74 research outputs found


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    The effects of roads and trails on terrestrial salamanders, primarily plethodontids, can be important. The abundance of terrestrial salamanders often increases with distance from roads. Less is known about the effects of recreational or hiking trails on terrestrial salamanders than is known about the effects of roads. We explored how low and high traffic trails in a suburban biological reserve affect the relative abundance of Eastern Red-backed Salamanders (Plethodon cinereus). We found more salamanders under cover objects next to low traffic trails compared to either high traffic trails or wooded areas without trails. At wooded sites, we found only striped morphs whereas at high traffic sites we found only unstriped morphs. Low traffic sites included a range of color morph frequencies. The proportion of females found in each site did not differ, nor did the mean size of the salamanders. Our results suggest that the impact of recreational walking trails needs to be examined more closely to see how and why the distributions of P. cinereus, and potentially other woodland salamanders, are affected and what trail characteristics are important in driving the apparent effects. Such information will contribute to the design and maintenance of walking trails in natural areas that minimize effects on terrestrial salamanders, and likely other organisms

    Effects of Age and Group Size on Habitat Selection and Activity Level in \u3ci\u3eXenopus Laevis\u3c/i\u3e Tadpoles

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    We experimentally examined the effects of age and group size on habitat selection and activity level in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. Tadpoles were introduced into an experimental arena at two ages (early and late) and at three group sizes (one, two, and six tadpoles). Group size did not affect habitat selection or activity level. Late tadpoles were more active and used the bottom of the arena more than early tadpoles. Our results suggest that an intrinsic cue (age) is important in determining the behavior of these tadpoles

    Native bluegill influence the foraging and aggressive behavior of invasive mosquitofish

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    Two fish species that are common invaders of aquatic ecosystems world-wide are Gambusia affinis and G. holbrooki, commonly known as mosquitofish. In North America, introduced G. affinis are thought to have contributed to the population decline of several native fish species. Sunfish (family Centrarchidae) naturally occur across much of North American, thus mosquitofish and sunfish are likely to come into contact and interact more frequently as mosquitofish spread. However, the nature of this interaction is not well known. We used a lab experiment to explore whether and how the aggressive and foraging behaviors of G. affinis might be influenced by a representative and ubiquitous native centrarchid (Lepomis macrochirus; bluegill sunfish), a species with juveniles that inhabit littoral habitats also preferred by mosquitofish. The experiment partnered an individual male or female mosquitofish (focal fish) with a juvenile bluegill, or a same- or opposite-sex conspecific, filmed these one-to-one interactions, and quantified foraging and aggressive actions for the focal mosquitofish. We found that juvenile bluegill affect foraging in male mosquitofish, resulting in lower percent of handling attempts and handling time in which the male consumed a food item. The presence of juvenile bluegill also led to a reduction in the number of aggressive acts by mosquitofish compared to aggression levels when focal mosquitofish were with conspecifics. In nature, when mosquitofish encounter juvenile bluegill in littoral habitats, our results suggest that the foraging and aggressive behaviors of mosquitofish will be modified, especially for males. This mechanism may influence the rate or geographic extent of the spread of mosquitofish into North American waterbodies
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