1,249 research outputs found

    Promoción de la salud mental: un marco para la formación y para la acción

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    This document is a revision of some major concepts of health promotion in order to provide a framework for the action of those who work in mental health. Since the Ottawa charter, new references on health can contribute significantly for the education and action of the mental health practitioner. In order to promote and enhance better and healthier ways if living as well as better life conditions. Mental health is considered as a tool for the understanding and construction of the sense of well being and well living. In our country our professional training programs have understood the importance of educating in a more integrated and holistic way in the search for creative approaches for problems we face in our every day life, based on the hope that a better country with more equity and justice, as well as better and healthier conditions can be more than just a dream.Este artículo busca revisar algunos conceptos de la promoción de la salud, con el fin de orientar las acciones para los que trabajamos en Salud Mental. Desde la Carta de Ottawa se han determinado nuevos referentes que pueden contribuir en forma significativa al desarrollo de la salud como concreción del bienestar humano. La propuesta consiste en dar una visión más integrada de la salud mental a través de la revisión de las definiciones que algunas instituciones han planteado y suscrito y que puedan servir como herramienta para desarrollar profesionales que busquen promover, en nuestro país, condiciones más sanas, más dignas, con mayor equidad y justicia social: con mayor y mejor calidad de vida. Que puedan pensar que esto puede ser más que un sueño

    Efectividad y eficiencia de los canales de búsqueda de empleo en colombia

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    El mercado laboral no puede definirse como una institución en la cual confluyen oferentes y demandantespara negociar una mercancía a un precio determinado; se ha identificado que existen distintos mecanismos,que son canales de búsqueda, mediante los cuales los agentes logran emparejar su capacidad de trabajarcon las vacantes disponibles. Para verificar la efectividad y la eficiencia de estos canales de búsquedase utilizó la información de la Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares, para las 13 áreas metropolitanas deColombia del segundo trimestre de 2008; se realizaron estimaciones de modelos paramétricos de duracióny elección discreta y otros modelos no paramétricos tipo Kaplan-Meier que permitieron verificar que lasbúsquedas informales, es decir, aquellas realizadas a través de familiares y amigos, son más efectivas yeficientes que los procesos de selección formale

    A spatiotemporal epidemiological investigation of the impact of environmental change on the transmission dynamics of Echinococcus spp. in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China

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    Background: Human echinococcoses are zoonotic parasitic diseases of major public health importance globally. According to recent estimates, the geographical distribution of echinococcosis is expanding and becoming an emerging and re-emerging problem in several regions of the world. Echinococcosis endemicity is geographically heterogeneous and might be affected by global environmental change over time. The aims of my research were: 1) to assess and quantify the spatiotemporal variation in land cover and climate change in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (NHAR); 2) to identify highly endemic areas for human echinococcoses in NHAR, and to determine the environmental covariates that have shaped the local geographical distribution of the disease; 3) to develop spatial statistical models that explain and predict the spatiotemporal variation of human exposure to Echinococcus spp. in a highly endemic county of NHAR; and 4) to analyse associations between the environment and the spatiotemporal variation of human exposure to the parasites and dog infections with Echinococcus granulosus and Echinococcus multilocularis in four echinococcosis-endemic counties of NHAR. Methods: Data on echinococcosis infections and human exposure to E. granulosus and E. multilocularis were obtained from different sources: 1) A hospital-based retrospective survey of human echinococcosis cases in NHAR between 1992 and 2013; 2) three cross-sectional surveys of school children conducted in Xiji County in 2002–2003, 2006–2007 and 2012–2013; and 3) A cross-sectional survey of human exposure and dog infections with E. granulosus and E. multilocularis conducted in Xiji, Haiyuan, Guyuan and Tongxin Counties. Environmental data were derived from high-resolution (30 m) imagery from Landsat 4/5-TM and 8-OLI and meteorological reports provided by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Image analysis techniques and a Bayesian statistical framework were used to conduct a land cover change detection analyses and to develop regression models that described and quantified climate trends and the environmental factors associated with echinococcosis risk at different spatial scales. Results: The land cover changes observed in NHAR from 1991 to 2015 concurred with the main goals of a national policy on payments for ecosystem services, implemented in the Autonomous Region, in increasing forest and herbaceous vegetation coverages and in regenerating bareland. Statistically significant positive trends were observed in annual, summer and winter temperatures in most of the region, and a small magnitude change was found in annual precipitation, in the same 25-year period. The south of NHAR was identified as a highly endemic area for cystic echinococcosis (CE; caused by E. granulosus) and alveolar echinococcosis (AE; caused by E. multilocularis). Selected environmental covariates explained most of the spatial variation in AE risk, while the risk of CE appeared to be less spatially variable at the township level. The risk of exposure to E. granulosus expanded across Xiji County from 2002–2013, while the risk of exposure to E. multilocularis became more confined in communities located in the south of this highly endemic area. In 2012–2013, the predicted seroprevalences of human exposure to E. granulosus and dog infection with this parasite were characterised by similar geographical patterns across Xiji, Haiyuan, Guyuan and Tongxin Counties. By contrast, the predicted high seroprevalence areas for human exposure and dog infection with E. multilocularis did not coincide spatially. Climate, land cover and landscape fragmentation played a key role in explaining some of the observed spatial variation in the risk of infection with Echinococcus spp. among schoolchildren and dogs in the south of NHAR at the village level. Conclusions: The findings of this research defined populations at a high risk of human exposure to E. granulosus and E. multilocularis in NHAR. The research provides evidence on the potential effects of landscape regeneration projects on the incidence of human echinococcoses due to the associations found between the infections and regenerated land. This information will be essential to track future requirements for scaling up and targeting the control strategies proposed by the National Action Plan for Echinococcosis Control in China and may facilitate the design of future ecosystem management and protection policies and a more effective response to emerging local environmental risks. The predictive models developed as part of this research can also be used to monitor echinococcosis infections and the emergence in Echinococcus spp. transmission in the most affected areas

    How scholarship programs facilitate first-generation college students’ involvement

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    As a first-generation college student, I am interested in the on-campus involvement and experiences of other first-generation college students. First-generation college students are those whose parents did not receive a university degree and tend to come from low-income families. This project explores programs designed to support and enrich the experiences of such students. The Centennial Scholars Program at James Madison University and the Presidential Scholarship Initiative at Virginia Tech aim to increase the socio-economic diversity on each campus. These programs provide students with full funding for four years, mentorship, professional development and social benefits, among others. In turn, students become involved with the campus and outside communities. I argue that these programs provide more than financial support; they are vehicles for further community involvement and allow students to leave their mark

    Noción de vínculo en la mediación del modelo relacional simbólico en una pareja de separados

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    Este es un estudio de caso realizado con una pareja de separados con quien se realizó un proceso de mediación familiar en el Consultorio Jurídico de la Universidad del Rosario. El propósito del mismo fue identificar la noción de vínculo que emergiera durante el proceso de intervención, base fundamental del Modelo Relacional Simbólico (MRS) desarrollado por la Escuela de Altos Estudios de la Familia de la Universidad Cattolica del Sacre Cuore de Milán, para la mediación de conflictos en familia y en comunidad. La identificación se hizo con base en las siguientes categorías explicativas del concepto de vínculo planteadas en el MRS: (1) lo afectivo (que incluye la confianza y la esperanza), (2) lo ético (que incluye la justicia y la lealtad), (3) el género (se refiere a la relación de la pareja conyugal) y (4) la generación (entendida como la relación entre los padres y los hijos). Los instrumentos utilizados para la recolección de la información, se diseñaron con base en el MRS y la pragmática formal del lenguaje de Jurgen Habermas y son unos de los productos de esta investigación. Adicionalmente, esta última se utilizó también para analizar la acción comunicativa a partir de la identificación de los actos de habla de los enunciados textuales de los miembros de la pareja en las diferentes fases del proceso de mediación lo que además, permitió visibilizar algunos efectos de la mediación. Este estudio posibilitó el análisis de la noción de vínculo a través de las categorías del MRS y de la teoría de la acción comunicativa a través de la pragmática formal del lenguaje. Los instrumentos desarrollados con este fin y los resultados arrojados en su aplicación, permiten enunciar que la pragmática formal del lenguaje puede ser una herramienta para articular la conceptualización teórica del modelo MRS con la investigación empírica, de tal manera que se pueda proponer como metodología de investigación aplicada para promover el desarrollo del MRS.The present includes a case study of a family mediation process with a separated couple in a Judiciary Consultant service of the Rosario University at Bogotá, Colombia. Its purpose was to determine the notion that the couple had of what a bond meant to them, and to examine, if because of the type of communication dialogues developed in the mediation process, this conception was transformed based on Jurgen Habermas Action Communication Theory and the Symbolic Relationship Model of Mediation (MRS) developed by the School of Family Studies of the Universitá Cattolica del Sacre Cuore di Milano. The core of the conflict mediation process is centered upon the comprehension of bonding in a couple, family or community members, as well as the symbolic meaning and the way they act upon a notion of what their bond means. It includes two axes: the affective or emotional, and the ethical regulation. The first based on Erik Erikson´s concepts of basic trust and hope is a basis for human relationships and primary bonding. The ethical axis, with the concepts of justice and loyalty act as regulators of the relationship including the exchange between what is given and received (generativity). The structure of the bonding between a couple, together with the basic gender differences between being a man or a woman, and the task of providing for the generations within the conscience of nurturing, is basic to guarantee the maintenance of the parental task for their offspring after the rupture of the marriage bonding

    The roots of regional trade in the Americas 1870 to 1950

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    The oft-mentioned failure of the economic integration of South America contrasts with the North American, European and East Asian experiences. While low levels of development, geographical and historical explanations are at the root of our understanding of South America's scarce regional trade integration, due to data limitations such explanations have been little analyzed quantitatively in the long run before the Second World War. We use for the first time a new database on bilateral trade for 11 countries of the region between 1870 and 1950. Our results confirm the conventional view of the existence of a historical handicap of regional trade in the Americas, especially during the commodity boom of the Atlantic globalization prior to the First World War
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