11 research outputs found

    Geochronologie et geochimie isotopique U-Pb de la mineralisation uranifere de la mine des pierres plantees (Lozere) et de son encaissant : le massif granitique de la Margeride

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    SIGLECNRS T 55276 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Géochronologie U-Pb et leucogranites varisques : cas des massifs de Grandrieu (Lozère) et de la Porcherie (Limousin), Massif Central français

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    U-Pb systematics is applied to the study of two leucogranites from the French Massif Central : the "La Porcherie" leucogranite which cross cuts major Variscan thrusts in the Saint-Germain-les-Belles area (Limousin), and the "Grandrieu" leucogranite which is associated with the Margeride calc-alkaline granite (Lozère). It is shown that : 1) The U-Pb system of zircon is unsuitable for the dating of the emplacement. For "La Porcherie" leucogranite, the zircons contain xenocryst core with euhedral overgrowths ; this old inherited component seems to be characteristic for leucogranites associated with major shear zones (Galicia, South Brittany). Such a feature is absent in the "Grandrieu" leucogranite. 2) Monazites appear to be a good tool for the geochemical and geochronological studies of leucogranites. U-Pb data for these monazites yield sub-concordant ages interpreted as emplacement ages : 317 ± 3 Ma for "La Porcherie" leucogranite, 305 ± 4 Ma for "Grandrieu" leucogranite.La systématique U-Pb a été appliquée à l'étude de deux massifs leucogranitiques : le leucogranite de la Porcherie recoupant les structures chevauchantes varisques majeures dans la région de Saint-Germain-les-Belles (Limousin) et le leucogranite de Grandrieu associé au granite porphyroïde de la Margeride (Lozère). Le système U-Pb des zircons ne permet pas d'obtenir l'âge de mise en place de ces leucogranites. Les zircons du leucogranite de la Porcherie présentent une composante héritée ancienne que l'on retrouve systématiquement dans les leucogranites liés à des linéaments (Galice, zone sud-armoricaine). Cette particularité n'est pas reconnue pour le leucogranite de Grandrieu et pourrait représenter une caractéristique des leucogranites liés aux grands massifs calco-alcalins. La monazite se révèle un minéral particulièrement bien adapté à la datation des leucogranites car elle nous a permis de proposer des âges de mise en place de 317 ± 3 Ma pour le leucogranite de la Porcherie et 305 ± 4 Ma pour le leucogranite de Grandrieu.Lafon Jean-Michel, Respaut Jean-Patrick. Géochronologie U-Pb et leucogranites varisques : cas des massifs de Grandrieu (Lozère) et de la Porcherie (Limousin), Massif Central français. In: Bulletin de Minéralogie, volume 111, 2, 1988. pp. 225-237

    New age constraints on emplacement of the cevenol granitoids, south french massif central

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    International audienceDuring the development of the Variscan orogeny, large amounts of granitic melt were produced, giving rise to the intrusion of granitoids at different structural levels. Despite numerous studies, ages available from previous work on the Cevennes granites remain largely imprecise. In order to better constrain the age and emplacement mode of these granites, we have combined U-Pb dating on monazites and zircons and Ar-40/Ar-39 dating on biotites with petrological observations, major element chemical analysis and SEM zircon imaging on five samples from the Aigoual-St Guiral-Liron and Mont Lozere granitic massifs. The results revealed that granitic intrusions and cooling in Southern Cevennes occurred in a short time span at similar to 306 Ma after the main episode of regional metamorphism. Petrological and chemical data suggest that they result from a mixing between mantle-derived basic magmas (lamprophyres) and lower crust acid magmas. At a regional scale the production of these melts occurred at the end of crustal thickening induced by nappe stacking, at the same time as the late anatectic events recorded further north in the Velay dome and the granulite facies metamorphism recorded in metasedimentary granulite enclaves brought up by Tertiary volcanoes of the Velay area (Bournac)

    Age of metamorphism and deformation in the Montagne Noire dome (French Massif Central): Tapping into the memory of fine-grained gneisses using monazite U-Th-Pb geochronology

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    International audienceRecent work has revealed that the Montagne Noire dome, located in the foreland of the Variscan belt (French Massif Central), contains a record of nearly coeval, late Variscan eclogitization and migmatization. Given these new results, it is important to understand the chronology of events that produced high-grade metamorphism and exhumation. Using U-Th-Pb dating of monazite, this study confirms ages of ~315–300 Ma for high-T metamorphism in the augen gneiss that makes up a large fraction of the Montagne Noire dome, and documents for the first time ~295 Ma monazite ages in compositionally varied fine-grained gneisses that form folded continuous layers within the core of the dome. The fine-grained gneiss layers are intensely sheared and are interpreted to have localized late, high-T deformation in the core of the dome. These sheared fine-grained gneisses form a network of shear zones that were kinematically linked to the extensional and strike-slip deformation zones that exhumed the Montagne Noire dome in a pull-apart (s.l.) domain. Continued deformation-recrystallization and fluid flow within these shear zones likely drove rejuvenation of monazite for ~5 million years after much of the melt had crystallized in the Montagne Noire dome

    Syn-collapse eclogite metamorphism and exhumation of deep crust in a migmatite dome: The P-T-t record of the youngest Variscan eclogite (Montagne Noire, French Massif Central)

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    International audienceIn many orogens, high-pressure (HP) metamorphic rocks such as eclogite occur as lenses in quartzofeldspathic gneiss that equilibrated at much lower pressures. The pressure–temperature–time (P–T–t) history of eclogite relative to host gneiss provides information about mechanisms and timescales of exhumation of orogenic crust. The Montagne Noire of the southern Massif Central, France, is an eclogite–bearing gneiss (migmatite) dome located at the orogen-foreland transition of the Variscan belt. Results of our study show that it contains the youngest eclogite in the orogen, similar in age to migmatite and granite that crystallized under low-pressure conditions. P–T conditions for an exceptionally unaltered eclogite from the central Montagne Noire were estimated using a pseudosection supplemented by garnet–clinopyroxene and Zr-in-rutile thermometry. Results indicate peak P∼1.4 GPaP∼1.4 GPa and View the MathML sourceT∼725°C for Mg-rich garnet rim (50 mol% pyrope) + omphacite (36 mol% jadeite) + rutile + quartz. U–Pb geochronology (LA-ICP-MS) of 16 zoned zircon grains yielded ∼360 Ma (4 cores) and ∼315 Ma (12 rims and cores). Rare earth element abundances determined by LA-ICP-MS for dated zircon are consistent with crystallization of ∼315 Ma zircon under garnet-stable, plagioclase-unstable conditions that we interpret to indicate high pressure; in contrast, the ∼360 Ma zircon core corresponds to crystallization under lower pressure plagioclase-stable conditions. Based on garnet zoning and inclusion suites, rutile textures and Zr zoning, P–T results, and zircon petrochronology, we interpret the ∼315 Ma date as the age of eclogite-facies metamorphism that only slightly preceded dome formation and crystallization at 315–300 Ma. This age relation indicates that eclogite formation at high pressure and migmatite dome emplacement at low pressure were closely spaced in time. We propose that collapse-driven material transfer from the hot orogen to the cool foreland resulted in thickening of the orogen edge, leading to eclogite facies metamorphism of the deep crust. Soon after, the low-viscosity partially molten crust flowed from the plateau toward the foreland, incorporating and exhuming eclogite. The P–T–t history of the Montagne Noire eclogite shows that some dome material ascended from >40 km depth to shallow crustal levels, likely in a single decompression event, and that migmatite domes are therefore very efficient at exhuming the deep crust

    Timing of formation and exhumation of the Montagne Noire double dome, French Massif Central

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    International audienceNew U–Pb monazite, zircon, and xenotime ages date the Late Carboniferous crystallization of the anatectic Vialais granite in the Montagne Noire Axial Zone and the high-temperature deformation and metamorphism of the augen gneiss (Ordovician granite protolith) from which the granite was likely derived. The U–Pb monazite ages obtained from the augen gneiss (308 ± 3 Ma), late kinematic Vialais granite (303 ± 4 Ma), and post-kinematic leucogranite (298 ± 2 Ma), bracket the high-temperature deformation and metamorphism at ~ 310–300 Ma, clearly postdating regional contraction and nappe emplacement (> 320 Ma). The planar–linear and locally linear fabrics in the augen gneiss outline a regional-scale double dome structure (Caroux and Espinouse sub-domes) containing smaller (km-scale) upright folds. Compared to the Caroux sub-dome, the larger, migmatitic Espinouse sub-dome contains abundant leucosome, leucogranite bodies and late-kinematic intrusions (Vialais granite). The Vialais granite displays a weak magmatic foliation that defines the main layering of the Espinouse migmatite. Ellipsoidal quartz–sillimanite nodules concentrated above the roof of the granite recorded an increment of strain (vertical shortening, E–NE elongation) during granite emplacement and crystallization, consistent with the extension event that exhumed the domes. These new geochronological and structural data suggest that the Montagne Noire double dome formed in a pull-apart structure within a dextral strike–slip system. Upright folding in the sub-domes has been traditionally assigned to a regional contraction event; alternatively, we propose that local contraction is associated with the convergence of low-viscosity crust beneath the upper crust pull-apart. Dynamic models of extension of hot crust indicate that contraction at depth is generated by flow of low-viscosity orogenic crust converging and rising to fill the gap created by upper crust extension. This interpretation solves the long-standing problem of apparent coeval contraction and extension in the Montagne Noire double dome and establishes migmatite dome emplacement in strike–slip corridors as a style of late Variscan tectonics

    Emplacement and cooling of the Dien Bien Phu granitic complex: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Dien Bien Phu Fault (Truong Son Belt, NWVietnam)

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    International audienceThe Dien Bien Phu (DBP) Fault strikes nearly perpendicular to the general tectonic framework, separating northwest Vietnam into two compartments. The DBP and Muong Lay granites are exposed respectively east and west of the fault. The U/Pb age of 277 ± 2 Ma obtained for the Muong Lay granite is similar to the age of the Chieng Khuong complex exposed within the Song Ma structure east of the DBP Fault. These two magmatic intrusions are considered as belonging to a same tectonic structure related to the subduction of the Song Ma Ocean under the Indochina Block during the Indosinian orogeny. The DBP Fault with a total post Permian dextral offset of 30-40 km shifts the Song Ma Suture. It could then be connected to the Ailao Shan-Shuanggou suture to the north. The undeformed DBP granite gave a U/Pb age of 230 ± 1 Ma sealing the Indosinian deformation on the fault. The Ladinian-Carnian activity of the fault is confirmed by the 40Ar/39Ar (biotite) age of 228 ± 4 Ma obtained from the paragneiss forming the fault zone. A geodynamic model is proposed to describe the various tectonic phases recorded by on the DBP Fault. It associates field data, stratigraphic observations, and geochronology analyses (U/Pb, Ar/Ar, fission tracks). Following the Late Triassic exhumation of the granite and the end of the Indosinian orogeny marked by the Norian unconformity, the granite was buried under Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sediments. A strong cooling event during the early Late Cretaceous (100 Ma) is associated with the reactivation of the DBP Fault and the accommodation of a southward thrusting of the Song Da terrane onto the Truong Son Belt. This newly recognised tectonic phase could be associated to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate under the Indochina Block. No data are available yet to constrain the Tertiary evolution of the DBP system. However, the Tertiary deformation is likely similar to the Cretaceous one

    The Jacobina Paleoproterozoic gold-bearing conglomerates, Bahia, Brazil: a "hydrothermal shear-reservoir" model.

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    The N–S Jacobina foreland basin is a Paleoproterozoic basin (2080 to 1900 Ma) of stacked detrital and schist formations developed along a sinistral wrench–overthrust fault of the Transamazonian orogeny. At least five successive stages are identified in the westward progradation of the basin, wherein bedding-parallel strike–slip thrusts and prograde metamorphism indicate progressive involvement in the Transamazonian collision. Shearing and associated metamorphic recrystallization indicate a high geothermal gradient and a gradual loading of the underthrust units, with those to the east being deeper seated than those to the west. Basic–ultrabasic dykes and granite stocks cross-cut the lithologies and contributed to the thermal evolution. Conglomerates and chaotic breccia layers found in several formations mark periods of tectonic instability accompanied by erosion of the earlier stages of basin development. Multistage hydrothermal activity is indicated by a widespread alteration with gold-bearing quartz lodes, conglomerates showing a sulphide–gold–Cr–mineral association, leaching of ultrabasic rocks, and emerald mineralization related to late-tectonic granite emplacement. The economic gold-bearing clastic sediments (conglomerates and minor quartzites deposited during the fourth unit/stage of basin development) have generally been interpreted according to the "modified paleoplacer" model. Such a model, which implies the existence of a gold preconcentration within the quartz–pebble conglomerates, is supported by the lithological controls, reworked pebbles (e.g. cataclastic quartz, quartz–pyrite mylonite and rare fuchsite-bearing rocks) that had been hydrothermally altered during an earlier hydrothermal stage, and lead isotopic compositions revealing an Archean inheritance that is partly preserved in galena inclusions. New basin-scale structural and metallogenic data obtained by the authors, suggest a basin model characterized by successive cycles of sedimentation–faulting/thrusting–erosion ("cannibalism" model) that favours both a "paleoplacer" model and a "mesothermal shear-zone-related epigenetic" model. Heterochronous shear zones, formed between 1988 and 1912 Ma during the development of the basin, acted as feeder zones for postsedimentary mesothermal quartz–tourmaline–muscovite/fuchsite lodes, which constitute a possible source of the reworked hydrothermally altered pebbles. These shear zones controlled (a) an acid leaching of the sediments and the subsequent development of Al-rich assemblages interpreted as advanced argillic alteration zones, and (b) a sulphidation process affecting detrital ilmenite and magnetite and responsible for the high concentration of gold within shear veins containing assemblages of Cr–Ni-bearing minerals (euhedral chromite, Cr–rutile, linnaeite, Cr–tourmaline and fuchsite) and euhedral pyrite that crystallized over andalusite. The conglomerates, with their pore and fissure permeability, acted as a "reservoir and trap" for the mineralizing fluids to give a "hydrothermal shear-reservoir" model