215 research outputs found

    An Abductive Argument for Theism: A Comparative Analysis

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    A theistic ontological foundation and authority for moral obligations is an essential element of theism. And, any replacement of theism must provide an explanation for moral obligations. As such, the core claims of both theism and atheism depend heavily on the research question of this thesis - What is the foundation and authority of moral obligations? Theism provides a better explanation for the foundation and authority of moral obligations than the atheist worldview, or the utilitarian and robust normative realist ethical systems. Furthermore, it seems that moral obligations are real, objective, universal and human, and as such are best explained by theism. Four worldviews, or ethical systems, are interrogated since an essential element to them is their explanation of moral obligations. The conclusion reached, was that theism was found to be more consistent in its internal logic and it was also more coherent. Moreover, in explaining the foundation and authority for moral obligations, theism also was more adequate factually in addition to being more viable in an existential sense, or more livable. One of the objections to moral obligations, explained in a theistic sense, is leveled at Divine Command Theory. This objection is formed in the sense of indicating God’s commands are either arbitrary or God reports on obligations that exist in a Platonic sense. This arbitrariness and Platonic objection, often referred to as the Euthyphro Dilemma, is not a true dilemma. Rather, the answer provided to the dilemma is the Divine commands of the deontic nature from a perfectly good God in alignment with his perfectly good character. This project concluded that many of the moral facts and informal arguments presented provide support for both an abductive and deductive argumentative form. The project presented both an informal abductive syllogism and an informal deductive syllogism. It concluded that in open discussion or informal argumentation the abductive version and approach is far humbler and welcoming to dialogue and consideration of interlocutors. However, since the moral facts presented also support a deductive version it is worth considering this argument as well

    The New Face of Creationism: The Establishment Clause and the Latest Efforts to Suppress Evolution in Public Schools

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    Over seventy-five years after the impassioned debate be- tween William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow echoed through a hot Tennessee courtroom, the controversial confrontation over science, religion, law, and education can still be heard in legislative halls, courtrooms, schools, and homes across the nation. The now infamous Scopes Monkey Trial of 19253 brought the debate between religious fundamentalism and modern day scientific theory to the forefront and sparked twenty state legislatures to consider measures to prohibit the teaching of evolution in public schools. Nearly a century later, the dispute rages on. Twenty states considered anti-evolution measures in both the 1920s and the 1990s. Whether the incorporation of certain religiously motivated theories of the earth\u27s origin into public schools violates the fundamental separation between church and state is a question that continues to plague this country today. Since Charles Darwin first introduced the concept of evolution in his 1859 book The Origin of Species, Christian fundamentalists have rejected this scientific theory, contending that it conflicts with a literal reading of the Bible and its teachings that all living species were created by divine power. This Biblical-based tenet regarding the earth\u27s origin is commonly known as creationism, and its followers, creationists, have developed various strategies that endeavor to remove the teaching of evolution from public schools and incorporate creationism into science curricula. Despite Supreme Court jurisprudence that laws banning and criminalizing the teaching of evolution, and laws mandating the teaching of creationism, violate the Establishment Clause, creationists continue to develop new tactics to voice their opinions and beliefs. Currently, Christian fundamentalists are using three strategies designed to remove evolution and, in certain instances, incorporate creationist theory into public school curricula. One strategy is to attempt to remove evolution from state science curricula, and correspondingly, from state-mandated tests. Another strategy that creationists have employed is the use of a disclaimer, read before teaching evolution, to caution students that evolutionary theory is not to be taken as fact and is not intended to discount other beliefs that they may have regarding the earth\u27s origin. Thirdly, legislatures across the nation have enacted statutes requiring that evolution be taught as a theory, not a fact. The success of this legislation has fomented a new response to evolution known as Intelligent Design.\u27 This latest movement encourages teachers to present the controversy between Darwinism and creationism, and then point to evolution\u27s inability to provide all scientific answers. The proponents of these three recent strategies have justified their actions as legal by relying on certain language in Supreme Court precedent suggesting that states and local school from state-mandated tests

    Rhetorical Strategies of Visual Pleasure in Situation Comedies: \u27Friends\u27 and Female Body Image

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    The visual messages conveyed by and about the female characters on Friends reinforce hegemonic ideals of femininity and an ideal female body image that is excessively thin. Messages of narcissism, voyeurism, and fetishism draw adolescent female viewers to identify with the images, characteristics, and behaviors of Rachel and Monica as models and to distance themselves from the images, characteristics, and behaviors of Phoebe and “Fat Monica” as anti-models. The messages sometimes overtly and often covertly perpetuate hegemonic stereotypes about women. Messages advocate that the ideal female body image is a sex object, and the most desirable sex objects are excessively thin. Implications from this analysis include: (1) Happiness and success for women are defined and restricted by hegemony. (2) “Beauty” is crucial to a young woman’s happiness and success. (3) “Beautiful women” are excessively thin at all costs, even costs related to physical health and professional achievement

    Determination of the efficacy of an applied vacuum at the skin surface during the laser therapy of Port Wine Stain (PWS) [abstract]

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    Abstract only availableWe will be doing experiments ex vivo using pig skin, which is very similar and much more attainable than human skin, to test the stress vs. strain relationship, elasticity (Young's Modulus) and research skin mechanics. Certain pathological conditions in skin, such as basal cell carcinoma, exhibit changes in skin mechanics. Thus, measuring skin elasticity may help in clinical identification of skin cancer borders. We will be using degraded pig skin and a tensile tester to create a model of skin strength. Skin will be degraded using collagenase to change the skin mechanical properties. After getting the results and data we will then compare this to skin deformation experiments using a vacuum cup which we can get from a simple and pain-free clinical study. By applying a low level vacuum to human skin, in vivo, we will measure the deformation of skin and extract the elasticity. Eventually, we would like to use this vacuum to help with laser light therapy to reduce the appearance of birthmarks made from blood-vessels (vacuum details and usage) as well as to diagnose other skin pathologies

    End Stage Renal Disease due to Multiple Myeloma in the United States, 2001-2010

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    University of Minnesota M.S. thesis.December 2017. Major: Clinical Research. Advisor: Areef Ishani. 1 computer file (PDF); v, 19 pages.Abstract. While the management of myeloma and light chain deposition disease (“MM”) has changed considerably in the last decade, it is unknown how the burden of associated end-stage renal (ESRD) has evolved. Methods. United States Renal Data System data (n = 1,048,683) for the years 2001-2010 were used to calculate incidence rates and outcomes of MM (n = 12,704, 1.3%). Results. Compared to 2001-2002, standardized incidence ratios declined to 0.8 for 2009-2010. Characteristics of MM patients included older age (≥ 65, 63.7% vs. 43.7%) and white race (76.3% vs. 65.1%). Multiple myeloma was associated with a greater likelihood of death (adjusted hazards ratio [AHR] 2.3) and a lower likelihood of listing for (AHR 0.2) a kidney transplant. While hazards ratios for listing increased over time (AHR 1.06 for 2009-2010 Vs. 2001-2002), those for transplant and death did not (AHRs 0.6 and 0.9, respectively). Regional variation in outcomes was apparent, as patients in the South were more likely to die (AHR 1.04 Vs. the Northeast), and more likely to not be listed (AHR 2.4) nor receive a transplant (AHR 2.9). Conclusions. While ESRD due to MM has declined in the United States, outcomes on dialysis remain poor and exhibit substantial geographic variation

    Perilla Extract improves gastrointestinal discomfort in a randomized placebo controlled double blind human pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: Gastrointestinal (GI) discomfort, e.g. bloating or rumbling, is a common symptom in otherwise healthy adults. Approximately 20% of the population, particularly women suffer from gastrointestinal discomfort and this affects quality of life. Recent studies discovered a link between the body and mind, called the gut-brain axis. Psychosocial factors, such as e.g. daily stress may cause altered gut physiology leading to ileum contractions and consequently gastrointestinal symptoms. In vitro and ex vivo studies clearly showed that a Perilla frutescens extract combines prokinetic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. The aim of the intervention was to investigate the effects of the proprietary Perilla extract on GI discomfort in healthy subjects with gastrointestinal discomfort and reduced bowel movements in comparison to a placebo product. METHODS: The pilot study was performed according to a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled parallel design. Fifty healthy subjects with gastrointestinal discomfort and reduced bowel movements, 30-70 years, documented their GI symptoms, stool frequency and consistency daily during a 2-week run-in phase and a 4-week intervention phase with Perilla frutescens extract or placebo. GI symptoms were assessed on a 5-point scale daily and average scores over 14 days intervals were calculated. RESULTS: All GI symptoms were significantly improved over time by Perilla frutescens extract during the intervention phase (bloating: -0.44 ± 0.56, p = 0.0003; passage of gas: -0.30 ± 0.66, p = 0.0264; GI rumbling: -0.55 ± 0.87, p = 0.0014; feeling of fullness: -0.36 ± 0.72, p = 0.0152; abdominal discomfort: -0.54 ± 0.75, p = 0.004), whereas in the placebo group only abdominal discomfort was significantly improved (-0.31 ± 0.55, p = 0.0345). In the subgroup of women results were strengthened and a subscore out of bloating and abdominal discomfort was significantly improved against placebo (95%CI 0.003 to 0.77; p = 0.048). CONCLUSION: The demonstrated effects of Perilla frutescens extract to improve GI complaints offer very promising results, taking into consideration the challenging set up of a nutritional human study with healthy subjects and in the area of digestive health, which is known for high placebo effects. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT01931930 at ClinicalTrials.gov, Registration date 23(rd) August 2013

    Response Of Irrigated Corn To Nitrogen Fertility Level Within Two Tillage Systems

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    Irrigated farmers generally utilize intensive tillage to manage crop residues and prepare a seedbed for com. Nitrogen fertilizer management practices have been developed for conventional-till (CT) irrigated com production. Little information is available for no-till (NT) and reduced-till (RT) irrigated com production systems. This paper compares the response of irrigated continuous com to N fertility level under CT and NT or RT production systems on a Fort Collins clay loam soil from 1999 through 2001. Grain yields increased similarly with increasing available N level [soil NO3-N (0-3 ft) plus fertilizer N added] in 1999,2000, and 2001 for both tillage systems. The CT com yields were greater than the RT or NT com yields in 1999 and 2001, respectively. Based on the results from this study, similar N levels were required. for optimum com yields in all tillage systems. Additional years of data are needed to determine if NT will require a higher level of N fertilizer input than CT to optimize com grain yields. Current N fertilizer recommendations for CT irrigated com production would appear to be adequate for irrigated NT com production
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