20 research outputs found


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    Micro, Small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are businesses that have the ability to develop and contribute to the country's economy. The number of MSMEs in Indonesia continues to increase and the government continues to push to join the digital ecosystem. Indonesia Creator Economy (ICE) is an influencer management in Indonesia. ICE aims at providing accurate, engaging and informative digital media content. This study uses a case study model with qualitative descriptive method, and the data collection used is observation, interviews, documentation. As a result of FDG (Focus Group Discussion), This new business model canvas was developed based on fish bones and equipped with supporting data obtained from FDG. Based on the fishbone, the cause of low target achievement is caused by ICE's lack of understanding of the segment and target market. Related identification and analysis of strategy on ICE is done through the application of nine elements on the business model canvas include ; customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships, and cost structures. So the strategy implemented by ICE is to increase awareness on marketing aspects with several programs and increase workforce

    CSR Program PT. SHELL Indonesia CSR

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    Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large. By these means, the CSR is a program that will help government to support the society needs in order to make a mature society. PT Shell Indonesia is engaged in the oil industry which has a program to get recognition and can be assessed positively by the community, especially those located in the vicinity of the operating company. PT Shell Indonesia conducts programs that not only are the government responsibility, but also a social responsibility to this company, this program is called CSR. CSR aims to increase people's access to achieve social, economic, and culture aspects better when compared with before any construction activities took place. So that local communities can assess any positive value in the presence of Shell Companies in Indonesia. Purpose: To discuss and describe the programs and activity of PT Shell Indonesia’s CSR in Indonesia. This demonstrated through efforts is taken in order to enhance the development of Indonesian society, especially around the industrial area. Design/methodology/approach: The method is using a research that conducted qualitative descriptive research method and qualitative data collection techniques. The purpose of descriptive method is to create a description of a picture or painting in systematic, factual and accurate information on the facts, the properties of the relationship between the phenomena investigated. The purpose of this descriptive method is to get an idea about the social, economic, cultural and political society that affect the implementation of Community Development which can ultimately affect the implementation of Community Development. Research limitations/implications: In the line of the condition in Indonesia, the needs of our people are greater than it looks. The real problem is the basic education, many people in Indonesia still don’t have a chance to get elementary school and junior high school, and those two are the basic component in building the mature and more advance society. As we can see in appendix for the education indicator, the people need a helping hand besides the government itself, this where the CSR program can penetrate even greater. I will give my opinion and suggestion for CSR program, not only for PT. Shell Indonesia, but also for every company in Indonesia that have a willingness to contribute in basic needs of people advancement.Choose the partnership program with elementary and junior high school program. This partnership can be in form of real free tuition fee for student to get education from school without paying any of the school material. The CSR program can spend their fund in the bonus wages of the teacher, the book that student needs, the improvement of the building school. Open the public school in the name of the company. This way can also be more effective as the 1st one because the check and balance of the school program can be monitored by the CSR team itself. This way the student of these schools can live just to think how to get an education that he/she needs, not the cost of exam fee, or training bulletin fee, uniform fee, etc. Social implications: The impact to the society especially to the company that have to perform CSR is to deliver the good insight to them to decide what is the best and the most useful CSR program to be implemented for the society of Indonesia. Originality/value: The value of this paper is targeted especially to the company in Indonesia to perform better CSR.Keywords: CSR, SHELLCategory: Knowledge Management; Human Capital Managemen

    Pengenalan Alat Musik Batak Toba Menggunakan Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)

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    Pengenalan suara merupakan suatu teknik terapan bidang ilmu dari proses pengolahan sinyal digital yang telah banyak digunakan saat ini untuk berbagai macam keperluan, misalnya saja teknologi di bidang telekomunikasi sudah tidak hanya mampu menyediakan layanan pengiriman data text, tetapi juga sudah mampu melayani pengiriman data dengan menggunakan suara.  Suara adalah fenomena fisik yang dihasilkan oleh getaran suatu benda yang berupa sinyal analog dengan amplitudo yang berubah secara kontinyu terhadap waktu. Artikel ini memaparkan pengenalan alat musik Batak Toba yang terdiri dari: alat musik taganing, serune, hasapi dan seruling. Adapun tujuan dilakukanya proses sampling suara yaitu untuk mendapatkan karakteristik dari suara tersebut yang akan digunakan sebagai pola acuan. Hasil percobaan menggunakan metode discrete cosine transform mampu mengenali 86% untuk kategori suara taganing, 77% untuk suara serune, 81% untuk suara hasapi, dan 79% suara seruling. Rata-rata hasil pengujian pada percobaan ini adalah 82% True Detection dan 18% False Detection

    Implementasi Analisis Fuzzy Time Series Dalam Melihat Hasil Komoditas Perikanan Di Provinsi Aceh

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    Fisheries is one of the sources of food security in Indonesia which plays an important role in the rich biodiversity of Indonesian coastal waters. This research uses the Chen Fuzzy Time Series Model forecasting method. The samples used in this study are data on the number of fishery commodity products with specific Tilapia and Catfish monthly Aceh Province as much as 24 data, starting from January 2021 to December 2022. The results of forecasting the number of tilapia in January 2023 were 1,320,815, with a MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) value of 12.93%. And the result of forecasting the number of catfish in January 2023 was 2,339,568, with a MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) value of 22.9%. This shows that forecasting using the Chen model Fuzzy Time Series method is good enough to forecast the number of tilapia and catfish in Aceh Province

    Social Media Marketing Custom Case

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berjudul “Social Media Marketing Custom Case (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Akun Instagram @queena_custom)”. Social media marketing adalah salah satu bentuk pemasaran menggunakan media sosial untuk memasarkan suatu produk, jasa, brand, atau isu dengan memanfaatkan khalayak yang berpatisipasi di media sosial tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana social media marketing custom case melalui media sosial instagram dalam meningkatkan minat konsumen. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan Marketing Mix Theory (Teori Bauran Pemasaran), maka dari itu tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui Produk (Product), Harga (Price), Tempat (Place), Promosi (Promotion) yang dilakukan oleh @queena_custom. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Jumlah infoman adalah 9 (Sembilan) orang informan yang terdiri dari 1 (satu) informan kunci pemilik dari @queena_custom, 1 (satu) informan utama yaitu sebagai orang yang terlibat dalam interaksi sosial yang diteltiti, dan 7 (tujuh) informan tambahan yaitu konsumen dari custom case @queena_custom. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah reduction (reduksi data), data display (penyajian data) dan conlusion drawing/verification. Hasil penelitian social media marketing melalui media sosial instagram yang dilakukan oleh custom case @queena_custom dalam penyajian konten instagram sangat menarik minat konsumen dan efektif. Dalam produk (product) yang disajikan oleh custom case @queena_custom sudah memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen dengan kualitas produk yang sesuai dengan harga (price) yang ditetapkan oleh custom case @queena_custom sudah sesuai dengan kualitas produk, untuk tempat (place) memanfaatkan media sosial instagram sebagai pendistribusian sudah sangat efektif, dan promosi (promotion) melalui media sosial instagram sudah terbilang berhasil dengan memanfaatkan jasa paid promote serta endorse untuk menarik perhatian calon konsumen, dan sudah sesuai dengan segmentasi atau target pasar custom case @queena_custom yaitu anak muda pengguna media sosial instagram dan para konsumen mengakui bahwa promosi yang dilakukan custom case @queena_custom sangat menarik dan berhasil. Kata Kunci : Social media marketing, Custom case, Marketing Mi


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    Information systems are needed in the development of children in the developmental period and especially in the world of health. Monitoring of children's nutritional status and stunting is necessary to determine children's weight and meet the criteria for children's nutritional status. Pukesmas Muara Satu, North Aceh District, is an implementing element or assistant to the duties of Poskesdes and Midwives in the Health of children's nutritional status and stunting in Paloh Punti Village, which is one of the agencies under the Ministry of Health. This study aims to monitor the growth and development of children such as measuring weight, height, measured to detect early if unwanted things occur such as malnutrition. The problem in this study is designing and monitoring an Information system for child nutritional status and stunting that is integrated with a web application. The purpose of this study is to find out staff and employees in managing, monitoring and accessing data. So that the data at the puskesmas is recorded in the system, and can quickly determine data on the nutritional status of children and stunting. The results of this study are to be able to find out an information system that is able to reduce problems that occur in managing data on the nutritional status of children and stunting at the Muara Satu Health Center. This system is very important because it can make it easier for staff to record the nutritional status of children and stunting at the Health Center. then the results of the KNN (K-Nearest Neighbor) model classification with the recapitulation of the value of new cases with old cases in the first test section is 0.6944, the second test is 0.6388, the third test is 0.555, the fifth test is 0.6388

    Sistem Informasi E-Voting Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode RSA dan Base64

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    The current problem being faced by Gampong Cot Girek Kandang North Aceh Village is that the selection of Keuchiek is still done manually. Manual selection has many obstacles, one of which is being vulnerable to fraud in voting results because the results cannot be displayed in real-time. Based on these problems, this research will propose an online voting system with web-based e-voting. The web-based e-voting system in this study was created using the RSA and Base64 cryptographic methods to secure voting results data. The results of the study show that a web-based e-voting system using RSA and Base64 is very good for use in the election of Keuchiek besides saving costs because it does not require too many officers and can increase public interest in conducting elections.Permasalahan saat ini yang sedang dihadapi oleh Desa Gampong Cot Girek Kandang Aceh Utara yaitu pemilihan Keuchiek masih dilakukan secara manual. Pemilihan secara manual memiliki banyak kendala salah satunya yaitu rentan akan kecurangan hasil pemungutan suara dikarenakan hasil tidak dapat ditampilkan secara realtime. Berdasarkan permalasahan tersebut pada penelitian ini akan diusulkan sistem pemilihan secara online dengan e-voting berbasis web. Sistem e-voting berbasis web pada penelitian ini dibuat menggunakan metode kriptografi RSA dan Base64 untuk mengamankan data hasil pemungutan suara. Hasil penelitian menunjukan sistem e-voting berbasis web menggunakan RSA dan Base64 sangat baik digunakan dalam pemilihan  Keuchiek selain menghemat biaya dikarenakan tidak membutuhkan petugas terlalu banyak serta dapat meningkatkan minat masyarakat didalam melakukan pemilihan


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    Predicting the quantity of product sales in the future aims to control the amount of existing product stock, so that the shortage or excess of product stock can be minimized. When the quantity of sales can be predicted accurately, the fulfillment of consumer demand can be managed in a timely manner and the company's cooperation with consumers is maintained properly so that the company can avoid losing sales and consumers. This study aims to analyze the accuracy of predicting the quantity of sales of salt using the Single Exponential Smoothing (SES) method compared to using the Double Exponential Smoothing (DES) method, so that a more accurate method will be obtained for predicting the quantity of sales. The results of testing the comparison of the level of accuracy can be done by evaluating the error value of the forecasting results with the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The lowest MAPE result obtained is in the SES method when the parameter α = 0.054 with a MAPE result of 7.932% which means the accuracy value is very accurate. Whereas with the DES method the MAPE value is 28.145% while the parameter α = 0.845 β = 0.214 which means the value of accuracy is reasonable. Based on the MAPE results obtained using the two methods above, the Single Exponential Smoothing method is more accurate for use in predicting salt sales. Whereas with the DES method the MAPE value is 28.145% while the parameter α = 0.845 β = 0.214 which means the value of accuracy is reasonable. Based on the MAPE results obtained using the two methods above, the Single Exponential Smoothing method is more accurate for use in predicting salt sales. Whereas with the DES method the MAPE value is 28.145% while the parameter α = 0.845 β = 0.214 which means the value of accuracy is reasonable. Based on the MAPE results obtained using the two methods above, the Single Exponential Smoothing method is more accurate for use in predicting salt sale

    Analysis Of Right And Wrong Use Of Mask Based On Deep Learning

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    Pandemic COVID-19 makes it important to apply the proper and correct use of masks. The correct use of a mask where its use can cover the nose mouth and chin. One of the problems in using masks is that there are still many people who have not used masks properly and correctly. The importance of the correct use of masks because the transmission of the Covid-19 itself does not only occur through splashes when sneezing or coughing between humans but can also occur when talking or breathing by spreading through fluid particles less than 0.0002 inches (5 microns) in diameter called aerosols that are emitted when people talk. From these problems  it is necessary to have a computational-based analysis system to be able to identify patterns and make decisions and perform certain tasks automatically so that the results obtained are more efficient and objective. In this study, a deep learning method with a resnet  50 will be used to obtain the correct and incorrect results of using masks. The results of this study indicate that the deep learning method with resnet 50 is able to achieve 98.41% accuracy in classifying the correct and incorrect use of masks


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    A common problem currently being faced in the chicken egg production home industry is difficulty in counting the number of eggs. Currently, calculating the number of eggs is still done manually, which is less than optimal and prone to errors, so many entrepreneurs often experience losses. The manual system currently used also has the potential for this to happen. The use of technology on an MSME scale among laying hen breeders has not been widely adopted, this is due to limited access and understanding of technology. One alternative solution to deal with this problem is to build a real-time computerized system. The system that will currently be built in this research uses GLCM feature extraction and the SVM classification method. This system will detect egg production via CCTV cameras and will be stored in a database to be displayed on the website. The advantage of this system is that egg entrepreneurs can monitor chicken egg yields in real time. The results of trials that have been carried out using GLCM feature extraction and the SVM classification method in calculating the number of eggs using the SVM method with a polynomial kernel are highly recommended for use in this research because it can achieve 95% accuracy