240 research outputs found

    Predicting the Future of Superhumps in Classical Nova Systems

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    Oscillations observed in the light curve of Nova V1974 Cygni 1992 since summer 1994 have been interpreted as permanent superhumps. From simple calculations based on the Tidal-Disk Instability model of Osaki, and assuming that the accretion disc is the dominant optical source in the binary system, we predict that the nova will evolve to become an SU UMa system as its brightness declines from its present luminosity by another 2-3 magnitudes. Linear extrapolation of its current rate of fading (in magnitude units) puts the time of this phase transition within the next 2-4 years. Alternatively, the brightness decline will stop before the nova reaches that level, and the system will continue to show permanent superhumps in its light curve. It will then be similar to two other old novae, V603 Aql and CP Pup, that still display the permanent superhumps phenomenon 79 and 55 years, respectively, after their eruptions. We suggest that non-magnetic novae with short orbital periods could be progenitors of permanent superhump systems.Comment: 5 pages, 2 eps. figures, Latex, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Nova V1425 Aquilae 1995 - The Early Appearance of Accretion Processes in An Intermediate Polar Candidate

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    Continuous CCD photometry of Nova Aquilae 1995 was performed through the standard B,V,R and I filters during three nights in 1995 and with the I filter during 18 nights in 1996. The power spectrum of the 1996 data reveals three periodicities in the light curve: 0.2558 d, 0.06005 d and 0.079 d, with peak-to-peak amplitudes of about 0.012, 0.014 and 0.007 mag. respectively. The two shorter periods are absent from the power spectrum of the 1995 light curve, while the long one is probably already present in the light curve of that year. We propose that V1425 Aql should be classified as an Intermediate - Polar CV. Accordingly the three periods are interpreted as the orbital period of the underlying binary system, the spin period of the magnetic white dwarf and the beat period between them. Our results suggest that no later than 15 months after the outburst of the nova, accretion processes are taking place in this stellar system. Matter is being transferred from the cool component, most likely through an accretion disc and via accretion columns on to the magnetic poles of the hot component.Comment: 7 pages, 4 eps. figures, Latex, accepted for publication in MNRA

    An Irradiation Effect in Nova DN Gem 1912 and the Significance of the Period Gap for Classical Novae

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    Continuous CCD photometry of the classical nova DN Gem during 52 nights in the years 1992-98 reveals a modulation with a period 0.127844 d. The semi-amplitude is about 0.03 mag. The stability of the variation suggests that it is the orbital period of the binary system. This interpretation makes DN Gem the fourth nova inside the cataclysmic variable (CV) period gap, as defined by Diaz and Bruch (1997), and it bolsters the idea that there is no period gap for classical novae. However, the number of known nova periods is still too small to establish this idea statistically. We eliminate several possible mechanisms for the variation, and propose that the modulation is driven by an irradiation effect. We find that model light curves of an irradiated secondary star, fit the data well. The inclination angle of the system is restricted by this model to 10 deg < i < 65 deg. We also refine a previous estimate of the distance to the binary system, and find d=1.6+/-0.6 kpc.Comment: 7 pages, Latex file, 2 .ps files and 3 .eps files. accepted for publication in MNRAS. also available at: ftp://ftp.astro.keele.ac.uk/pub/preprints/preprints.htm

    The Detection of a 3.5-h Period in the Classical Nova Velorum 1999 (V382 Vel) and the Long Term Behavior of the Nova Light Curve

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    We present CCD photometry, light curve and time series analysis of the classical nova V382 Vel (N Vel 1999). The source was observed for 2 nights in 2000, 21 nights in 2001 and 7 nights in 2002 using clear filters. We report the detection of a distinct period in the light curve of the nova P=0.146126(18) d (3.5 h). The period is evident in all data sets, and we interpret it as the binary period of the system. We also measured an increase in the amplitude modulation of the optical light (in magnitude) by more than 55% from 2000 to 2001 and about 64% from 2001 to 2002. The pulse profiles in 2001 show deviations from a pure sinusoidal shape which progressively become more sinusoidal by 2002. The main cause of the variations in 2001 and 2002 can be explained with the occultation of the accretion disk by the secondary star. We interpret the observed deviations from a pure sinusoidal shape as additional flux resulting from the aspect variations of the irradiated face of the secondary star.Comment: 16 pages and 4 figures, accepted as it stands to be published in the Astronomical Journal (AJ

    Detection of orbital and superhump periods in Nova V2574 Ophiuchi (2004)

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    We present the results of 37 nights of CCD unfiltered photometry of nova V2574 Oph (2004) from 2004 and 2005. We find two periods of 0.14164 d (~3.40 h) and 0.14773 d (~3.55 h) in the 2005 data. The 2004 data show variability on a similar timescale, but no coherent periodicity was found. We suggest that the longer periodicity is the orbital period of the underlying binary system and that the shorter period represents a negative superhump. The 3.40 h period is about 4% shorter than the orbital period and obeys the relation between superhump period deficit and binary period. The detection of superhumps in the light curve is evidence of the presence of a precessing accretion disk in this binary system shortly after the nova outburst. From the maximum magnitude - rate of decline relation, we estimate the decay rate t_2 = 17+/-4 d and a maximum absolute visual magnitude of M_Vmax = -7.7+/-1.7 mag.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 2 .sty files, AJ accepted, minor change to one of reference

    Toward a unified light curve model for multi-wavelength observations of V1974 Cygni (Nova Cygni 1992)

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    We present a unified model for optical, ultraviolet (UV), and X-ray light curves of V1974 Cygni (Nova Cygni 1992). Based on an optically thick wind model of nova outbursts, we have calculated light curves and searched for the best fit model that is consistent with optical, UV, and X-ray observations. Our best fit model is a white dwarf (WD) of mass 1.05 M_\sun with a chemical composition of X=0.46, C+N+O=0.15, and Ne = 0.05 by mass weight. Both supersoft X-ray and continuum UV 1455 \AA light curves are well reproduced. Supersoft X-rays emerged on day ~ 250 after outburst, which is naturally explained by our model: our optically thick winds cease on day 245 and supersoft X-rays emerge from self-absorption by the winds. The X-ray flux keeps a constant peak value for ~ 300 days followed by a quick decay on day ~ 600. The duration of X-ray flat peak is well reproduced by a steady hydrogen shell burning on the WD. Optical light curve is also explained by the same model if we introduce free-free emission from optically thin ejecta. A t^{-1.5} slope of the observed optical and infrared fluxes is very close to the slope of our modeled free-free light curve during the optically thick wind phase. Once the wind stops, optical and infrared fluxes should follow a t^{-3} slope, derived from a constant mass of expanding ejecta. An abrupt transition from a t^{-1.5} slope to a t^{-3} slope at day ~ 200 is naturally explained by the change from the wind phase to the post-wind phase on day ~ 200. The development of hard X-ray flux is also reasonably understood as shock-origin between the wind and the companion star. The distance to V1974 Cyg is estimated to be ~ 1.7 kpc with E(B-V)= 0.32 from the light curve fitting for the continuum UV 1455 \AA.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Theoretical Modeling of the Thermal State of Accreting White Dwarfs Undergoing Classical Novae

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    White dwarfs experience a thermal renaissance when they receive mass from a stellar companion in a binary. For accretion rates < 10^-8 Msun/yr, the freshly accumulated hydrogen/helium envelope ignites in a thermally unstable manner that results in a classical novae (CN) outburst and ejection of material. We have undertaken a theoretical study of the impact of the accumulating envelope on the thermal state of the underlying white dwarf (WD). This has allowed us to find the equilibrium WD core temperatures (T_c), the classical nova ignition masses (M_ign) and the thermal luminosities for WDs accreting at rates of 10^-11 - 10^-8 Msun/yr. These accretion rates are most appropriate to WDs in cataclysmic variables (CVs) of P_orb <~ 7 hr, many of which accrete sporadically as dwarf novae. We have included ^3He in the accreted material at levels appropriate for CVs and find that it significantly modifies the CN ignition mass. We compare our results with several others from the CN literature and find that the inclusion of ^3He leads to lower M_ign for >~ 10^-10 Msun/yr, and that for below this the particular author's assumption concerning T_c, which we calculate consistently, is a determining factor. Initial comparisons of our CN ignition masses with measured ejected masses find reasonable agreement and point to ejection of material comparable to that accreted.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures; uses emulateapj; accepted by the Astrophysical Journal; revised for clarity, added short discussion of diffusio

    Bose-Einstein Condensation on a Permanent-Magnet Atom Chip

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    We have produced a Bose-Einstein condensate on a permanent-magnet atom chip based on periodically magnetized videotape. We observe the expansion and dynamics of the condensate in one of the microscopic waveguides close to the surface. The lifetime for atoms to remain trapped near this dielectric material is significantly longer than above a metal surface of the same thickness. These results illustrate the suitability of microscopic permanent-magnet structures for quantum-coherent preparation and manipulation of cold atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, Published in Phys. Rev. A, Rapid Com

    Bose-Einstein Condensation on a Permanent-Magnet Atom Chip

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    We have produced a Bose-Einstein condensate on a permanent-magnet atom chip based on periodically magnetized videotape. We observe the expansion and dynamics of the condensate in one of the microscopic waveguides close to the surface. The lifetime for atoms to remain trapped near this dielectric material is significantly longer than above a metal surface of the same thickness. These results illustrate the suitability of microscopic permanent-magnet structures for quantum-coherent preparation and manipulation of cold atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, Published in Phys. Rev. A, Rapid Com