15 research outputs found

    Identification of Zoophilic Dermatophytes Using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry

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    Dermatophytoses represent a major health burden in animals and man. Zoophilic dermatophytes usually show a high specificity to their original animal host but a zoonotic transmission is increasingly recorded. In humans, these infections elicit highly inflammatory skin lesions requiring prolonged therapy even in the immunocompetent patient. The correct identification of the causative agent is often crucial to initiate a targeted and effective therapy. To that end, matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) represents a promising tool. The objective of this study was to evaluate the reliability of species identification of zoophilic dermatophytes using MALDI-TOF MS. The investigation of isolates from veterinary clinical samples suspicious of dermatophytoses suggests a good MALDI-TOF MS based identification of the most common zoophilic dermatophyte Microsporum canis. Trichophyton (T.) spp. usually achieved scores only around the cutoff value for secure species identification because of a small number of reference spectra. Moreover, these results need to be interpreted with caution due to the close taxonomic relationship of dermatophytes being reflected in very similar spectra. In our study, the analysis of 50 clinical samples of hedgehogs revealed no correct identification using the provided databases, nor for zoophilic neither for geophilic causative agents. After DNA sequencing, adaptation of sample processing and an individual extension of the inhouse database, acceptable identification scores were achieved (T. erinacei and Arthroderma spp., respectively). A score-oriented distance dendrogram revealed clustering of geophilic isolates of four different species of the genus Arthroderma and underlined the close relationship of the important zoophilic agents T. erinacei, T. verrucosum and T. benhamiae by forming a subclade within a larger cluster including different dermatophytes. Taken together, MALDI-TOF MS proofed suitable for the identification of zoophilic dermatophytes provided fresh cultures are used and the reference library was previously extended with spectra of laboratory-relevant species. Performing independent molecular methods, such as sequencing, is strongly recommended to substantiate the findings from morphologic and MALDI-TOF MS analyses, especially for uncommon causative agents

    Treatment options, complications and long‐term outcomes for limb fractures in pet rabbits

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    Background Limb fractures represent the most common orthopaedic disease in pet rabbits. However, only a few studies have evaluated therapeutic details of limb fractures. There are no data available for long‐term outcomes of limb fracture treatment. Methods The medical records of six institutions were reviewed retrospectively to identify cases of traumatic limb bone fractures in pet rabbits between 1999 and 2020. The medical records (n = 387) were analysed for details of fracture prevalence, aetiology, therapy protocols, treatment complications, outcome and long‐term effects. In addition to the retrospective data evaluation, 13 rabbits were re‐evaluated in person in recent clinical analyses, including orthopaedic examination, radiography and computed‐tomographic imaging. Details of long‐term effects of fracture treatment were requested over the telephone for a further 232 animals using a standardised questionnaire. Results Long bone fractures accounted for the majority of all fractures (296/387; 76.5%). Hindlimb fractures (301/387; 77.7%) were more common than forelimb fractures (86/387; 22.2%), and tibial fractures and combined fractures of the tibia and fibula (119/387; 30.8%) were observed most frequently. Most fracture treatments were based on osteosynthesis procedures (243/328; 74.1%). Treatment complications occurred in 130 out of 328 (39.6%) cases. A high bodyweight (p = 0.047) and an older age (p = 0.01) were found to be significant risk factors for the emergence of therapy complications. Overall, 75.4% of animals (175/232) had a satisfactory long‐term outcome. Limb posture anomalies were evaluated in 61 cases (26.3%). Limitations The multi‐centre approach led to the inclusion of various institutions, veterinarians, treatment protocols and rabbit populations that might have influenced the results. The medical records were reviewed retrospectively, so there were some data that were lacking or could not be collected in a standardised manner. Furthermore, rabbit owners' evaluation of long‐term outcomes might be prone to error, despite the use of a standardised interview questionnaire. Conclusion Limb fractures are a common orthopaedic issue in pet rabbits. The patient's bodyweight and age are significant risk factors for the emergence of complications during the fracture treatment process. Long‐term orthopaedic effects, such as abnormal limb posture and permanent lameness of the affected limb, were observed regularly

    Evidence for West Nile Virus and Usutu Virus Infections in Wild and Resident Birds in Germany, 2017 and 2018

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    Wild birds play an important role as reservoir hosts and vectors for zoonotic arboviruses and foster their spread. Usutu virus (USUV) has been circulating endemically in Germany since 2011, while West Nile virus (WNV) was first diagnosed in several bird species and horses in 2018. In 2017 and 2018, we screened 1709 live wild and zoo birds with real-time polymerase chain reaction and serological assays. Moreover, organ samples from bird carcasses submitted in 2017 were investigated. Overall, 57 blood samples of the live birds (2017 and 2018), and 100 organ samples of dead birds (2017) were positive for USUV-RNA, while no WNV-RNA-positive sample was found. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the first detection of USUV lineage Europe 2 in Germany and the spread of USUV lineages Europe 3 and Africa 3 towards Northern Germany. USUV antibody prevalence rates were high in Eastern Germany in both years. On the contrary, in Northern Germany, high seroprevalence rates were first detected in 2018, with the first emergence of USUV in this region. Interestingly, high WNV-specific neutralizing antibody titers were observed in resident and short-distance migratory birds in Eastern Germany in 2018, indicating the first signs of a local WNV circulation

    Identification of Zoophilic Dermatophytes Using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry

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    Dermatophytoses represent a major health burden in animals and man. Zoophilic dermatophytes usually show a high specificity to their original animal host but a zoonotic transmission is increasingly recorded. In humans, these infections elicit highly inflammatory skin lesions requiring prolonged therapy even in the immunocompetent patient. The correct identification of the causative agent is often crucial to initiate a targeted and effective therapy. To that end, matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) represents a promising tool. The objective of this study was to evaluate the reliability of species identification of zoophilic dermatophytes using MALDI-TOF MS. The investigation of isolates from veterinary clinical samples suspicious of dermatophytoses suggests a good MALDI-TOF MS based identification of the most common zoophilic dermatophyte Microsporum canis. Trichophyton (T.) spp. usually achieved scores only around the cutoff value for secure species identification because of a small number of reference spectra. Moreover, these results need to be interpreted with caution due to the close taxonomic relationship of dermatophytes being reflected in very similar spectra. In our study, the analysis of 50 clinical samples of hedgehogs revealed no correct identification using the provided databases, nor for zoophilic neither for geophilic causative agents. After DNA sequencing, adaptation of sample processing and an individual extension of the inhouse database, acceptable identification scores were achieved (T. erinacei and Arthroderma spp., respectively). A score-oriented distance dendrogram revealed clustering of geophilic isolates of four different species of the genus Arthroderma and underlined the close relationship of the important zoophilic agents T. erinacei, T. verrucosum and T. benhamiae by forming a subclade within a larger cluster including different dermatophytes. Taken together, MALDI-TOF MS proofed suitable for the identification of zoophilic dermatophytes provided fresh cultures are used and the reference library was previously extended with spectra of laboratory-relevant species. Performing independent molecular methods, such as sequencing, is strongly recommended to substantiate the findings from morphologic and MALDI-TOF MS analyses, especially for uncommon causative agents

    Identification of Zoophilic Dermatophytes Using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry

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    Dermatophytoses represent a major health burden in animals and man. Zoophilic dermatophytes usually show a high specificity to their original animal host but a zoonotic transmission is increasingly recorded. In humans, these infections elicit highly inflammatory skin lesions requiring prolonged therapy even in the immunocompetent patient. The correct identification of the causative agent is often crucial to initiate a targeted and effective therapy. To that end, matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) represents a promising tool. The objective of this study was to evaluate the reliability of species identification of zoophilic dermatophytes using MALDI-TOF MS. The investigation of isolates from veterinary clinical samples suspicious of dermatophytoses suggests a good MALDI-TOF MS based identification of the most common zoophilic dermatophyte Microsporum canis. Trichophyton (T.) spp. usually achieved scores only around the cutoff value for secure species identification because of a small number of reference spectra. Moreover, these results need to be interpreted with caution due to the close taxonomic relationship of dermatophytes being reflected in very similar spectra. In our study, the analysis of 50 clinical samples of hedgehogs revealed no correct identification using the provided databases, nor for zoophilic neither for geophilic causative agents. After DNA sequencing, adaptation of sample processing and an individual extension of the inhouse database, acceptable identification scores were achieved (T. erinacei and Arthroderma spp., respectively). A score-oriented distance dendrogram revealed clustering of geophilic isolates of four different species of the genus Arthroderma and underlined the close relationship of the important zoophilic agents T. erinacei, T. verrucosum and T. benhamiae by forming a subclade within a larger cluster including different dermatophytes. Taken together, MALDI-TOF MS proofed suitable for the identification of zoophilic dermatophytes provided fresh cultures are used and the reference library was previously extended with spectra of laboratory-relevant species. Performing independent molecular methods, such as sequencing, is strongly recommended to substantiate the findings from morphologic and MALDI-TOF MS analyses, especially for uncommon causative agents

    Potential drivers of vector-borne pathogens in urban environments: European hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in the spotlight

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    Vector-borne diseases (VBDs) are considered as (re-)emerging, but information on the transmission cycles and wildlife reservoirs is often incomplete, particularly with regard to urban areas. The present study investigated blood samples from European hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) presented at wildlife rehabilitation centres in the region of Hanover. Past exposure to B. burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.) and tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) was assessed by serological detection of antibodies, while current infections with Borrelia spp., Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Rickettsia spp., Neoehrlichia mikurensis, Bartonella spp., Babesia spp. and Spiroplasma ixodetis were investigated by (q)PCR. Of 539 hedgehogs tested for anti-Borrelia antibodies, 84.8% (457/539) were seropositive, with a higher seropositivity rate in adult than subadult animals, while anti-TBEV antibodies were detected in one animal only (0.2%; 1/526). By qPCR, 31.2% (168/539) of hedgehog blood samples were positive for Borrelia spp., 49.7% (261/525) for A. phagocytophilum, 13.0% (68/525) for Bartonella spp., 8.2% for S. ixodetis (43/525), 8.0% (42/525) for Rickettsia spp. and 1.3% (7/525) for Babesia spp., while N. mikurensis was not detected. While further differentiation of Borrelia spp. infections was not successful, 63.2% of the A. phagocytophilum infections were assigned to the zoonotic ecotype I and among Rickettsia spp. infections, 50.0% to R. helvetica by ecotype- or species-specific qPCR, respectively. Sequencing revealed the presence of a Rickettsia sp. closely related to Rickettsia felis in addition to a Bartonella sp. previously described from hedgehogs, as well as Babesia microti and Babesia venatorum. These findings show that hedgehogs from rehabilitation centres are valuable sources to identify One Health pathogens in urban areas. The hedgehogs are not only exposed to pathogens from fleas and ticks in urban areas, but they also act as potent amplifiers for these vectors and their pathogens, relevant for citizens and their pets

    Impact of gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms on the quality of life in pregnant women

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    Objective Pregnant women often suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD symptoms are known to influence the quality of life; however, there is a lack of data in pregnant women. The aim of this study was to establish the impact of GERD symptoms on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) during pregnancy. Participants and methods A prospective longitudinal cohort study to investigate the impact of GERD symptoms on the HRQOL was carried out in 510 pregnant women and 330 nonpregnant women as controls. Two validated questionnaires, the Reflux Disease Questionnaire and the Quality of Life in Reflux and Dyspepsia Questionnaire, were used. Results The study showed a significant negative impact on HRQOL in pregnant women with GERD symptoms. All five areas, emotional distress, sleep disturbance, vitality, food/drink problems, and physical/social functioning, were significantly reduced, but the most significant impact was on sleep (Quality of Life in Reflux and Dyspepsia Questionnaire score - 35%). Overall, quality of life in women with GERD worsened throughout pregnancy. Conclusion GERD is frequently seen in pregnant women and has a negative impact on HRQOL, especially in late pregnancy. Therefore, there is a need for adequate therapy of GERD in pregnant women and HRQOL could be an adequate monitoring tool in this population. Copyright (C) 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved

    West Nile Virus and Usutu Virus Monitoring of Wild Birds in Germany

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    By systematically setting up a unique nation-wide wild bird surveillance network, we monitored migratory and resident birds for zoonotic arthropod-borne virus infections, such as the flaviviruses West Nile virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV). More than 1900 wild bird blood samples, from 20 orders and 136 different bird species, were collected between 2014 and 2016. Samples were investigated by WNV and USUV-specific real-time polymerase chain reactions as well as by differentiating virus neutralization tests. Dead bird surveillance data, obtained from organ investigations in 2016, were also included. WNV-specific RNA was not detected, whereas four wild bird blood samples tested positive for USUV-specific RNA. Additionally, 73 USUV-positive birds were detected in the 2016 dead bird surveillance. WNV neutralizing antibodies were predominantly found in long-distance, partial and short-distance migrants, while USUV neutralizing antibodies were mainly detected in resident wild bird species, preferentially with low seroprevalences. To date, WNV-specific RNA has neither been detected in wild birds, nor in mosquitoes, thus, we conclude that WNV is not yet present in Germany. Continued wild bird and mosquito monitoring studies are essential to detect the incursion of zoonotic viruses and to allow risk assessments for zoonotic pathogens