13 research outputs found


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    Fish oil is a source of omega 3 fatty acids, especially DHA and EPA having health benefits, such as prevention of heart disease and improvement of brain development including vision. However, these components are susceptible to oxidative damage and its fishy smell may affect consumer acceptance. This study aimed to immobilize this oil in rice flour usually prepared for "sumsum" porridge, a traditional meals for children or mother. Some of type of polymer are mixture with oil and was sprayed on to the rice flour to ensure the oils were coated with these polymer. Hedonic test of "sumsum" porridge was performed for acceptability for 4% fish oil and 4% equal weight of polymer malto-dextrin and soy flour. The nutrient contents were also presented. The nutrient content of the sample could be use as food supplement for under-five year children and his mother. Keywords: fish oil, applement, omega 3 fatty acids


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    In some part of Indonesia seaweed has been used as vegetables dish. The most important component of seaweed isiodine and iron. Gracillariasp is one species of seaweed that can be used as a source of the mikronutrients such as iron, iodine and calcium. Iron Deficiency Anemia and Iodine Deficiency Disorder can cause several diseases also known low haemoglobin level and iodine level in the blood. This preparation of Gracillariasp could supplement micro-nutrients in the diet. This study was to develop appropriate local technology of Gracillariaspcontainedas an ingredient in the making of food supplement for imorovement of micronutrients intake.The experimental study uses optimum formulated comosition from seaweed.Based on the practical in the area (Bali), the formula of seaweed compose of seaweed of Gracillaria with additional of 20 % salty fish extract, 5 % dextrin. The seaweeds contains high of carbohydrate, iodine, calcium and iron but low in protein and lipid. Appropriate technology of dried seaweed supplement could be prepared at home. Theseseaweed supplements could be advocated in rural arealevel or posyandufor combating under nutrition status of the children.The formula of direct seaweed inclusion inthe supplement is preferred due to green colour and acceptable taste compared to dried seaweed. The serving sice of 25 g of this product could be cover children’s need about 23 % in iodine, 100 % in iron and 22- 35 % in calcium. Keywords: seaweed, Gracillariasp, iodine, iron, food supplement

    Pengaruh Ketebalan Substrat pada Fermentasi Tempe terhadap Kadar Vitamin B1 (The Influence Of Substrate Thickness During Tempe Fermentation On Vitamins B1 Level)

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    The level of vitamin B1 in tempe could be increased by modifying the surface of substrate during soybean fermentation. This research aimed to know the influence of substrate thickness during soybean fermentation into tempe to the levels of vitamin B1. The design of this research was completed randomized design with two replication. Vitamin B1 content was analyzed on raw soybeans, boiled soybeans, and tempe using spectrophotometer methods. The substrate thicknesses examined were 0.25 cm, 0.50 cm and 1.00cm. Vitamin B1 level on raw soybean was 0.7436 mg percent and on boiled soybean was 0.4898 mg percent, while in tempe with substrate thickness 0.25 cm, 0.50 cm and 1.00 cm, the vitamin B1 contents were 1.1413, 0.9044, and 0.7130 mg percent respectively. The thickness of tempe substrate affected on vitamin B1 content. A thinner substrate resulted on higher vitamin B1 level

    Potensi Ramuan Ekstrak Biji Klabet dan Daun Kelor sebagai Laktagogum dengan Nilai Gizi Tinggi

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    Abstract The proportion of stunting in children under 5 years old in Indonesia was approximately 30,8% in 2018. One of the things that is presumably related to the occurrence of stunting is lack of nutrition that can be attributed to exclusive breastfeeding. Fenugreek seeds have properties as laktogoga and moringa leaves in addition to having efficacy as lactagoga, also have advantage in nutritional content, particularly high protein content, groups of minerals and vitamins. The aim of the study was to assess the potential of the formula fenugreek seed extract (Trigonella foenum-graecum L) and moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera Lamk.) as a supplement to release milk while at the same having nutrient content. Methods using the test weighting method in pregnant female rats by measuring the volume of milk taken by baby rats. Test were carried out on five groups of mother rats namely groups than were given : fenugreek and moringa extract (1: 1) with different doses I, II and III; comparison group (moloco) and control group (distilled water). Each mother fed five rats, provision of extract was carried out starting the first day after the mother gave birth, and measurement were take on 6th, 11th, 16th to 21st day The volume of milk consumed by five rats was counted as difference of body weight after and before breastfeeding. Moringa nutritional assessment is carried out using standard methods on, iron, calcium and potassium content; vitamin A and vitamin C content and protein level. Fenugreek-moringa extract (1: 1) dose of 30 mg/200g bb, can increase the volume of breast milk of female rat larger than the untreated group (p≤0.05). The cumulative weight gain of rat infants was greater than the control group (p≤0.05), according to the nutrients obtained from the fenugreek-moringa extract. Moringa leaves as a component of extract, have high nutritional value of minerals, vitamins and proteins and have advantages as lactogogum. Conclusion: The administration of moringa leaf and fenugreek seed extract (1: 1) dose of 30 mg / 200 g bb in breastfeeding female rats has a 2.4 times greater potential in increasing milk expenditure compared to breastfeeding female rats who did not get the same extract. Fenugreek-moringa extract has superior potential as laktagogum and at the same time a high nutritional supplement. Abstrak Proporsi kejadian stunting pada anak usia di bawah 5 tahun (balita) di Indonesia tercatat sekitar 30,8% pada tahun 2018. Salah satu hal yang diduga berkaitan dengan terjadinya stunting adalah gizi kurang yang dapat dikaitkan dengan pemberian air susu ibu (ASI) eksklusif. Biji klabet memiliki khasiat sebagai laktagoga dan daun kelor selain mempunyai khasiat sebagai laktagoga, juga mempunyai keunggulan pada kandungan gizinya, terutama kandungan protein yang tinggi, golongan mineral dan vitamin. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menilai potensi formula ekstrak biji klabet (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) dan daun kelor (Moringa oleifera Lamk.) sebagai suplemen pelancar pengeluaran air susu sekaligus memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang tinggi. Metode menggunakan test weighting method pada tikus betina hamil, dengan cara mengukur volume air susu yang diminum oleh bayi tikus. Dilakukan uji pada lima kelompok induk tikus yaitu: kelompok yang diberi ekstrak klabet dan kelor (1:1) dengan dosis I, II dan III yang berbeda; kelompok pembanding (moloco) dan kelompok kontrol (akuades). Tiap induk tikus menyusui lima ekor anak tikus. Pemberian bahan uji dilakukan mulai hari pertama setelah induk tikus melahirkan, dan pengukuran dilakukan pada hari ke-6, 11, 16 sampai 21. Volume air susu yang diminum lima ekor anak tikus dihitung sebagai selisih berat badan sesudah dan sebelum disusui induknya. Penilaian gizi kelor dilakukan menggunakan metoda standar, terhadap kandungan mineral besi, kalsium dan kalium; kandungan vitamin A dan vitamin C, serta kadar protein. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak klabet-kelor (1:1) dosis 30 mg/200g bb, dapat memperbanyak pengeluaran volume air susu induk tikus lebih besar dari kelompok yang tidak diberi perlakuan (p≤0,05). Pertambahan berat kumulatif bayi tikus, lebih besar dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (p≤0,05), sesuai dengan gizi yang didapat dari ekstrak klabet-kelor. Daun kelor sebagai komponen ekstrak, mempunyai nilai gizi mineral, vitamin, dan protein yang tinggi serta memiliki keunggulan sebagai laktogogum. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah pemberian ekstrak biji klabet-daun kelor (1:1) dosis 30 mg/200g bb pada tikus betina menyusui mempunyai potensi 2,4 kali lebih besar dalam meningkatkan pengeluaran air susu dibandingkan kelompok tikus betina menyusui yang tidak mendapatkan ekstrak yang sama. Ekstrak biji klabet-kelor mempunyai potensi unggul sebagai laktagogum dan sekaligus suplemen dengan gizi tinggi

    RETN Gene Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Profile on Triglyceride-Glucose Index as Insulin Resistance Proxy Among Cohort Population of Non-Communicable Diseases in Bogor

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    Genetic factors such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are thought to contribute to the increasing incidence of diabetes mellitus (DM) through insulin resistance.  SNPs in the RETN (resistin) gene encoding the resistin protein have been reported to play a role in causing abnormalities in blood glucose and lipid metabolism.  Still, studies related to this have rarely been explored in cohort population models.  This study aimed to evaluate the relationship of resistin gene SNPs to the trend of the triglyceride-glucose index (TyG) as a proxy for insulin resistance.  The data were obtained from the results of the biomedical laboratory examination among participants of a cohort study in the Kebon Kalapa subdistrict, Bogor, every odd year period between 2015-2021 and from RETN genotyping (rs3745367).  The generalized linear model (GLM) repeated measurement technique was used with the TyG index value as the dependent variable.  The results of the GLM analysis showed that although there was a significant difference in the trend of the TyG index between the observation periods [F(2,87, 1671,1)=41,10, p-value <0.001], that’s not the case for RETN gene SNP [F(5,73, 1671,1) = 1.09, p-value = 0.367]. However, the multivariate test results suggested the association of these SNPs with age and DM status [F(4, 583)=2.48, p-value = 0.043].  In conclusion, RETN gene SNPs may require interaction with other factors or genes to induce insulin resistance or act by indirect glucose–fatty acid metabolic cycle mechanisms

    Dyslipidemia in Renal Dysfunction among Non-diabetic Individuals from the 2019 Indonesian Cohort Study: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between dyslipidemia and the estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) values in a healthy population without a history of diabetes mellitus. Data were part of the cohort study database of 2019. Data analysis was perfomed using descriptive and inferential statistics with linear regression in 893 of 1,545 non-diabetic participants. The results showed that the average cholesterol levels, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), and triglycerides were 196.75, 48.71, 123.37, and 109.56 mg/dl, respectively, and the average eGFR level of the respondents was 98.47±15.50 mg/dl. This study found that age, HDL levels, and LDL levels had a significant relationship with eGFR (p<0.05). It was concluded that increasing age and LDL levels and decreasing HDL levels would decrease eGFR


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    Latar Belakang. Anemia pada ibu hamil sampai saat ini masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia. Anemia pada ibu hamil dapat berdampak pada kesehatan ibu hamil dan anak yang akan dilahirkan. Di negara sedang berkembang seperti di Indonesia penyebab anemia sebagian disebabkan kurang asupan zat besi, dan zat gizi mikro lainnya seperti zink dan vitamin A. Tujuan. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti profil zat gizi mikroserum ibu hamil dan melihat hubungan antara kadar Hb dengan kadar sTfR, zink, dan vitamin A pada ibu hamil. Metode. Desain penelitian ini adalah potong lintang yang merupakan bagian dari penelitian kohort biomedis tahun 2018 dengan subjek penelitian ibu hamil berusia 16–46 tahun sebanyak 114 sampel. Variabel yang diamati adalah kadar Hb, sTfR, zink, dan vitamin A. Data dianalisis menggunakan SPSS versi 18.0 dengan uji deskriptif dan uji korelasi pearson. Hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat ibu hamil yang tergolong pada usia berisiko, yaitu pada kelompok usia 16–19 tahun sebanyak 5,3% dan kelompok usia 41–46 tahun sebanyak 3,5%. Proporsi anemia pada ibu hamil tertinggi dijumpai pada kelompok usia 20–30 tahun yaitu 67,9% dan kelompok usia 31–40 yaitu 33,0%. Secara umum ibu hamil mengalami anemia sebanyak 35,1% dan kekurangan zink sebanyak 86,8%. Kadar sTfR, zink, dan vitamin A berhubungan dengan kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil. Untuk mencegah anemia pada ibu hamil perlu perbaikan kadar besi, zink, dan vitamin A yang dapat dilakukan dengan meningkatkan asupan makanan sumber zat besi, zink, dan vitamin A khususnya pada ibu hamil usia 20–30 tahun

    Use of Fish Oil as Supplement to Rice Flour for Children

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    Fish oil is a source of omega 3 fatty acids, especially DHA and EPA having health benefits, such as prevention of heart disease and improvement of brain development including vision. However, these components are susceptible to oxidative damage and its fishy smell may affect consumer acceptance. This study aimed to immobilize this oil in rice flour usually prepared for "sumsum" porridge, a traditional meals for children or mother. Some of type of polymer are mixture with oil and was sprayed on to the rice flour to ensure the oils were coated with these polymer. Hedonic test of "sumsum" porridge was performed for acceptability for 4% fish oil and 4% equal weight of polymer malto-dextrin and soy flour. The nutrient contents were also presented. The nutrient content of the sample could be use as food supplement for under-five year children and his mother