96 research outputs found

    Fortalecimiento de la pre-escritura a través de la coordinación viso-manual en los niños del grado jardín del centro de desarrollo infantil Fundación Jardín Infantil Pelaya

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    La Institución Educativa Centro de Desarrollo Infantil Fundación Pelaya. Después del aislamiento social producto del Sars covid-19, por aproximadamente 16 meses esta institución, ha reiniciado clases bajo la modalidad presencial, las docentes del grado jardín haciendo uso de la observación han evidenciado en el salón de clases las siguientes problemáticas: poco desarrollo de pinza, mal agarre de tijeras para cortar, dificultad para realizar a lápiz secuencia de líneas cortas con y sin guía, deficiencia en la distinción de colores primarios, en el reconocimiento de figuras geométricas, en agrupar por tamaño color o forma entre otras falencias. De allí que surge la siguiente interrogante ¿Cómo fortalecer la preescritura a través de la coordinación viso-manual en los niños del grado Jardín del Centro de Desarrollo Infantil Fundación Pelaya? Con los siguientes propósitos: 1-Determinar por estudiante las habilidades de coordinación, viso manual que posee; 2- Diseñar secuencia didáctica para potenciar la coordinación viso manual de los niños y niñas; 3-Evaluar la efectividad de la secuencia didáctica diseñada y la adquisición de coordinación viso-manual en los niños y niñas. Para ello se desarrolló una secuencia didáctica usando como referentes teóricos: la sistematización, la motricidad, la coordinación óculo manual entre otras. Con una orientación metodológica de corte cualitativo apoyado en el método hermenéutico, la etnografía. Con técnicas como la observación participante, el cuaderno de campo, la cámara fotografía. Aplicada a una muestra de 10 estudiantes se evidenció avances significativos en el desarrollo óculo manual.The Educational Institution Pelaya Foundation Child Development Center. After the social isolation caused by the Sars covid-19, for approximately 16 months this institution has restarted classes under the face-to-face modality, the teachers of the kindergarten grade making use of observation have shown the following problems in the classroom: little development of tweezers, poor grasp of scissors to cut, difficulty in making a sequence of short lines with and without a guide in pencil, deficiency in the distinction of primary colors, in the recognition of geometric figures, in grouping by size, color or shape, among other shortcomings. Hence, the following question arises: ¿How to strengthen pre-writing through visual-manual coordination in children in the Kindergarten grade of the Pelaya Foundation Child Development Center? With the following purposes: 1-Determine per student the coordination skills, visual manual that he possesses; 2- Design a didactic sequence to enhance the visual manual coordination of boys and girls; 3-Evaluate the effectiveness of the designed didactic sequence and the acquisition of visual-manual coordination in boys and girls. For this, a didactic sequence was developed using as theoretical references: systematization, motor skills, manual eye coordination, among others. With a qualitative methodological orientation supported by the hermeneutical method, ethnography. With techniques such as participant observation, the field notebook, the camera, photographs. Applied to a sample of 10 students, significant advances in manual ocular development were evidenced

    Strategies to reengage patients lost to follow up in HIV care in high income countries, a scoping review

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    Estudios de cohortes; VIH; Pérdida de seguimientoCohort studies; HIV; Lost to follow-upEstudis de cohorts; VIH; Pèrdua del seguimentBackground Despite remarkable achievements in antiretroviral therapy (ART), losses to follow-up (LTFU) might prevent the long-term success of HIV treatment and might delay the achievement of the 90–90-90 objectives. This scoping review is aimed at the description and analysis of the strategies used in high-income countries to reengage LTFU in HIV care, their implementation and impact. Methods A scoping review was done following Arksey & O′Malley’s methodological framework and recommendations from Joanna Briggs Institute. Peer reviewed articles were searched for in Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science; and grey literature was searched for in Google and other sources of information. Documents were charted according to the information presented on LTFU, the reengagement procedures used in HIV units in high-income countries, published during the last 15 years. In addition, bibliographies of chosen articles were reviewed for additional articles. Results Twenty-eight documents were finally included, over 80% of them published in the United States later than 2015. Database searches, phone calls and/or mail contacts were the most common strategies used to locate and track LTFU, while motivational interviews and strengths-based techniques were used most often during reengagement visits. Outcomes like tracing activities efficacy, rates of reengagement and viral load reduction were reported as outcome measures. Conclusions This review shows a recent and growing trend in developing and implementing patient reengagement strategies in HIV care. However, most of these strategies have been implemented in the United States and little information is available for other high-income countries. The procedures used to trace and contact LTFU are similar across reviewed studies, but their impact and sustainability are widely different depending on the country studied.The project leading to these results (PISCIS Cohort) has received funding from “la Caixa” Banking Foundation under the project code LCF/PR/PR17/51120008. This work is supported by a grant from the Foundation Marató TV3 (project code 239/C/2018) aimed at the analysis of the LTFU patients of the PISCIS Cohort. The funding bodies played no role in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript

    Implementation of the HepC link test-and-treat community strategy targeting Pakistani migrants with hepatitis C living in Catalonia (Spain) compared with the current practice of the Catalan health system: budget impact analysis

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    Epidemiology; Health policy; Public healthEpidemiología; Política de salud; Salud públicaEpidemiologia; Política de salut; Salut públicaObjectives To perform a budget impact analysis of the HepClink test-and-treat strategy in which community health agents offer hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing, diagnosis and treatment to the Pakistani population living in Catalonia compared with the current practice of the Catalan health system (without targeted screening programmes). Methods We estimated the population of adult Pakistani migrants registered at the primary care centres in Catalonia by means of the Information System for the Development of Research in Primary Care (n=37 972 in 2019, Barcelona health area). This cohort was followed for a time period of 10 years after HCV diagnosis (2019–2028). The statistical significance of the differences observed in the anti-HCV positivity rate between screened and non-screened was confirmed (α=0.05). The budget impact was calculated from the perspective of the Catalan Department of Health. Sensitivity analyses included different levels of participation in HepClink: pessimistic, optimistic and maximum. Results The HepClink scenario screened a higher percentage of individuals (69.8%) compared with the current scenario of HCV care (39.7%). Viraemia was lower in the HepClink scenario compared with the current scenario (1.7% vs 2.5%, respectively). The budget impact of the HepClink scenario was €884 244.42 in 10 years. Conclusions Scaling up the HepClink strategy to the whole Catalan territory infers a high budget impact for the Department of Health and allows increasing the detection of viraemia (+17.8%) among Pakistani migrants ≥18 years. To achieve a sustainable elimination of HCV by improving screening and treatment rates, there is room for improvement at two levels. First, taking advantage of the fact that 68.08% of the Pakistani population had visited their primary care physicians to reinforce targeted screening in primary care. Second, to use HepClink at the community level to reach individuals with reluctance to use healthcare services.This study was carried out with the support from Gilead Sciences (grant number GLD18-00062, EM)

    The contribution of HIV point-of-care tests in early HIV diagnosis: community-based HIV testing monitoring in Catalonia, 1995 to 2018

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    Infeccions per VIH; Serveis de salut; DiagnòsticInfecciones por VIH; Servicios de salud; DiagnósticoVIH infections; Health services; DiagnosisBackground: Community-based HIV testing services combined with the use of point-of-care tests (POCT) have the potential to improve early diagnosis through increasing availability, accessibility and uptake of HIV testing. Aim: To describe community-based HIV testing activity in Catalonia, Spain, from 1995 to 2018, and to evaluate the impact of HIV POCT on the HIV continuum of care.Methods: A community-based network of voluntary counselling and testing services in Catalonia, Spain has been collecting systematic data on activity, process and results since 1995. A descriptive analysis was performed on pooled data, describing the data in terms of people tested and reactive screening test results. Results: Between 1995 and 2018, 125,876 HIV tests were performed (2.1% reactive). Since the introduction of HIV POCT in 2007, a large increase in the number of tests performed was observed, reaching 14,537 tests alone in 2018 (1.3% reactive). Men who have sex with men (MSM), as a proportion of all people tested, has increased greatly over time reaching 74.7% in 2018. The highest percentage of reactive tests was found in people who inject drugs followed by MSM. The contribution of community-based HIV testing to the overall total notified cases in the Catalonia HIV registry has gradually increased, reaching 37.9% in 2018, and 70% of all MSM cases. In 2018, the percentage of individuals with a reactive screening test who were linked to care was 89.0%. Conclusion: Our study reinforces the important role that community-based HIV POCT has on the diagnosis of HIV in key populations

    Protocol de diagnòstic i tractament del virus de l’hepatitis C per persones drogodependents

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    Hepatitis C; Drogodependents; Tractament; DiagnòsticHepatitis C; Drogodependientes; Tratamiento; DiagnósticoHepatitis C; Drug addicts; Treatment; DiagnosisProtocol operatiu de coordinació i atenció integrada entre els centres d’atenció i seguiment (CAS) que fan atenció ambulatòria a les drogodependències, i els serveis hospitalaris encarregats del tractament de la infecció i de la patologia hepàtica pel VHC (serveis de patologia digestiva, unitat d’hepatologia, medicina interna i malalties infeccioses)

    Protocol de diagnòstic i tractament del virus de l’hepatitis C per persones drogodependents

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    Hepatitis C; Drogodependents; Tractament; DiagnòsticHepatitis C; Drogodependientes; Tratamiento; DiagnósticoHepatitis C; Drug addicts; Treatment; DiagnosisProtocol operatiu de coordinació i atenció integrada entre els centres d’atenció i seguiment (CAS) que fan atenció ambulatòria a les drogodependències, i els serveis hospitalaris encarregats del tractament de la infecció i de la patologia hepàtica pel VHC (serveis de patologia digestiva, unitat d’hepatologia, medicina interna i malalties infeccioses)

    HCV microelimination in harm reduction centres has benefits beyond HCV cure but is hampered by high reinfection rates

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    Significant scale-up of treatment among people who inject drugs (PWID) is crucial to achieve WHO HCV elimination targets. We explored the impact of on-site HCV diagnosis and treatment on PWID in an externalised hepatology clinic at the biggest harm reduction centre (HRC) in Barcelona attending to a marginalised PWID population with ongoing high-risk practices.On-site HCV point-of-care testing was performed for diagnosis and treatment delivery. HCV-RNA was assessed at SVR12 (sustained virologic response at 12 weeks) and every 6 months. The programme included behavioural questionnaires at baseline and after treatment.Between 2018 and 2020, 919 individuals were prospectively enrolled. Of these, only 46% accepted HCV screening. HCV-RNA+ prevalence was 55.7% (n = 234). Of the 168 (72%) individuals starting treatment, 48% were foreigners, 32% homeless, 73% unemployed, and 62% had a history of incarceration. At enrolment, 70% injected drugs daily and 30% reported sharing needles or paraphernalia. Intention-to-treat SVR12 was 60%; only 4% were virological failures, the remaining were either early reinfections (20%) or losses to follow-up (16%). The overall reinfection rate during follow-up was 31/100 persons/year. HIV coinfection and daily injection were associated with a higher risk of reinfection. Nonetheless, beyond viral clearance, antiviral therapy was associated with a significant reduction in injection frequency, risk practices, and homelessness.HCV treatment can be successfully delivered to active PWID with high-risk practices and has a significant benefit beyond HCV elimination. However, approaching this difficult spectrum of the PWID population implies significant barriers such as low rate of screening acceptance and high dropout and reinfection rates.People who inject drugs attending harm reduction centres represent the most difficult population to treat for hepatitis C. We show that hepatitis C treatment has a significant benefit beyond viral cure, including improving quality of life, and decreasing injection frequency and risk practices. However, intrinsic barriers and the high reinfection rates hamper the achievement of viral microelimination in this setting.© 2022 The Author(s)

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia.

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    Este trabajo presenta aspectos fundamentales entorno al rol que deben desempeñar los profesionales que brindan Acompañamiento Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia, teniendo en cuenta una mirada subjetiva del hecho violento, porque más allá de revivir los eventos traumáticos lo importante debe ser identificar recursos de afrontamiento como la resiliencia y el empoderamiento de las víctimas para salir victoriosas ante la indiferencia y la crueldad de las dinámicas de la violencia, reconociendo sus capacidades y su construcción como sujetos de derechos, así lo complementan Penagos, M, Martínez, P & Arévalo, L. (2009) cuando afirman que “el reconocimiento del estatus de víctima debe estar acompañado de la construcción de discursos y prácticas que destaquen la capacidad de “agencia” de las personas, lo cual supone que despliegan sus recursos con el fin de asumir nuevamente el control de sus vidas, de incidir en ellas y de esta manera no caen en la dependencia y en la “victimización” (pág.12) Es aquí donde el rol del psicólogo debe enfocarse en brindar acompañamiento a las víctimas de las violencia, donde se les enseñe la manera ideal de habitar el espacio, haciéndolos participes de lo que encuentran en el entorno, reflejándose en el otro como esa parte importante de lo que son como individuos sin encasillarse en los roles impuestos por la sociedad, porque más allá del rol de víctima de la violencia; esta el rol sobreviviente ante las adversidades, porque sabe que inevitablemente se van a presentar y por esto debe afrontarlas y trabajar para superarlas.This work presents fundamental aspects about the role that professionals who provide Psychosocial Accompaniment in Violence Scenarios must play, taking into account a subjective view of the violent fact, because beyond reliving traumatic events, the important thing must be to identify coping resources such as resilience and the empowerment of victims to emerge victorious before the indifference and cruelty of the dynamics of violence, recognizing their capacities and their construction as subjects of rights, as well as Penagos, M, Martínez, P & Arévalo, L. ( 2009) when they affirm that "the recognition of the victim's status must be accompanied by the construction of discourses and practices that highlight the capacity of" agency "of the people, which means that they deploy their resources in order to take over control of their lives, to influence them and in this way they do not fall into dependence and "Victimization" (p.12) This is where the role of the psychologist should focus on providing accompaniment to victims of violence, where they are taught the ideal way to inhabit the space, making them participants of what they find in the environment, reflected in the other as that important part of what they are as individuals without being encased in the roles imposed by society, because beyond the role of victim of violence; this is the surviving role in the face of adversities, because he knows that they will inevitably present themselves and that is why he must face them and work to overcome them. Keywords: Violence Scenarios, Victims, Survivors, Resilience, Subjectivity

    Estudio de los costos en que incurren las entidades promotoras de salud en Colombia por la prevención y el tratamiento del VIH/sida

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    El presente artículo tiene por objetivo principal estudiar los costos en que incurren las entidades promotoras de salud en Colombia por la prevención y el tratamiento del VIH/sida. La metodología es investigación con enfoque mixto (cualitativa y cuantitativa). Se identificaron patrones de tarifas de atención y tratamientos de pacientes VIH positivos y se estimaron los precios anuales de atención a pacientes VIH/sida, según la etapa de la enfermedad. Por último, se realizó una descripción de gastos en etapa de latencia clínica respecto a los costos de atención a pacientes con esta afección. Se concluye que en Colombia se sobrepasa la capacidad de sostenimiento de las entidades promotoras de salud y las aseguradoras, dados los altos precios de los regímenes farmacéuticos necesarios, que son a su vez una consecuencia probable del poco control gubernamental que existe sobre el costo de los medicamentos

    Protocol de la prova de detecció ràpida del VHC per a HSH i persones trans

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    Virus de l’hepatitis C; HSH; Persones trans; Cribatge comunitariVirus de la hepatitis C; HSH; Personas trans; Cribado comunitarioHepatitis C virus; MSM; Trans people; Community screeningL'objectiu d'aquest protocol és crear un programa de cribratge comunitari del VHC per a HSH i persones trans no infectats pel VIH que tenen pràctiques de risc i/o utilitzen la PrEP