69 research outputs found


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    Penggunaan panel sel surya sebagai sumber energi utama sudah banyak dikembangkan a ikasi industri maupun pada aplikasi rumah tangga. Namun penggunaan panel sel surya tersebut lebih banyak difokuskan sebagai sumber energi terbarukan dan ramah lingkungan. Penelitian-penelitian untuk mengkaji bagaimana mengefisiensikan penggunaan panel surya sebagai surnber energi utama belum banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini mengkaji bagaimana mengefisiensikan penggunaan panel sel surya melalui rangkaian sistem alat yang disebut alat penjejak matahari. _Alat penjejak matahari yang akan dirancang menggunakan sensor LDR sebagai komponen deteksi arah pergerakan matahari yang dikendalikan secara otomatis oleh mikro konntroller AVR Atmega 2560. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan penggunaan rancangan alat penjajak matahari dapat meningkatkan rata-rata proseniase tegangan keluaran sel surya bisa mencapai 188% bila dibandingkan dengan kondisi sebelum panel sel surya menggunakan sistem alat penjajak matahar

    Perancangan Alat Pendeteksi Kualitas Minyak Goreng Dengan Parameter Viskositas Dan Densitas Mengggunakan Metode Fuzzy Logic

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    AbstrakThe quality of cooking oil sold in the market needs to be checked to ensure its health. cooking oil quality detector is designed to make it easier for the public to know the quality of the cooking oil. The research method is to make tools and conduct testing. The test is carried out by measuring the viscosity and density using the tool made. When the viscosity of 985 fuzzification was "good", and the density was 542.93 Kg/mL of "good" fuzzification, the fuzzification was processed by a fuzzy inference system, then defuzzification occurred in the form of oil quality results. fried "good". When the viscosity of 932 fuzzification is "sufficient", and the density is 618.69 Kg/mL of "moderate" fuzzification, a fuzzy inference system occurs, a defuzzification process is "moderate", when the viscosity of 926 fuzzification is "bad", and a density of 631.31 Kg/mL fuzzification "bad", fuzzy inference system occurs, defuzzification process occurs with "bad" results. To ensure that the results are accurate, the sample is taken to the BPOM which measures free fatty acids. From the BPOM test results converted to viscosity and density. In order to obtain an accurate conversion value between viscosity and density, it is recommended that a large number of samples be tested..Keywords: viscosity, density, fuzzy logi

    Perancangan Mesin Tetas Telur Otomatis Menggunakan Sensor Suhu dan Sensor Udara

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    ABSTRACTThe design of quail egg incubators is intended to facilitate the hatching process. The heat source used in the incubator is produced from heaters that use incandescent lamps and humidifiers are used as humidity regulators. The temperature regulator uses a fan to maintain air circulation and reduce the temperature when the temperature has exceeded the setpoint. This tool is equipped with a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, an incubator motor is used for the egg turning process, a sound sensor is used to detect if an egg has hatched and a GSM module will send an SMS notification to the farmer. The whole system is controlled by Arduino Mega 2560. During the hatching period, the temperature needed to incubate quail eggs is 39oC and humidity is 60%. The eggs in the hatching machine are rotated once every 3 hours with a 45o rotation angle. This is so that the egg can be heated evenly. The hatching process takes 18 days, with a hatching success rate of 98% of 50 eggs. The use of power in the hatching machine is on average 62.44 watts up to 83.45 watts and for 1 hatching period for 18 days, that is 25.2392kWh.Keywords: Arduino Mega 2560, DHT11, humidifier, GSM modul

    Sistem Pengaturan Putaran Pemanggang Pada Alat Pengering Ikan Berbasis Arduino Mega 2560

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    ABSTRAKSalah satu cara yang dilakukan untuk memperpanjang usia simpan pada ikan adalah melalui proses pengeringan. Proses pengeringan ikan umumnya dilakukan menggunakan modul pengering dengan teknologi yang sederhana. Kualitas hasil pengeringan ikan menggunakan mesin pengering dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. Salah satu faktor yang mempunyai peran penting terhadap kualitas ikan yang dikeringkan adalah performance komponen pemanggang. Penelitian ini merancang sebuah sistem pengaturan putaran pemanggang pada modul atau alat pengering ikan berbasis kendali mikrokontroller arduino mega 2560. Rancangan pengaturan putaran rak pemanggang pada alat pengering secara vertikal menghasilkan pengurangan rata-rata kadar air sebesar 25,5% dari kadar air sebelumnya 75,77% dengan lama pengeringan selama 5,5 jam.Kata Kunci : modul pengering ikan, sistem putaran pemanggang, pengering ikan berbasis mikrokontroller, pengaturan rak metode vertikal, kadar air pengeringan ika

    Pengenalan Gangguan Ginjal Melalui Iridologi Menggunakan Hidden Markov Model (HMM)

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    ABSTRACTIridology has not been widely applied for the recognition of kidney disorders. identification of kidney disorders through iris image using iridology chart, can make it easier to make diagnosis to find out about kidney disorders. The method used in the process of recognition of kidney disorders through iridology is the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) method, with a HMM parameter determination system using the calculation of the koefisien Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) coefficient. The size of the codebook used is 7, i.e. 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 and 1024. Different sizes of codebooks will result in different recognition times. The time needed will be longer when the size of the codebook is getting bigger. The accuracy of the process of recognition of kidney disorders through iridology using the HMM method in this study is 68.75% for codebook 16, 87.5% for codebook 32, 100% for codebook 128 and 100% for codebook 512. Keywords : iridology, codebook, image processing, singular value decomposition (SVD), Hidden Markov Model (HMM)

    Rancang Bangun Prototype Mesin Pemotong Rumput Kendali Jarak Jauh Menggunakan Aplikasi Android

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    ABSTRACTThis research develops a prototype of a remotely controlled lawn mower using Android smartphone with Bluetooth connection to avoid the risk of accidents. The lawn mower is controlled by an Android application developed with Mit App Inventor using HC-05 Bluetooth module connection. This prototype uses a DC motor as a driving motor to rotate the blade with an LM393 speed sensor using Arduino Uno microcontroller. The developed system is equipped with an option of grass height that can be adjusted. The test of HC-05 Bluetooth module resulted the maximum acceptable connection distance in the open space is 80 m and the maximum connection distance with a barrier is 10.45 m. DC motor speed tests are carried out on the lawn mowers at no load and loaded conditions. The results showed a slight decrease in motor speed at the grass height of 6 cm and 4 cm, but at 2 cm height the rotation dropped significantly.Keywords: lawn mower, remote control, Arduino Uno, Bluetooth, Androi


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    Abstract - Solar energy is one of the alternative energy sources which can be used as electrical energy. As the effect of earth rotation and revolution, it had not been optimized maximally yet. The rotation of earth causes the sun moves from east to west every day, and the revolution of earth causes the sun move from north to south every year. These phenomenons cause the different intensity of sun light in every earth surface. To optimize the sun light, the design and realization of solar tracker is very important. The solar tracker has to be able to track the position of the sun and move the solar cell to face the sun light. The solar tracker can move in two axis with moving type of rotate and tilt, so  it works optimally every time. This solar tracker is designed by using photo diode as light sensor and servo motor as actuator. The system uses ATMega8535 as control unit which able to process signal from the sensor and resulted Pulse Width Modulation to control servo motor moving. The testing showed this solar tracker capable to raise the average power to 0.676 watt and the eficiency to 36,216%. The error of tracking is 90 at heavy cloud. Key Word: Light Sensor, Servo Motor, Solar Tracke

    Perancangan Sistem Otomatisasi Penyalaan Lampu, Kipas Angin, dan Proyektor Dalam Ruang Kelas

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    In general, the control of using electronic equipment in the classroom manually. Sometimes lecturers or students forget to turn off electronic equipment after the class so that there is a waste of electrical energy use. Application of automation of using electronic equipment is one solution to overcome these problems so that electrical energy becomes more efficient. This study designed a prototype of an automation system for electrical equipment in the classroom, namely lights, fans, and projectors. This system was also to turn off the electricity when nobody was in the class. The automation system controls the use of electrical energy in devices in the classroom through on-off control of the electrical network components connected to each device. In this design, the PIR sensor can detect the presence of people up to a distance of 7 meters. The Arduino Uno controller activates the lights in the class when the LDR Sensor detects a light intensity of less than 200 Lux. Then, the fan is active when the LM35 sensor detects the temperature in the class above 28oC. The FC-04 sensor detects the sound of clapping for control of projector ignition by the controller

    Analisis Pengaruh Tegangan Terhadap Karakteristik Kerja Sel Electrolyzer Dengan Variasi Bahan Elektroda

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    ABSTRAKGas HHO atau brown gas merupakan suatu materi yang dapat menghemat penggunaan BBM dan menurunkan emisi gas buang bila ditambahkan pada pembakaran BBM. Untuk meningkatkan produksi gas HHO ini, maka perlu ditingkatkan kinerja dari sel electrolyzer yaitu suatu alat yang dapat memisahkan air menjadi hidrogen dan oksigen dengan menggunakan sumber listrik arus searah melalui proses atau pengurai cairan. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kinerja sel electrolyzer adalah dengan melihat pengaruh dari tegangan listrik terhadap karakteristik kerja sel electrolyzer dengan variasi bahan elektroda. Dari hasil pengujian 10 variasi pasangan elektroda, terlihat bahwa bahan elektroda yang menghasilkan laju produksi gas HHO paling cepat dalam waktu 300,67 s yang menghasilkan 200 mL dicapai oleh pasangan elektroda yang menggunakan anoda aluminium (Al) dengan katoda aluminium (Al) atau tembaga (Cu). Pada pengujian ini dipilih elektroda berbahan aluminium dan tegangan pada pengujian yang ditentukan dengan tujuan untuk melihat karakteristik sel electrolyzer. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan semakin besar nilai tegangan yang diberikan maka nilai arus pada sel electrolyzer semakin meningkat, hal ini juga akan mengakibatkan suhu yang semakin meningkat serta waktu produksi gas yang dicapai sebanyak 200 cm3 semakin singkat.Kata kunci: Elektroda, Gas HHO, Sel electrolyze


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    Cukup tingginya tingkat fatalitas kecelakaan lalulintas (laka lantas) di Bengkulu hingga saat ini disinyalir disebabkan oleh ketidakpatuhan terhadap aturan dan pengabaian prinsip keselamatan saat berkendara. Kondisi ini tentu menjadi perhatian khusus Sat Lantas Polres Bengkulu. Petugas berkomitmen untuk tegas menindak tilang terhadap pelanggaran lalu lintas oleh pelajar. Kecelakaan jalan raya, termasuk tabrakan antar kendaraan banyak terjadi di simpang yang banyak dilalui oleh kendaraan untuk menuju ke arah yang menjadi tujuan. Apabila kendaraan dalam keadaan mengebut dan tidak mengurangi kecepatan, maka probabilitas terjadinya kecelakaan akan semakin tinggi. Hal ini didukung juga oleh tidak tepatnya penempatan lampu lalu lintas di persimpangan dan jalan yang memiliki roundabout (bundaran).Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa bundaran lebih aman daripada tanda berhenti tradisional atau persimpangan yang dikendalikan sinyal. Roundabout mengurangi kecelakaan akibat kecelakaan sebesar 75 persen di persimpangan tempat tanda berhenti atau sinyal sebelumnya digunakan untuk kontrol lalu lintas, menurut sebuah studi oleh Lembaga Asuransi untuk Keselamatan Jalan Raya (IIHS). Dengan adanya pengabdian ini, mahasiswa pengguna jalan raya akan semakin waspada dan memahami tentang penggunaan roundabout yang baik dan benar
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