5 research outputs found

    Structure-function clustering in weighted brain networks

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    Abstract: Functional networks, which typically describe patterns of activity taking place across the cerebral cortex, are widely studied in neuroscience. The dynamical features of these networks, and in particular their deviation from the relatively static structural network, are thought to be key to higher brain function. The interactions between such structural networks and emergent function, and the multimodal neuroimaging approaches and common analysis according to frequency band motivate a multilayer network approach. However, many such investigations rely on arbitrary threshold choices that convert dense, weighted networks to sparse, binary structures. Here, we generalise a measure of multiplex clustering to describe weighted multiplexes with arbitrarily-many layers. Moreover, we extend a recently-developed measure of structure-function clustering (that describes the disparity between anatomical connectivity and functional networks) to the weighted case. To demonstrate its utility we combine human connectome data with simulated neural activity and bifurcation analysis. Our results indicate that this new measure can extract neurologically relevant features not readily apparent in analogous single-layer analyses. In particular, we are able to deduce dynamical regimes under which multistable patterns of neural activity emerge. Importantly, these findings suggest a role for brain operation just beyond criticality to promote cognitive flexibility

    Next-generation neural mass and field modeling

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    The Wilson-Cowan population model of neural activity has greatly influenced our understanding of the mechanisms for the generation of brain rhythms and the emergence of structured brain activity. As well as the many insights that have been obtained from its mathematical analysis, it is now widely used in the computational neuroscience community for building large scale in silico brain networks that can incorporate the increasing amount of knowledge from the Human Connectome Project. Here we consider a neural population model in the spirit of that originally developed by Wilson and Cowan, albeit with the added advantage that it can account for the phenomena of event related syn-chronisation and de-synchronisation. This derived mean field model provides a dynamic description for the evolution of synchrony, as measured by the Kuramoto order parameter , in a large population of quadratic integrate-and-fire model neurons. As in the original Wilson-Cowan framework, the population firing rate is at the heart of our new model; however, in a significant departure from the sigmoidal firing rate function approach, the population firing rate is now obtained as a real-valued function of the complex valued population synchrony measure. To highlight the usefulness of this next generation Wilson-Cowan style model we deploy it in a number of neurobiological contexts, providing understanding of the changes in power-spectra observed in EEG/MEG neuroimaging studies of motor-cortex during movement, insights into patterns of functional-connectivity observed during rest and their disruption by transcranial magnetic stimulation, and to describe wave propagation across cortex

    Reduced biomechanical models for precision-cut lung-slice stretching experiments

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    Precision-cut lung-slices (PCLS), in which viable airways embedded within lung parenchyma are stretched or induced to contract, are a widely used ex vivo assay to investigate bronchoconstriction and, more recently, mechanical activation of proremodelling cytokines in asthmatic airways. We develop a nonlinear fibre-reinforced biomechanical model accounting for smooth muscle contraction and extracellular matrix strain-stiffening. Through numerical simulation, we describe the stresses and contractile responses of an airway within a PCLS of finite thickness, exposing the importance of smooth muscle contraction on the local stress state within the airway. We then consider two simplifying limits of the model (a membrane representation and an asymptotic reduction in the thin-PCLS-limit), that permit analytical progress. Comparison against numerical solution of the full problem shows that the asymptotic reduction successfully captures the key elements of the full model behaviour. The more tractable reduced model that we develop is suitable to be employed in investigations to elucidate the time-dependent feedback mechanisms linking airway mechanics and cytokine activation in asthma

    A theoretical model of inflammation- and mechanotransduction- driven asthmatic airway remodelling

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    Inflammation, airway hyper-responsiveness and airway remodelling are well-established hallmarks of asthma, but their inter-relationships remain elusive. In order to obtain a better understanding of their inter-dependence, we develop a mechanochemical morphoelastic model of the airway wall accounting for local volume changes in airway smooth muscle (ASM) and extracellular matrix in response to transient inflammatory or contractile agonist challenges. We use constrained mixture theory, together with a multiplicative decomposition of growth from the elastic deformation, to model the airway wall as a nonlinear fibre-reinforced elastic cylinder. Local contractile agonist drives ASM cell contraction, generating mechanical stresses in the tissue that drive further release of mitogenic mediators and contractile agonists via underlying mechanotransductive signalling pathways. Our model predictions are consistent with previously described inflammation-induced remodelling within an axisymmetric airway geometry. Additionally, our simulations reveal novel mechanotransductive feedback by which hyper-responsive airways exhibit increased remodelling, for example, via stress-induced release of pro-mitogenic and procontractile cytokines. Simulation results also reveal emergence of a persistent contractile tone observed in asthmatics, via either a pathological mechanotransductive feedback loop, a failure to clear agonists from the tissue, or a combination of both. Furthermore, we identify various parameter combinations that may contribute to the existence of different asthma phenotypes, and we illustrate a combination of factors which may predispose severe asthmatics to fatal bronchospasms

    A dynamical model of TGF-β activation in asthmatic airways

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    Excessive activation of the regulatory cytokine transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) via contraction of airway smooth muscle (ASM) is associated with the development of asthma. In this study, we develop an ordinary differential equation model that describes the change in density of the key airway wall constituents, ASM and extracellular matrix (ECM), and their interplay with subcellular signalling pathways leading to the activation of TGF-β. We identify bistable parameter regimes where there are two positive steady states, corresponding to either reduced or elevated TGF-β concentration, with the latter leading additionally to increased ASM and ECM density. We associate the former with a healthy homeostatic state and the latter with a diseased (asthmatic) state. We demonstrate that external stimuli, inducing TGF-β activation via ASM contraction (mimicking an asthmatic exacerbation), can perturb the system irreversibly from the healthy state to the diseased one. We show that the properties of the stimuli, such as their frequency or strength, and the clearance of surplus active TGF-β, are important in determining the long-term dynamics and the development of disease. Finally we demonstrate the utility of this model in investigating temporal responses to bronchial thermoplasty, a therapeutic intervention in which ASM is ablated by applying thermal energy to the airway wall. The model predicts the parameter-dependent threshold damage required to obtain irreversible reduction in ASM content suggesting that certain asthma phenotypes are more likely to benefit from this intervention