9 research outputs found

    Robust learning with implicit residual networks

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    In this effort, we propose a new deep architecture utilizing residual blocks inspired by implicit discretization schemes. As opposed to the standard feed-forward networks, the outputs of the proposed implicit residual blocks are defined as the fixed points of the appropriately chosen nonlinear transformations. We show that this choice leads to the improved stability of both forward and backward propagations, has a favorable impact on the generalization power and allows to control the robustness of the network with only a few hyperparameters. In addition, the proposed reformulation of ResNet does not introduce new parameters and can potentially lead to a reduction in the number of required layers due to improved forward stability. Finally, we derive the memory-efficient training algorithm, propose a stochastic regularization technique and provide numerical results in support of our findings

    A Review of Sensing Technologies for New, Low Global Warming Potential (GWP), Flammable Refrigerants

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    Commercial refrigeration systems currently utilize refrigerants with global warming potential (GWP) values ranging from 1250 to 4000. The advent of low GWP alternatives (GWP 150) is expected to significantly curtail direct emissions from this segment and greatly influence the ongoing electrification and decarbonization efforts. Most of the low GWP alternatives exhibit flammability risk and hence require robust sensing solutions for a reliable and safe operation of the equipment. This review article aims to provide an overview of different sensing mechanisms suitable for potential applications in systems employing flammable refrigerants, particularly those designated as A2L class. A summary of different A2L refrigerants and their properties is provided followed by a broad review of different classes of sensors, their working principle, transduction method, features, advantages, and limitations. Additionally, key performance characteristics of accuracy, selectivity, sensitivity, dynamic characteristic, and durability among other properties are discussed. Finally, areas of improvement and corresponding approaches are suggested for potential sensors in the successful adoption of A2L class refrigerants