;0.05), except planful problem solving (P = 0.817) and positive reappraisal (P = 0.153). The results of the present study showed that from the emotion-oriented coping, the domain of self-controlling (%55.9) received an unfavorable score, but in the problem-oriented coping (60.02%), the two domains of social support (%71.27) and positive reappraisal (70%) obtained scores above 50%. Conclusion: Families and relatives need help to improve coping with stress in the area of self-controlling. The results of the present study showed that emotion-oriented coping (self-controlling) had less effect on family stress than problem-oriented coping (domains of social support and positive reappraisal). Also, with domains of social support and positive reappraisal, the stress in the families was reduced. Factors influencing coping styles were age, literacy, source of information, and underlying disease. Since the COVID-19 pandemic condition is a unique stressful situation, it is necessary to implement psychological and educational interventions to gain the ability to control stress, especially in relatives with COVID-19.</p

    Investigating the effectiveness of protection motivation theory in predicting behaviors relating to natural disasters, in the households of southern Iran

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    BackgroundDisasters can lead to large human casualties, destruction of property and economic and environmental resources. The purpose of the present study was to answer the question whether the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) is effective in predicting behaviors related to the harmful effects of natural disasters in the households of southern Iran.Materials and methodsThis quantitative and cross-sectional study was conducted on 528 households in Jiroft city. Sampling was done by combined method (the combination of cluster, simple random, proportional and systematic random sampling). A total of 528 households were included. The tools for collecting data were demographic information and a researcher-made questionnaire related to PMT constructs and preventive behaviors from the harmful effects of natural disasters. Data was analyzed using SPSS v21 software, and the necessary analyzes (descriptive tests, chi-square, one-way ANOVA and Pearson’s correlation test) were performed at a significance level of 0.05. Using Amos v 21 software, the predictors of safety behaviors were determined using path analysis.ResultsThe results showed 51.7% lived in the city and 62.1% of residential buildings were of brick without markings. There is a significant difference between preventive behaviors and direct exposure to disasters (p &lt; 0.001), education (p = 0.004), monthly income (p = 0.004) and source of information (p = 0.040). There was also a significant correlation between preventive behaviors and the number of vulnerable family members (p = 0.001, r = 0.160). The adjusted model of the path analysis test showed that protection motivation (β = 0.547), fear (β = 0.147) and perceived vulnerability (β = 0.135) had the greatest role among the constructs of the protection motivation theory.ConclusionAccording to the results of the study, it is suggested that health planners design and implement educational interventions based on the structures of the mentioned model to increase the preparedness of households against natural disasters

    The Investigation of the Impact of Health Belief Model Based Training on Brest Self-Exam in Women Referred to Health Centers

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    Background and objective: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women .More than 90 percent of patients are treated if diagnosed early. This study has been done to investigate the impact of Health Belief Model based training in the creation of the BSE behavior Methods: This study is a controlled intervention one performed on 180 women referred to health centers Torbat Heydaryieh which 90 people were in the intervention group and 90 people were in the control group. Before doing intervention training, a questionnaire designed based on HBM was completed by the investigating units. Then intervention training was carried out in intervention group using lecture, questions, and answers. Two month after the intervention, post tests were given using the same questionnaire. The data was analyzed by using spss 18 software, independent t-test, paired t-test and chi-square and was considered significant Results: Independent T-Test showed that before intervention, the difference between mean scores of knowledge and HBM structures of control and intervention groups was not statistically significant. But this difference was significant after the intervention Conclusion: It seems that, a training program designed based on HBM is effective to create the behavior of BSE. It is suggested educational programs Implemented  on based Health Belief Model In order to improve the performance of women. Paper Type: Research Articl

    Stress coping styles in family and relatives of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients in the South of Iran : application of Lazarus and Folkman’s theory of stress coping

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    AVAILABILITY OF DATA AND MATERIALS : The data supporting the findings of the article is available from corresponding author [E.M] upon reasonable request.BACKGROUND : The ongoing outbreak of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a major challenge for mental health care systems and causes and exacerbates mental anxiety. OBJECTIVE : This study sought to investigate the coping styles of stress in families and relatives of COVID-19 patients in the south of Iran, according to Lazarus and Folkman’s Transactional theory of Stress coping model. METHODS : The present cross-sectional study was performed in the period from March 5 to July 5, 2020. Data collection was done electronically using a standard questionnaire on Lazarus and Folkman’s coping methods. Finally, the output data of the electronic questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. RESULTS : A total of 276 people participated in the present study. There was a statistically significant difference between age and all emotion-oriented coping style domains (P <0.05), except planful problem solving (P = 0.817) and positive reappraisal (P = 0.153). The results of the present study showed that from the emotion-oriented coping, the domain of self-controlling (%55.9) received an unfavorable score, but in the problem-oriented coping (60.02%), the two domains of social support (%71.27) and positive reappraisal (70%) obtained scores above 50%. CONCLUSION : Families and relatives need help to improve coping with stress in the area of self-controlling. The results of the present study showed that emotionoriented coping (self-controlling) had less effect on family stress than problem-oriented coping (domains of social support and positive reappraisal). Also, with domains of social support and positive reappraisal, the stress in the families was reduced. Factors influencing coping styles were age, literacy, source of information, and underlying disease. Since the COVID-19 pandemic condition is a unique stressful situation, it is necessary to implement psychological and educational interventions to gain the ability to control stress, especially in relatives with COVID-19.https://openpublichealthjournal.comam2023Statistic

    Resilience and anxiety in nurses in a hospital in Iran during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study

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    The lack of any definitive treatment or prevention of COVID-19 disease has created a lot of stress and anxiety in societies. This study aimed to evaluate the resilience and anxiety of COVID-19 in nurses of Imam Khomeini Hospital in Jiroft and their relationship with demographic variables from April to August 2020. The present study is descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional. To select the statistical sample, the census method was used so that 80 nurses working in different wards of the hospital were selected and included in the study. The resilience measurement tool is the Connor-Davidson Resilience Questionnaire (CD-RIS). COVID-19 anxiety was assessed using a comprehensive national questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics Chi-square, Independent two-sample parametric t-test, and ANOVA through SPSS 20. The level of COVID-19 anxiety in nurses was moderate (19.3±11.64) and the rate of resilience was low (36.7±16.65). There is a statistically significant difference between resilience in nurses and age (p = 0.003). There was no statistically significant relationship between the rate of resilience in nurses and gender (p = 0.13), the unit of service (p = 0.87), marital status (p = 0.98), work experience (p = 0.06), and the level of education (p = 0.63). There was no statistically significant relationship between anxiety in nurses and age (p = 0.53), gender (p = 0.59), the unit of work (p = 0.48), marital status (p = 0.90), work experience (p = 0.40), and level of education (p = 0.60). The results of multivariate analysis showed that, work experience, and place of work have a statistically significant relationship with resilience and anxiety of COVID-19 in nurses, respectively (p <0.05).The level of COVID-19 anxiety in nurses is moderate and the rate of resilience is high. Given the current high-risk situation, it is important to identify nurses prone to psychological disorders to maintain and improve their mental health with appropriate strategies and techniques

    Effect of health education based on the protection motivation theory on malaria preventive behaviors in rural households of Kerman, Iran

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    Background: Malaria is one of the most serious diseases in pregnant women as well as children less than 5 years around the world. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of health education based on the protection motivation theory on malaria preventive behaviors in the households of Ghale Ganj, Kerman, Iran in 2011. Methods: The present quasi-experimental study was conducted on 144 households covered by 8 health centers of Ghale Ganj, Kerman. The study samples were selected through systematic random sampling and the study data were collected using a questionnaire including demographic information, the constructs of the protection motivation theory, and a checklist for assessing the malaria preventive behaviors. After the pre-test, the intervention group underwent an educational intervention and after two months, the post-test was performed through the same questionnaire. Then, the data were entered into the SPSS statistical software (v. 18) and analyzed using Chi-square and Wilcoxon non-parametric tests. Besides, P < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: Before the intervention, no significant difference was found between the two study groups regarding perceived vulnerability, perceived severity, response costs, self-efficacy, response efficacy, and malaria preventive behaviors. After the intervention, however, a significant increase was observed in the intervention group′s mean scores of all the constructs of the protection motivation theory as well as malaria preventive behaviors (P < 0.01). Conclusions: According to the findings of the study, educational intervention based on the protection motivation theory is highly effective in promoting malaria preventive behaviors