14 research outputs found

    ALIGNED: A framework for the LCA of bio-based products

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    The assessment of bio based products presents several challenges: from the definition of system boundaries and choice of system models, modeling competition for biomass and for land, to performing dynamic and time specific accounting, making scenarios and considering uncertainty. We present the background, methodology, and expected results of the Horizon-Europe-funded project “Aligning Life Cycle Assessment methods and bio-based sectors for improved environmental performance” (ALIGNED, grant number 101059430). Targeting five sectors namely woodworking, pulp and paper, biochemicals, construction and textiles, ALIGNED fulfils three research needs: 1) to improve, harmonize, and align LCA methodology for the assessment of bio-based products covering environmental and socio-economic aspects, 2) to demonstrate the harmonized methodology to improve the environmental performance of specific technology development cases in industries within the bio-based sectors 3) to inform and involve stakeholders, enabling an efficient methodological uptake.ALIGNED modelling framework does not intend to provide a new standard or guideline but instead to make available an ecosystem of science-based and open approaches and tools to ease the assessment of bio-based products. Key elements in such framework include: 1) A science and evidence-based approach: scientifically sound modelling as close as possible to reality, avoiding normative rules, and favoring models that can be validated and revised when new data become available as well as an ecosystem of interacting models and tools. 2) A lifecycle perspective: the assessment takes the full life cycle of bio-based products into account. 3) Relevance for decision-makers and usefulness for decision support: we focus on modelling what are the consequences of specific decisions. We explicitly consider uncertainty in the decision support. 4) Balancing model complexity and model applicability: we select and use in this framework models that are scientifically robust but also usable by practitioners to the largest extent, keeping in mind the trade-off between model complexity and applicability. 5) Adherence to open-science practices: models, tools, and their documentation are open, while data should be as open as possible. 6) Ensuring relevance for bio-based products: the modelling framework considers the specific challenges and issues that exist in the assessment of bio-based products

    Plan van aanpak voor houtmobilisatie bij particuliere boseigenaren

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    In Nederland bestaat 11% van het oppervlak uit bossen. Deze bossen vervullen belangrijke functies, zoals recreatie, bron van biodiversiteit en leverancier van grondstoffen voor bioenergie en de bioeconomie. Daarnaast passen bossen in de cultuur en tradities van Nederland. De houtoogst in Nederland is laag – ongeveer de helft van de jaarlijkse bijgroei – en redelijk constant. Diverse (overheids)acties in de afgelopen 20 jaar hebben hier geen verandering in gebracht. Het is belangrijk om de houtoogst te verhogen vanwege de positieve effecten op de staat van het Nederlandse bos en vanwege de toekomstige grotere vraag naar hout. Uit een recente enquĂȘte onder particuliere boseigenaren in Twente is gebleken dat de helft van deze eigenaren – goed voor 2/5 van het bos in Twente – niet oogst. Daarnaast is ook gebleken dat een belangrijk deel van deze eigenaren bereid is te oogsten als de omstandigheden zouden verbeteren. In dit Plan van Aanpak zijn een aantal acties opgesteld met als doel de houtmobilisatie onder particuliere eigenaren te verhogen

    Biobased energy conversion parks: a multidimensional approach for efficient use of biomass

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    This paper shows how locally available biomass is used to its full potential as source for renewable energy and bio-based products with a multidimensional integrated approach. The use of locally available biomass streams, which are currently hardly or not optimally used, is the center of the project Energy Conversion Parks (ECP). In this work we show the project results for the municipality of Breda, in the southern part of the Netherlands. The ECP developed for this municipality combines anaerobic digestion of various biomass streams, use of waste heat in biogas installations, and use of biogas output for several purposes (heat, electricity, green gas and liquid bio-methane). Models have been developed to quantify the production of various energy vectors as a function of inputs. Moreover, choices can be made about the inputs and outputs, allowing to vary the quantities produced. The models can also calculate the internal rate of return and influence of subsidies for the different process configurations

    Assessing wood use efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions of wood product cascading in the European Union

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    Cascading use of biomass is a recognized strategy contributing to an efficient development of the bioeconomy and for mitigating climate change. This study aims at assessing the potential of cascading use of woody biomass for reducing GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions and increasing the overall wood flow efficiency in the European Union's forest and bioeconomy sectors. A scenario and life cycle approach was followed to quantify the potential benefits of cascading use of woody biomass. We started from a reference scenario in which (post-consumer) waste wood and paper are re-utilized for energy only (S0). Then we compared the reference scenario with two alternative scenarios, the current waste wood and paper recycling practices (S1) and the maximum technical potential to increase recycling of waste wood and paper flows (S2). Following a supply chain perspective, different stages of production were analysed, including forgone fossil-fuels substitution, optimization at manufacturing level and forest regrowth. Through cascading use, the wood use efficiency ratio (cascade factor) in the European wood sector would be increased by 23% (S0 vs S1) and 31% (S0 vs S2) and GHG emissions (cradle-to-gate energy use) would be reduced by 42% (28 MtCO2-eq/year) and 52% (35 MtCO2-eq/year) in scenarios S1 and S2. However, increased wood product cascading is counter effected in the short term by reduced savings in the energy sector by 49% and 48% (−43 and −42 MtCO2-eq/year) in scenarios S1 and S2 due to delayed availability of waste wood and waste paper fibers. This explorative study highlights the potential of cascading use of woody biomass in the wood production chains to contribute to a reduction of environmental impacts related to wood resource and energy use, but it also reveals trade-offs in terms of GHG emissions reduction, relevant especially in meeting short-term (2020–2030) renewable energy targets.JRC.D.1-Bio-econom

    Die Zukunft der Fahrerassistenz

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    This contribution provides a review of fundamental goals, development and future perspectives of driver assistance systems. Mobility is a fundamental desire of mankind. Virtually any society strives for safe and efficient mobility at low ecological and economic costs. Nevertheless, its technical implementation significantly differs among societies, depending on their culture and their degree of industrialization. A potential evolutionary roadmap for driver assistance systems is discussed. Emerging from systems based on proprioceptive sensors, such as ABS or ESC, we review the progress incented by the use of exteroceptive sensors such as radar, video, or lidar. While the ultimate goal of automated and cooperative traffic still remains a vision of the future, intermediate steps towards that aim can be realized through systems that mitigate or avoid collisions in selected driving situations. Research extends the state-of-the-art in automated driving in urban traffic and in cooperative driving, the latter addressing communication and collaboration between different vehicles, as well as cooperative vehicle operation by its driver and its machine intelligence. These steps are considered important for the interim period, until reliable unsupervised automated driving for all conceivable traffic situations becomes available. The prospective evolution of driver assistance systems will be stimulated by several technological, societal and market trends. The paper closes with a view on current research fields. - ISBN: 978-3-941543-09-

    Renewable Power and Heat for the Decarbonisation of Energy-Intensive Industries

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    The present review provides a catalogue of relevant renewable energy (RE) technologies currently available (regarding the 2030 scope) and to be available in the transition towards 2050 for the decarbonisation of Energy Intensive Industries (EIIs). RE solutions have been classified into technologies based on the use of renewable electricity and those used to produce heat for multiple industrial processes. Electrification will be key thanks to the gradual decrease in renewable power prices and the conversion of natural-gas-dependent processes. Industrial processes that are not eligible for electrification will still need a form of renewable heat. Among them, the following have been identified: concentrating solar power, heat pumps, and geothermal energy. These can supply a broad range of needed temperatures. Biomass will be a key element not only in the decarbonisation of conventional combustion systems but also as a biofuel feedstock. Biomethane and green hydrogen are considered essential. Biomethane can allow a straightforward transition from fossil-based natural gas to renewable gas. Green hydrogen production technologies will be required to increase their maturity and availability in Europe (EU). EIIs’ decarbonisation will occur through the progressive use of an energy mix that allows EU industrial sectors to remain competitive on a global scale. Each industrial sector will require specific renewable energy solutions, especially the top greenhouse gas-emitting industries. This analysis has also been conceived as a starting point for discussions with potential decision makers to facilitate a more rapid transition of EIIs to full decarbonisation

    EU Biorefinery Outlook to 2030 (Lot 3) : Studies on support to research and innovation policy in the area of bio-based products and services

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    This study presents scenarios on how demand and supply for biobased chemicals and materials could grow to 2030, and provides roadmaps with actions required to increase the deployment of chemical and material driven biorefineries in the EU. The study also presents the key elements of the analysis which have supported the preparation of the scenarios and roadmaps. This includes a biorefinery classification system, a database of operational or announced biorefineries (developed in collaboration with the Joint Research Centre) for the EU and 10 non-EU countries, a detailed opportunities and barriers analysis and a market outlook to 2030 with a focus on eleven biorefinery pathways. The study was developed by E4tech (lead), BTG, Wageningen Research, FNR and ICONS with the support of over 100 stakeholders from the bio-based industry, the chemicals and materials industries, academia & research institutions, the investment community and policy makers through active participation in stakeholder workshops, meetings and interviews