228 research outputs found

    Tourist attractions as a moderating element in explanatory models for loyalty development

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    Many studies have analysed the impact of destination image on tourist satisfaction and loyalty, including different mediating variables, both affective and cognitive. This article will attempt to determine whether the representative model of visitors' future behaviour (satisfaction and loyalty) – viewed in terms of destination image, quality, value, disconfirmation, and emotions – follows a common, universal pattern or whether that behaviour actually differs when the model is applied to destinations offering different attractions.The paper below analyses disparate emotional behaviour in relation to destinations mentioned in the literature, when value does not play a mediating role between perception of quality and satisfaction with coastal destinations. This study concludes that there is a common pattern for purely urban cultural destinations while a different pattern exists for urban cultural destinations that include beaches among their attractions.Múltiples estudios han analizado el impacto de la imagen de los destinos en la satisfacción y lealtad de los turistas, incluyendo diversas variables mediadoras tanto afectivas como cognitivas. Este artículo intentará determinar si el modelo de comportamiento futuro del visitante (satisfacción y lealtad), analizado en términos de imagen del destino, calidad, valor, disconfirmación y emociones, sigue un modelo común y universal, o si por el contrario difiere entre destinos que ofrecen diferente tipo de atracciones al visitante.El trabajo contrasta la existencia de un comportamiento dispar de las emociones en relación con lo expuesto en la literatura, al tiempo que se señala que el valor no juega un rol mediador entre la calidad y la satisfacción para los destinos costeros. Como conclusión se extrae que hay un modelo de comportamiento común entre destinos puramente urbanos, mientras que existe otro diferente para destinos culturales urbanos que cuentan con playa entre sus atractivos turísticos

    Do travelers' reviews depend on the destination? An analysis in coastal and urban peer-to-peer lodgings

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    Our research applies a service, feature-oriented approach to deeply explore the subjective experiences shared publicly by Airbnb guests in their reviews. Our processed data set contains 73,557 reviews of Airbnb stays in coastal and urban destinations between 2017 and 2020. A topic modeling based on the BERTopic approach is applied to detect dense clusters of reviews and identify one highly relevant and interpretable topic per cluster related to core and essential sharing services and surrounding features. Our study, therefore, allows a higher understanding of the relationships between urban versus coastal destinations and guests' preferences. Furthermore, it enables hosts to differentiate the touristic short-rentals lodgings according to customer experiences

    El papel moderador de la cultura en la generación de satisfacción y lealtad

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    El presente trabajo analiza las diferencias en el funcionamiento del modelo explicativo del desarrollo de satisfacción y lealtad por parte del turista entre dos grupos culturales distintos (individualistas con baja aversión a la incertidumbre, y colectivistas con alta aversión a la incertidumbre), así como la posible existencia de variables mediadoras y moderadoras en la relación entre satisfacción y lealtad. Específicamente, el modelo cognitivo-afectivo utilizado contempla el papel jugado por las expectativas ajustadas como mediadoras entre la satisfacción del consumidor y su lealtad.Los resultados obtenidos indican la existencia de diferencias relevantes en el comportamiento de los dos grupos culturales analizados

    Imagen de destinos turísticos urbanos y lealtad del turista, ¿actitud o comportamiento?

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    Los destinos turísticos urbanos se enfrentan actualmente a una creciente competencia generada por las facilidades existentes en el transporte, tanto por la proliferación de rutas como por las rebajas en los precios, lo que ocasiona que el turista pueda elegir entre un mayor número de posibilidades. Por ello resulta fundamental conocer los procesos generadores de satisfacción y lealtad asociados a la visita al destino turístico, ya que un turista leal tendrá una mayor propensión a visitar de nuevo el destino y/o a comentar cosas positivas sobre el mismo. El presente trabajo analiza, para el caso de la ciudad de Sevilla, España, la influencia ejercida por la imagen del destino sobre la lealtad del turista, pero teniendo en cuenta además el papel mediador jugado por las emociones (distinguiendo sus componentes de activación y agrado) entre las expectativas y la satisfacción. Metodológicamente, se ha empleado un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, aplicando la técnica PLS. Los resultados verifican las relaciones propuestas así como el papel moderador jugado por algunas variables (visita previa y origen del turista). Asimismo, existen diferencias en dichas relaciones en función de que la lealtad se mida en términos de la realización de comentarios, o por la intención de volver a visitar el destino.The Image of Tourist Destinations and Tourists’ Loyalty Attitude or Behavior? Urban tourist destinations show high levels of increasing competition, generated by improved transport facilities –coming both from a rise in the number of routes and also from price wars- which enables a much wider range of option for tourists to choose. For this reason it is of much relevance to know the processes generating satisfaction and loyalty in visiting tourist destinations, since a loyal tourist may return to a particular destination or speak favorably of it. While numerous studies do exist concerning the components of overall image and its impact on tourist loyalty and satisfaction, very few of them relate these variables to the so-called disconfirmation process and to emotions –these variables having an important effect on consumer behavior. This study analyzes, in the case of the city of Seville (Spain), the influence exerted by destination image on tourist’s loyalty. The issue of the mediating role played by emotions (split in its dimensions of arousal and pleasure) between disconfirmation and satisfaction is also addressed. The methodology used in the research was based on structural equation modeling –specifically by applying the PLS technique. The study findings confirm both the proposed relationships among variables and the mediating role played by some personal tourist’s variables (i.e. previous visit to the city and tourist’s origin). However, some shifting effects on the above relationships have been also found depending on what measurement of tourist’s loyalty was being used: personal recommendations to other travelers versus intention to revisit the destination

    The determinant conditions and causal mechanisms that explain the use of micromobility services

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    [EN] Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is presented as a possible solution to the sustainability challenges posed by the concentration of population in cities. Despite the wide range of services that it incorporates and the fact that its adoption is associated with numerous benefits, its rate of use remains low. Therefore, the aim of our research is to identify the factors which explain the use of micromobility services. Since the adoption of mobility is a complex phenomenon whose explanation involves conditions at different levels, a model based on a multilevel perspective is applied to a sample of 48 cities in different parts of the world. The application of Qualitative Comparative Analysis and Necessary Conditions Analysis shows that there are no necessary conditions in kind for the use of micromobility services, although there are necessary conditions in degree. Likewise, the different combinations of conditions that explain the use, and denial, of the micromobility services are identified. The role played by satisfaction with public transport and the perception that traffic congestion is not a problem stand out in explaining the use, or denial, of micromobility services. There is a causal mechanism that shows how certain conditions trigger the use of micromobility services. MaaS operators should take advantage of existing synergies with different services in the mobility regime to try to encourage the adoption of their applications.[ES] Mobility as a Service (MaaS) se presenta como una posible solución a los retos que supone la concentración de la población en las ciudades para la sostenibilidad. Pese al amplio abanico de servicios que incorpora y a que a su adopción se le vincula numerosos beneficios, su tasa de uso se mantiene baja. Por ello, el presente trabajo res-ponde al objetivo de identificar los factores que explican el uso de los servicios de micromovilidad. Puesto que la adopción de la movilidad es un fenómeno complejo en cuya explicación intervienen condiciones a diferente nivel se aplica un modelo basado en la perspectiva multinivel a una muestra compuesta por 48 ciudades de diferentes zonas del mundo. La aplicación de Qualitative Comparative Analysis y de Necessary Conditions Analysis constata la inexistencia de condiciones necesarias in kind para el uso de los servicios de movilidad, si bien existen condiciones necesarias in degree. Asimismo, se identifican las diferentes combinaciones de condiciones que explican el uso, y negación, de los servicios de micromovilidad. El papel jugado por la satisfacción con el transporte público y la percepción de que la congestión del tráfico no sea un problema destacan en la explicación del uso, o negación, de la micromovilidad. Existe un mecanismo causal que muestra cómo determinadas condiciones disparan el uso de los servicios de micromovilidad. Los operadores de MaaS deben aprovechar las sinergias existentes con diferentes servicios existentes en el regime de movilidad para tratar de favorecer la adopción de sus aplicaciones

    Satisfaction, loyalty and collectivism in cultural destinations

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    Múltiples trabajos analizan el impacto que la imagen de los destinostiene sobre la satisfacción y lealtad de los turistas, incluyendodiferentes variables mediadoras tanto afectivas como cognitivas. Elpresente artículo pretende dilucidar si el modelo representativo delcomportamiento futuro de los visitantes (satisfacción y lealtad) enfunción de las expectativas, disconfirmación, satisfacción, emociones ylealtad, obedece a pautas comunes y universales, o si bien talfuncionamiento difiere cuando se aplica a destinos caracterizados pordistintas atracciones. Se concluye con la existencia de un patrón decomportamiento diferente para aquellos destinos culturales urbanosque incorporan playas entre sus atracciones.Many studies have analyzed the impact of destination image ontourist satisfaction and loyalty, including different mediatingvariables both affective and cognitive. This article will attemptto determine whether the representative model of visitors'future behavior (satisfaction and loyalty), viewed in terms ofexpectations, disconfirmation, satisfaction, emotions and loyalty,follows a universal common pattern or whether that behavioractually differs, when the model is applied to culturaldestinations offering different attractions. The conclusion is thatthere is a different pattern for urban cultural destinations whichinclude beaches among their attractions

    Nivel de educación y adopción de e-servicios una aplicación al caso del e-gobierno

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    A large majority of Governments are trying to achieve the development and acceptance of its projects of e-Government as a way to improve the perceived quality of the services it provides and to facilitate access to them. Once developed various models that explain the adoption of e-Government, is stated the need to study this phenomenon jointly with the digital divide. In this line, this work analyses the moderator role played by the educational level of citizens in the adoption of e-Government, concluding that the educational level moderates the relationship between the effort expectancy and social influence and use intention. To the contrary arises that the educational level of the citizen doesn't moderate the relationship between the performance expectancy and use intention, neither the one that linked to this last and facilitating conditions with the use of e-Government platforms.A large majority of Governments are trying to achieve the development and acceptance of its projects of e-Government as a way to improve the perceived quality of the services it provides and to facilitate access to them. Once developed various models that explain the adoption of e-Government, is stated the need to study this phenomenon jointly with the digital divide. In this line, this work analyses the moderator role played by the educational level of citizens in the adoption of e-Government, concluding that the educational level moderates the relationship between the effort expectancy and social influence and use intention. To the contrary arises that the educational level of the citizen doesn´t moderate the relationship between the performance expectancy and use intention, neither the one that linked to this last and facilitating conditions with the use of e-Government platforms

    Competitive Advantages as a Complete Mediator Variable in Strategic Resources, Dynamic Capabilities and Performance Relations in the Car Sales Sector

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    Taking the resource-based view –RBV- and the dynamic capability view –DCV- as an orientation, the main aim of this study is to develop the mediator role that competitive advantages play in the relations between strategic resources, dynamic capabilities and performance. The study takes place in a dynamic and changing sector: the sale of new cars in Portugal. The results show that (a) achieving competitive advantages, which are decisive for business results, depends on the available strategic resources and the generating of dynamic capabilities, (b) in dynamic and changing sectors strategic resources are essential to generate dynamic capabilities, (c) firms must center their attention on, more than results, the generating of sustainable competitive advantages as these act as a mediator variable of the effect of strategic resources and dynamic capabilities on performance. The data scrutiny uses structural equation modeling (SEM) through PLS as the statistical instrument. The sample comprises 89 firms which sell new cars in Portugal

    Fidelización de internautas en la blogostera

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    Internet presenta un alto potencial como herramienta de fidelización para las marcas humanas. Entre ellas, los blogs se constituyen como uno de los modelos más atractivos para tal fin al tiempo que sirven para que sus autores se enfrenten a uno de los mayores peligros asociados a Internet: la circulación de información negativa. Si bien trabajos previos muestran como satisfacción, confianza y apego favorecen el desarrollo de compromiso, al tiempo que éste reduce el impacto de la información negativa sobre el comportamiento del consumidor, el presente trabajo se centra en el análisis del papel jugado por el género como variable moderadora en tales relaciones. Los resultados verifican como la relación entre compromiso e interpretación de la información negativa resulta superior para la muestras del género femeninoThe internet has a great potential as a tool in promoting loyalty to human brands. Personal blogs, one of its applications, are among the most powerful elements in pursuing this kind of loyalty. Furthermore, personal blogs are useful for their authors in confronting one of the main Internet risks, namely the possibility of harmful information flowing around. A look to the previous literature show that factors such satisfaction and have a positive effect on commitment –in turn, commitment clearly reducing the impact of potentially harmful information on user behaviour. The present research focuses on the roll that user gender has as a moderating factor on the relationships among the factors mentioned above. The research’s findings show that the relationship between commitment and the meaning of potentially harmful information is greater for women than for ma

    Evaluación del impacto de las políticas de transparencia en España

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