3,133 research outputs found

    A Chaotic Palette: Conflict of Laws in Litigation Between Original Owners and Good-Faith Purchasers of Stolen Art

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    The 1990s saw an exponential growth in the number and political sensitivities of claims by original owners of stolen art against good-faith purchasers of that art. These cases have challenged courts, threatened international relations, created public relations nightmares for museums, and generally shaken the art world. In defining whose claim should prevail as between original owners and good-faith purchasers, states and nations have adopted significantly varied rules to reach divergent resolutions of complicated issues of public policy and private right. In the relatively rare case in which the original owner/good-faith purchaser dispute is connected with a single state or nation, the application of that sovereign\u27s chosen rules presumably furthers the sovereign\u27s interest. When, as is much more often the case, the journey of the art and the domicile of the claimants link the dispute to more than one state or nation, the multijurisdictional character of the case may substantially complicate the issue of ownership. When implicated jurisdictions have been driven by different policy preferences to adopt different ownership rules, the result on a micro-level will be a choice of law that may well further a single state or nation\u27s interest. The result on a macro-level is virtually certain to undermine all relevant policy aspirations. This Article explores the cause and effect of this universally unattractive result

    Author stance in doctoral dissertations of native and non-native speakers of English: A corpus-based study on epistemic adverbs

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    Academic writing is not just about conveying an ideational ‘content’, it is also about the representation of the self (Hyland, 2002, p. 1092). It allows writers ‘to gain credibility by projecting an identity invested with the individual authority, displaying confidence in their evaluations and commitment to their ideas (Hyland, 2002, p. 1092). Our study concentrates on the epistemic adverbs used in conveying author stance in academic English. The Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis (Granger, 1996) was run to three sets of corpora comprising doctoral dissertations written by native and non-native academic authors of English. Epistemic adverbs occurring in the dissertations were identified through a computer programme and their frequencies were separately computed for each corpus. Lastly, a log-likelihood test was administered to see whether there is a statistically significant difference across the groups in concern concerning the use of these adverbs.DOI: 10.20420/rlfe.2015.001

    Local Agenda 21 and Practices in Turkey

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    Sustainable development, survivability, equal rights, civic engagement, enablement and governance are the main principles of our times, urban systems must be considered in view of these principles while wide range public participation has become a necessity. As a result of the ?National Development and Environment Conference, World Summit? held in Rio 1992 where concepts of sustainable development were recognized, the ?Local Agenda 21? action program has been developed. This program is a comprehensive document that puts responsibilities on Governments, non-governmental organizations, local governments, UN organizations, development institutions and all other institutions and individuals, which may have effects on the environment. The decisions taken at the Rio Summit impose upon all local governments, regardless of size, to prepare and implement their own programs along the concept/philosophy of ?Think Global, Act Local?. The aim of this paper is to establish and evaluate implementations of the Local Agenda 21 in Turkey, at different levels of local governments. The evaluation will not only aim at the governmental dimension but the roles played by all responsible parties will be taken into consideration. Sample implementations in Turkey will be scrutinized as to how many of the objectives and the policies of the Local Agenda 21 have been achieved. The results of the studies in this paper will provide, all local governments in Turkey, a means to evaluate their programs in the framework of Local Agenda 21, as well as setting forth supplementary suggestions for producing prioritized ?Local Sustainable development Policies? and for assisting them in devising short and long term strategic plans for solving problems. It will also be strongly emphasized that these plans must be implemented, with mechanisms allowing for multi-partner participations, and a method for this purpose will be suggested. Key Words: Local Agenda 21, Sustainable development, Enablement, Participation, Local governments.

    ‘What Kind of Teacher I Wish to Be’: Exploring Prospective English Language Teachers’ Future-oriented Identities

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    Studies on identity has shown that future-oriented thinking could be a useful framework for studying teacher identity development and in the contexts of language teacher preparation; however, research into the future-oriented dimensions of teacher identity is still rather limited. Therefore, in this case study, how prospective English language teachers envision their possible selves as future teachers were explored. Writings from the 56 participants were used as a method of data collection to provide a more profound analysis of the context-sensitive nature of their future-oriented identities. Following an interpretive analysis of qualitative data, the findings revealed two patterns in the participants’ future-oriented identity work: highly developed and (under)developed possible selves as L2 teachers. Both groups of participants appeared to be quite diverse in the nature of their hopes and fears as well as in their exercises of agency and response to tensions and challenges of language teaching. Also, participants’ possible language teacher selves seemed to be classified into three primary categories (i.e., L2 teacher development, L2 teacher competency and L2 teacher proficiency). Based on the findings and discussions, how future-oriented perspective may inform teacher identity development and teacher preparation in the context of language teaching was discussed. Several recommendations for further research and preparation of prospective language teachers were made


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    ABSTRAKBerbicara Di Depan Umum (public speaking) merupakan salah satu soft skill yang dibutuhkan mahasiswa untuk membantu proses belajar di perkuliahan. Akan tetapi masih banyak mahasiswa yang merasa cemas saat berbicara di depan umum. Salah satu hal yang membuat mahasiswa cemas adalah karakteristik pendengar. Latar belakang pendidikan pendengar dinilai memiliki pengaruh terhadap kecemasan yang dialami mahasiswa saat berbicara di depan umum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kecemasan berbicara di depan umum ditinjau dari karakteristik pendengar pada mahasiswa Program Studi Psikologi Fakultas Kedokteran Unsyiah. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah systematic random sampling untuk memilih 60 mahasiswa yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, 30 mahasiswa pada kelompok eksperimen dan 30 mahasiswa pada kelompok kontrol Prodi Psikologi Fakultas Kedokteran Unsyiah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan model pre-experimental design dengan bentuk intact-group comparison. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety (PRPSA) yang dikembangkan oleh McCroskey pada tahun 1970. Hasil analisis menggunakan independent sample t-test menunjukkan nilai t(df) = 4,05 (


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    Gempa bumi merupakan peristiwa berguncangnya permukaan bumi akibat pelepasan energi secara tiba-tiba dengan berbagai intensitas. Aceh merupakan daerah rawan bencana dan termasuk daerah yang aktif gempa karena berada pada jalur pertemuan dua lempeng bumi, yaitu lempeng Indo-Australia dan Eurasia. Salah satu risiko yang disebabkan oleh gempa bumi adalah likuifaksi yang merupakan keruntuhan struktur tanah. Likuifaksi sangat rentan terjadi pada tanah pasir dan jenuh air. Kondisi yang paling mungkin mengakibatkan terjadinya likuifaksi adalah jika terdapat lapisan pasir yang dikombinasikan dengan muka air tanah yang tinggi sehingga tanah akan mencair dan berperilaku sebagai fluida dan tidak mempunyai kekuatan lagi untuk menopang bangunan diatasnya. Berdasarkan data penyelidikan tanah yang dikumpulkan dari data sekunder, tanah di lokasi pembangunan Flyover Simpang Surabaya Banda Aceh cenderung berpasir sehingga mempunyai potensi terjadi likuifaksi. Maka dari itu perlu dihitung agar dapat menghindari keruntuhan bangunan. Tujuan dari perhitungan ini adalah untuk mengetahui lebih awal potensi terjadinya keruntuhan struktur tanah akibat likuifaksi pada saat terjadi gempa bumi. Likuifaksi dapat dihitung dengan menganalisis profil borlog, nilai N SPT, kerapatan relatif, berat volume tanah dan nilai parameter gempa menggunakan metode Seed & Idriss (1971), Whitman (1971), dan Valera & Donovan (1977). Hasil studi ini menunjukkan secara garis besar terjadi likuifaksi pada Flyover Simpang Surabaya. Hasil perhitungan likuifaksi menggunakan metode Seed & Idriss (1971) berpotensi likuifaksi, kecuali pada magnitude 8 SR tidak berpotensi likuifaksi karena pusat gempa jauh dari lokasi penelitian sehingga percepatan gempa di permukaan tanah kecil. Metode Whitman (1971) juga berpotensi likuifaksi tergantung dengan lapisan yang ditinjau, semakin dalam lapisan pasir maka tidak berpotensi likuifaksi. Metode Valera & Donovan (1977) likuifaksi lebih beragam tergantung dengan besaran magnitude yang terjadi. Analisis potensi likuifaksi ini bermanfaat untuk menghindari potensi terjadinya likuifaksi dengan melakukan pencegahan peningkatkan tekanan air pori secara mendadak

    Construction techniques and materials of the Ottoman period baths in Seferihisar-Urla Region

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Architectural Restoration, Izmir, 2004Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxviii, 172 leavesIt is a well known fact that, in the past, together with the function and size,stylistic and architectural features of public as well as individual buildings were mostly determined by the conditions of physical and social environments where they took place. In historic buildings, in addition to stylistic ones, the achievements in the architectural features, such as scale, plan layout, mass and façade orders and spatial quality largely depend on the choice of suitable materials and construction techniques.This is also available for public baths belonging to the Ottoman Period, which is the subject of the study.For this purpose, some baths located in Seferihisar and Urla nearby surroundings of İzmir, from Ottoman Period were selected to determine their architectural layouts, characteristics of construction techniques and building materials, in addition to installations belonging to lighting, water supply, waste water disposal and heating systems. Despite their modest scales, they evidently reflect the general outlines of Ottoman bath architecture and the way of life of the period. In addition, they also offer information on the traditional construction techniques and material use identical to the region, but, being out of use today and negligence for years, these buildings are about loosing their characteristic values rendered them historic identity. Despite the absence of their inscription panels, the baths investigated were dated back to the 15th and 16th centuries with reference to their architectural features, material use and construction techniques.To be based on sound interventions for their preservation, the study has been concentrated on the documentation of the information about original building materials and construction techniques through field surveys implemented in the buildings themselves, and the evaluation of the collected information in the light of their architectural layout. Field surveys are consisted of architectural measurements carried out with conventional techniques, and the documentation through photographs and freehand sketches for details of architectural and technical importance to be converted into graphics using a version of AutoCAD software program.Owing to the rich local sources around, limestone was the prominent type of load bearing building material in all the walls of the baths studied. Brick, in this respect,although found to be of secondary importance was also abundantly used both structurally and decoratively in many parts of all baths either alone or together with stone in varying combinations of alternating bond techniques. Reused stones were also found to be used on the sides of the door and window openings, and at the corner of the walls and drums on the exterior. Within this structural layout lime mortar took its own part as bonding agent between stone and brick bounds. Timber beams at certain levels were used in the baths as another structural material surrounding the building horizontally to transmit the vertical loads of the upper parts evenly to the lower parts and to the foundations eventually.The exterior faces of the walls of the baths had no plaster. However, interior faces of some spaces, such as .soyunmalık. where there was no danger of water or water vapor attack the lime plaster was applied to the wall surfaces. Other spaces, such as ılıklık. and .sıcaklık. in a direct contact with water and vapor .horasan. plaster was widely applied for protective as well as decorative purpose. It was also applied at the exterior faces of the domes and vaults for the purpose of insulation against rain wash.Being important installation means, terracotta pipes were notably used in the baths. The vertical pipes belonging to heating system served as flue pipes and the horizontal ones for water supply. Another type of terracotta pipes took place in the vaults and domes oculi for lighting purpose.The first section of the thesis is devoted to the aim and definition of the problem, and methodology of the study which is composed of descriptions, terminology and literary sources utilized. The second section covers the introduction of historical background of Seferihisar-Urla region and the examined baths where they were located.In the third section, the baths were separately analyzed in detail with respect to the construction techniques and material use. The overall evaluation of the results obtained throughout the study is given in the fourth section. The last section includes the concluding remarks


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    In psychology, humour refers to ‘a specific positive emotion that is elicited by the perception of playful incongruity, usually occurs in an interpersonal context, and is typically expressed by laughter’ (Martin, 2007). Existing literature has shown that it is a useful tool in teaching various subjects especially in primary and secondary education. Our study was designed to scrutinize the perceptions of EFL instructors on the use of humour in higher education to reveal whether this is also true for higher education. 42 EFL instructors working at school of foreign languages at three state universities in Turkey participated in this study. A questionnaire consisting of multiple choice and open-ended items was prepared and administered to the participants administered to elicit their opinions on the significance of humour in language education offered to undergraduate students who would attend various programmes in the following academic year. The overall qualitative and quantitative analysis of the findings demonstrated that the EFL instructors tend to have positive perceptions about the use of humour in language classes; however, they have slight hesitations with its use. The study ends with a couple of pedagogical implications on related findings, and a few suggestions for further research.  Article visualizations