115 research outputs found

    The Public Institutiones Of Higher Education: Analysis Of The Factors That Affects The Educational System

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    En la presente investigación se retoma la teoría de la motivación humana que propone jerarquías de las necesidades, puesto que los seres humanos son motivados por necesidades múltiples y que solo existen en un orden jerárquico. Sin embargo, en las instituciones Públicas de Educación Superior en México, no hay resultados contundentes de la aplicación de esta teoría, ya que las áreas de oportunidad en el factor de motivación refleja que el personal que labora en estas instituciones no es se siente motivado por el trabajo que desempeña. Se analizaron siete instituciones de educación superior donde se encuestaron 224 sujetos divididos en directivo, mandos medios y personal operativo, en los subsistemas de educación Tecnológicas, Autónomas, Politécnicas, Tecnológicos de Estudios Superiores e Institutos Tecnológicos Superiores, en los estados de México, Puebla e Hidalgo. Considerando los factores de comunicación, motivación, satisfacción laboral, identidad, trabajo en equipo y liderazgo. Se logró comprobar la hipótesis estadística planteada, para lo cual se analizaron los factores de comunicación, motivación, satisfacción laboral, identidad, trabajo en equipo y liderazgo en los directivos, mandos medios y personal operativo. A partir de lo anterior, se acepta la hipótesis alternativa, es decir, que existe correlación significativa entre todas las variables estudiadas y se puede afirmar que son generalizables para toda la población.The purpose of the present research is to study the effects of statistical data on the behavior of Higher Education Faculties (IPES) in some states of the Mexican Republic. According to the ANUIES (2012) data base, in Hidalgo State 17% of students concluded their career, while 10.7% is graduated, this is associated that some students delay the academic process. In Mexico State 14.4% students complete the higher studies, but only 74.25% obtain their professional grade. Puebla indicates that 18% finished their studies and only 76% are graduated. Therefore, the most outstanding problems in higher education are the following situations: • Inequity in access to the detriment of young people from low economic status. • Limited relations with industrial-productive areas. • Discrepancy with other educational levels. • Insufficient economical support for research in public Universities and restricted relationship with the science and technology system. • Weak relevance and quality. • Growth of student population in higher institutions. Finally, the problematic considers that IPES has influences in the commitment of human resource to improve the results of the academic institutions, since in the higher education is one of the main factors in the educational process. Within the functional areas of the IPES, the main component to be studied is the academic employees, who provide the institution with knowledge, skills, abilities and capacities, which become human resource advantages; In return for this, the employees obtain benefits of salary, rewards, gratuities and promotions, therefore the degree of satisfaction increases its disposition when maintaining lines of activity with the educational organization. In this relationship of economic-social interchange the norm of reciprocity and variables such as communication, motivation, job satisfaction, identity, teamwork and leadership, so the degree of employee satisfaction generates a sense of belonging that favors the achievement of organizational objectives

    Has the chemical contribution a secondary role in SERS?

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    It is an established understanding that the electromagnetic contribution (the plasmon-mediated enhancement of the laser and scattered local electromagnetic fields) is the main actor in Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS), with the so-called chemical (molecule-related) contribution assuming only, if any, a supporting role. The conclusion of our comprehensive resonant study of a broad range of nanosphere lithography based metallic substrates, with covalently attached 4-mercaptobenzoic acid monolayers used as probe (molecules non-resonant in solution), is that this accepted understanding needs to be revised. We present a detailed resonant SERS study of Metal-film over nanosphere (MFON) substrates done both by scanning the laser wavelength, and by tuning the plasmon response through the nanosphere diameter. Far and local field properties are characterized through measures of optical reflectivity and SERS efficiency, respectively, and are supported by numerical simulations. We demonstrate that the SERS efficiency depends indeed on the electromagnetic mechanism, determined by the plasmonic response of the system, but we observe that it is also strongly defined by a chemical resonant contribution related to a metal-to-ligand electronic transition of the covalently bound probe molecule. Optimum amplification occurs when the plasmon modes intersect with the ligand-to-metal chemical resonance, contributing synergically both mechanisms together. The same general trend is observed for other nanosphere lithography based substrates, including sphere-segment void cavities and hexagonally ordered triangular nanoparticles, using both Ag or Au as the plasmonic metal, and also with a commercial substrate (Klarite). We conclude that a deep understanding of both the electromagnetic and chemical mechanisms is necessary to fully exploit these substrates for analytical applications

    Evaluation of The Inter-Batch Variability of An Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient: Morphologic, Rheologic And Calorimetric Characterization

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    Beca nacional Edna Teresa Alcantara Fierro PEI 2015/220172All raw materials used for solid oral drugs manufacturing must be evaluated according to the pharmacopoeial monographs, which consist in a verification of critical quality attributes related to the identity and purity of the molecule. However, active pharmaceutical ingredients may present differences in non-pharmacopoeial tests, such as particle size and shape or flow. Although these differences are not evaluated routinely by Quality Control area, they can alter the technological performance during production, as well the stability and ultimately the efficacy of a pharmaceutical product. In this study, 10 production batches of magnesium valproate were evaluated, characterizing flow index, fusion enthalpy and particle shape and size distribution. An analysis of variance was carried out, finding statistically-significant differences in the flow index, particle shape and fusion enthalpy tests for two batches. These differences may be due to small variations in the crystalline configurations. The study showed differences in the characterization of fundamental and functional properties of the particles of the active pharmaceutical ingredient evaluated, which could have an impact on the manufacturing processes and affect therapeutic efficacy.CONACY

    Mytillocactus (cactaecea) : botanical, agronomic, physichemical and chemical characteristics of fruits

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    Au Mexique, la production de fruits de Myrtillocactus est importante, pourtant ceux-ci sont souvent sous-utilisés. Bien qu'ils soient essentiellement exploités pour leur potentiel de colorants alimentaires, les fruits mériteraient davantage d'attention quant à leurs autres propriétés pour l'alimentation, mais les informations sur leur composition physico-chimique sont rares. Afin de disposer d'éléments de base pour le développement de la culture de Myrtillocactus, nous avons étudié les informations accessibles à ce jour. Description botanique. Quatre espèces de Myrtillocactus ont été identifiées et rapportées dans la littérature. Elles diffèrent par la forme, la couleur, et d'autres caractéristiques phénotypiques. Au Mexique, l'espèce prédominante est M. geometrizans, mais M. schenckii se développe également abondamment dans toutes les terres arides et semi-arides du pays. Les analyses cytologiques effectuées sur M. geometrizans ont montré que la plante était diploïde (2n = 22). Aspects agronomiques. Le genre Myrtillocactus appartient à la famille des cactacées. En raison de son métabolisme crassulacéen acide, la plante peut se développer dans les montagnes arides et semi-arides du Mexique. Les espèces de Myrtillocactus sont propagées asexuellement par explants ou par clonage. En conditions contrôlées, la micropropagation in vitro d'explants apicaux et basaux donne de hauts rendements. Pour la culture, une attention particulière doit être apportée aux températures hivernales minimales. Description des fruits et caractérisation biochimique. Le fruit comestible est globulaire, avec un diamètre atteignant 1,5 cm. La pulpe est colloïdale, sa couleur va du rougeoyant au rouge bleuâtre. La caractérisation chimique a principalement porté sur la composition en bétalaines, dont les composés prédominants sont la bétanine et les bétaxanthines. La teneur en bétalaines serait de 2,3 mg ·100 g -1 de pulpe. Le colorant semble être plus stable que celui des betteraves rouges. Consommation humaine et importance commerciale. Pendant la saison de production (juin à septembre), les fruits sont trouvés sur tous les marchés de leur lieu de production. Ils sont mangés frais ou transformés. La commercialisation du fruit est limitée principalement aux zones de production rurales dans certains états du Mexique. Conclusions. Notre synthèse a établi que les informations publiées sur Myrtillocactus étaient rares et incomplètes. La plante est sous utilisée, en dépit de ses propriétés alimentaires et de son potentiel commercial. Comme les espèces de Myrtillocactus s'adaptent facilement dans des conditions de grande sécheresse, elles mériteraient de faire l'objet de beaucoup plus de recherche (Résumé d'auteur

    A Digital Predistortion Technique Based on a NARX Network to Linearize GaN Class F Power Amplifiers (poster)

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    This work presents a novel Digital Predistortion (DPD) scheme based on a NARX network, suitable for linearizing power amplifiers (PAs). The NARX network is a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with embedded memory that allows efficient modeling of nonlinear systems. Its neural architecture is very effective to model long term dependencies, such as the typical memory effects of PAs. To demonstrate the feasibility of the NARX network as a DPD system, a GaN class F PA with two LTE signals with 5 MHz of bandwidth is used. Experimental results show a distortion correction better than 10 dB

    Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS): A Review Study of Basic Aspects of the Corrosion Mechanism Applied to Steels

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    AC impedance measurements have been applied for over twenty years in electrochemistry and physics to investigate the electrical properties of conductive materials and their interfaces using an external electrical impulse (VOLTAGE, V or CURRENT, I) as driving force. Furthermore, its application has recently appeared to be destined in the Biotechnology field as an effective tool for rapid microbiologic diagnosis of living organism in situ. However, there is no doubt that the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is still one of the most useful techniques around the world for metal corrosion control and its monitoring. Corrosion has long been recognized as one of the most expensive stumbling blocks that concern many industries and government agencies, because it is a steel destructive phenomenon that occurs due to the chemical interaction with aqueous environments and takes place at the interface between metal and electrolyte producing an electrical charge transfer or ion diffusion process. Consequently, it is experimentally possible to determine through the EIS technique the mechanism and control that kinectics of corrosion reactions encounter. First, EIS data is collected through a potentiostat/ galvanostat apparatus. After, it is fitted to a mathematical model (i.e. an equivalent electrical circuit, EEC) for its interpretation and analysis, fundamentally seeking a meaningful physical interpretation. Finally, this review reports some basic aspects of the corrosion mechanism applied to steels through the experimental EIS response using Nyquist or Bode plots. Examples are given for different applied electrochemical impedance cases in which steel is under study intentionally exposed to a corrosive aqueous solution by applying a sinusoidal potential at various test conditions

    Productive response of lambs fed Crescentia alata and Guazuma ulmifolia fruits in a tropical region of Mexico

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    polyethylene glycol (PEG) of the fruits of Crescentia alata and Guazuma ulmifolia was evaluated, the degradation kinetics of lamb diets with added fruit of the tree was determined, and the ration intake and growth rate of lambs fed these diets were measured. Twenty-five entire male lambs of 23.5± 0.44 kg body weight were used and distributed in treatments: T0 (control without fruit); T1 and T2, 15 and 30 % of the fruit of C. alata; and T3 and T4, 15 and 30 % of the fruit of G. ulmifoli

    Improvements to the X-ray Spectrometer at the Aerosol Laboratory, Instituto de Física, UNAM

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    Due to the demands of better (accurate and precise) analytical results using X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) at the Aerosol Laboratory, Instituto de Física, UNAM, it was necessary to carry out improvements in instrumentation and analytical procedures in the x-ray spectrometer located in this facility. A new turbomolecular vacuum system was installed, which allows reaching the working pressure in a shorter time. Characteristic x-rays are registered with a Silicon Drift Detector, or SDD, (8 mm thick Be window, 140 eV at 5.9 keV resolution), working directly in a high-vacuum, permitting the detection of x-rays with energies as low as 1 keV (Na Ka) and higher counting rates than in the past. Due to the interference produced by the Rh L x-rays emitted by the tube normally used for atmospheric and food analysis with Cl K x-rays, another tube with a W anode was mounted in the spectrometer to avoid this interference, with the possibility to select operation with any of these tubes. Examples of applications in atmospheric aerosols and other samples are presented, to demonstrate the enhanced function of the spectrometer. Other future modifications are also explained