9 research outputs found

    Histomorphometric and Immunohistochemical Study of Early Adaptative Response of the Vascular Wall in a Termino-Terminal Microsurgical Model of Femoral Vessels in Wistar Rat

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    SUMMARY: When a vein segment is grafted into arterial circulation, biomechanical forces stimulate modification of its structure. This morphological adaptive response is progressive during a medium or long term and occludes the vessel lumen, leading to a graft failure. The objective of this study was to characterize the early morphological response of the vascular wall in a terminal-terminal vascular vein graft model in Wistar rats. A segment of the femoral vein was placed in the femoral circulation. An end to end microsurgical graft anastomosis technique was implemented and standardized in twenty rats. The samples were processed with histological technique to analyze the overall structure with hematoxylin and eosin, the composition of the vessel wall with Masson trichrome technique, the proliferating and smooth muscle cells were detected with immunohistochemistry (anti-PCNA, anti-actin and anti CD68) and the induction of apoptosis with TUNEL technique. The times periods studied were 1, 3 and 5 days postoperative. There is progressive increase of cell proliferation and intensity of the density detected by PCNA with its peak at postoperative day 3. Apoptosis was not evident in any of the postoperative days. Smooth muscle had no significant change in any of the time periods studied. Macrophage and leukocyte migration was evident since the first postoperative day with infiltration into the media by the 5th day. This study characterizes the morphological aspects in the early arterialization of the vascular wall in a vein graft process. These results contribute to a better understanding of the morphopathological mechanism involved in vein graft failure. KEY WORDS: Hyperplasia; Morphology; Microsurgical model; Vascular adaptive changes; Venous graft

    Sex differences in placental protein expression and efficiency in a rat model of fetal programming induced by maternal undernutrition

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    Fetal undernutrition programs cardiometabolic diseases, with higher susceptibility in males. The mechanisms implicated are not fully understood and may be related to sex differences in placental adaptation. To evaluate this hypothesis, we investigated placental oxidative balance, vascularization, glucocorticoid barrier, and fetal growth in rats exposed to 50% global nutrient re-striction from gestation day 11 (MUN, n = 8) and controls (n = 8). At gestation day 20 (G20), we analyzed maternal, placental, and fetal weights; oxidative damage, antioxidants, corticosterone, and PlGF (placental growth factor, spectrophotometry); and VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), 11β-HSD2, p22phox, XO, SOD1, SOD2, SOD3, catalase, and UCP2 expression (Western blot). Compared with controls, MUN dams exhibited lower weight and plasma proteins and higher corticosterone and catalase without oxidative damage. Control male fetuses were larger than female fetuses. MUN males had higher plasma corticosterone and were smaller than control males, but had similar weight than MUN females. MUN male placenta showed higher XO and lower 11β-HSD2, VEGF, SOD2, catalase, UCP2, and feto-placental ratio than controls. MUN females had similar feto-placental ratio and plasma corticosterone than controls. Female placenta expressed lower XO, 11β-HSD2, and SOD3; similar VEGF, SOD1, SOD2, and UCP2; and higher catalase than controls, being 11β-HSD2 and VEGF higher compared to MUN males. Male placenta has worse adaptation to un-dernutrition with lower efficiency, associated with oxidative disbalance and reduced vasculariza-tion and glucocorticoid barrier. Glucocorticoids and low nutrients may both contribute to programming in MUN malesThis research was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain), grant number RTI2018-097504-B-I00, cofinanced with FEDER funds and by the Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University (Thailand), grant number KKU:0514.7.I.12-194

    Estudio morfométrico de la arteria radial y su implicación en la cirugía de revascularización miocárdica = Morphometric study of the radial artery and its involvement in bypass surgery grafting

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    La arteria radial (AR) es utilizada en la práctica médica para la realización de diversos procedimientos quirúrgicos, entre los que destaca la cirugía de revascularización miocárdica. En la literatura actual hay poca información acerca de la compatibilidad de esta arteria con otros conductos vasculares. El objetivo fue determinar las características anatómicas, morfométricas y distribución de la arteria radial en el antebrazo. Se disecó la arteria radial de 10 antebrazos de cadáveres embalsamados; se identificaron y registraron los ramos musculares y vasa nervorum emitidos por la arteria, se midió la longitud total y obtuvieron tres muestras (proximal, media y distal) de cada una para ser procesadas mediante técnicas histológicas y se determinaron los grosores de la túnica media y los diámetros. Se observaron modas de 8 ramos arteriales para el músculo braquiorradial, 4 para los músculos flexor superficial de los dedos y flexor radial del carpo, un ramo arterial único para el músculo pronador cuadrado y una moda de 1 vasa nervorum para el ramo superficial del nervio radial. La longitud total de la arteria fue de 21,94 cm (±3,34). Los grosores encontrados fueron de 196,16 µm (±72,35), 148,25 µm (±40,40) y 158,96 µm (±45,74) en los segmentos proximal, medio y distal respectivamente. Los diámetros luminales mostraron una media de 1,48 mm (±0,70) en la región proximal, 1,01mm (±0,35) en la media y 1,43 mm (±0,47) en la distal. Considerando las características morfométricas, la arteria radial es una opción que satisface los criterios de longitud, diámetro luminal y grosor para ser utilizada como injerto

    Morphological Analysis of Major Segments of Coronary Artery Occlusion: Importance in Myocardial Revascularization Surgery

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    Revascularization surgery should ensure morphological similarity between the coronary artery and the graft. This is an important factor for its duration and permeability. The aim of this study was to analyze the morphological characteristics and morphometrics of the coronary artery segments with greater occlusion. This was an observational, cross-sectional descriptive study that consisted of two phases. A macroscopic phase in which 11 cadaveric hearts were extracted and coronary dominance and length of the anterior interventricular artery (AIA), the right coronary artery (RCA) and the circumflex artery (CXA) were determined. In the microscopic phase a total of 77 segments of these arteries were obtained and the luminal diameter, wall thickness, and amount of elastic fibers and the presence and size of the atheroma were determined. Right coronary dominance was the most frequent. Total vessel length was 15.65±1.17 cm for the AIA, 12.67±2.02 cm for the RCA and 8.79±2.5 cm for the CXA. Diameters ranged from 2.3 mm in the proximal segments and between 1.1 mm to 1.8 mm in the distal segments. Wall thickness in the proximal segments was between 354 µm and 396 µm and in the distal segments it ranged from 120 µm to 305 µm. The amount of elastic fibers showed that they were muscular arteries. Atheromas were present in 35% in the CXA, and in 32.5% in the AIA and the RCA. The largest ones were found in the proximal segments. This study examined the morphology and morphometry of the segments of the coronary arteries that are more frequently occluded. It provides information on the most significant parameters to be considered for election of the vascular graft in myocardial revascularization surgery

    Influencia de intervenciones nutricionales durante la gestación sobre el desarrollo fetal en la rata. Papel del estrés oxidativo de la placenta

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Fisiología. Fecha de Lectura: 18-12-2018Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 18-06-2020Esta tesis ha sido financiada por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) y el Gobierno del Estado de Nuevo León a través del Instituto de Innovación y Transferencia de Tecnología (I2T2) de México y por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España en su convocatoria del Plan Nacional (FEM2015-63631-R) cofinanciado con fondos FEDER

    Conduits Used in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: A Review of Morphological Studies

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    There is a significant variety of vascular conduits options for coronary bypass surgery. Adequate graft selection is the most important factor for the success of the intervention. To ensure durability, permeability, and bypass function, there must be a morphological similarity between the graft and the coronary artery. The objective of this review was to analyze the morphological characteristics of the grafts that are most commonly used in coronary bypass surgery and the coronary arteries that are most frequently occluded. We included clinical information regarding the characteristics that determine the behavior of the grafts and its permeability over time. Currently, the internal thoracic artery is the standard choice for bypass surgery because of the morphological characteristics of the wall that makes less prone to developing atherosclerosis and hyperplasia. The radial and right gastroepiploic arteries are the following second and third best options, respectively. The ulnar artery is the preferred choice when other conduits are not feasible. Keywords: conduits, coronary artery bypass grafting, histology, morphology, permeabilit

    Effects of Arachidonic and Docosohexahenoic Acid Supplementation during Gestation in Rats. Implication of Placental Oxidative Stress

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    Arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids (ARA and DHA) are important during pregnancy. However, the effects of dietary supplementation on fetal growth and oxidative stress are inconclusive. We aimed to assess the effect of high ARA and DHA diet during rat gestation on: (1) ARA and DHA availability in plasma and placenta, (2) fetal growth, and (3) placental oxidative stress, analyzing the influence of sex. Experimental diet (ED) was prepared by substituting soybean oil in the control diet (CD) by a fungi/algae-based oil containing ARA and DHA (2:1). Rats were fed with CD or ED during gestation; plasma, placenta, and fetuses were obtained at gestational day 20. DHA, ARA, and their precursors were analyzed in maternal plasma and placenta by gas chromatography/mass spectrophotometry. Fetuses and placentas were weighed, the proportion of fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) determined, and placental lipid and protein oxidation analyzed. ED fetuses exhibited lower body weight compared to CD, being >40% IUGR; fetal weight negatively correlated with maternal plasma ARA, but not DHA. Only ED female placenta exhibited higher lipid and protein oxidation compared to its CD counterparts; lipid peroxidation is negatively associated with fetal weight. In conclusion, high ARA during gestation associates with IUGR, through placental oxidative stress, with females being more susceptible

    Experiencias ganaderas, agrícolas y forestales en la conservación de los recursos naturales

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    La producción agrícola y ganadera es un desafío en la actualidad por diversas razones, entre las que se encuentran el cambio climático, la degradación de los suelos y la contaminación. En algunas zonas, estas actividades se llevan a cabo en áreas destinadas a la conservación de la naturaleza, por lo que tienen el reto de garantizar la producción de alimentos para una población creciente, y a su vez de conservar la biodiversidad y los servicios ecosistémicos en México.GIZ, SEMARNAT, CONANP, GFA, ICA