1,634 research outputs found

    Quantum electrodynamics of an atom in front of a dielectric slab

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    Quantum electrodynamic theory (QED) in the vicinity of macroscopic structures has achieved new importance due to its applicability, particularly in nanotechnology. There are many powerful methods for studying QED near media with diverse properties and geometries. However, applying them to a particular problem generally necessitates extensive numerical calculations. This is not the case for simple systems of high symmetry, in which the electromagnetic field can be quantised by explicit mode expansion, allowing exact analytic calculations. In the present thesis, we calculate the energy-level shift of a ground state atom near a non-dispersive and non-dissipative dielectric slab. The shift is due to the interaction of the atom with electromagnetic field fluctuations, which in turn are affected by the presence of the slab. Thus, a quantisation of the electromagnetic field in the presence of a layered system is required. We derive the field modes, which comprise of a continuous set of travelling modes (with incident, reflected and transmitted parts) and trapped modes, subject to repeated total internal reflection and emerge as an evanescent field outside the slab, they only exist at certain discrete frequencies. The shift is obtained by means of second-order perturbation theory. It splits up naturally into two contributions, due to the different nature of the modes, and a problem arises when we have to add them all. We have come up with a convenient method of summing over all modes, and its validity has been demonstrated by proving the completeness. The calculation of the shift follows as an application of our method. The result is analysed asymptotically for various regions, reducing to simple formulas that can be utilised in recent experiments, in which the thickness of the substrate matters

    Balanced mixture of biochar and synthetic fertilizer increases seedling quality of Acacia mangium

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    Biochar is a charcoal-like substance produced by pyrolisis of organic material from agricultural and forestry wastes, that can improve soil and substrates physical and chemical properties in the field and in plant nurseries. Despite some studies showing the advantages of its use in forestry nurseries, other studies show that biochar effects on seedling growth and quality are variable, and depends on the specific properties of the biochar and the particular species response to it. The objective of this study was to evaluate, through the analysis of the substrate and plant measurements, the effect of biochar produced from Acacia mangium Willd wood residues on the production of the same species seedlings. An experiment with complete factorial design, in a completely randomized arrangement, was established, with 9 treatments resulting from the combination of A. mangium biochar (BAM) and synthetic fertilizer (FS), with 3 dose levels for BAM: 0, 40, and 80 ton · ha−1 and 3 levels for the FS: 0% 50% and 100% of common fertilizer practice in the studied region of Colombia. The quality of the seedlings was estimated using the Dickson index (DQI), which considers the size and biomass allocation of the plant. The addition of BAM + FS increased the cationic exchange capacity, nitrogen, phosphorus, organic matter and carbon in the substrate without modifying the pH or the concentrations of calcium and potassium. Foliar analysis showed an increase in these cations in BAM treatments. An increase of over 130% was found in the DQI of seedlings with BAM + FS, but an intermediate dose of both elements was required to achieve this improvement in seedling quality. Neither of the two fertilizer alternatives alone resulted in good seedling quality.Fil: Reyes Moreno, Giovanni. Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt; ColombiaFil: Fernandez, Maria Elena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible; ArgentinaFil: Darghan Contreras, Enrique. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Colombi


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    In the present work, our goal is to establish a study of some families of quadratic polynomial vector fields connected to orthogonal polynomials that relate, via two different points of view, the qualitative and the algebraic ones. We extend those results that contain some details related to differential Galois theory as well as the inclusion of Darboux theory of integrability and the qualitative theory of dynamical systems. We conclude this study with the construction of differential Galois groups, the calculation of Darboux first integral, and the construction of the global phase portraits在当前的工作中,我们的目标是建立与正交多项式相关的二次多项式矢量场的一些族的研究 ,该正交多项式通过两种不同的观点相互关联,即定性和代数。 我们扩展了这些结果,这些结果 包含与微分加洛瓦理论有关的一些细节,以及包含达布可积性理论和动力学系统的定性理论。我 们以差分伽罗瓦群的构造,达布克斯第一积分的计算以及整体相像的构造来结束本研究

    Balanced mixture of biochar and synthetic fertilizer increases seedling quality of Acacia mangium

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    Biochar is a charcoal-like substance produced by pyrolisis of organic material from agricultural and forestry wastes, that can improve soil and substrates physical and chemical properties in the field and in plant nurseries. Despite some studies showing the advantages of its use in forestry nurseries, other studies show that biochar effects on seedling growth and quality are variable, and depends on the specific properties of the biochar and the particular species response to it. The objective of this study was to evaluate, through the analysis of the substrate and plant measurements, the effect of biochar produced from Acacia mangium Willd wood residues on the production of the same species seedlings. An experiment with complete factorial design, in a completely randomized arrangement, was established, with 9 treatments resulting from the combination of A. mangium biochar (BAM) and synthetic fertilizer (FS), with 3 dose levels for BAM: 0, 40, and 80 ton · ha−1 and 3 levels for the FS: 0% 50% and 100% of common fertilizer practice in the studied region of Colombia. The quality of the seedlings was estimated using the Dickson index (DQI), which considers the size and biomass allocation of the plant. The addition of BAM + FS increased the cationic exchange capacity, nitrogen, phosphorus, organic matter and carbon in the substrate without modifying the pH or the concentrations of calcium and potassium. Foliar analysis showed an increase in these cations in BAM treatments. An increase of over 130% was found in the DQI of seedlings with BAM + FS, but an intermediate dose of both elements was required to achieve this improvement in seedling quality. Neither of the two fertilizer alternatives alone resulted in good seedling quality.Fil: Reyes Moreno, Giovanni. Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt; ColombiaFil: Fernandez, Maria Elena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible; ArgentinaFil: Darghan Contreras, Enrique. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Colombi

    Egg-mediated maternal effects in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish.

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    Mothers can influence offspring phenotype through egg-mediated maternal effects, which can be influenced by cues mothers obtain from their environment during offspring production. Developing embryos use these components but have mechanisms to alter maternal signals. Here we aimed to understand the role of mothers and embryos in how maternal effects might shape offspring social phenotype. In the cooperatively breeding fish Neolamprologus pulcher different social phenotypes develop in large and small social groups differing in predation risk and social complexity. We manipulated the maternal social environment of N. pulcher females during egg laying by allocating them either to a small or a large social group. We compared egg mass and clutch size and the concentration of corticosteroid metabolites between social environments, and between fertilized and unfertilized eggs to investigate how embryos deal with maternal signalling. Mothers in small groups produced larger clutches but neither laid smaller eggs nor bestowed eggs differently with corticosteroids. Fertilized eggs scored lower on a principal component representing three corticosteroid metabolites, namely 11-deoxycortisol, cortisone, and 11-deoxycorticosterone. We did not detect egg-mediated maternal effects induced by the maternal social environment. We discuss that divergent social phenotypes induced by different group sizes may be triggered by own offspring experience

    Sex-specific routes to independent breeding in a polygynous cooperative breeder

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    How can individuals obtain a breeding position and what are the benefits associated with philopatry compared to dispersal? These questions are particularly intriguing in polygamous cooperative breeders, where dispersal strategies reflect major life history decisions, and routes to independent breeding may utterly differ between the sexes. We scrutinized sex-dependent life-history routes by investigating dispersal patterns, growth rates and mortality in a wild colony of the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus savoryi. Our data reveal that female helpers typically obtain dominant breeding positions immediately after reaching sexual maturity, which is associated with strongly reduced growth. In contrast, males obtain breeder status only at twice the age of females. After reaching sexual maturity, males follow one of two strategies: (i) they may retain their subordinate status within the harem of a dominant male, which may provide protection against predators but involves costs by helping in territory maintenance, defence and brood care; or (ii) they may disperse and adopt a solitary status, which diminishes survival chances and apparently reflects a best-of-a-bad-job strategy, as there are no obvious compensating future fitness benefits associated with this pathway. Our study illustrates that sex-dependent life history strategies strongly relate to specific social structures and mating patterns, with important implications for growth rates, the age at which breeding status is obtained, and survival