65 research outputs found

    Causality problem in Economic Science

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    The main point of the paper is the problem of the economy to be consider like a science in the most strict term of the concept. In the first step we are going to tackle a presentation about what we understand by science to subsequently present some of the fallacies which have bring certain scepticism about the scientific character of the investigation in economy, to know: 1) The differences between hard and weak sciences -physics and social; 2) The differences between paradigm, positivist and phenomenological y 3) The differences between physic causality and historic causality. In the second step we are going to talk about two fundamental problems which are questioned: 1) the confusion between ontology and gnoseology and 2) the erroneous concept of causality that commonly is used. In the last step of the paper we are going over the recent models of «causal explanation» and we suggest the probabilistic casualty development next with a more elaborated models of causal explanation, like a way to conjugate the scientific severity with the possibility to tackle complex economic realities.Economic science, methodology, hypothetical-deductive method, causality, ontological paradigms

    Ontological Stakeholder View: An Innovative Proposition

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    This article describes a theoretical way of understanding business enterprise, for what it is used the stakeholder theory as a theory of the firm. Thus, the purpose of this article is to show an innovative perspective called ontological perspective of stakeholders that relies on a phenomenological model where the subjective perspective of agents is the key, from a purely monetarist model to an economic, social and emotional value creation model, and from a deductive model of stakeholder interests to an inductive model. The main contributions are: add a new perspective to the different classifications made of stakeholder theory, avoid monetarist reductionism under the concept of value in a way that the manager takes into account all interconnected interests of stakeholders, and finally prioritize interests map instead of roles map without accepting the assumption that the role involves joint and no conflicting interests

    La eficiencia como reto de las empresas de inserción

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    In recent years the Spanish Work Integration Social Enterprises have achieved both legal recognition as a dramatic growth, and also a major stakeholder’s implication and the resources employed in these businesses within the economy, in particular the Social Economy. In this area and even though descriptive and normative level; the studies about social integration companies have increased; however, there is little research focused on the management of such entities. In this paper we have analyzed the factors involved in the efficient management of integration enterprises from a dual perspective, managers and promoters entities, and Administration. In the first case we have identified some factors that probably improve the efficiency in business management, in the second case, we have defined some characteristics that favor cost-benefit ratio of such entities for the administration, and consequently for the Society. The methods used in this research are analytic-synthetic, hypothetic-deductive, and cost-benefit analysis, complementary to each other.En los últimos años las Empresas de Inserción en España han conseguido tanto su reconocimiento legal como un crecimiento espectacular, y son mayores los stakeholders implicados y los recursos empleados en este tipo de empresas dentro de la Economía; en concreto, la Economía Social. En esta área y aunque a nivel descriptivo e incluso normativo han proliferado los estudios sobre las empresas de inserción; no obstante, son aún muy escasas las investigaciones sobre la gestión empresarial de este tipo de entidades. En el presente trabajo hemos analizado los diversos factores implicados en la gestión eficiente de las Empresas de Inserción, desde una doble perspectiva, la de los gestores y entidades promotoras, y la de la Administración. En el primer caso hemos identificado algunos factores que probablemente mejoran la eficiencia en la gestión de las empresas; en el segundo caso, hemos delimitado algunas características que favorecen la relación coste-beneficio de este tipo de entidades para la Administración, y consecuentemente para la Sociedad. Los métodos utilizados en esta investigación son analítico-sintético, el hipotético-deductivo, y el análisis coste-beneficio; complementarios entre sí

    Causality problem in Economic Science

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    [ES] En el presente artículo se aborda el problema de la causalidad en las Ciencias Económicas. Partiendo de la diferenciación entre ciencias duras y blandas, y de la supuesta clasificicación de la economía en este segundo grupo, se realiza un análisis de los diferentes paradigmas ontológicos que soportan la investigación científica, para a continuación trasladar la causalidad desde el ámbito ontológico al gnoseológico. Posteriormente se profundiza en la conjunción de la metodología hipotético-deductiva con el método correlacional, generando una causalidad probabilística. Dicha causalidad, contextualizada de forma científica, permite la realización y contrastación de inferencias predictivas, a través de las cuales las Ciencias Ecnómicas pueden encontrar su ubicación en los niveles mas extrictos de la investigación científica.[EN] The main point of the paper is the problem of the economy to be consider like a science in the most strict term of the concept. In the first step we are going to tackle a presentation about what we understand by science to subsequently present some of the fallacies which have bring certain scepticism about the scientific character of the investigation in economy, to know: 1) The differences between hard and weak sciences -physics and social; 2) The differences between paradigm, —positivist and phenomenological— 3) The differences between physic causality and historic causality. In the second step we are going to talk about two fundamental problems which are questioned: 1) the confusion between ontology and gnoseology and, 2) the erroneous concept of causality that commonly is used. In the last step of the paper we are going over the recent models of «causal explanation» and we suggest the probabilistic casualty development next with a more elaborated models of causal explanation, like a way to conjugate the scientific severity with the possibility to tackle complex economic realities

    Modelización del costo de las empresas de inserción para la administración pública

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    This paper analyses a modern-day problem: the cost to government of jobs in social integration enterprises. At present there is a debate concerning their positive (subsidy-related) and negative aspects (regarding the savings they generate in social post-programmes and the revenue generated mainly by taxes and social security contributions). The study begins with an overview of social-integration enterprises, their possible development and the implication this has on the demand for public resources. In a second phase, the problem is analysed in greater detail and a possible approach is put forward based on a cost-profit analysis. The study then analyses previous research work and identifies the variables involved. Finally, a model enabling the cost analysis of the possible values of these variables is presented and hypothetical-predictive conclusions put forward.Social integration companies, cost-profit analysis, the solidarity-based economy, the social economy.

    Is It Possible to Monetarily Quantify the Emotional Value Transferred by Companies and Organizations? An Emotional Accounting Proposal

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    [EN] Social accounting focuses on value transactions between organizations and their stakeholders; both market ones, where the value perceived by the different stakeholders is identified, and non-markets ones, where transactions are monetized at their fair value. There was long awareness of an emotional value translation, linked to the transfer of different products, services, remunerations, and incentives, regardless of whether they were market or non-market. Yet that emotional value seemed to be anchored in the field of psychology and managed to elude economic science. This study seeks to identify emotional value with consumer surplus and, by extension, of the other stakeholders in a value transfer process. This proposal allows the emotional value to be anchored in the micro-economy and allows it to be objectively calculated using a regression involving three elements: the market price, the fair value interval, and a perceived satisfaction score by the different stakeholders in the form of significant sampling. The result obtained not only allows Social Accounting to be complemented with emotional value, but it also facilitates its incorporation in the strategy to optimize the emotional value. Furthermore, it enables a quantification of the perceived subjective utility, which opens up a research path where some possible lines are clearly identified.Funding for this project was received through a research project called US20/11 from the University of the Basque Country to improve the normalization of social and emotional accounting

    Metodología para un buen gobierno corporativo. La participación en la empresa

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    La participación en la empresa es un tema de larga trayectoria, que preocupa desde la perspectiva ética y desde la perspectiva de recursos humanos; sin embargo, el interés sobre la participación en las empresas no suele venir acompañado de una reflexión sobre su fundamentación. En el presente trabajo, abordamos la participación tanto desde la perspectiva ética como desde la gobernanza. Las nuevas teorías, alternativas a las basadas en el derecho de propiedad, como la de Stakeholders o la Multifiduciaria, posibilitan una nueva forma de entender la participación de los diferentes agentes que componen la empresa. El trabajo, en un primer momento, analiza la fundamentación teórica de la participación, para centrarse a continuación en el modelo de gestión de los Stakeholders de Freeman, finalizando con un acercamiento al liderazgo ético; no sin antes hacer mención a problemas como el de ingobernanza o la paradoja de Goodpaster.The participation in the company is a longstanding issue, which concerned from the ethical perspective and from human resources perspective; however, the interest about the participation in companies is not usually reinforced with the fundamentation reflection. In this paper, we study the participation not only from the ethical perspective, but also from the governance perspective. New theories that are alternative theories to those based on Property Rights, such as the Stakeholder Theory or Multifiduciary Theory enable a new way of understanding the involvement of different actors that compose the company. The paper, at first, analyzes the theoretical basis of participation, and then is focus on Freeman’s Stakeholders’ management model, finishing with an approach to ethical leadership; but before to finish the nongobernance problems and the Goodpaster paradox are analyzed

    The Social Efficiency for Sustainability: European Cooperative Banking Analysis

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    This paper seeks to establish the relationship between economic efficiency and social efficiency to analyze the sustainability of banking in Europe. The type-effect has been analyzed, as stakeholder value bankscooperatives and saving banksshould not be less socially and economically efficient than commercial banks. This European analysis was made using the Bankscope database, as it provides a unique insight into the stakeholder view that clarifies, by an analysis of two-stage boundaries, that there is no single model of social and economic efficiency according to the type of financial entity in Europe. These findings contribute to the social cost paradox and shared value perspective, and more broadly to stakeholder theory. It is established that a tradeoff between economic and social efficiency is not needed. There are different behaviors in different European countries. Moreover, our results could lead to the development of social indicators of the sustainability aspects of organizations without resorting to traditional accounting.This research was funded by UPV/EHU (GIU15/10 and US17/24) and Management and the Governance of Financial Cooperatives-Sorbonne (Axe 2)

    Science and technology parks : measuring their contribution to society through social accounting

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    Science and Technology Parks (STPs) have made a positive contribution to regional development in the last decades. In general, the assessment of their level of performance has been based on two major variables: number of new companies and number of new jobs created. In this paper we propose the use of social accounting to measure the social value (SV) generated by STPs as an additional tool to assess the level of contribution of STPs to social development. Social accounting could be of interest for policy makers and regional governments in order to evaluate regional STPs and their social performance. In addition, in this paper we present an innovative methodology for calculating SV. Instead of using primary data to calculate SV (through interviews or consultations with individual stakeholders), we propose the use of secondary data available in open databases to measure SV. In this way, the measurement of SV for a large number of individual organizations can be achieved using a limited amount of resources. In this line, and as a seminal implementation of this methodology, we calculate the SV generated by four STPs in two different regions and countries belonging to the European Union using secondary data. Thus, the main contribution of the paper is twofold: on one hand it proposes social accounting to assess the performance of STPs through the calculation of SV, and on the other hand it implements a new methodology to calculate SV which requires the use of a lesser number of resources