147 research outputs found


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    Holothuridea, teripang atau timun laut merupakan salah satu spesies Echinodermata dan salah satu komoditas perikanan yang mempunyai prospek cukup baik dan bernilai ekonomis tinggi, baik di pasaran domestik maupun internasional. Salah satu produsen teripang di Indonesia adalah Kepulauan Karimunjawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis teripang yang ditangkap dari perairan Pulau Nyamuk, Kepulauan Karimunjawa pada bulan Juli sampai Agustus 2016. Pengamatan dilakukan bersama dengan nelayan yang menggunakan kompresor pada malam hari dengan metode sapuan (Swapt Area) secara acak.Titik koordinat lokasi ditemukannya teripang dicatat dengan alat GPS (Global Positioning System).Penelitian ini berhasil menemukan 6 spesies teripang yaitu Holothuria coluber,H. edulis, Personothuria graeffei, Stichopus vastus, Stichopus horrens dan Theleonata anax

    Penerapan Teknologi Pertanian Tepat Guna Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan/Masyarakat di Era New Normal

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    Penerapan Teknologi Pertanian Tepat Guna Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan/Masyarakat di Era New Norma

    Penerapan Teknologi Pertanian Tepat Guna Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan/Masyarakat di Era New Normal

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    Penerapan Teknologi Pertanian Tepat Guna Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan/Masyarakat di Era New Norma


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    Cathodoluminescence (CL) is generated by an electron gun coupled to an optical microscope. There are two types of chatodoluminescence, i.e., cold CL and hot CL. In the cold cathode microscopic equipment, the electrons are generated by an electric discharge between two electrodes under a low gas pressure, whereas in the hot CL microscope, the electrons are generated by heating a filament (2000–3000°C). In this paper we utilize cold CL combine with electron microprobe analysis (EMPA). The CL microscopy of carbonate shows at least three carbonate generations, i.e., rhodochrosite with dull or no luminescence, Mg-rich calcite with dark red luminescence, manganese-bearing calcite with up to 0.04 wt.% Mn with bright orange luminescence, and pure calcite and Mn-rich calcite (> 0.15 wt.% Mn) with dull or no luminescence. The result also suggests that the luminescence pattern of calcite is controlled by the amount of Mn2+. Sectoral zoning and chevron-shape growth zoning exist in some coarse-grained calcite aggregates. The sectorial zoning of calcite as reflected by dull to bright CL color indicated that slightly to more reducing environment during calcite deposition. Keywords: Chatodoluminescence, rhodochrosite, calcite, sectorial zonin


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    Holothuroidea atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan teripang laut atau timun laut merupakan salah satu kelas dari Echinodermata. Famili Holothuriidae merupakan salah satu dari tiga famili yang dimiliki Holothuroidea yang merupakan bagian terbesar dari ordo Aspidochirotida. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi ciri khusus yang ada pada spesies teripang Holothuria atra dan menggambarkan keseluruhan ciri tersebut secara lengkap agar didapatakan beberapa kunci identifikasi dari teripang tersebut melalui analisis morfologi, anatomi, dan tipe spikuka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisa deskriptif yang merupakan suatu metode dengan menggunakan data yang dapat langsung menggambarkan keadaan yang terjadi sesuai dengan tujuan yang kita maksud. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teripang Holothuria atra. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April hingga Mei 2015. Identifikasi sampel dilakukan dengan mengamati kenampakkan morfologi, anatomi, dan terakhir dilakukan identifikasi mikroskopis dengan melihat tipe spikulanya. Hasil identifikasi mennjukkan bahwa teripang Holothuria atra memiliki bentuk tubuh lonjong memanjang dengan posisi mulut berada di bagian ventral dan anus pada bagian dorsal. Corak warna tubuh yang dimiliki teripang ini hitam pekat dengan bentuk spikula yang didominasi oleh bentuk tables. Holothuroidea or commonly known as sea cucumber is one of Echinodermata classes. The Holothuriidae –the part of three family from Holothuroidea- is the biggest part that arrange the ordo of Aspidochirotida. This research is aims to identification some characteristic of the sea cucumber species that belongs to Holothuria atra and describe all the feature in order to get the key point of identification through the analysis of the morphological, anatomical and oassicles characteristic. This research is using descriptive method which is a certain method that using data which can be immediately describe the real condition that happen and can appropriate with the aims of research. The material that is used in this research is Holothuria atra. This research have been done in April and Mei 2015. The identification is done by observing the morphological and anatomical appearance and for the last ossicles can be observed with microscopic identification to get the type of the ossicles. The result is indicated that Holthuria atra have cylindrical in shape with the mouth in ventral side and anus in dorsal side. The color that belongs to this species is deep black with the domination of tables shape ossicles

    Environmental Characteristic of Phyllophorus sp. (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea, Phyllophoridae) Habitat in the Madura Strait, Indonesia

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    Information on the environmental characteristics of many sea cucumber habitat is limited, despite these species exhibiting rapid exploitation and may lead to depletion. The present study combined a survey on many seawaters and sediment characteristics of habitat valuable aspidochirote holothurian, Sea Ball Cucumber, Phyllophorus sp. to compare with location with no sea cucumber in Madura Strait, Indonesia. Data from detailed surveys were used to compare both locations with measures of physical and chemical seawater parameters including temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, phosphate, nitrate, ammonia, chlorophyll-a, total suspended solids, light transparency, and depth of water. The comparison was also carried out on physical and chemical parameters of surface sediment, i.e. phosphate, nitrate, ammonia, chlorophyll-a, grain size, total organic matter, and carbon-organic content. The data then were analyzed using Mann-Whitney U-Non Parametric Test with SPSS v. 16.  The result revealed that there were significant differences between sediment characteristics of Sea Ball Cucumber habitat and no Sea Ball cucumber location, but not for seawater. Seawater parameter value in Madura Strait showed in the range required for its life. This analyzes proved the importance of sediment characteristics for Phyllophorus sp. As benthic deposit feeders, they did not only utilize substrate underneath the body for its habitat but also primarily to supply their natural food.

    Habitat characteristic of two selected locations for sea cucumber ranching purposes

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    Sea cucumbers face heavily overfished because of their high prices and very strong market demand. One effort suggested to overcome this problem is sea ranching. The objectives of present works were to determine biological, physical, and chemical characteristics of prospective location for sea ranching of sea cucumber Holothuria atra. Two location at Jepara Waters (Teluk Awur and Bandengan WateRs of Jepara Regency) were selected. The determination of chemical (salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen of water, phosphate, nitrate,nitrite and ammonium of water and sediment, organic matters of sediment), physical (transparancy, sedimen grains size, water current direction and its velocity), biologycal characteristic (coverage of seagrass and its macroalgae associated, phytoplankton as well as chlorophyl-a and phaeopytin of water and sediment) ware determined. The result of present work showed that some characteristic were matched with requirement as sea ranching location of sea cucumber because the density of sea cucumber in the sea is a function of habitat features. For sediment feeding holothurians of the family Aspidochirotida, the biologycal characteristic act as very important considerations by providing sea cucumber food. High cholophyl-a and phaeopytin in sediment also represent a prosperous habitat for sea cucumber ranching

    Simpanan Karbon pada Padang Lamun di Perairan Pulau Poteran Madura Jawa Timur

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    Blue carbon is a carbon stored in the coastal ecosystem such as mangrove ecosystems, seagrass beds and brackish/salty swamps. Seagrass ecosystems can absorb and drain large amounts of carbon from the atmosphere and deposited to tissues or sediments for a long time. The aim of this study was to determine the type, percentage of seagrass cover and carbon stocks in seagrass beds on Poteran Waters. The study was conducted in January - March 2019. Sampling was done by purposive sampling method. Carbon deposit in seagrasses was calculated using the loss on ignition (LOI) method. Seagrass species found on Poteran Island were 7 species, namely Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea serrulata, Cymodocea rotundata and Halodule uninervis, Halophila ovalis and Syringodium isoetifolium. Cymodocea serrulata had the highest density value with value 336 ind/m2 and the highest seagrass cover value was 20.45% by Cymodocea rotundata. The value of biomass under the substrate (4.24 dw.m-2 - 400.5 dw.m-2) is more than the value of biomass on the substrate (2.43 dw.m-2 - 54.52 dw.m-2). Carbon values under the substrate (1.52 gC.m-2 - 141.09 gC.m-2) and above the substrate (0.71 gC.m-2 - 5.83 gC.m-2). The carbon value in the two station was not normally distributed but did not have a significant carbon comparison value using the Mann Whitney U-Test analysis test.Karbon biru atau sering disebut blue carbon ialah karbon yang tersimpan pada ekosistem pesisir seperti ekosistem mangrove, padang lamun dan rawa payau/asin. Ekosistem padang lamun mampu menyerap dan memindahkan jumlah besar karbon dari atmosfir dan diendapkan ke dalam jaringan atau sedimen untuk waktu yang lama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis, persentase tutupan lamun dan kandungan karbon pada padang lamun di Perairan Pulau Poteran. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2019 – Maret 2019. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Perhitungan kandungan karbon pada lamun menggunakan metode loss on ignition (LOI). Jenis lamun yang ditemukan di Perairan Pulau Poteran sebanyak 7 spesies yaitu Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea serrulata, Cymodocea rotundata dan Halodule uninervi, Halophila ovalis dan Syringodium isoetifolium. Nilai kerapatan tertinggi terdapat pada lamun Cymodocea serrulata sebesar 336 ind/m2 dan nilai penutupan lamun tertinggi sebesar 20,45 % oleh jenis lamun Cymodocea rotundata. Nilai biomassa dibawah substrat (4,24 gbk/m2 – 400,5 gbk/m2) lebih besar dibandingkan nilai biomassa diatas substrat (2,43 gbk/m2 – 54,52 gbk/m2). Nilai kandungan karbon dibawah substrat (1,52 gC/m2 – 141,09 gC/m2) dan diatas substrat ( 0,71 gC/m2 – 5,83 gC/m2). Nilai kandungan karbon pada kedua stasiun pengamatan tidak terdistribusi secara normal dan tidak memiliki perbedaan nilai kandungan karbon yang signifikan dengan menggunakan uji analisis Mann Whitney U-Test

    Cytotoxic selectivity of MJC0.3 and MJC0.5, acidic ribosome-inactivating proteins isolated from Mirabilis jalapa L. leaves against various cancer cell-lines

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    Mirabilis jalapa L. contains basic (MJ30) and acidic (MJC) Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs). Further purificationof MJC has been found two RIPs, MJC0.3 and MJC0.5. This study is aimed to prove the cytotoxic selectivity ofMJC0.3and MJC0.5against many cancer cell-lines and normal cell line. The two RIPs, MJC0.3and MJC0.5were testedtheir cytotoxic effect on 8 human cancer cell lines and normal cell using MTT assay compared with MJC protein.The highest cytotoxic activities of MJC0.3and MJC0.5were against EVSA-T followed by T47D, HeLa,WiDR, SiHa,Raji, NS1, andMCF7, with the IC50 of 59.3, 102.4, 162.9, 190.5, 249.5, and 304.5 μg/mL, respectively for MJC0.3and 32.8, 75.5, 86.0, 108.3, 346.7, and 220.06 μg/mL, respectively for MJC0.5. Based on these IC50 values,MJC0.3 and MJC0.5 were specific to EVSA-T and T47D, whereas they were not selective against Raji and SiHa(SI<10.0). It can be concluded that he acidic RIPs isolated from M. jalapa L. leaves was potential to be developedas anticancer agents for breast cancer.Key words: acidic RIPs – M. jalapa L.- cytotoxic selectivity - cancer cell lines
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