240 research outputs found

    Comparativa de normativa de seguretat i salut entre Espanya i SuÏssa

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    El Projecte Final de Grau consisteix en realitzar una comparativa de normatives de Seguretat i Salut laboral entre els països d’Espanya, que pertany a la Unió Europea, i Suïssa, que no pertany. Alhora, realitzar un estudi estadístic dels índexs de sinistralitat laboral d’ambdós països per poder determinar la influència directa de cada normativa, podent evidenciar l’efectivitat d’aquesta una vegada entra en vigor, tant a nivell general com només en el sector de la construcció. El principal objectiu és el de poder determinar les necessitats de compliment de normativa en en matèria de Seguretat i Salut laboral en un país europeu no pertanyent a la Unió Europea, com és el cas de Suïssa, i realitzar una comparativa amb la normativa vigent equivalent que s’ha de complir a Espanya, que sí es un país pertinent a la Unió Europea. Una vegada determinades aquestes necessitats, realitzar la comparativa estadística dels índexs d’incidència de la sinistralitat laboral, tant a Suïssa com a Espanya, i determinar l’eficàcia de l’aplicació de les normatives a l’àmbit laboral. Per a la redacció de la memòria, l’estructura principal ha estat dividida en tres blocs: - En el primer bloc, que comprèn els subcapítols 2.1 i 2.2, s’ha descrit la situació geopolítica general on s’emmarquen els paísos objectes d’estudi, la Unió Europea, així com la pròpia de cadascún d’ells. Dins d’aquest mateix bloc queda descrita l’estructura organitzativa de la prevenció de riscos laborals a nivell europeu, espanyol i suís. - En el segon bloc, que comprèn el subcapítol 2.3, s’han analitzat les dades estadístiques de sinistralitat laboral dels països objectes d’estudi, estudiant la seva evolució durant els últims quinze/vint anys, en funció de les dades oficials publicades. - En el tercer bloc, que comprèn el capítol 3, s’ha realitzat un anàlisi de la legislació vigent en matèria de Seguretat i Salut i s’ha realitzat la comparativa directa entre les normatives d’ambdós països objectes d’estudi, Espanya i Suïssa. Com a conclusió final, en ambdós països la legislació vigent cobreix les mateixes necessitats generals, no havent diferències substancials. Tantmateix, es pot determinar que l’evolució de la sinistralitat està totalment influenciada per l’aplicació de la normativa vigent, però també per la situació econòmica general de cada país

    The Application of Canonical Correlation to Two-Dimensional Contingency Tables

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    This paper re-introduces and demonstrates the use of Mickeys (1970) canonical correlation method in analyzing large two-dimensional contingency tables. This method of analysis supplements the traditional analysis using the Pearson chi-square. Examples and a MATLAB source listing are provided

    Nodular Posterior Scleritis: Clinico-Sonographic Characteristics and Proposed Diagnostic Criteria

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    Purpose: To report the clinical and ultrasound features and outcomes of a series of nodular posterior scleritis. / Methods: Retrospective medical record review of 11 consecutive patients with nodular posterior scleritis. Patient demographics, ocular and systemic findings, ultrasound features, and final anatomical and visual outcomes were recorded. / Results: There were 9 females and 2 males (11 eyes) with mean age at presentation of 57 years (range, 30-84 years). Underlying systemic inflammatory disease was present in 73%. Symptoms included pain in 73% and blurred vision in 45%. A solitary amelanotic mass without the presence of lipofuscin was found in all cases. Associated ocular features included retinal pigment epithelial changes (67%), intraocular inflammation (55%), subretinal fluid (50%), macular edema (50%), and choroidal folds (30%). B-mode ultrasound showed a sclerochoroidal mass with high internal reflectivity (100%) of mean elevation of 4.1 mm. There was nodular thickening of the sclera (100%) and fluid in Tenon space or "T" sign (36%). A complete regression of the nodule after the treatment was observed only in 1 patient (11%) and partial regression in 4 patients (44%). / Conclusion: Nodular posterior scleritis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a single amelanotic choroidal mass showing high internal reflectivity on ultrasound B-scan. It can produce intraocular inflammation in 50% of the cases and may be painless in 25%. It has a high association with a systemic underlying disease

    Malpractice claims related to recurrent laryngeal nerve injury: Forensic remarks regarding 15 cases

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    Abstract Malpractice claims concerning recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) injuries are often related to thyroid surgery, but they can also involve surgeons of different specialties. Our survey was made considering expert opinions on claims for medical malpractice evaluated at Brescia Institute of Forensic Medicine in Italy during the period 1992–2012. Fifteen cases concerned RLN injury. Malpractice was identified in 10 cases, according to the following conditions: low pre and intra-operative risk of nerve injury, no documentation showing that the nerve was isolated and preserved despite the existence of potential risk factors. An accurate, well written and complete surgical report is the main tool for the expert examination in malpractice claims

    Repeatability of swept-source optical coherence tomography retinal and choroidal thickness measurements in neovascular age-related macular degeneration

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    BACKGROUND: The aim was to determine the intrasession repeatability of swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT)-derived retinal and choroidal thickness measurements in eyes with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD). METHODS: A prospective study consisting of patients with active nAMD enrolled in the Distance of Choroid Study at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London. Patients underwent three 12×9 mm macular raster scans using the deep range imaging (DRI) OCT-1 SS-OCT (Topcon) device in a single imaging session. Retinal and choroidal thicknesses were calculated for the ETDRS macular subfields. Repeatability was calculated according to methods described by Bland and Altman. RESULTS: 39 eyes of 39 patients with nAMD were included with a mean (±SD) age of 73.9 (±7.2) years. The mean (±SD) retinal thickness of the central macular subfield was 225.7 μm (±12.4 μm). The repeatability this subfield, expressed as a percentage of the mean central macular subfield thickness, was 23.2%. The percentage repeatability of the other macular subfields ranged from 13.2% to 28.7%. The intrasession coefficient of repeatability of choroidal thickness of the central macular subfield was 57.2 μm with a mean choroidal thickness (±SD) of 181 μm (±15.8 μm). CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that a change >23.2% of retinal thickness and 57.2 μm choroidal thickness in the central macular subfield is required to distinguish true clinical change from measurement variability when using the DRI OCT-1 device to manage patients with nAMD

    On the Stereochemistry of the Cations in the Doping Block of Superconducting Copper-Oxides

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    Metal-oxygen complexes containing Cu,- Tl-, Hg-, Bi- and Pb-cations are electronically active in superconducting copper-oxides by stabilizing single phases with enhanced TcT_c, whereas other metal-oxygen complexes deteriorate copper-oxide superconductivity. Cu, Tl, Hg, Bi, Pb in their actual oxidation states are closed shell d10d^{10} or inert s2s^2 pair ions. Their electronic configurations have a strong tendency to polarize the oxygen environment. The closed shell dd ions with low lying nd10nd9(n+1)snd^{10}\leftrightarrow nd^9(n+1)s excitations form linear complexes through dz2sd_{z^2}-s hybridization polarizing the apical oxygens. Comparatively low nd9(n+1)snd^9(n+1)s excitation energies distinguish Cu1+,3+,Tl3+,Hg2+\rm Cu^{1+,3+}, Tl^{3+}, Hg^{2+} from other closed shell d10d^{10} ions deteriorating copper-oxide superconductivity, {\it e.g.} Zn2+\rm Zn^{2+}.Comment: 5 pages, uses REVTEX. To be published in: J. Superconductivity, Proc. Int. Workshop on "Phase Separation, Electronic Inhomogenities and Related Mechanisms for High T_c Superconductors", Erice (Sicily) 9-15 July 199