8,454 research outputs found

    Postflight analysis of the single-axis acoustic system on SPAR VI and recommendations for future flights

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    The single axis acoustic levitator that was flown on SPAR VI malfunctioned. The results of a series of tests, analyses, and investigation of hypotheses that were undertaken to determine the probable cause of failure are presented, together with recommendations for future flights of the apparatus. The most probable causes of the SPAR VI failure were lower than expected sound intensity due to mechanical degradation of the sound source, and an unexpected external force that caused the experiment sample to move radially and eventually be lost from the acoustic energy well

    Topographical scattering of waves: a spectral approach

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    The topographical scattering of gravity waves is investigated using a spectral energy balance equation that accounts for first order wave-bottom Bragg scattering. This model represents the bottom topography and surface waves with spectra, and evaluates a Bragg scattering source term that is theoretically valid for small bottom and surface slopes and slowly varying spectral properties. The robustness of the model is tested for a variety of topographies uniform along one horizontal dimension including nearly sinusoidal, linear ramp and step profiles. Results are compared with reflections computed using an accurate method that applies integral matching along vertical boundaries of a series of steps. For small bottom amplitudes, the source term representation yields accurate reflection estimates even for a localized scatterer. This result is proved for small bottom amplitudes hh relative to the mean water depth HH. Wave reflection by small amplitude bottom topography thus depends primarily on the bottom elevation variance at the Bragg resonance scales, and is insensitive to the detailed shape of the bottom profile. Relative errors in the energy reflection coefficient are found to be typically 2h/H2h/H.Comment: Second revision for Journal of Waterways Ports and Coastal Engineerin

    The roles of stellar feedback and galactic environment in star-forming molecular clouds

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Feedback from massive stars is thought to play an important role in the evolution of molecular clouds. In this work we analyse the effects of stellar winds and supernovae (SNe) in the evolution of two massive (∼ 106 M ) giant molecular clouds (GMCs): one gravitationally bound collapsing cloud and one unbound cloud undergoing disruption by galactic shear. These two clouds have been extracted from a large scale galaxy model and are re-simulated at a spatial resolution of ∼ 0.01 pc, including feedback from winds, SNe, and the combined effect of both. We find that stellar winds stop accretion of gas onto sink particles, and can also trigger star formation in the shells formed by the winds, although the overall effect is to reduce the global star formation rate of both clouds. Furthermore, we observe that winds tend to escape through the corridors of diffuse gas. The effect of SNe is not so prominent and the star formation rate is similar to models neglecting stellar feedback. We find that most of the energy injected by the SNe is radiated away, but overdense areas are created by multiple and concurrent SN events especially in the most virialised cloud. Our results suggest that the impact of stellar feedback is sensitive to the morphology of star forming clouds, which is set by large scale galactic flows, being of greater importance in clouds undergoing gravitational collapse.The calculations for this paper were performed on the supercomputer at Exeter, which is jointly funded by STFC, the Large Facilities Capital Fund of BIS and the University of Exeter. RRR and CLD acknowledge funding from the European Research Council for the FP7 ERC starting grant project LOCALSTAR. OA and RRR would like to acknowledge support from STFC consolidated grant ST/M000990/1. Figs 1, 2, 5, and 3 were produced using SPLASH (Price 2007)

    Better age estimations using UV-optical colours: breaking the age-metallicity degeneracy

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    We demonstrate that the combination of GALEX UV photometry in the FUV (~1530 angstroms) and NUV (~2310 angstroms) passbands with optical photometry in the standard U,B,V,R,I filters can efficiently break the age-metallicity degeneracy. We estimate well-constrained ages, metallicities and their associated errors for 42 GCs in M31, and show that the full set of FUV,NUV,U,B,V,R,I photometry produces age estimates that are ~90 percent more constrained and metallicity estimates that are ~60 percent more constrained than those produced by using optical filters alone. The quality of the age constraints is comparable or marginally better than those achieved using a large number of spectrscopic indices.Comment: Published in MNRAS (2007), 381, L74 (doi: 10.1111/j.1745-3933.2007.00370.x

    Analytical approach to soliton ratchets in asymmetric potentials

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    We use soliton perturbation theory and collective coordinate ansatz to investigate the mechanism of soliton ratchets in a driven and damped asymmetric double sine-Gordon equation. We show that, at the second order of the perturbation scheme, the soliton internal vibrations can couple {\it effectively}, in presence of damping, to the motion of the center of mass, giving rise to transport. An analytical expression for the mean velocity of the soliton is derived. The results of our analysis confirm the internal mode mechanism of soliton ratchets proposed in [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 65} 025602(R) (2002)].Comment: 9 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Comment on "High Field Studies of Superconducting Fluctuations in High-Tc Cuprates. Evidence for a Small Gap distinct from the Large Pseudogap"

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    By using high magnetic field data to estimate the background conductivity, Rullier-Albenque and coworkers have recently published [Phys.Rev.B 84, 014522 (2011)] experimental evidence that the in-plane paraconductivity in cuprates is almost independent of doping. In this Comment we also show that, in contrast with their claims, these useful data may be explained at a quantitative level in terms of the Gaussian-Ginzburg-Landau approach for layered superconductors, extended by Carballeira and coworkers to high reduced-temperatures by introducing a total-energy cutoff [Phys.Rev.B 63, 144515 (2001)]. When combined, these two conclusions further suggest that the paraconductivity in cuprates is conventional, i.e., associated with fluctuating superconducting pairs above the mean-field critical temperature.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Are turbulent spheres suitable initial conditions for star-forming clouds?

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    To date, most numerical simulations of molecular clouds, and star formation within them, assume a uniform density sphere or box with an imposed turbulent velocity field. In this work, we select molecular clouds from galactic scale simulations as initial conditions, increase their resolution, and re-simulate them using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics code GADGET2. Our approach provides clouds with morphologies, internal structures and kinematics that constitute more consistent and realistic initial conditions for simulations of star formation. We perform comparisons between molecular clouds derived from a galactic simulation, and spheres of turbulent gas of similar dimensions, mass and velocity dispersion. We focus on properties of the clouds such as their density, velocity structure and star formation rate. We find that the inherited velocity structure of the galactic clouds has a significant impact on the star formation rate and evolution of the cloud. Our results indicate that, although we can follow the time evolution of star formation in any simulated cloud, capturing the entire history is difficult as we ignore any star formation that might have occurred before initialization. Overall, the turbulent spheres do not match the complexity of the galactic clouds

    Geodesic deviation in pp-wave spacetimes of quadratic curvature gravity

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    We write the equation of geodesic deviations in the spacetime of pppp-waves in terms of the Newman-Penrose scalars and apply it to study gravitational waves in quadratic curvature gravity. We show that quadratic curvature gravity pppp-waves can have a transverse helicity-0 polarization mode and two transverse helicity-2 general relativity-like wave polarizations. A concrete example is given in which we analyze the wave polarizations of an exact impulsive gravitational wave solution to quadratic curvature gravity.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, accepted in Physical Review