15 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Entanglement and Bell-nonlocality for Two Stochastic Qubits with Dipole-Dipole Interaction

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    We have studied the analytical dynamics of Bell nonlocality as measured by CHSH inequality and entanglement as measured by concurrence for two noisy qubits that have dipole-dipole interaction. The nonlocal entanglement created by the dipole-dipole interaction is found to be protected from sudden death for certain initial states

    Entanglement dynamics of two qubits under the influence of external kicks and Gaussian pulses

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    We have investigated the dynamics of entanglement between two spin-1/2 qubits that are subject to independent kick and Gaussian pulse type external magnetic fields analytically as well as numerically. Dyson time ordering effect on the dynamics is found to be important for the sequence of kicks. We show that "almost-steady" high entanglement can be created between two initially unentangled qubits by using carefully designed kick or pulse sequences

    Correlation and nonlocality measures as indicators of quantum phase transitions in several critical systems

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    We have investigated the quantum phase transitions in the ground states of several critical systems, including transverse field Ising and XY models as well as XY with multiple spin interactions, XXZ and the collective system Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick models, by using different quantumness measures, such as entanglement of formation, quantum discord, as well as its classical counterpart, measurement-induced disturbance and the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt-Bell function. Measurement-induced disturbance is found to detect the first and second order phase transitions present in these critical systems, while, surprisingly, it is found to fail to signal the infinite-order phase transition present in the XXZ model. Remarkably, the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt-Bell function is found to detect all the phase transitions, even when quantum and classical correlations are zero for the relevant ground state

    Quantum Correlations in non-Markovian Environments

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    We have studied the analytical Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics of quantum correlations, such as entanglement, quantum discord and Bell nonlocalities for three noisy qubits. Quantum correlation as measured by quantum discord is found to be immune to death contrary to entanglement and Bell nonlocality for initial GHZ- or W-type mixed states

    Creation of quantum correlations between two atoms in a dissipative environment from an initial vacuum state

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    We have investigated the effect of counter-rotating terms on the dynamics of entanglement and quantum discord between two identical atoms interacting with a lossy single mode cavity field for a system initially in a vacuum state. The counter-rotating terms are found to lead to steady states in the long time limit which can have high quantum discord, but have no entanglement. The effect of cavity decay rate on this steady state quantum discord has been also investigated, surprisingly, the increase in cavity decay rate is found to both enhance and maximize the steady quantum discord for separable states.Comment: Effects of counter-rotating interaction terms on quantum discor