11 research outputs found

    Ca2+-controlled competitive diacylglycerol binding of protein kinase C isoenzymes in living cells

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    The cellular decoding of receptor-induced signaling is based in part on the spatiotemporal activation pattern of PKC isoforms. Because classical and novel PKC isoforms contain diacylglycerol (DAG)-binding C1 domains, they may compete for DAG binding. We reasoned that a Ca2+-induced membrane association of classical PKCs may accelerate the DAG binding and thereby prevent translocation of novel PKCs. Simultaneous imaging of fluorescent PKC fusion proteins revealed that during receptor stimulation, PKCα accumulated in the plasma membrane with a diffusion-limited kinetic, whereas translocation of PKCɛ was delayed and attenuated. In BAPTA-loaded cells, however, a selective translocation of PKCɛ, but not of coexpressed PKCα, was evident. A membrane-permeable DAG analogue displayed a higher binding affinity for PKCɛ than for PKCα. Subsequent photolysis of caged Ca2+ immediately recruited PKCα to the membrane, and DAG-bound PKCɛ was displaced. At low expression levels of PKCɛ, PKCα concentration dependently prevented the PKCɛ translocation with half-maximal effects at equimolar coexpression. Furthermore, translocation of endogenous PKCs in vascular smooth muscle cells corroborated the model that a competition between PKC isoforms for DAG binding occurs at native expression levels. We conclude that Ca2+-controlled competitive DAG binding contributes to the selective recruitment of PKC isoforms after receptor activation

    Myokines and Resistance Training : A Narrative Review

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    In the last few years, the muscular system has gained attention due to the discovery of the muscle-secretome and its high potency for retaining or regaining health. These cytokines, described as myokines, released by the working muscle, are involved in anti-inflammatory, metabolic and immunological processes. These are able to influence human health in a positive way and are a target of research in metabolic diseases, cancer, neurological diseases, and other non-communicable diseases. Therefore, different types of exercise training were investigated in the last few years to find associations between exercise, myokines and their effects on human health. Particularly, resistance training turned out to be a powerful stimulus to enhance myokine release. As there are different types of resistance training, different myokines are stimulated, depending on the mode of training. This narrative review gives an overview about resistance training and how it can be utilized to stimulate myokine production in order to gain a certain health effect. Finally, the question of why resistance training is an important key regulator in human health will be discussed

    Scoping carbon dioxide removal options for Germany–What is their potential contribution to Net-Zero CO2_{2}?

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    In its latest assessment report the IPCC stresses the need for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) to counterbalance residual emissions to achieve net zero carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas emissions. There are currently a wide variety of CDR measures available. Their potential and feasibility, however, depends on context specific conditions, as among others biophysical site characteristics, or availability of infrastructure and resources. In our study, we selected 13 CDR concepts which we present in the form of exemplary CDR units described in dedicated fact sheets. They cover technical CO2 removal (two concepts of direct air carbon capture), hybrid solutions (six bioenergy with carbon capture technologies) and five options for natural sink enhancement. Our estimates for their CO2 removal potentials in 2050 range from 0.06 to 30 million tons of CO2, depending on the option. Ten of the 13 CDR concepts provide technical removal potentials higher than 1 million tons of CO2 per year. To better understand the potential contribution of analyzed CDR options to reaching net-zero CO2 emissions, we compare our results with the current CO2 emissions and potential residual CO2 emissions in 2050 in Germany. To complement the necessary information on technology-based and hybrid options, we also provide an overview on possible solutions for CO2 storage for Germany. Taking biophysical conditions and infrastructure into account, northern Germany seems a preferable area for deployment of many concepts. However, for their successful implementation further socio-economic analysis, clear regulations, and policy incentives are necessary

    IT-Sicherheit in der vernetzten Produktion. Wertschöpfungssteigerung in der Produktion dank sicherer cyberphysischer Systeme

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    Nowadays digitalization comes along with information security. However, the topic of IT security still leads to uncertainties in companies. Despite numerous attacks on enterprises and public authorities, the majority sees IT security as a cost factor instead of a competitive factor. This perception quickly leads to a loss in turnover due to production downtime, data and knowledge leakage or financial penalties. This article shows, which aspects of information security have to be considered in order to use information and communication technologies profitably and above all securely

    Myokines and Resistance Training: A Narrative Review

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    In the last few years, the muscular system has gained attention due to the discovery of the muscle-secretome and its high potency for retaining or regaining health. These cytokines, described as myokines, released by the working muscle, are involved in anti-inflammatory, metabolic and immunological processes. These are able to influence human health in a positive way and are a target of research in metabolic diseases, cancer, neurological diseases, and other non-communicable diseases. Therefore, different types of exercise training were investigated in the last few years to find associations between exercise, myokines and their effects on human health. Particularly, resistance training turned out to be a powerful stimulus to enhance myokine release. As there are different types of resistance training, different myokines are stimulated, depending on the mode of training. This narrative review gives an overview about resistance training and how it can be utilized to stimulate myokine production in order to gain a certain health effect. Finally, the question of why resistance training is an important key regulator in human health will be discussed

    FlexCAR- Die Forschungsplattform von morgen

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    Das FlexCAR besteht aus einer autonom gesteuerten Fahrzeugplattform für die Mobilität von morgen, welche Use-Case-gesteuert als Forschungsdemonstrator fungiert, um neue technologische Features unmittelbar aus dem Forschungsstadium nach dem Plug-and-Play-Prinzip gezielt zu implementieren. Damit kann eine frühzeitige Validierung im Hinblick auf ein künftiges Anwendungspotenzial ermöglicht werden. Offene Soft- und Hardwareschnittstellen sind hier berücksichtigt oder werden weiterentwickelt

    Scoping carbon dioxide removal options for Germany – What is their potential contribution to Net-Zero CO2?

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    In its latest assessment report the IPCC stresses the need for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) to counterbalance residual emissions to achieve net zero carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas emissions. There are currently a wide variety of CDR measures available. Their potential and feasibility, however, depends on context specific conditions, as among others biophysical site characteristics, or availability of infrastructure and resources. In our study, we selected 13 CDR concepts which we present in the form of exemplary CDR units described in dedicated fact sheets. They cover technical CO2 removal (two concepts of direct air carbon capture), hybrid solutions (six bioenergy with carbon capture technologies) and five options for natural sink enhancement. Our estimates for their CO2 removal potentials in 2050 range from 0.06 to 30 million tons of CO2, depending on the option. Ten of the 13 CDR concepts provide technical removal potentials higher than 1 million tons of CO2 per year. To better understand the potential contribution of analyzed CDR options to reaching net-zero CO2 emissions, we compare our results with the current CO2 emissions and potential residual CO2 emissions in 2050 in Germany. To complement the necessary information on technology-based and hybrid options, we also provide an overview on possible solutions for CO2 storage for Germany. Taking biophysical conditions and infrastructure into account, northern Germany seems a preferable area for deployment of many concepts. However, for their successful implementation further socio-economic analysis, clear regulations, and policy incentives are necessary

    A Comprehensive Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Removal Options for Germany

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    To reach their net-zero targets, countries will have to compensate hard-to-abate CO2 emissions through carbon dioxide removal (CDR). Yet, current assessments rarely include socio-cultural or institutional aspects or fail to contextualize CDR options for implementation. Here we present a context-specific feasibility assessment of CDR options for the example of Germany. We assess 14 CDR options, including three chemical carbon capture options, six options for bioenergy combined with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), and five options that aim to increase ecosystem carbon uptake. The assessment addresses technological, economic, environmental, institutional, social-cultural and systemic considerations using a traffic-light system to evaluate implementation opportunities and hurdles. We find that in Germany CDR options like cover crops or seagrass restoration currently face comparably low implementation hurdles in terms of technological, economic, or environmental feasibility and low institutional or social opposition but show comparably small CO2 removal potentials. In contrast, some BECCS options that show high CDR potentials face significant techno-economic, societal and institutional hurdles when it comes to the geological storage of CO2. While a combination of CDR options is likely required to meet the net-zero target in Germany, the current climate protection law includes a limited set of options. Our analysis aims to provide comprehensive information on CDR hurdles and possibilities for Germany for use in further research on CDR options, climate, and energy scenario development, as well as an effective decision support basis for various actors. Key Points: - More context-specific assessments of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) options are needed to guide national net-zero decision making - Ecosystem-based CDR options with comparably low implementation hurdles in Germany show relatively small CO2 removal potentials - High CDR potential options in Germany face high institutional, technological and societal hurdles linked in many ways to geological storag

    Netto-Null-2050 Wegweiser - Strategische Handlungsempfehlungen und mögliche Wege für ein CO2-neutrales Deutschland bis 2050

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    Spätestens seit dem Pariser Klimaabkommen (UNFCCC, 2015) im Jahr 2015 ist Klimaschutz in aller Munde. Die aktuellen Erkenntnisse des Band 1 des 6. IPCC-Sachstandsberichts (IPCC, 2021) unterstreichen diese Notwendigkeit: Der Klimawandel ist menschengemacht. Schnelle CO2-Minderung ist notwendiger denn je. Von der lokalen über die EU bis zur globalen Ebene soll bis 2050 – oder sogar schon früher – die Null unterm Strich sein: Alle Emissionen von Kohlendioxid – und auch anderen Treibhausgasen – sind dann so weit wie nur möglich reduziert und die CO2-Konzentration in der Atmosphäre steigt nicht mehr an. Eines ist jedoch Fakt: Auf dem Weg dahin werden sich nicht alle CO2-Emissionen vermeiden lassen und auch am Ende bleiben CO2-Emissionen übrig. Wie reduzieren wir also CO2 und was machen wir mit dem „Rest“, um auf Null zu kommen? Genau darauf gibt dieser Bericht Antworten

    Erratum to: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition) (Autophagy, 12, 1, 1-222, 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356

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