36 research outputs found

    The Effect of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I of Pregnant Crossbred Mare Serum and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Recombinant Mouse on Estrous Cycles and Litter Sizes of Mice (Mus musculus)

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    The research was conducted to determine the effect of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) derived from pregnant crossbred mare serum (PMS) on estrous cycle and litter size in mice (Mus musculus). The research was arranged by Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with seven treatments and five replications. The treatments were control (CO)= physiological NaCl, treatment (T) 1 = 10 ng/ml of IGF-I pregnant mares crossbred serum (PMS), T2 = 20 ng/ml of IGF-I PMS, T3 = 40 ng/ml of IGF-I PMS, T4 = 10 ng/ml of IGF-I recombinant mouse, T5 = 20 ng/ml of IGF-I recombinant mouse, and T6 = 40 ng/ml of IGF-I recombinant mouse. Serie I the subject of this research were 35 female mice. Observed variables included estrous cycle phases that proestrus, estrus, metestrus, and diestrus phase. Serie II for the objects of this research were 35 female mice and 21 male mice in the same treatment on litter size in mice. The data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), followed by HSD (Honestly Significant Difference) test. The result showed that the addition of IGF-I PMS did not significantly affect (p>0.05) on proestrus, metestrus, and diestrus phase. The addition of IGF-I PMS 40 ng/ml was extended (p<0.05) the estrus phase. It showed that there was not significantly difference (p>0.05) between the effect of IGF-I PMS and IGF-I recombinant mouse with the mice estrous cycles. The result of IGF-I derived from PMS and IGF-I recombinant mouse on litter size in mice did not significantly difference (p>0.05). Test results shows significant differences between control and 40 ng/ml of IGF-I PMS. Keywords: IGF-I, IGF-I pregnant crossbred mare serum, estrous cycle, litter sizes, Mus musculu

    Modification of Carp (Osphronemus Gouramy) Growth with Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Recombinant Mouse in Vivo

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    Osphronemus gouramy consumption is increasing every year, which causes a high number of inquiries for this fish, which cannot be offset sufficiently by the amount of production. The growth rate of O. gouramy is relatively slow, so achieving the required consumption is relatively long. Quality improvement of productivity by improving the ability of cell metabolism to intake fish feed through hormone injection recombinant mouse insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is expected to spur growth so that fish production can be increased. This study aims to determine the effect of the hormone IGF-I recombinant mouse on the increased growth of O. gouramy. The benefits of this research are expected to deliver the benefits of science in the form of scientific information to the public in general and fish farmers, especially about the effect of the hormone recombinant mouse IGF-I on the growth of O. gouramy. The research method is carried out experimentally by using a completely randomized design (RAL); this study uses 80 O. gouramy was divided into 4 treatments P0: without hormone injections of IGF-I, P1: injected with the hormone IGF-I at a dose of 10 ng/ml, P2: injected with the hormone IGF-I at a dose of 20 ng/ml and P3: injected with the hormone at a dose of 40 ng/ml each of 5 replicates each test 4 tail O. gouramy. The hormone IGF-I recombinant mouse is done by injection. The treatment with hormone injection of recombinant mouse IGF-I. The parameters measured were growth. The results showed that the treatment hormone injection of recombinant mouse IGF-I with different doses gave significant differences (p <0.05); weight growth (P0: 0 ng/ml = 7,23 gram ± 0,37-gram dan P3: 40 ng/ml = 26,35 gram ± 1,89 gram.); length growth (P0 : 0 ng/ml = 5,76 cm  ± 0,38 cm dan P3: 40 ng/ml = 7,93 cm ± 0,07 cm). The conclusion is that recombinant mouse IGF-I increased the growth by increasing in weight and length of O. gouramy, and improvement of the growth occurred in the treatment injection of the dose: 40 ng/ml

    Profil DNA Spermatozoa Sapi Perah yang Mendapat Paparan Radiasi Sinar Ultra Violet Di Indonesia.

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    Teknik pemisahan spermatozoa pembawa kromosom seks X dan Y dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara yaituy pemisahan spermatozoa dengan teknik elektroforesis, sedimentasi, filtrasi dengan sephadex maupun dengan kolom percoll dan alternatif lain untuk pemisahan spermatozoa adalah melalui pemaparan radiasi sinar UV. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan sebagai berikut, pemaparan semen sapi perah dengan berbagai konsentrasi sinar UV, pemeriksaan keutuhan membran spermatozoa dengan media HOST, Isolasi dan Karakterisasi DNA Spermatozoa Pembawa Kromosom Seks Hasil Paparan sinar beberapa variasi konsentrasi sinar UV dan produksi semen beku sapi perah yang berkualitas yang mengandung spermatozoa pembawa kromosom seks X dan Y sesuai harapan. Rataan persentase motilitas sperma adalah 59,44 ± 3,64 (kontrol); 52,02 ± 4,94 (P1); 54,38 ± 3,29 (P2) dan 56,91 ± 4,48 (P3). Sedangkan rataan persentase hidup spermatozoa adalah 75,68 ± 3,64 (kontrol); 55,22 ± 2,94 (P1); 63,78 ± 2,41 (P2) dan 71,23 ± 1,70 (P3). Rataan integritas membran spermatozoa setelah dipapar dengan sinar UV adalah 61,80 ± 4,49 (kontrol); 50,80 ± 7,19 (P1); 49,40 ± 7,16 (P2) dan 39,0 ± 7,96 (P3). Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari hasil penelitian ini adalah : paparan sinar UV dengan panjang gelombang pendek menyebabkan rasio spermatozoa pembawa kromosom seks X lebih besar dibandingkan spermatozoa pembawa kromosom seks Y dengan jarak paparan optimum adalah 25 cm dan semakin dekat jarak sinar UV terhadap obyek (semen sapi perah) maka semakin menurun motilitas dan daya hidup spermatozoa serta semakin tinggi tingkat kerusakan fragmen DN


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    Residues of veterinary drug on consumption animals were giving hazardous for human health. This research aim was to determine calculated of withdrawal time by new concept namely LAZUARDI EQUATION FOR CALCULATE WITHDRAWAL TIME. The lazuardi postulate was using pharmacokinetics bases and analytical bases. The pharmacokinetics bases approximately taking parameter are dosing of the drug and elimination half-life. The analytical base approximately is taking the values of quantitation limit from instrument detection. Five adult male local Indonesia sheep at about 30 kg were giving clenbuterol HCl 0.02 mg from 0.75 mL of Ventipulmin® intravenously at single dose. The concentrations drug in plasma were assessed by HPLC reverse phase from serial sampling at time of 40., 60., 90., 120., 180., 240., 300., 360., 480., 500., 620., 740 min. Calculated of withdrawal time were using Lazuardi postulate. Result research apparently that means of elimination half-life and quantitation limit were obtained at 148.0658 min and 0.053 μg/mL. The conclusions of the research are determine of the drug by from lazuardi equation will be find out approximately at 1 d 5 h 28.32 min

    Pengaruh Suplementasi Insulin Transferrin Selenium (ITS) pada Media Maturasi TCM-199 terhadap Diameter Oosit Sapi

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    Insulin Transferrin Selenium (ITS) has been used in vitro maturation system to support in vitro maturation of oocyte. The study aims was to determine role of Insulin Transferrin Selenium to bovine oocyte were matured in vitro against improved oocyte diameter. Maturation process used TCM-199 medium which added by FSH 100 IU/ml, LH 100 IU/ml, BSA 355 and ITS (Insulin Transferrin Selenium). ITS dose which used in culture medium are different for each treated group. The treated groups are Pp (0 ug/ml), P1 (10 ug/ml), Ps (15 ug/ml), and P3 (20 ug/ml). Oocytes were incubated in CO) incubator with CO, 5Y9, Humidity 95Y6 and 38.5"C due 22 hours. The result showed that ITS supplementation in maturation medium has no significantly difference (p20,05) for ali treated groups (Po. Pi, P5, and P3) of oocyte diameter improvement. Conclusion of ITS supplementation in maturation medium TCM-199 can't increase oocyte diameter. Keywords: oocyte, in vitro maturation, Insulin Transferrin Selenium, diamete

    Case Study : Dystocia on Beef Cattle in Kunir Regency of Lumajang District, East Java, Indonesia in 2015 and 2016

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    Dystocia defined as difficulty of birth. Cattle that experienced dystocia characterized by extended processing time of birth, difficult, and impossible to do without help of human stem. This study aimed to determine the number and causative factor of dystocia in beef cattle in Kunir sub district, Lumajang district. Data acquisition used primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained from direct observations about management of maintenance, then interviewed the farmers in Kunir sub district. Secondary data was data obtained from the recording belongs to animal health technical officer. The results showed that the prevalence of dystocia in Kunir district, Lumajang district as many as 63 cases or 11,6 % of 543 births. The result of the research is analyzed using chi square (χ2) method on SPSS 20.0 program and risk factors that increase the incident of dystocia were IB semen which greater than the cattle site, the position of the fetus and inertia uteri can result in weakness of the catrle at the age of older and more likely to give birth. Key words: Dystocia; beef catll

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Gliserol dalam Pengencer Tris Terhadap Kualitas Spermatozoa Kambing Sapera Before Freezing

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan konsentrasi gliserol yang optimal dalam pengencer tris dalam mempertahankan kualitas spermatozoa kambing Sapera. Penelitian ini menggunakan kambing Sapera jantan umur 1.5 tahun. Konsentrasi gliserol yang digunakan adalah 5%, 6% dan 7%. Semen ditampung dua kali dalam seminggu dengan menggunakan vagina buatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata persentase motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa pada pengencer dengan gliserol 6% masing-masing 62.33% dan 75.83% terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan (p0.05). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan gliserol 6% dalam pengencer Tris berhasil melindungi spermatozoa dari cekaman dingin selama proses gliserolisasi, sehingga dapat mempertahankan motilitas, vibilitas dan abnormalitas spermatozoa

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Waktu Ekuilibrasi Sebelum Pembekuan Terhadap Kualitas Spermatozoa Sapi Rambon Banyuwangi Menggunakan Pengencer Tris Kuning Telur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan waktu ekuilibrasi 2 jam, 3 jam, 4 jam dan 5 jam terhadap motilitas, viabilitas, dan abnormalitas spermatozoa Sapi Rambon sebelum pembekuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan yaitu waktu ekuilibrasi P1 (2 jam), P2 (3 jam), P3 (4 jam) dan P4 (5 jam), satu ekor pejantan sapi rambon, dan lima kali pengulangan. Hasil analisis statistik Anova satu arah dan dilanjut uji Duncan mendapatkan hasil motilitas (P1) 76.00±2.2/3; (P2) 73.00±2.7/3; (P3) 67.00±2.7/3; dan (P4) 52.00±2.7/2. Hasil viabilitas (P1) 86.00±1.41; (P2) 78.00±2.73; (P3) 72.00±5.70 dan (P4) 57.00±2.73. Hasil abnormalitas (P1) 3.7±0.75; (P2) 3.8±0.75; (P3) 4.4±1.08 dan (P4) 5.2±0.57. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukan hasil yang berbeda nyata (p<0.05) antara waktu ekuilibrasi dengan kualitas spermatozoa Sapi Rambon sebelum pembekuan dan hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan persentase motilititas tertinggi terdapat pada waktu ekuilibrasi 2 jam, persentase viabilitas tertinggi terdapat pada waktu ekuilibrasi 2 jam dan persentase abnormalitas terendah terdapat pada waktu ekuilibrasi 2 jam

    Detection of Fertility Levels of Female Bawean Deer (Axis kuhlii) Based on Fecal Steroid Metabolic

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    The aim of the study was to detect the fertility level of females Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) through fecal steroid metabolic which were tested using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). The study used five females Bawean deer in Taman Flora Surabaya, which were marked using R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5 necklaces. The feces of each deer was collected on the 1st day, 6th day, 11th day, 16th day, and 21st day. The samples which were collected then extracted using the freeze dry method. Samples were tested using ELISA. The results of the measurement of the levels of fecal steroid metabolic  in five Bawean deers showed that three Bawean deer (R1, R4, and R5) were in the luteal or pregnant phase as indicated by the increased of progesterone from 1st day to 21st day. While the other two Bawean deer (R2 and R3) were in the follicular or estrous phase as indicated by the decreased of level of faecal steroid metabolic  on 11th day for deer R2 and 16th day for deer R3. The results showed that the levels of the fecal steroid metabolic can be used to determine the follicular phase and luteal phase and the pregnancy status of female Bawean deer

    Pengaruh Penambahan Plasma Seminalis Sapi Simmental terhadap Motilitas dan Viabilitas Spermatozoa Domba Ekor Gemuk setelah Ekuilibrasi pada Proses Pembekuan

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    The aims of this research was to determine effect of addition Seminal Plasm of simmental bull to motility and viability of ram’s spermatozoa after equilibration on freezing process. This research consists of three treatments. Control treatment (PO) were diluter + ram’s spermatozoa (without seminal plasma). Treatment I (PI) were diluter + ram’s spermatozoa + bull’s seminal plasma (1:1), treatment II (P2) were diluter + ram’s spermatozoa + bull’s seminal plasma (1:2). All of treatments was observed of motility and viability of ram’s spermatozoa after equilibration. The motility’s result was (PO) 55,8 + 3,7, (P1) 64,1 + 3,7, and (P2) 70,0 + 3,1. The viability’s result was (PO) 64,4 + 3,2, (P1) 71,5 + 4,1, and (P2) 83,9 + 3,4. The results showed that highest rate in maintaining motility and viability of ram’s spermatozoa among all of treatments was P2. It can be concluded that addition of seminal plasm of simmental bull with the ratio 1: 2 is effective in maintaining motility and ‘viability of ram’s spermatozoa after equilibration. Keyword : Seminal plasma, Simmental bull, ram’s spermatozoa, motility, viabilit