26 research outputs found

    Up in the air

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    Henry Hunt Stabb and the Establishment of a Lunatic Asylum in St John's, Newfoundland, 1836-1855

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    Women's Labor History

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://www.jstor.org/stable/2703424?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents.No abstract is available for this item

    Bergen, Tuskegee, Guatemala. Experimentación (in)humana con humanos: una mirada desde la Antropología Filosófica y Bioética en la era de la Medicina-basada en Valores

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    El objetivo es describir los experimentos humanos —sin consentimiento de los pacientes— en las ciudades de Bergen (Noruega), Tuskegee (Alabama, EE.UU.) y Ciudad de Guatemala, como un imperativo categórico rescatarlos de la oscuridad bibliográfica.  Se relatan con una mirada desde la era de la Medicina-basada en Valores. Se interrelacionan los deleznables acontecimientos con la bioética y la antropología filosófica para intentar la prevención de que hechos como los narrados puedan volver a suceder. ¡Primero, no hacer daño

    Constructing the pediatric nurse : eugenics and the gendering of infant hygiene in early twentieth century Berlin

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    This article explores the connections between infant mortality, eugenic thinking, and the professional development of pediatricians and pediatric nurses in the early twentieth century. It argues that the goal of the physicians affiliated with Germany's National Hospital to Combat Infant Mortality was to create and disseminate a centrallycontrolled message about infant hygiene, and to transform infant care into a medicallymanaged event. The deeply gendered ways in which both the hygienic program, and the medical division of labor were constructed, had the ambiguous result of expanding training opportunities for pediatric nurses, while at the same time, severely limiting their professional autonomy

    The Public Health We Need

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    Race, Sexuality, and the "Progressive Physician": African American Doctors, Eugenics, and Public Health, 1900-1940

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    This thesis will examine how African American doctors interpreted eugenic thought in the early twentieth century. African American doctors embraced eugenics for its potential to improve the health of their race, thus bringing about a kind of "biological racial uplift." African American doctors thus drew on their discipline to pursue a form of eugenic activism that had internal and external ramifications for the race. . Even though African Americans faced medical injustice, they were not simply the victims of eugenics and scientific racism. They were also critics and proponents of eugenics. The first chapter will address how eugenics shaped African American discussions of public health, and how eugenic ideas about sex and sexuality influenced their discourse and understanding of venereal disease. The second chapter will examine how African American doctors discussed birth control, compulsory sterilization, and abortion within the context of racial uplift