14 research outputs found

    Nottingham Prognostic x (NPx): a risk stratification tool in ER-positive HER2-negative breast cancer: A validation study

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    AimsIn this study, we validate the use of Nottingham Prognostic x (NPx), consisting of tumour size, tumour grade, progesterone receptor (PR) and Ki67 in luminal BC.Materials and methodsTwo large cohorts of luminal early-stage BC (n = 2864) were included. PR and Ki67 expression were assessed using full-face resection samples using immunohistochemistry. NPx was calculated and correlated with clinical variables and outcome, together with Oncotype DX recurrence score (RS), that is frequently used as a risk stratifier in luminal BC.ResultsIn the whole cohort, 38% of patients were classified as high risk using NPx which showed significant association with parameters characteristics of aggressive tumour behaviour and shorter survival (P < 0.0001). NPx classified the moderate Nottingham Prognostic Index (NPI) risk group (n = 1812) into two distinct prognostic subgroups. Of the 82% low-risk group, only 3.8% developed events. Contrasting this, 14% of the high-risk patients developed events during follow-up. A strong association was observed between NPx and Oncotype Dx RS (P < 0.0001), where 66% of patients with intermediate risk RS who had subsequent distant metastases also had a high-risk NPx.ConclusionNPx is a reliable prognostic index in patients with luminal early-stage BC, and in selected patients may be used to guide adjuvant chemotherapy recommendations

    Elevated microsatellite alterations at selected tetranucleotides in early-stage colorectal cancers with and without high-frequency microsatellite instability: same, same but different?

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    Microsatellite instability (MSI) is associated with better prognosis in colorectal cancer (CRC). Elevated microsatellite alterations at selected tetranucleotides (EMAST) is a less-understood form of MSI. Here, we aim to investigate the role of EMAST in CRC±MSI related to clinical and tumor-specific characteristics. A consecutive, population-based series of stage I–III colorectal cancers were investigated for MSI and EMAST using PCR primers for 10 microsatellite markers. Of 151 patients included, 33 (21.8%) had MSI and 35 (23.2%) were EMAST+, with an overlap of 77% for positivity, (odds ratio [OR] 61; P < 0.001), and 95% for both markers being negative. EMAST was more prevalent in colon versus rectum (86% vs. 14%, P = 0.004). EMAST+ cancers were significantly more frequent in proximal colon (77 vs. 23%, P = 0.004), had advanced t-stage (T3–4 vs. T1–2 in 94% vs. 6%, respectively; P = 0.008), were larger (≥5 cm vs. <5 cm in 63% and 37%, respectively; P = 0.022) and had poorly differentiated tumor grade (71 vs. 29%, P < 0.01). Furthermore, EMAST+ tumors had a higher median number of harvested lymph nodes than EMAST− (11 vs. 9 nodes; P = 0.03). No significant association was found between EMAST status and age, gender, presence of distant metastases or metastatic lymph nodes, and overall survival. A nonsignificant difference toward worse survival in node-negative colon cancers needs confirmation in larger cohorts. EMAST+ cancers overlap and share features with MSI+ in CRC. Overall, survival was not influenced by the presence of EMAST, but may be of importance in subgroups such as node-negative disease of the colon.publishedVersio

    Inhibitors of pan PI3K signaling synergize with BRAF or MEK inhibitors to prevent BRAF-mutant melanoma cell growth

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    BRAF and MEK inhibitors have improved outcomes for patients with BRAF-mutant melanoma, but their efficacy is limited by both intrinsic and acquired resistance. Activation of the PI3K pathway can mediate resistance to these agents, providing a strong rationale for combination therapy in melanoma. Here, a panel of 9 low passage human metastatic melanoma cell lines with BRAF mutations were tested in cell proliferation and protein expression assays for sensitivity to inhibitors of MEK (selumetinib) and BRAF (vemurafenib) as single agents and in combination with inhibitors of pan-PI3K (ZSTK474), pan-PI3K/mTOR (BEZ235), individual PI3K isoforms (p110α, A66; p110β, TGX-221; p110γ, AS-252424; p110δ, idelalisib), or mTORC1/2 (KU-0063794). Selumetinib and vemurafenib potently inhibited cell proliferation in all cell lines, especially in those that expressed low levels of pAKT. ZSTK474 and BEZ235 also inhibited cell proliferation in all cell lines and enhanced the antitumor activity of selumetinib and vemurafenib in the majority of lines by either interacting synergistically or additively to increase potency or by inducing cytotoxicity by significantly increasing the magnitude of cell growth inhibition. Furthermore, ZSTK474 or BEZ235 combined with selumetinib to produce robust inhibition of pERK, pAKT and pS6 expression and synergistic inhibition of NZM20 tumor growth. The inhibitors of individual PI3K isoforms or mTORC1/2 were less effective at inhibiting cell proliferation either as single agents or in combination with selumetinib or vemurafenib, although KU-0063794 synergistically interacted with vemurafenib and increased the magnitude of cell growth inhibition with selumetinib or vemurafenib in certain cell lines. Overall, these results suggest that the sensitivity of BRAF-mutant melanoma cells to BRAF or MEK inhibitors is at least partly mediated by activation of the PI3K pathway and can be enhanced by combined inhibition of the BRAF/MEK and PI3K/mTOR signaling pathways

    Validation study of MARCKSL1 as a prognostic factor in lymph node-negative breast cancer patients.

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    Protein expression of Myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate like-1 (MARCKSL1) has been identified as a prognostic factor in lymph-node negative (LN-) breast cancer patients. We aim to validate MARCKSL1 protein expression as a prognostic marker for distant metastasis-free survival (DMFS) in a new cohort of LN- breast cancer patients. MARCKSL1 expression was evaluated in 151 operable T1,2N0M0 LN- breast cancer patients by immunohistochemistry. Median follow-up time was 152 months, range 11-189 months. Results were compared with classical prognosticators (age, tumor diameter, grade, estrogen receptor, and proliferation) using single (Kaplan-Meier) and multivariate (Cox model) survival analysis. Thirteen patients (9%) developed distant metastases. With both single and multiple analysis of all features, MARCKSL1 did not show a significant prognostic value for DMFS (p = 0.498). Of the assessed classical prognosticators, only tumor diameter showed prognostic value (hazard ratio 9.3, 95% confidence interval 2.8-31.0, p <0.001). MARCKSL1 expression could not be confirmed as a prognostic factor in this cohort. Possible reasons include changes in diagnostic and treatment guidelines between the discovery and validation cohorts. Further studies are needed to reveal the potential biological role of this protein in breast cancer

    CK20, p53, andCD25 in representative urothelial bladder cancer tissue.

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    (A) Papillary urothelial carcinoma stained by Hematoxylin & Eosin (HE). (B) A consecutive section shows strong positivity for CK20 immunohistochemistry. (C) A p53 positive consecutive section, analyzed by the image analysis software, Visiopharm®. (D) Red indicates a positive nucleus, green indicates a nucleus with a staining intensity below the threshold value and blue indicates a negative nucleus. For illustration purposes, one hotspot of positive cells is identified and marked by a square. (E) A CD25 positive consecutive section, analyzed by the image analysis software, Visiopharm®. Red indicates a positive cell; blue indicates a negative cell. (F) One hotspot of positive cells is identified and marked by circle. Scale bar 100 μm.</p

    Analysis for tumor recurrence.

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    Comparison of the SUH 2002–2011 and SUH 2002–2006 cohorts. Univariate recurrence-free survival analysis, including hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence interval (CI), for clinical and histopathological variables, and examined markers. (DOCX)</p